IoT Question Answer

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Q1. Explain the concept of IoT in detail.


What effect does IOT have on our daily lives?Explain with Example of
smart devices.

Definition of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or people called “things” that are embedded with
software, electronics, network, and sensors that allows these objects to collect and exchange data. IoT
makes virtually everything “smart,” by improving aspects of our life with the power of data collection, AI
algorithms, and networks.
The term “The Internet of Things” (IoT) was coined by Kevin Ashton in a presentation to Proctor &
Gamble in 1999.

IoT is network of interconnected computing devices which are embedded in everyday objects, enabling
them to send and receive data.
IoT is a concept that connects all the devices to the internet and lets them communicate with
each other over the internet. IoT is a giant network of connected devices – all of which gather and share
data about how they are used and the environments in which they are operated.

Things on IoT

In the context of IoT, things refer to a variety of devices. At times, even humans in the loop become a
thing. For anything to qualify as a “thing”, it requires the identity of its existence. The “thing” in a network
can monitor/measure; for example, a temperature sensor could be a thing. Things are capable of
exchanging data with other connected devices in the system.
Not just sensors, the following also can be called as things:
1. Industrial motors.
2. Wearables (your watch, band).
3. Vehicles.
4. Shoes.
5. Heart monitoring implants (pacemaker, ECG tracking real time).
6. Biochip transponders (this is for animals in the farms).
7. Automobiles with built-in sensors (automobile feature monitoring real time).
8. Food/perishables quality measuring.


Some most common IoT applications are given below:

Application type Description
Smart Thermostats Helps you to save resource on heating bills by knowing your usage patterns.
IoT helps automobile companies handle billing, parking, insurance, and other
Connected Cars
related stuff automatically.
Helps you to capture heart rate pattern, calorie expenditure, activity levels,
Activity Trackers
and skin temperature on your wrist.
Remotely turn any device on or off. It also allows you to track a device’s
Smart Outlets
energy level and get custom notifications directly into your smartphone.
IoT technology helps users to identify the real-time availability of parking
Parking Sensors
spaces on their phone.
The concept of a connected health care system facilitates real-time health
Connect Health monitoring and patient care. It helps in improved medical decision-making
based on patient data.
Smart city offers all types of use cases which include traffic management to
Smart City
water distribution, waste management, etc.
Smart home encapsulates the connectivity inside your homes. It includes
Smart home
smoke detectors, home appliances, light bulbs, windows, door locks, etc.
Helps you in real time tracking of goods while they are on the road, or getting
Smart supply chain
suppliers to exchange inventory information.
Smart Door access control system
Smart locks and door access systems are one of the most popular and cost effective
solutions of Internet of Things. Smart locks are easy to implement and control using a
web interface or Smartphone application.
Smart lighting for home and office
Smart lighting is one the attractive smart home application using internet of things. In
addition to energy saving, it also enables us to manage effectively. Light ambience can
be changed using smart hub devices or smart phone app.
Automated Gate and garage
Using smart sensor technology and internet of things, gates and garages can be
controlled (operated) conveniently. Once you are about to enter the house or after
leaving the premises, you may open or close the gate using mobile devices.
Smart lighting on streets
Smart lighting is an effective solution to save energy in the cities. Smart sensors can
detect presents of people or vehicles in the proximity and increase light intensity when
someone pass by.
Wearable smart watches
Wearable smart devices introduced as smart watches around a decade ago and many
more functions were added since then. Now our smart watches and wearable are
capable of reading text messages, showing notifications of other apps, tracking location,
monitor workout status, remind schedules and continuously monitoring health
Autonomous driving
Example: cruise control assistance, parking assistance, line changing assistance and
efficient fuel /energy management etc.…

Q2. What are different characteristics of IoT?

The characteristics of IoT are as follows:

1. Connectivity: Connectivity is an important aspect/requirement of the IoT
infrastructure. Things in IoT should be connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone,
anywhere, anytime connectivity should be guaranteed at all times. Without connection,
nothing makes sense.

2. Intelligence and Identity: The extraction of knowledge (i.e., what is to be inferred)

from the generated data is very important. For example, sensors generate data, but that
data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a unique identity
(something like an IP address). This identification is helpful in tracking the equipment
and at times for querying its status.

3. Scalability: The number of elements (devices) connected to IoT zone is increasing

day by day. Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the massive expansion.
The data generated as outcome is enormous and it should be handled appropriately.

4. Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity): IoT devices should dynamically adapt

themselves to the changing contexts or scenarios. Assume a camera meant for
surveillance. It should be adaptable to work in different conditions and different light
situations (morning, afternoon, night).

5. Architecture: IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be

hybrid, supporting different manufacturer’s products to function in the IoT network.

6. Safety: There is the danger of sensitive personal details of a user getting

compromised when all his/her devices are connected to the Internet. This could cause a
loss to the user. Hence, data security is a major challenge. Besides, the equipment
involved in the huge IoT network may also be at risk. Therefore, equipment safety is
also critical.
7. Self Configuring:This is one of the most important characteristics of IoT. IoT
devices are able to upgrade their software in accordance with requirements with a
minimum of user participation. Additionally, they can set up the network, allowing for the
addition of new devices to an already-existing network.

8. Technical Optimization: IoT technology helps a lot in improving technologies and

making them better. Example, with IoT, a manufacturer is able to collect data from
various car sensors. The manufacturer analyzes them to improve its design and make
them more efficient.

9. Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and communicate with each
other and do lot of task for us, then they minimize the human effort.

10. Improved Customer Engagement – IoT improves customer experience by

automating the action. For e.g. any issue in the car will be automatically detected by the
sensors. The driver, as well as the manufacturer, will be notified about it. Till the time
driver reaches the service station, the manufacturer will make sure that the faulty part is
available at the service station.

Q3. What are the various challenges faced in IoT?


1. Security/Personnel Safety: It is one of the most prominent and very highly rated
challenges to confront. Since a number of devices are used in the IoT zone, user data
becomes more vulnerable to theft. So, it becomes necessary to make sure that the data
is safe. Safeguarding the data is very important. Poor security features can let the
attackers damage the whole network. People’s personal safety is a concern and
challenge too. The implants and wearables used by the users in the IoT infra should be
safe. The devices should not cause any physical damage to the person using the same.
Since many devices are in the loop, if one device gets attacked, then the rest of the
devices could also fall prey.

2. Privacy: One could be tracked/monitored by anyone, as you are connected to the

Internet. At times, one could be tracked without the host’s permissions in place. So,
there is a threat on user data and a question on user privacy. How do we ensure that
the data which is sensed/collected from the user is with their permission?

3. Data Extraction with Consistency from Complex Environments: It is a huge

challenge to sense/extract data from complex environments. For instance, how to sense
the data input (temperature, humidity, etc.) during commute from a vehicle? Assume, a
very temperature—sensitive material is being transported, where the measurement is
always expected to be perfect. Variation in the temperature could damage the products
being transported as well. Particularly, if medicines/drugs are being transported, the
temperature maintained is very critical and should be definitely monitored. In this case,
if the temperature is about to be deviated, corrective action has tobe taken to make sure
that the drugs are not spoiled. Also, in IoT-based applications, Internet is needed and is
mandatory at most of the places. In hilly, technically not so up-to-date terrains, providing
Internet may not be easy all the time. Hence, data extraction and sending the data to
the cloud could be more challenging. Extracting data inside a room is different from
extracting the data from an open environment.

4. Connectivity: Connectivity is a serious challenge that the IoT world must

acknowledge. Since the Internet is itself a giant collection of networks and devices and
IoT is a part of it, requirement of wired and wireless connectivity is the heart and soul of
IoT. Usage frequency/spectrum is also to be remembered (2.4 GHz band is an obvious
band everywhere). There are spectrum regulations to be followed, based on the country
for which the application is being developed. Hence, understanding the connectivity
requirements is important.

5. Power Requirements: All the IoT devices need power. Most of them are battery
operated. Even though we now have long-lasting batteries that are economical,
however, demand for power is on the rise and hence usage of green power sources like
solar/wind should be motivated. If the power requirements are met appropriately, IoT
can still more be powerful.

6. Complexity Involved: IoT is not easy! Why so? It needs a lot of different domains to
come together. There is a very limited expertise available in the market. But, the growth
is very rapid. The toolkits, software, hardware are not abundant and it needs real skill to
build an application. Over the next few years, IoT would get more and more technology
experts to work. 7. Storage: Cloud is becoming mandatory for the data to be stored and
analysed. The challenge with respect to this aspect would be connected to the following
a. Which cloud to use (private, public or hybrid)?
b. How to identify the service provider?
c. How much does it cost?
d. Do we really need cloud?

7.Costs:The infrastructure that IoT requires is expensive in itself, but the overall costs
often prove to be a surprise for most people. There are invisible costs to every major
undertaking, and IoT projects are not an exception to this. The cost of updates,
maintenance, design, replacing outdated devices, and the technical skillsets required
can pile up very quickly.
The costs of IoT development are high because the infrastructure has not caught up
with the technology yet, and finding the right team with the required expertise is very
difficult. However, this is quickly changing as more businesses invest in IoT.

8. Reliability and Hardware: As we have discussed previously, any successful IoT

undertaking requires a robust and secure infrastructure. Depending on the industry and
business, the physical devices may vary but their quality, upkeep, reliability, and
efficiency are extremely important.
Let’s take sensors, for example. Many people believe that cheap sensors are easily
available and effective. However, sensors that last long and are reliable are rarely
The overall hardware requirements are not always aligned with the available resources,
and it needs to be considered before the project is started.

9. Development Skillset: Finding people who are experts in IoT and also understand
security, hardware, and user requirements is extremely tough. This is a multi-domain
expertise that also comes with further specialization in industry and scale.

As the size of the IoT industry grows, the demand for IoT professionals has shot up,
which is not at par with the supply. This usually means that the cost of the project goes
up, and you might not have people with the right skillset to execute your project.

10. Design: As IoT becomes commonplace across the world, usability becomes a key
concern. The interface that allows you to handle multiple devices at the same time has
to be as well designed as the overall system. If the user experience is not taken into
account, the efficiency of your devices and processing will make little difference.

Q4. Explain various emerging IOT applications.


SMART ENERGY: smart energy also called smart grids, is a significant opportunity for
IoT systems. Smart energy is about connecting the power grid infrastructure, homes,
and buildings to make them more tightly integrated with each other. In effect, smart
grids enable all parts of the energy system to communicate with each other. Smart
energy starts with homes and buildings equipped with smart meters. They acquire the
current cost of power from the utility company and report the energy usage to the
homeowner, who can change their consumption patterns to save costs. This can also
be done using automated systems that start the washing machine or heating system
automatically when demand and price are low, for example at night.

This enables cost optimization and better utilization of the grid as a whole. If we switch
the perspective from the entire grid infrastructure to a tiny detail of the energy system,
we can find an additional use for IoT.  The energy rates have raised to a great instinct.
Individuals and organisations, both are searching ways to reduce and control the
consumption. IoT provides a way to not only monitor the energy usage at the
appliance-level but also at the house-level, grid level or could be at the distribution level.
Smart Meters & Smart Grid are used to monitor energy consumption. It also detects
threats to the system performance and stability, which protect appliances from downtime
and damages.

SMART HEALTHCARE:Many predict IoT will revolutionize healthcare. Examples

include home or remote monitoring using glucose or blood pressure sensors, or
medication dispensers offering seniors management of complex medication schemes.
There are already hospital beds that track heart rate and breathing rate without hooking
up the patient with any wires.

Thanks to pressure sensors, the bed also detects if the patient tries to get up, perhaps
at three o’clock in the morning when the nurses are not around to notice. The bed can
send an alarm notifying nurses that a patient requires attention.

Permobil has announced an Internet-connected wheelchair that can detect if it has

fallen over and let family members to track it. It can also be geo-fenced, meaning it will
set off an alarm if it drives outside an allowed area.This improves safety and allows
piece of mind for patients and those caring for them.

SMART FACTORIES: Factories may be the most obvious place for IoT. Thousands of
sensors and actuators exist in a modern plant, along with industrial robots and other
machinery. Connecting them all to a network makes great sense.But now, many
industrial devices are connected directly to the Internet instead. This unites
manufacturing and business domains, such that they can interact more tightly by
connecting the factory floor with enterprise systems and decision makers.

SMART AGRICULTURE:Farming is an astonishing example of IoT usage and

advanced data analysis in unexpected markets.With sensor data from different parts of
a field, collected at regular intervals for months or years, farming equipment can adapt
their behavior in different parts of a field. This can include spreading different amounts
of fertilizers based on data recorded by sensors in or under the soil, or even by
automatic analysis of satellite imagery of the crop.Farmers can also use adaptive
irrigation to reduce water use and improve crop yields.

Even farm animals are becoming Internet-connected now. Cows get necklaces with
motion sensors and microphones that monitor the animal’s activity and rumination level.
The system can alert farmers of indications an animal is in heat or may have health
problems. RFID and temperature tags are already being planted in pigs. Combined with
information on drinking and feed rate, CO2 concentration, ammonia, pH levels, and
more, it is possible to improve the welfare of pigs and give an early warning of any

SMART HOMES:Your home will likely be very different than it is now within a couple of
years. Homes are perhaps the most obvious place for many IoT devices. IoT
connections are already integrated into thermostats, door locks, fire and burglar alarms,
and automatic garage doors. Security cameras, heating, and air conditioning systems,
as well as sound and TV systems, are becoming more common too. The same goes for
baby monitors, and I will discuss these in some detail in the chapter on security and
privacy problems.

SMART EDUCATION SYSTEM: IoT provides education aids which helps in fulfilling the
gaps in the education industry. It not only improves the quality of education but also
optimizes the cost and improves the management by taking into consideration students
response and performance.

GOVERNMENT(SMART CITIES): Governments are trying to build smart cities using

IoT solutions. IoT enhances armed force systems and services. It provides better
security across the borders through inexpensive & high-performance devices. IoT helps
government agencies to monitor data in real-time and improve their services like
healthcare, transportation, education etc.

Data from smart roads and sensors on lampposts can measure other conditions like
noise, air quality, temperature, or even the level of precipitation. This data, collected
over a long period, can be incredibly useful for city planning.

SMART POLLUTION CONTROL: Through various sensors, we can detect the pollution

in the air and water by frequent sampling. This helps in preventing substantial
contamination and related disasters. IoT allows operations to minimize the human
intervention in farming analysis and monitoring. Systems automatically detect changes
in crops, soil, environment, and more.

SMART ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION: With smart cars come smart roads. IoT is
being used to create interactive roads that adapt their behavior based on dynamic
environmental considerations like theweather or the movement of cars and pedestrians.
With smart light-, weight-, or motion sensors, road lighting or overhead signs can be
turned on or off to respond to traffic conditions at a particular time.

IoT has changed the transportation sector. Now, we have self-driving cars with sensors,
traffic lights that can sense the traffic and switch automatically, parking assistance,
giving us the location of free parking space etc. Also, various sensors in your vehicle
indicate you about the current status of your vehicle, so that you don’t face any issues
while travelling.  
SMART MARKETING: Using IoT, organizations can better analyze & respond to
customer preferences by delivering relevant content and solutions. It helps in improving
business strategies in the real-time.


We’ve seen a lot about self-driven cars. Google tried it out, Tesla tested it, and even
Uber came up with a version of self-driven cars that it later shelved. Since it’s human
lives on the roads that we’re dealing with, we need to ensure the technology has all that
it takes to ensure better safety for the passenger and those on the roads.

The cars use several sensors and embedded systems connected to the Cloud and the
internet to keep generating data and sending them to the Cloud for informed
decision-making through Machine Learning. Though it will take a few more years for the
technology to evolve completely and for countries to amend laws and policies, what
we’re witnessing right now is one of the best applications of IoT.


If you haven’t already seen the video of Amazon Go – the concept store from the
eCommerce giant, you should check it out right away. Perhaps this is the best use of
the technology in bridging the gap between an online store and a retail store. The retail
store allows you to go cashless by deducting money from your Amazon wallet. It also
adds items to your cart in real-time when you pick products from the shelves.

If you change your mind and pick up another article, the previous one gets deleted and
replaces in your cart with the new item. The best part of the concept store is that there
is no cashier to bill your products. You don’t have to stand in line but just step out after
you pick up your products from shelves. If this technology is effective enough to fetch
more patronage, this is sure to become a norm in the coming years.

Wearables remain a hot topic in the market, even today. These devices serve a wide
range of purposes ranging from medical, and wellness to fitness. Of all the IoT startups,
Jawbone, a wearables maker, is second to none in terms of funding.

The Industrial Internet of Things consists of interconnected sensors, instruments, and
other devices connected with computers’ industrial applications like manufacturing,
energy management, etc. While still being unpopular in comparison to IoT wearables
and other uses, market researchers like Gartner, Cisco, etc., believe the industrial
internet to have the highest overall potential.
Telehealth, or Telemedicine, hasn’t completely flourished yet. Nonetheless, it has great
future potential. IoT Examples of Telemedicine include the digital communication of
Medical Imaging, Remote Medical Diagnosis & Evaluations, Video Consultations with
Specialists, etc.

Q5.Explain four main pillars of IoT and how they are inter-connected
with each other?


Q5.What are requirements or components of IoT?

Ans-b There are the following components/requirements used in IoT:
• Devices and sensors
• Connectivity
• Data processing
• User interface


The entire IoT process starts with the devices or things explained earlier, themselves
like smartphones, smartwatches, electronic appliances like TV, Washing Machine which
helps you to communicate with the IoT platform.
Devices and sensors are the components of the connectivity layer. These smart sensors
continuously collect data from the environment and transmit it to the next layer. For
example, our phone is a device with multiple sensors such as GPS, camera, motion,
etc. The latest techniques in semiconductor technology enable intelligent micro-sensors
to be produced for various applications. There are some common sensors are as
● Temperature and thermostats sensors
● Pressure sensors
● Humidity / Moisture level Light intensity detectors
● Moisture sensors
● Proximity detection
● RFID tags
Properties of devices-
Some of the essential properties of IoT devices are mentioned below:
● Sense: The devices that sense its surrounding environment in the form of
temperature, movement, and appearance of things, etc.
● Send and receive data: IoT devices are able to send and receive the data over
the network connection.
● Analyze: The devices can able to analyze the data that received from the other
device over the internet networks.
● Controlled: IoT devices may control from some endpoint also. Otherwise, the
IoT devices themselves communicate with each other endlessly leads to the
system failure.

Connectivity refers to establishing a proper connection between all the things of IoT to
IoT platform; it may be server or cloud. After connecting the IoT devices, it needs a high
speed messaging between the devices and cloud to enable reliable, secure and
bi-directional communication. All the collected data is sent to a cloud infrastructure. The
sensors should be connected to the cloud using various mediums of communications.
These communication mediums include mobile or satellite networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI,
WAN, etc.Gateway manages bi-directional data traffic between different networks and
protocols. Another function of the gateway is to translate different network protocols and
to ensure the interoperability of connected devices and sensors. The IoT gateway
provides a certain level of security for the network and data transmitted with
higher-order encryption techniques.
IoT systems send huge amounts of data from devices, and these data must be
managed efficiently to generate meaningful results. IoT technology uses the cloud to
store a large amount of data. It provides tools for collecting, processing, and storing
data. The data is easily available and accessible remotely through the internet. It also
provides a platform for analysis. The IoT cloud is an advanced network of
high-performance servers for high-speed processing of large amounts of data.
 The information needs to be available to the end-user in some way which can be
achieved by triggering alarms on their phones or sending them notification through
email or text message. The user sometimes might need an interface which actively
checks their IoT system. For example, the user has a camera installed in his home. He
wants to access video recording and all the feeds with the help of a web server.
However, it’s not always one-way communication. Depending on the IoT application and
complexity of the system, the user may also be able to perform an action which may
create cascading effects. For example, if a user detects any changes in the temperature
of the refrigerator, with the help of IoT technology the user should be able to adjust the
temperature with the help of their mobile phone.
Q6. Write a note on M2M.


Q6. Explain the concept of M2M.

M2M definition

● Machine-to-machine, or M2M, is a broad label that can be used to describe any

technology that enables networked devices to exchange information and perform
actions without the manual assistance of humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) facilitate the communication between systems, allowing
them to make their own autonomous choices.
● M2M technology was first adopted in manufacturing and industrial settings,
where other technologies, such as SCADA and remote monitoring, helped
remotely manage and control data from equipment. M2M has since found
applications in other sectors, such as healthcare, business and insurance. M2M
is also the foundation for the internet of things (IoT).
● Machine to Machine (M2M) refers to a wireless or wired network setup that
allows devices of the same type and ability to communicate freely.

M2M Applications
• Machine-to-machine communication is often used for remote monitoring. In product
restocking, for example, a vending machine can message the distributor's network, or
machine, when a particular item is running low to send a refill. An enabler of asset
tracking and monitoring, M2M is vital in warehouse management systems (WMS) and
supply chain management (SCM).
• Utilities companies often rely on M2M devices and applications to not only harvest
energy, such as oil and gas, but also to bill customers -- through the use of smart
meters -- and to detect worksite factors, such as pressure, temperature and equipment
• In telemedicine, M2M devices can enable the real time monitoring of patients' vital
statistics, dispensing medicine when required or tracking healthcare assets.
• The combination of the IoT, AI and ML is transforming and improving mobile payment
processes and creating new opportunities for different purchasing behaviors. Digital
wallets, such as Google
Wallet and Apple Pay, will most likely contribute to the widespread adoption of M2M
financial activities.
• Smart home systems have also incorporated M2M technology. The use of M2M in
this embedded system enables home appliances and other technologies to have real
time control of operations as well as the ability to remotely communicate.
• M2M is also an important aspect of remote-control software, robotics, traffic
control, security, logistics and fleet management and automotive.
• Low power consumption, in an effort to improve the system's ability to
effectively service M2M applications.
• A Network operator that provides packet-switched service
• Monitoring abilities that provide functionality to detect events.
• Time tolerance, meaning data transfers can be delayed.
• Time control, meaning data can only be sent or received at specific predetermined
• Location specific triggers that alert or wake up devices when they enter particular
• The ability to continually send and receive small amounts of data.

Q7. What are the differences between machines in M2M and IoT.
Definition of IOT and M2M
1. Internet of Things : IoT is network of interconnected computing devices which are embedded in
everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.
IoT is a concept that connects all the devices to the internet and lets them communicate with
each other over the internet. IoT is a giant network of connected devices – all of which gather and share
data about how they are used and the environments in which they are operated.

2.M2M: Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications means the largely automated exchange of

information between technical devices themselves, for example, machines, vending machines,
vehicles, or measuring equipment (e.g. electricity, gas and water meters), or between the
devices and a central data processing unit.”

Difference between IoT and M2M :


ABBREVIATION Internet of Things Machine to Machine

INTELLIGENCE Devices include objects that In M2M, there is a limited

are responsible for amount of intelligence
decision-making processes. observed.

COMMUNICATION IoT has used internet Communication technology

PROTOCOL protocols like FTP, Telnet, and Traditional protocols are
and HTTP. uses in M2M technology.

SCOPE It has a wide range of It has a limited Scope for

devices, yet the scope is devices.

CONNECTION TYPE The connection of IoT is M2M uses a point to point

through the network and connection.
using various types of

DATA SHARING In IoT, data sharing depends In M2M, devices may be

on the Internet protocol connected through mobile or
network. any other network.

BUSINESS TYPE It has Business to Consumer It has Business to Business

(B2C) and Business to (B2B) communication.
Business (B2B).

CLOUD uses cloud can use cloud but does not


H/W OR S/W software based hardware based

API SUPPORT IoT technology supports In M2M technology, there is

Open API integrations. no Open API support.

EXAMPLES smart wearables,smart telemedicine,digital

watches,activity wallets,remote control
trackers,smart cars,etc systems,etc

Q8. Discuss M2M value chain.


A value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers perform to bring a
product from its conception to end use and beyond, including design, production, marketing,
distribution, and support to the final consumer
1. Inputs: Inputs are the base raw ingredients that are turned into a product.
Examples could be cocoa beans for the manufacture of chocolate or data from
an M2M device that will be turned into a piece of information.

2. Production/Manufacture: Production/Manufacture refers to the process that the

raw inputs are put through to become part of a value chain.
For example, cocoa beans may be dried and separated before being transported to
overseas markets.
Data from an M2M solution, meanwhile, needs to be verified and tagged for

3. Processing: Processing refers to the process whereby a product is prepared for

For example, cocoa beans may now be made into cocoa powder, ready for use in
chocolate bars.
For an M2M solution, this refers to the aggregation of multiple data sources to
create an information component -- something that is ready to be combined with
other data sets to make it useful for corporate decision-making.

4. Packaging: Packaging refers to the process whereby a product can be branded

as would be recognizable to end-user consumers.
For example, a chocolate bar would now be ready to eat and have a red wrapper with
the words “KitKat” on it.
For M2M solutions, the data will have to be combined with other information from
internal corporate databases, for example, to see whether the data received
requires any action.
This data would be recognizable to the end-users that need to use the
information, either in the form of visualizations or an Excel spreadsheet.

5. Distribution/Marketing: This process refers to the channels to market for

products. For example, a chocolate bar may be sold at a supermarket, a kiosk, or
even online.
An M2M solution, however, will have produced an Information Product that can
be used to create new knowledge within a corporate environment -- examples
include more detailed scheduling of maintenance based on real-world information
or improved product design due to feedback from the M2M solution.

Q9. Discuss IoT value chain.

A value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers perform to
bring a product from its conception to end use and beyond, including design,
production, marketing, distribution, and support to the final consumer

● The IoT value chain explains the building blocks of IoT, how value is created,
who they players are, and how they interact with each other to deliver value.

● Looking at the IoT value chain as a pyramid, at the base is all the connected
devices: phones, fitness bands, connected cars, smart homes, and other devices
on the consumer side; in industry, you have things like building sensors, smart
cities, and connected factories, for example.

● Stepping up a level from the base brings in the network and connectivity—how
devices are connected and communicate. It’s also where service providers
collect device and network data and upload it to the cloud.

● Finally, at the top of the value chain, are applications and services that are
closest to the eventual end users—enterprises and consumers.

● The Value Chain is usually defined for a particular industry. For IoT as a
technology (coming together of technologies rather), it starts with the (bottom up)

1. Hardware layer(DEVICES) : Sensors, Actuators, Chipsets, MEMS

2. Network layer(CONNECTIVITY): Both connectivity layer (PAN: Bluetooth,
Zigbee, Wifi, etc), and telecom service layer (Wifi, GSM, 4G)
3. Platforms: Software platforms that enable IoT.
4. Cloud / Analytics / Application layer(APPLICATION) : to make store, visualize and
make sense out of data.
5. Managed Services
6. Customer
Q10. Differentiate between Raspberry pi and desktop computer.
Ans- Definition of Raspberry pi
Raspberry Pi is the name of a series of single-board computers made by the Raspberry Pi
Foundation, a UK charity that aims to educate people in computing and create easier access to
computing education.
All over the world, people use the Raspberry Pi to learn programming skills, build hardware
projects, do home automation, implement Edge computing, and even use them in industrial
The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap credit card sized computer that runs Linux, but it also
provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins, allowing you to control electronic
components for physical computing and explore the Internet of Things (IoT).

CONSTRUCTION It is a motherboard. All The basis is the motherboard.

components are soldered It has other components such
directly onto the motherboard as RAM, Storage, CPU, and
GPU that are connected to
the motherboard using
standard connectors.

SIZE As w e have already 14 × 7 inches for the

mentioned, the Raspberry Pi mini-tower and 24 × 8 inches
has the average size of your for the full tower cases
credit card.
Average 85.60 mm × 56.5
mm × 17 mm

MEMORY AND STORAGE RAM between 1 and 8 GB. Average RAM of 4GB and
Micro SD card for storage. Hard Drive/SSD for storage.

SCREEN OR MONITOR Raspberry Pi has no screen A computer, on the other

or monitor, It only comes as a hand, comes with a screen
motherboard, and you are
required to connect this to a

CONNECTION It has 4 USB ports, 1 or 2 It supports even larger range

HDMI output, 1 audio port, an of connections.
Ethernet port, as well as
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi


APPLICATIONS people use the Raspberry Pi In daily life for various

to learn programming skills, purposes
build hardware projects, do computing,programming
home automation, implement languages,schools,college
Edge computing, and even and various organizations.
use them in industrial

PRICE cheap costly

Q11.What is necessity of security and privacy of IOT.

● It is evident in the nature of interconnectivity between the IoT devices. If a poorly
secured device connects with the IoT landscape, then it could affect the security and
resilience of IoT. With a large number of homogenous devices deployed in IoT, the IoT
users and developers must ensure that they are not exposing other users to potential
● People are likely to perceive the usefulness of IoT in accordance with its effectiveness in
safeguarding their privacy goals. The common assumptions regarding privacy issues in
IoT and the potential security issues could become formidable setbacks in IoT adoption.
● The aspects of user privacy and the rights of privacy are basic requirements for
developing the trust and confidence of users in IoT, connected devices, and associated
In short for proper working and for effective IOT application it is very important to ensure
security and privacy of IOT applications.

Security Issues in IoT

1. Inadequate Password Protection
2. Limited Compliance from IoT Manufacturers
3. Device Update Management
4. Lack of Secure Interfaces

Privacy Concerns in IoT

1. Abundance of Data
2. Eavesdropping
3. Unwanted Public Exposure

The tips below can help assure the proper security considerations in the design of connected
devices for all applications:
• Build threat models: Assess the use case of your devices and services during the product
design phase. Evaluate the various risks, and build mitigation plans into the overall product

• Create security and abuse cases: Make sure that you put your team to work doing tests to
validate your threat model. Put in play a continual evaluation with each product iteration to
ensure the threat model continues to meet your threat scenarios.

• Securely manage keys: Integrate your processes by generating and storing your private keys
securely, either using hardware security modules (HSMs) or one of the major cloud-based IoT

• Put certificates to use: Enable your devices to use certificates instead of passwords for
authentication. Public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates play a critical role in your IoT solution,
as they validate a device’s identity to only allow authorized devices, users and servers to access
the device. Certificates are also used to encrypt data sent to and from the device. Additionally,
code signing certificates ensure over-the-air updates are signed with tamper-proof code and
that the device securely boots every time.

• Automate authentication to scale: Scaling authentication is important. Using standardized

and proven technologies like digital certificates and certificate enrollment protocols such as
SCEP, EST and secure APIs will allow you to scale your security operations as your volumes

Security by design is a methodical process, not an ad hoc undertaking. Failure to adopt this
mindset for every single IoT device that rolls off an assembly line will likely lead to the need to
make quick fixes to address bugs or newly discovered security threats. That’s an expensive,
complicated solution that may still fail to make the device more secure because an attacker can
develop a workaround to a fix that does not address the vulnerability from a structural

Q12. Explain in details IOT Architecture layers.

Ans-Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and use of Internet of
Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different application areas of Internet of Things, it
works accordingly as per it has been designed/developed. But it has not a standard defined
architecture of working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT depends
upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow
based on which IoT is built.

1. Sensing Layer/Device layer–

Sensors, actuators, devices are present in this Sensing layer. These Sensors or Actuators
accepts data(physical/environmental parameters), processes data and emits data over network.
2. Network Layer –
Internet/Network gateways, Data Acquisition System (DAS) are present in this layer. DAS
performs data aggregation and conversion function (Collecting data and aggregating data then
converting analog data of sensors to digital data etc). Advanced gateways which mainly opens
up connection between Sensor networks and Internet also performs many basic gateway
functionalities like malware protection, and filtering also some times decision making based on
inputted data and data management services, etc.
3. Data processing Layer/service and support layer –
This is processing unit of IoT ecosystem. Here data is analyzed and pre-processed before
sending it to data center from where data is accessed by software applications often termed as
business applications where data is monitored and managed and further actions are also
prepared. So here Edge IT or edge analytics comes into picture.
4. Application Layer –
This is last layer of 4 stages of IoT architecture. Data centers or cloud is management stage of
data where data is managed and is used by end-user applications like agriculture, health care,
aerospace, farming, defense, etc.
Q13. Explain IOT reference model in detail.Also explain the views in

Level 1: Physical devices and Controllers

The IoT Reference Model starts with Level 1: physical devices and controllers that might control
multiple devices.

These are the “things” in the IoT, and they include a wide range of endpoint devices that send
and receive information. Today, the list of devices is already extensive. It will become almost
unlimited as more equipment is added to the IoT over time.Devices are diverse, and there are
no rules about size, location, form factor, or origin. Some devices will be the size of a silicon
chip. Some will be as large as vehicles. The IoT must support the entire range. Dozens or
hundreds of equipment manufacturers will produce IoT devices.

Level 2: Connectivity
● Communications and connectivity are concentrated in one Level 2. The most important
function of Level 2 is reliable, timely information transmission. This includes
● Between devices (Level 1) and the network
● Across networks (east-west)
● Between the network (Level 2) and low-level information processing occurring at Level 3

Traditional data communication networks have multiple functions, as evidenced by the

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 7-layer reference model. However, a
complete IoT system contains many levels in addition to the communications network.

One objective of the IoT Reference Model is for communications and processing to be executed
by existing networks. The IoT Reference Model does not require or indicate creation of a
different network— it relies on existing networks.

Connectivity includes:

● Communicating with and between the Level

● devices
● Reliable delivery across the network(s)
● Implementation of various protocols
● Switching and routing
● Translation between protocols
● Security at the network level
● Level 2 functionality focuses
● on East-West communications

Level 3: Edge (Fog) Computing

The functions of Level 3 are driven by the need to convert network data flows into information
that is suitable for storage and higher level processing at Level 4 (data accumulation). This
means that Level 3 activities focus on high-volume data analysis and transformation. For
example, a Level 1 sensor device might generate data samples multiple times per second, 24
hours a day, 365 days a year. A basic tenet of the IoT Reference Model is that the most
intelligent system initiates information processing as early and as close to the edge of the
network as possible. This is sometimes referred to as fog computing. Level 3 is where this

Given that data is usually submitted to the connectivity level (Level2) networking equipment by
devices in small units, Level 3 processing is performed on a packet-by-packet basis. This
processing is limited, because there is only awareness of data units—not “sessions” or
“transactions.” Level 3 processing can encompass many examples, such as:

● Evaluation: Evaluating data for criteria as to whether it should be processed at a higher

● Formatting: Reformatting data for consistent higher-level processing
● Expanding/decoding: Handling cryptic data with additional context (such as the origin)
● Distillation/reduction: Reducing and/or summarizing data to minimize the impact of data
and traffic on the network and higher-level processing systems
● Assessment: Determining whether data represents a threshold or alert; this could include
redirecting data to additional destinations

Level 3 functionality

focuses on North-South communications

Level 4: Data Accumulation

At Level 4, Data Accumulation, data in motion is converted to data at rest. Level 4 determines:

● If data is of interest to higher levels: If so, Level 4 processing is the first level that is
configured to serve the specific needs of a higher level.
● If data must be persisted: Should data be kept on disk in a non- volatile state or
accumulated in memory for short-term use?
● The type of storage needed: Does persistency require a file system, big data system, or
relational database?
● If data is organized properly: Is the data appropriately organized for the required storage
● If data must be recombined or recomputed: Data might be combined, recomputed, or
aggregated with previously stored information, some of which may have come from
non-IoT sources.

As Level 4 captures data and puts it at rest, it is now usable by applications on a non-real-time
basis. Data Abstraction

Level 5: (Aggregation & Access) Information Integration

● Creates schemas and views of data in the manner that applications want
● Combines data from multiple sources, simplifying the application
● Filtering, selecting, projecting, and reformatting the data to serve the client applications
● Reconciles differences in data shape, format, semantics, access protocol, and security
● Abstracting the data interface for applications

Level 6: Application

Level 6 is the application level, where information interpretation occurs. Software at this level
interacts with Level 5 and data at rest, so it does not have to operate at network speeds. The
IoT Reference Model does not strictly define an application. Applications vary based on vertical
markets, the nature of device data, and business needs. For example, some applications will
focus on monitoring device data. Some will focus on controlling devices. Some will combine
device and non-device data. Monitoring and control applications represent many different
application models, programming patterns, and software stacks, leading to discussions of
operating systems, mobility, application servers, ,multi-threading, etc.

Level 7: Collaboration and Processes

One of the main distinctions between the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT is that IoT includes
people and processes. This difference becomes particularly clear at Level 7: Collaboration and

The IoT system, and the information it creates, is of little value unless it yields action, which
often requires people and processes. Applications execute business logic to empower people.
People use applications and associated data for their specific needs. Often, multiple people use
the same application for a range of different purposes. So the objective is not the application—it
is to empower people to do their work better. Applications (Level 6) give business people the
right data, at the right time, so they can do the right thing.But frequently, the action needed
requires more than one person. People must be able to communicate and collaborate,
sometimes using the traditional Internet, to make the IoT useful.

Q14. Explain IOT protocols in detail.



1. MQTT-

Q15. Explain detailed design guidelines for internet of things.

● STEP 1: Purpose and Requirements
Define purpose and requirements of IoT system
● STEP 2: Process Model Specification
Define the use cases
● STEP 3: Domain Model Specification
Define physical entities, Virtual entities,Devices,Resources andServices in the IoT
● STEP 4:Information Model Specification
Define the structure(eg relations,attributes) all the information in the IoT System
● STEP 5:Service Specifications
Map Process and information Model to services and define to services and define
service specifications.
● STEP 6:IoT level Specification
Define the IoT level for the system
● STEP 7:Functional View Specification
Map IoT level to functional Groups
● STEP 8:Operational View Specification
Define Communication options,service hosting options,storage options,device options
● STEP 9:Device and component integration
Integrate devices,develop and integrate the components
● STEP10:Application Development
Develop Applications

STEP1:Purpose and Requirements

1. Purpose : A home automation system that allows controlling of the lights in a
home remotely using a web application.
2. Behavior : The home automation system should have auto and manual modes.
In auto mode, the system measures the light level in the room and switches on
the light when it gets dark. In manual mode, the system provides the option of
manually and remotely switching on/off the light.
3. System Management Requirement : The system should provide remote
monitoring and control functions.
4. Application Deployment Requirement : The application should be deployed
locally on the device, but should be accessible remotely
5. Security Requirement : The system should have basic user authentication

STEP 2:Process Model Specification

In this step, the use cases of the IoT system are formally described based on and
derived from the purpose and requirement specifications.

STEP 3: Domain Model Specification

The domain model describes the main concepts, entities and objects in the domain of
IoT system to be designed. Domain model defines the attributes of the objects and
relationships between objects.
Domain model provides an abstract representation of the concepts, objects and entities
in the IoT domain, independent of any specific technology or platform.
STEP 4:Information Model Specification

Information model does not describe the specifics of how the information is represented
or stored.
To define the information model, we first list the Virtual Entities defined in the Domain
Information model adds more details to the Virtual Entities by defining their attributes
and relations
STEP 5:Service Specifications
From the process specification and information model, we identify the states and
For each state and attribute we define a service.
These services either change the state or attribute values or retrieve the current values.
STEP 6: IoT Level Specification
The sixth step in the IoT design methodology is to define the IoT level for the system.
STEP 7: Functional View Specification
The Functional View (FV) defines the functions of the IoT systems grouped into various
Functional Groups (FGs).
The Functional Groups (FG) included in a Functional View include:
Device : The device FG contains devices for monitoring and control. In the home
automation example. the device FG includes a single board mini-computer, a light
sensor and relay switch(actuator).

Communication : The communication FG handles the communication for the IoT

system. The communication FG includes the communication protocols that form the
backbone of IoT systems and enable network connectivity.

STEP 8:Operational view specification

In this step, various options pertaining to the loT system deployment and operation are
defined, such as, service hosting options, storage options, device options, application
hosting options, etc.
Operational View specifications for the home automation example are as follows:
• Devices: Computing device (Raspberry Pi), light dependent resistor (sensor), relay
switch (actuator).
• Communication APls: REST APis
• Communication Protocol s: Link Layer - 802.11, Network Layer - 1Pv4/1Pv6, Transport
TCP, Application - HTTP.
Security and application management also.

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