Juvenile Crime Is A Cry For Help

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Juvenile Crime is a Cry for Help

Good Day everybody, how’s your day going? Especially nowadays where
everything is going up; the temperature is going up, the prices are going up and
even the crime rate is going up. Speaking of crimes, does anyone of you know
what juvenile crime is? Well juvenile crime is referred to as “crimes being
committed by minors or individuals whose ages are 18 below.” But in my opinion
it is a cry for help. Hi my name is Jerwin Garnace an advocate and believer of
juvenile crime being a cry for help. Like a little chick who’s crying for help,
seeking attention and guidance, hoping that someone will come to its rescue and
lead it back on its nest. Where it can feel loved and safe at the same time.

The same thing can be said about the minor offenders, whether they have done it
unintentionally or intentionally. It all means one thing, being it seeking for our
attention, love and care. Cause sometimes, we children feel that we aren’t loved,
that the person around us doesn’t give us enough attention. And with those in
mind, it leads us on the wrong path, making us to rebel against the world and to the
people we love. Believing that this is the right way to gain attention and to be feel
loved again. On the other hand, some kids are being forced against their will to do
such deeds. Abusing the innocence of the kids, who’s lost in the search of love and
attention. And on some cases kids didn’t even know, what were they doing or
sometimes doing it unintentionally, due to being driven by emotions and lacking of
discipline, which is a result of absence of guidance from parents and guardians.

These are not hopeless cases, we can still save these children from doing such
things and save their futures as well. We shouldn’t give up, cause just like Dr. Jose
Rizal once said “Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”. And always remember
these kids weren’t criminals they were just kids like us, who’s in need of help and
guidance in life. So by giving the attention, love and care they seek, we can assure
they will never go to the wrong path. And with the little bit of our time, we can
educate and discipline these children towards a brighter future, where there’s no
child left crying for help.
Juvenile Crime is a Cry for Help

Good day, everybody. How’s your day going? Especially nowadays, when
everything is rising: the temperature is rising, prices are rising, and even the crime
rate is rising. Speaking of crimes, does anyone know what a juvenile crime is?
Juvenile crime is referred to as "crimes being committed by minors or individuals
whose ages are 18 below." But in my opinion, it is a cry for help. Hi, my name is
Jerwin Garnace. I am an advocate and believe that juvenile crime is a cry for help.
Like a little chick who’s crying for help, seeking attention and guidance, hoping
that someone will come to its rescue and lead it back to its nest, where it can feel
loved and safe at the same time.

The same thing can be said about minor offenders, whether they have done it
unintentionally or intentionally. It all means one thing, that it is seeking our
attention, love, and care. Because sometimes, we children feel that we aren’t loved,
that the person around us doesn’t give us enough attention. And with those in
mind, it leads us on the wrong path, making us rebel against the world and the
people we love. Believing that this is the right way to gain attention and to feel
loved again. On the other hand, some kids are being forced against their will to do
such deeds. Abusing children's innocence in their pursuit of love and attention And
in some cases, kids didn’t even know what they were doing or sometimes did it
unintentionally due to being driven by emotions and lacking discipline, which is a
result of the absence of guidance from parents and guardians.

These are not hopeless cases, we can still save these children from doing such
things and save their futures as well. We shouldn’t give up, because just like Dr.
Jose Rizal once said, "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan". And always
remember, these kids weren’t criminals; they were just kids like us, who were in
need of help and guidance in life. So, by giving them the attention, love, and care
they seek, we can be assured they will never go down the wrong path. And with a
little bit of our time, we can educate and discipline these children towards a
brighter future where there’s no child left crying for help.

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