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-a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of
movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
-is a violent and abrupt shaking of the ground, caused by movement between tectonic plates
along a fault line in the earth’s crust. Earthquakes can result in the ground shaking, soil
liquefaction, landslides, fissures, avalanches, fires and tsunamis. The extent of destruction and
harm caused by an earthquake depends on:

 magnitude
 intensity and duration
 the local geology
 the time of day that it occurs
 building and industrial plant design and materials
 the risk-management measures put in place.
Between 1998-2017, earthquakes caused nearly 750 000 deaths globally, more than half of all
deaths related to natural disasters. More than 125 million people were affected by earthquakes
during this time period, meaning they were injured, made homeless, displaced or evacuated
during the emergency phase of the disaster.

-Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid
motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the
ground shake.
-is caused by a sudden slip on a fault. The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get
stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there
is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause
the shaking that we feel.

 Induced Earthquakes. Induced quakes are caused by human activity, like tunnel
construction, filling reservoirs and implementing geothermal or fracking projects.
 Volcanic Earthquakes.
 Collapse Earthquakes.

1. ground shaking
2. soil liquefaction
3. landslides
4. fissures
5. avalanches
6. fires and tsunamis

A powerful earthquake can destroy buildings, factories, shops, roads, bridges and schools.
These cause many people to become homeless. Furthermore, earthquakes can cause disruption
to public services like transport systems and communication connections.
Countless people die, survivors lose their homes and relatives, many suffer injuries,
psychological trauma, economic damage, environmental damage, Ground shaking, buildings
collapsing, cities destroying, water bodies flowing unnaturally



 Make sure you have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, a
flashlight, and extra batteries at home.
 Learn first aid.
 Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity.
 Make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake.
 Don't leave heavy objects on shelves (they'll fall during a quake).
 Anchor heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor.
 Learn the earthquake plan at your school or workplace.


 Stay calm! If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay outside.
 If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building, stand in a
doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and
outside doors.
 If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines or anything that might fall.
Stay away from buildings (stuff might fall off the building or the building could fall on
 Don't use matches, candles, or any flame. Broken gas lines and fire don't mix.
 If you're in a car, stop the car and stay inside the car until the earthquake stops.
 Check yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid for anyone who needs it.
 Check water, gas, and electric lines for damage. If any are damaged, shut off the valves.
Check for the smell of gas. If you smell it, open all the windows and doors, leave
immediately, and report it to the authorities (use someone else's phone).
 Turn on the radio. Don't use the phone unless it's an emergency.
 Stay out of damaged buildings.
 Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from
cutting your feet.
 Stay away from beaches. Tsunamis and seiches sometimes hit after the ground has
stopped shaking.
 Stay away from damaged areas.
 If you're at school or work, follow the emergency plan or the instructions of the person
in charge.
 Expect aftershocks.

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