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Audit through the computer: - The auditor’s role in systems development should be

-uses the computer to check adequacy of system limited to an independent review of systems
controls, data and output development activities
-evaluates how audit strategy is affected by an - Auditors should review the policies, procedures,
organization’s use of IT standards and documentation
-auditors need specialized skills to - Audited on the process by which software is selected.
 Determine how the audit will be affected by IT. Did management approve of it? Do they have a
 Assess and evaluate IT controls strategic IT plan
 Design and perform both tests of IT controls
and substantive tests 3. Program modifications have management’s
authorization and approval.
Information systems (Internal Control) - Auditing applications program and system software
-This audit reviews the control of and AIS to assess changes:
compliance with internal control policies and  When a program change is submitted for
procedures and the effectiveness of safeguarding assets approval, a list of all required updates should be
compiled and approved by management and
Information Systems Audit program users.
Objectives  During systems review, auditors gain an
1. Security provisions protect computer equipment understanding of the change process by
programs, communications , and data from discussing it with management and user
unauthorized access, modification or destruction. personnel
*Framework for auditing computer security  An important part of an auditor’s tests of
 Types of security errors and fraud found in controls is to verify that program changes were
companies: hardware or software damage, identified , listed, approved, tested and
theft, loss or unauthorized information documented
disclosure, interruption of crucial business  To test for unauthorized program changes ,
activities. auditors can use a source code comparison
 Control procedures to minimize security errors program
and fraud: security protection plan, restrictions Two additional techniques to detect unauthorized
on physical and logical access, password program changes:
protection, antivirus software, disaster recovery 1. The reprocessing technique also uses a verified copy
plan, backup and recovery, fault tolerant of the source code. On a surprise basis, the auditor
design. uses the program to reprocess data and compare that
 Systems review audit procedures: these include output with the company’s data.
inspecting sites, interviewing people, reviewing 2. Parallel simulation is similar to reprocessing except
policies and procedures, examining access logs, that the auditor writes a program instead of saving a
disaster recovery plans. verified copy of the source code. The auditor’s results
 Test of controls – audit procedures, testing the are compared with the company’s results and any
controls: observe site access procedures, differences are investigated
process for backing up files, password process,
firewalls, uninterruptible power supplies, 4. Processing transactions, files , reports and other
preventative maintenance, data transmission computer records is accurate and complete
controls - The focus is the processing of transactions, files and
 Compensating controls- do these exist if the related computer records to update files and databases
controls are weak? Do you have sound and to generate reports
personnel policies? Effective user controls? Options to test processing controls:
Segregation of incompatible duties? a.) Processing test data
- One way to test a program is to process a hypothetical
2. Program development and acquisition are series of valid and invalid transactions
performed in accordance with management’s general - The following resources are helpful when preparing
and specific authorization test data:
- A listing of actual transactions
- The test transactions the programmer used to test the - If an auditor suspects that a particular application
program program contains unauthorized code or serious errors ,
- A test data generator program, which automatically then a detailed analysis of the program logic may be
prepares a test data based on program specifications necessary.

b.) Concurrent audit techniques - There are software that :

- The auditor uses concurrent audit techniques to  Create automatic flowcharts
continually monitor the system and collect audit  Create automated decision tables
evidence while live data are processed during regular  Scan for occurrences of variables or
operating hours. characters
- Concurrent audit techniques use embedded audit  Map for unexecuted code
modules , which are segments of program code that  Trace program steps
perform audit functions. These report results to the  Key: there is a lot of software to help
auditors auditors
Auditors normally use five concurrent audit techniques: - Does the system detect erroneous input?
1.) Integrated test facility (ITF) - Does it properly correct input errors?
 Small set of fictitious record in the master - Are there examples of improper distribution or
file and the auditor will compare processing disclosure of output
with the expected result to verify that the Disadvantages of processing test transactions:
system and controls are operating - The auditor must spend considerable time
effectively. It involves creation of dummy developing an understanding of the system and
entity in the application system & to audit preparing an adequate set of test transactions
the processing of test data entered in - Care must be taken to ensure that test data do
dummy entity. not corrupt (affect) the company’s files and
2.) Snapshot technique
 examines the way the transactions are 5. Source data that are inaccurate or improperly
processed. Selected transactions are authorized are identified and handled according to
marked with special code that triggers prescribed managerial policies.
snapshot process. Audit module records the - Auditors use an input controls matrix. The matrix
transactions before & after processing. shows the control procedures applied to each field of an
input record
3.) System control audit review file (SCARF)- - The internal controls that prevent, detect and correct
 It involves embedding audit software inaccurate or unauthorized data
module within host application to provide - Authorization: Are there tests to prevent , detect and
continuous monitoring of transactions. correct *Flawed information? Are the transactions
SCARF is like snapshot with data collection complete?
capability. - Do other controls compensate?

4.) Audit Hooks 6. Computer data files are accurate, complete and
 It is used to flag the suspicious transactions. confidential
Auditor is informed of questionable - Concerns with the accuracy, integrity and security of
transactions as they occur via real time data stored in machine-readable files
notification. - Are they protected against unauthorized modification
destruction or disclosure of data
5.) Continuous and Intermittent Simulation (CIS)-
embeds an audit module in a database Computer Software Audit
management system (DBMS). The CIS module - A number of computer programs, called computer
examines all transactions that update the audit software (CAS) or generalized audit software
database using criteria similar to those of (GAS) , have been written especially for auditors
SCARF. - General Audit Software is software designed to read,
process and write data with the help of functions
c.) Analyzing program logic performing specific audit routines and with self-made
macros. It is a tool in applying Computer Assisted thereby detecting and facilitating correction of
Auditing Techniques Functions of generalized audit any errors prior to shipment
software include importing computerized data;  Cash receipts are processed more quickly,
thereafter other functions can be applied. improving cash flow.
 Reports and performance measures are
Two of the most popular software
timelier, enhancing management’s ability to
1. Audit Control Language is a data
monitor and improve efficiency and
interrogation tool used by auditors to view,
explore, and analyze data efficiently and effectiveness.
cost effectively. ACL enables auditors to Internal control in revenue cycle
access data in diverse formats and on
various types of storage devices. 1. Authorization
2. IDEA ( Interactive Data Extraction and 2. Supervision
Analysis) is a Generalized Audit Software. It 3. Segregation of duties
is able to import a wide range of different 4. Access control
types of data files. During the import a 5. Independent verification
IDEA file and its field statistics are created. 6. Accounting records

 The primary purpose of CAS is to assist Computer-based accounting systems

the auditor in reviewing and retrieving
information in computer files. CBAS technology can be viewed as a continuum with
 CAS cannot replace the auditor’s two extremes:
judgment or free the auditor from other 1. Automation – use technology to improve
phases of the audit.
efficiency and effectiveness
2. Reengineering- use technology to restructure
Audit on Revenue Cycle
business processes and firm organization
Information Processing Procedures
Levels of Automating and Reengineering Ordering
Many organizations have replaced their accounting info
1. Computer generates PR
systems with an integrated Enterprise Resource
Purchases manually generates PO
Planning (ERP) system.
2. Computer generates PO (no PR needed)
ERP key improvements are as follows: PO not sent until manually reviewed
3. Computer-generated PO is automatically sent
 Real-time order entry detects errors, such as
without manual review
missing data, as the order is being entered, and
4. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
when it is easiest to correct those errors.
Computer-to -computer communication
 Credit approval decisions can be made at the
without PO
time the customer places the order. If special
approval is required, the credit manager is Audit on Purchases and Disbursements Cycle
notified by e-mail or IM and can immediately
Expenditure Cycle Data Base
make that decision.
 Inventory records are more accurate and  Master files
timely, enabling sales order entry staff to - supplier
provide customers accurate information about -accounts payable
expected delivery dates. -merchandise inventory
 The warehouse shipping departments can  Transaction and Open Document Files
better plan activities to minimize the time - purchase order file
required to fill customer orders - open purchase order file
 The system compares data that the shipping - supplier’s invoice file
department entered with the sales order file, -open vouchers file
- cash disbursement file
 Other Files
- supplier reference and history file
-buyer file
-accounts payable detail file

Computer-based Purchases

 A Data Processing department performs routine

accounting tasks
 Purchasing – a computer program identifies
inventory requirements
 The following methods are used for authorizing
and ordering inventories
- the system prepares POs and sends them to
Purchases for review, signing and distributing
-the system distributes POs directly to the
vendors and internal users, bypassing Purchases
-the system uses electronic data interchange
(EDI) and electronically places the order
without POs

Computer-Based Cash Disbursements

 Tasks performed automatically by the computer

- the system scans for vouchers currently due
-prints checks for these vouchers
-records these checks in the check register
-batch totals are prepared for the general
ledger update procedure

General Internal controls

 Organization control
- segregation of duties
 Documentation
 Asset accountability controls
 Management practices
 Data center operations control
 Authorization controls
 Access controls
a. Data conversion – transcribes
transaction data from hard-
copy source documents into
b. Data operations – the electronic
files produced in data
conversion are later processed
by the central computer , which
is managed by the computer
operations groups.
c. Data library- a room adjacent to
the computer center that.
Those files could be backups or
current data files.
A data librarian, who is
Auditing IT Governance Control responsible for the receipt,
IT Governance Issues storage, retrieval and custody
of data files, controls access to
I. Organizational structure of the IT function the library.
II. Computer center operations
III. Disaster recovery planning Systems Development and System Maintenance –
the first group is responsible for analyzing user
User needs and for designing new systems to
satisfy those needs. The participants in this
I. Structure of the Information Technology function
System include systems professionals, end
users, and stakeholders.
a. Centralized data processing – all data
processing is performed by one or more Segregation of Incompatible IT Functions
1. Separate transaction authorization from
large computers housed at a central site
transaction processing
that serves users throughout the
2. Separate recordkeeping and asset custody
organization. 3. Divide transaction-processing tasks among
individuals such that short of collusion
Service areas: between two or more individuals fraud
 Database administration would be possible.
 Data processing
Functions: data conversion; data The Distributed Data Processing (DDP) – an
operations, data library alternative to the centralized model
 Systems development and - Involves
maintenance reorganizing the
central IT function
Data base administration – centrally organized into small IT units
companies maintained their data resources in a that are placed
Central location that is shared by all end users. In this under the control
shared arrangement, an independent group headed by of end users
the database Administrator is responsible for the - The IT units maybe
security and integrity of the Database. distributed
according to
Data Processing – the data group manages the business function,
computer resources used to perform the day-to-day Geographic location
Processing of transactions. or both.
- The degree to 2. Improved cost control responsibility – the
which the business responsibility of the end-user managers for the
functions are financial success of their operations, requires
distributed them to be properly empowered with authority
depends upon the to make decisions about resources that
philosophy and influence their overall success
objectives of the 3. Improved user satisfaction due to a) end-users
organization’s desire to control the resources that influence
management. their profitability b) users want systems
Risks associated with DDP professionals to be responsive to their specific
1. Inefficient use of resources situation
a) The risk of mismanagement of d) Users want to become more actively
organization-wide IT resources by end involved in developing and implementing
users. their own systems
b) Increases the risk of operational 4. Backup flexibility – ability to back up computing
inefficiencies because of redundant tasks facilities to protect against potential disasters
being performed within the end user
c) Risk of incompatible hardware and Audit Objective
software among end-user
To verify that the structure of the IT function is such
2. Destruction of audit trails – should an end-user that individuals in incompatible areas are segregated in
inadvertently delete one of the files, the audit accordance with the level of potential risk and in a
trail could be destroyed and unrecoverable or manner that promotes a working environment.
if the end user inadvertently inserts transaction
errors into an audit trail file, it could become Audit Procedures
The following audit procedures would apply to an
3. Inadequate segregation of duties- may result in organization with a centralized IT function:
the creation of independent units that do not 1. Review relevant documentation
permit the desired separation of incompatible 2. Review systems documentation and
functions maintenance
3. Verify that computer operators do not have
4. Hiring qualified professionals – end-user access to the operational details of system’s
managers may lack the IT knowledge to internal logic. Systems documentation, such as
evaluate the technical credentials and relevant systems flowchart, logic flowcharts, and
experience of candidates applying for IT program code listings, should not be part of the
professional positions. operations’ documentation set.
4. Through observation, determine that
5. Lack of standards- because of the distribution segregation policy is being followed in practice
of responsibility, standards for developing and
documenting systems, choosing programming The following are audit procedures would apply to an
languages, acquiring hardware and software , organization with a distributed IT function:
and evaluating performance may be unevenly 1. Review the current organizational chart,
applied or even nonexistent mission statement, and job descriptions for
key functions to determine if individuals or
Advantages of DDP groups are performing incompatible duties.

1. Cost reductions – a) data can be edited and 2. Verify that corporate policies and standards
entered by the end user and b) application of for systems design, documentation and
complexity can be reduced , which in turn hardware ad software acquisition are
reduces systems development and maintenance published and provided to distributed IT
costs. units.
Disaster Recovery Planning
3. Verify that compensating controls, such as Features:
supervision and management monitoring , 1. Identify critical applications
are employed when segregation of 2. Create a disaster recovery program
incompatible duties is economically 3. Provide site backup
4. Review systems documentation to very 4. Specify backup and off-site storage procedures
application , procedure, and databases are
designed and functioning in accordance Audit Objective – verify that management’s disaster
with corporate standards. recovery plan is adequate and feasible for dealing with
a catastrophe that could deprive the organization of its
The Computer Center computing resources.

1. Physical location Audit Procedures

2. Construction
3. Access Tests to be performed:
4. Air-conditioning 1. Site backup – evaluate the adequacy
5. Fire Suppression 2. Critical application list – ensure its
6. Fault tolerance – it is the ability of the system to completeness
continue operation when part of the system 3. Software backup – verify that copies of critical
fails because of hardware failure, application applications and operating systems are stored
program error, or operator error off-site
a. Redundant arrays of independent disks – 4. Data backup – verify that critical data files are
if one disk fails, the lost data are backed up in accordance with DRP
automatically reconstructed from the 5. Backup supplies, documents and
redundant components stored on the documentation – verify the that the types and
other disks. quantities of items specified in the DRP are in a
b. Uninterrupted power supplies - such as secure location
voltage regulators, surge protectors, 6. Disaster recovery team- verify that members of
generators and backup batteries the same team are current employees and are
aware of their assigned responsibilities
Audit objectives – to evaluate the controls governing
computer center security, specifically Outsourcing the IT Function
a) Physical security controls are
adequate to reasonably protect the Benefits:
organization from physical 1. Improved core performance
exposures 2. Improved IT performance
b) Insurance coverage on equipment is 3. Reduce IT costs
adequate to compensate the
organization for the destruction of, Risks inherent to IT outsourcing
or damage to, its computer center 1. Failure to perform
2. Vendor exploitation
Audit Procedures – tests of physical security controls; 3. Outsourcing costs exceed benefits
such as tests for ; 4. Reduced security
5. Loss of strategic advantage
1. Physical construction – solidly built with
fireproof material, adequate drainage, facility Audit Implications of IT outsourcing
located in an area that minimize its exposure to
fire, civil unrest and other hazards  The use of service organization does not reduce
2. Fire detection system management’s responsibility to maintain effective
3. RAID- redundant array of independent disks internal control over financial reporting
4. Uninterruptible power supply  If an audit client firm outsource its IT function to
5. Insurance coverage vendor that processes its transactions, hosts key
data, or performs other significant services , the
auditor will need to conduct an evaluation of the 1. Accidental threats include hardware failures
vendor organization ‘s controls, or alternatively and errors in user applications
obtain auditor’s report from the vendor 2. Intentional threats are often attempts to
organization. illegally access data or violate privacy for
financial gain
Ch3 3. Growing threat is destructive programs with no
Learning Objectives: apparent gain, which come from three sources
4. Privileged personnel who abuse their authority
1. Be able to identify the principal threats to the 5. Individuals who browse the operating system to
operating system and the control techniques identify and exploit security flaws
used to minimize the possibility of actual 6. Individuals who insert viruses or other
exposures destructive programs into the operating system,
2. Be familiar with the principal risks associated either intentionally or unintentionally
with commerce conducted over intranets and
the internet and understand the control
techniques used to reduce these risks Operating Systems Controls and Audit Tests
3. Be familiar with risks associated with personal
computing systems  Access Privileges
4. Recognize the unique exposures that arise in
Audit Objectives: Verify that access
connection with electronic data interchange
privileges are consistent with separation of
(EDI) and understand how these exposures can
incompatible functions and organization policies
be reduced.
Audit Procedures: Review;
Operating System Control Objectives
a. policies for separating
1. Protect itself against tampering by users
incompatible functions
2. Protect users from accessing, destroying or
b. a sample of user privileges,
corrupting another user’s programs or data
especially access to data and
3. Safeguard users’ application modules from
destroying or corrupting other modules
c. security clearance checks of
4. Safeguard its own modules from destroying or
privileged employees
corrupting other modules
d. determine if users have
5. Protect itself from its environment including
formally acknowledged their
power failures and other disasters
responsibility to maintain data
e. Users’ permitted log-on times
Operating Systems Security

1. Log-On Procedure - First line of defense against  Password Controls

unauthorized access consisting of user IDs and Password is a secret code the user enters to
passwords gain access to system or data. Most common
2. Access token -Contains key information about Common contra-security behaviors:
user which is used to approved actions f. Forgetting passwords or failing
attempted during the session to regularly change them
3. Access Control list -Assigned to each IT resource g. Post-it-syndrome which puts
and used to control access to the resource passwords on display
4. Discretionary Access Privileges -Allows user to h. Simplistic passwords that are
grant access to another user easy for criminals to anticipate

Audit Objectives: Ensure adequacy and

effectiveness of password policies for controlling access
Threats to Operating System Integrity to the operating system
Audit Procedures: Audit Objectives: Verify effectiveness of procedures
to protect against programs such as viruses, worms,
i. Verify passwords are required
back doors, logic bombs, and Trojan horses
for all users and that new users
are instructed in their use and Audit Procedures:
w. Interview to determine that
j. Ensure controls requiring
operations personnel have
passwords to be changed
been properly educated and are
aware of risks
k. Review password file for weak
x. Verify new software is tested
on stand alone workstations
l. Verify encryption of the
before being implemented on
password file
the horse or network server
m. Assess the adequacy of
y. Verify antiviral software is
password standards
current and that upgrades are
n. Review account lockout policies
regularly downloaded to
and procedures

 System Audit Trail Controls – logs that record

 Controlling against malicious and destructive activity at the system, application and use level
programs Two types of audit logs:
z. Keystroke monitoring -involves
Organizations can reduce threats through the recording user’s keystrokes and
following technology controls and the system’s
administrative procedures response
o. Purchase software from aa. Event monitoring- summarizes
reputable vendors in original key activities related to system
packages resources
p. Policy pertaining to Audit trail Objectives:
unauthorized or illegal software
q. Examine upgrades and public- a. Detect unauthorized access,
domain software for viruses b. Reconstruct events
before implementation and use c. Promote personal accountability
r. Implement procedures for
changing programs Audit Objectives: Ensure established system
s. Educate users regarding threats audit trail is adequate for preventing and
t. Test all applications before detecting abuses, reconstructing key events
implementation and planning resource allocation
u. Make frequent backups and
limit users to read and execute Audit Procedures
rights only whenever possible a. Verify audit trail has been activated
v. Require protocols to bypass per common policy
Trojan horses and use antiviral b. Use data extraction tools to search
softwares for defined conditions such as :
- unauthorized
- periods of
- periods of
activity including log-on and log-offs
- failed log-on
attempts and specific access

c. Sample security violation cases and

evaluate their disposition to assess
security group effectiveness

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