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Chapter IV


A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence printed before it :

1. They didn't do it. It is simply impossible.

They .......................................................................
2. Perhaps she gave in too soon.
She .........................................................................
3. She had such a large house that she couldn't manage it.
Her house .................................................................
4. I advise you to read it twice before you sign.
You .........................................................................
5. I went to the watchmaker's as I wanted him to mend my watch.
I wanted to ...............................................................
6. It would have been better for her not to say it aloud.
She .........................................................................
7. We were surprised when more guests came than we had expected.
We didn't .................................................................
8. In spite of our repeated warnings, they kept doing it.
Although ..................................................................
9. He didn't find a taxi and so he missed the train.
If ............................................................................
10. Your room needs decorating.
You'll have to get .......................................................
ll. You have remembered my favourite colour ! You are very kind !
How kind .................................................................
12. I think it would be good for you to give up.
You .........................................................................

13. There is a slight chance that the rain will soon stop.
The rain ...................................................................
14. His parents hope he'll make a good doctor.
They'd like ...............................................................
15. Please help me with my luggage!
Would you mind .........................................................
16. It is ages since we talked openly.
We ......................................................................... .
17. I cannot carry this trunk as it is too heavy.
This trunk ................................................................
18. Why didn't you tell the truth for a change?
You .........................................................................
19. I have never heard such a bad singer.
He is .......................................................................
20. I will give you a rise provided you work on Saturday, too.
Unless .....................................................................
21. She couldn't wear her new shoes on account of the mud.
But .........................................................................
22. When I saw that card I imrm diately remembered that summer.
The card ..................................................................
23. You can't leave without answering me first.
Unless .....................................................................
24. He had never shot in his life.
It was ......................................................................
25. It was not necessary to post it today.
You .........................................................................
26. Her parents didn't let her join us in the camp.
She .........................................................................
27. You can't leave as long as you qon't apologize first.
You can't leave ..........................................................
28. Paying cash isn't necessary.
One .........................................................................
29. This painting is very beautiful to look at.
What .......................................................................
30. You shouldn't leave your bag here.
I advise ....................................................................
31. It's highly probable he did it on purpose.
He ..........................................................................

32. She spoke too fast and I couldn't understand her.

She spoke too fast .......................................................
33. I know she never misses such a concert.
She just ....................................................................
34. I'll talk to her first, then I'll think about it.
I'll think about it ........................................................
35. You are supposed to be there-on time.
You .........................................................................
36. It is possible that they have already heard the news.
They .......................................................................
37. After many years of hard work they fired him.
After he ...................................................................
38. With a lot of luck,' you may win the scholarship.
If you ......................................................................
39. We came to the station in a taxi.
A taxi ......................................................................
40. Steve and his friend can run equally long distances.
Steve can ..................................................................
41. The beach is less crowded today than usual.
The beach is not .........................................................
42. It started snowing on Sunday and has not stopped yet.
It has .......................................................................
43. Jogging early in the morning gives him pleasure.
He enjoys .................................................................
44. Is this your first visit to Romania?
Have you....................................................................................?
45. People say that he will be promoted soon.
It is .........................................................................
46. Most of a monk's time is spent in praying.
A monk spends ..........................................................
47. Jerry is too selfish for anybody to bear him.
Jerry is so selfish .......................................................
48. He was unsuccessful in persuading them.
He tried in vain ..........................................................
49. It was not long ago that he had a stroke.
His stroke .................................................................
50. My daughter has been reading law for two years now.
Two years ago ............................................................

51. Her clothes are much more expensive than mine.

My cJothes ................................................................
52. The people at the back would not listen co him.
He couldn't make .......................................................
53. The bottle of champagne is almost empty.
There is ...................................................................
54. It was a plendid speech, so congratulations!
Congratulations ..........................................................
55. If you're careful, you can use this camera on the trip.
So ...........................................................................
56. But for money, I would change this car any day.
If it .
57. Their wedding was on 31 October.
They ...............:.......................................................
58. They are building a new hospital nearby.
A new hospital ...........................................................
59. They made him confess in the end.
He was ....................................................................
60. Perhaps she was taken in by his lies.
She .........................................................................
61. People said he was a hero.
He ..........................................................................
62. We were late so we jumped into a cab.
63. She didn't drown because that young man reached her in time.
If ............................................................................
64. Somebody had given him that old coin.
He ..........................................................................
65. He left home because he didn't expect them to come that evening.
If ............................................................................
66. They will lend you books only for a fortnight.
You .........................................................................
67. He will be made to give in.
They .......................................................................
68. I think you are wrong not to trust him.
If I ..........................................................................
69. There are more books on the bottom shelf than on the top
one. There are not

70.I went to the hairdresser; I wanted her to cut and style my hair.
I went to the hairdresser to ...........................................
71. He didn't know how to make the engine run.
He wasn't .................................................................
72. I'm quite sure she forgot to call.
She .........................................................................
73.It is several years since I last met them.
74. obody could do anything to help them.
Nothing ....................................................................
75. I guess he is in his room recording some music.
He ..........................................................................
76.He is certainly lying in bed.
He ..........................................................................
77. Perhaps they quarrelled again.
They .......................................................................
78. We were surprised when he passed the exam.
We didn't expect ........................................................
79. Years ago, people said that flying was an impossible dream.
Years ago, flying ........................................................
80. The film was so violent that I felt like fainting.
.......................................... film that I felt like fainting.
81. It takes twenty minutes to walk to school.
It's ..........................................................................
82. Everybody agreed with her except George.
The only ..................................................................
83. John wouldn't tell you this secret and Mary wouldn't either.
Neither ....................................................................
84. She was trying hard but she couldn't do that problem.
Despite ....................................................................
85. It is expected that she will be successful.
She .........................................................................
86. Peter seldom visits bis neighbours.
Peter doesn't .............................................................
87. You haven't written to her for three months.
The last ...................................................................
88. It is forbidden to use dictionaries during the test.
Dictionaries ..............................................................

89. However hard she tries, she still can't do it.

No matter ............................................................, ... .
90. They started building that hospital one year ago,
They have .................................................................
91. The patient was rp.ade to give up smoking by the doctor.
The doctor ................................................................
92. He worried too much about the weekend party but it all went off perfectly.
He needn't ................................................................
93. "You'd better not leave so early, John", said Lucy.
Lucy advised .............................................................
94. Fish can't live outside water.
It's impossible ...........................................................
95. Why did he make us wait so long?
Why did he keep.......................................................................... ?
96. My shoes need to be repaired before going on the trip.
I must ......................................................................
97. Was it necessary for her to get up so early ?
Did ....................................., .. ,........................................?
98. Eighteen-year-old young people can get a driving licence.
Young people can get ...................................................
99. Nobody can deny that she is a very good singer.
It ............................................................................
100. It looks as though she knows the truth.
She seems .................................................................
101. Tom was going to write a letter, but he started watching TV instead.
Instead .....................................................................
102. "Never cross the street without looking at the traffic lights", mother
advised her son.
Mother advised ..........................................................
103. Please, listen to me!
Please, pay ...............................................................
104. They repaired my car at the garage.
I .............................................................................
105. Sibyl did not wake me up, and so I was late for the concert.
If Sibyl ....................................................................
106. The weather was so bad that we could not leave the chalet.
It .........' ..' ........... '.''....' ......................' ..............' .....
107. They say Jack Williams speaks five foreign languages.
Jack Williams ............................................................

108. It is all right if you tell the truth.

As long ...., ...............................................................
109. Alex is the best chess player in our class.
Nobody ....................................................................
110. The problem was so difficult that I asked my brother to help me.
It was ......................................................................
ill. The film was so boring that I went to bed.
It was ......................................................................
112. It is possible that George will not come this afternoon.
George .....................................................................
113. Her daughter had an operation yesterday.
Her daughter was .......................................................
114. The rabbit was being chasetl by the fox.
The fox ....................................................................
115.The town council will make this building into a museum.
This building .............................................................
116.If she takes a taxi, perhaps she will catch the plane.
If she takes a taxi, she might.. .......................................
117.Would you like to spend a week in the mountains ?
How about ................................................................
118.It is said that those dangerous criminals have been arrested.
Those dangerous criminals ............................................
119. When did she buy that hat?
How long.............................................................................................?
120. I am sure he has forgotten to buy bread.
He must ...................................................................
121. I would rather not join you.
I don't feel ...............................................................
122. Is anybody taking care of this child?
ls this child.........................................................................................?
123. He will sell his house and then he will be able to pay off his debts.
Once he ...................................................................
124. Our takeoff time was 12.30.
Our plane was ...........................................................
125. What are your plans for next weekend?
What are you......................................................................................?
126. This job requires punctuality and hard work from the employees.
This job requires that ................................................. .

127. I get nervous when people become rude.

I can't .....................................................................
128. It will be more embarrassing for you if you postpone telling him the news.
The sooner ...............................................................
129. Cars are more expensive than they used to be.
The price of cars has ...................................................
130. I'd prefer you to leave earlier.
I'd rather ..................................................................
131. When they got to the station, the train had already left.
132. My suggestions have been turned down.
Nobody ....................,...............................................
133. "Let's have a taxi", said Martin.
Martin suggested ........................................................
134. She didn't win despite the fact that she tried her best.
Although ..................................................................
135. This boy struck us as a talented singer.
This boy gave ............................................................
136. She is really determined to find them.
Her .........................................................................
137. John said he had last met her three days before.
''I.................................................................................................... ,.,
138. I wish I had taken her advice.
If ............................................................................
139. It was such a powerful wind that it swept the roofs off most houses.
It was so ..................................................................
140. We won't go there if they don't invite us.
Unless .....................................................................
141. She hasn't as much money as you have.
You .........................................................................
142. When else could you call on us?
At.............................................................................................. ?
143. It is not necessary for them to give us so many details.
They don't ................................................................
144. May I borrow this book?
Am I.......................................................................................... ?
145. They made every effort to facilitate their nephew's life.
They made every effort to make .....................................

146.My friend said: "Don't stop the car here. The policeman is looking at us".
My friend told ...........................................................
147.My French teacher made me understand the importance of foreign lan
I was .......................................................................
148.Water was scarce last spring; yet we managed to grow some vegetables.
In spite ....................................................................
149.The President is just going to sign the treaty.
The President is on .....................................................
150. He tried to help us as best as he could.
He did .....................................................................
151.The outlaws took to the forest to avoid their pursuers.
The outlaws sought ... •..................................................
152. In my opinion they have made a great mistake.
To ...........................................................................
153. Is it absolutely necessary to repair the roof this week?
Does the roof.............................................................................?
154. We would like the prisoner to get this statement down.
We would like the prisoner to make ................................
155. I'm certain that the kids weren't watching TV at that moment.
The kids can't ...........................................................
156. To the best of her knowledge, this house belongs to a banker.
As ..........................................................................
157. I took her for a foreigner.
I was .......................................................................
158. They thought that woman was a great writer.
That woman ..............................................................
159. We courdn't continue our journey because of the storm.
The storm .................................................................
160. Is this the only way to the railway station?
Isn't there...................................................................................?
161. They have dealt with such problems for years.
Such problems ...........................................................
162. In case of fire, telephone the fire brigade.
In the ......................................................................
163. Such examples as this one are very interesting.
Examples ..................................................................
164. When she arrived, the furniture was being unloaded.
When she arrived, they .................................................

165. Unless the driver had seen us, he wouldn't have stopped the car.
If ............................................................................
166. How long is it by car to the railway station?
How long does it..........................................................................?
167. It is likely she arrives here today.
She is ......................................................................
168. I'll take my umbrella with me as it might rain.
I'll take my umbrella with me in ....................................
169. This is the most exciting story she has ever read.
She has ....................................................................
170. John was so tired that he couldn't continue his work.
John was too .............................................................
171. A new job will be offe'red to me soon.
I .............................................................................
172. Walking on the grass is not allowed.
You are ....................................................................
173. She cannot lend you either the textbook or the dictionary.
She can ....................................................................
174. How about seeing this film?
Let's .......................................................................
175. As she is a liar, nobody can trust her.
Being .......................................................................
176. How noisy it is in here !
It's ..........................................................................
177. Nick is more intelligent than anyone in the class.
No one ....................................................................
178. He spoke to us so politely that we were all surprised.
He spoke to us in .......................................................
179. He usually drives carelessly.
He usually drives in ....................................................
180. It is unlikely that Mr. Brown will retire.
Mr. Brown ................................................................
181 . You can get a driving licence when you are eighteen.
You can get a driving licence as .....................................
182. To her regret, she couldn't go on that trip.
She wishes ................................................................
183. She doesn't often visit us.
She seldom ...............................................................

203. They tried hard and yet they failed again and again.
However ...................................................................
204. Don't try to drive it; the engine is out of order.
It's no use ................................................................
205. There's no point in worrying about it.
One .........................................................................
206. In case he drops in, tell him I've got to see him.
Should .....................................................................
207. You have lent him the money ! You are a reliable friend !
How nice ..................................................................
208. Why don't you stay here overnight instead of driving all night?
I'd rather ..................................................................
209. She strove hard and yet she didn't get a rise.
However ...................................................................
210. I regret auending that boring lecture.
I wish ......................................................................
211. If you eat many cakes, you get fat.
The more .................................................................
212. I have already been introduced to her.
I remember ...............................................................
213. I advise you to teach him a lesson.
It's time ...................................................................
214. I can hardly wait to get some rest.
I'm looking ...............................................................
215. People believe he was stabbed by a tramp.
He ..........................................................................
216. We tried to make him confess but in vain.
In vain ...................................................................:.
217. She will make him regret it !
He ..........................................................................
218. You must leave right now !
It's high ...................................................................
219. I am in the habit of jogging every morning.
I am used .................................................................
220. You should have kept it a secret.
I wish ......................................................................
221. He had just fallen asleep when the fire broke out.
Scarcely ...................................................................

222. When you wait too long, you get bored.

The ......................., the ..........................................
223. It would be preferable for you to go to the hospital.
You .........................................................................
224. I bet you won't say it again!
I dare ......................................................................
225. Don't give up ! Try again !
I'd rather ..................................................................
226. The policeman started shouting and was immediately hooted
at. No sooner .................................................................
227. He would prefer to take a nap.
He'd ........................ ...............................................
22$. She thinks it's a pity he never turned up.
She wishes ................................................................
229. He died a decade ago.
He has .....................................................................
230.Because he had broken the vase he was punished.
e was punished ........................................................
231. I find them hard to understand.
I find it ....................................................................
232. I don't like when people talk loudly in the street.
I disapprove ..............................................................
233. Could you manage to make her accept my proposal?
Could you succeed........................................................................?
234. I want you not to tell my parents about it.
I'd rather ..................................................................
235. I suggest we go out tonight.
Why ........................................................................
236. Leave the key under the mat so that Peggy can find it.
Leave the key under the mat for .....................................
237. I insist that she should come, too.
I insist on .................................................................
238. I don't know what to do anymore.
I am at .....................................................................
239. We shall have a game of tennis provided the weather keeps fine.
Weather ...................................................................
240. It was lucky that Tom still found them at home.
Tom ........................................................................

241. The roof of the house has to be mended by all means.

The roof
needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
242. Why don't the boys put up the tent?
I suggest
that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
243. She pushed the door ajar so that she might get some fresh
air. She pushed the door ajar to
244. The correctness of his English is absolute.
He speaks Eng1ish ......................................................
245. I didn't reveal her secret for fear I might run into trouble.
I didn't reveal her secret so ...........................................
246. It's certain he is kidding.
He .........................:................................................
247. It is not necessary for you to hurry.
You needn't/don't .......................................................
248. With the money he has saved he can buy a Honda.
His savings ...............................................................
249. You'll be better off putting up at the first motel.
It will ......................................................................
250. Bob had his car fixed.
Bob arranged .............................................................
251. Our master insists that we should give him the essays tomorrow.
He insists on .............................................................
252. I could do with a cup of coffee.
A cup of coffee ..........................................................
253. According to his arrangement, a bonus will be given to each of us.
He has arranged .........................................................
254. Joan was sitting on a bench when we caught sight of her.
We caught sight of ......................................................
255. He had that accident during his stay in Greece.
It was while ..............................................................
256. We can't drive there because of the heavy snow.
The heavy snow .........................................................
257. She awoke with a feeling of panic.
She awoke ................................................................
258. He appears to be avoiding us, doesn't he?
It looks..........................................................................................?
259. I think it may rain.
It looks as ................................................................

260. She thinks it is a good idea to learn typing.

She believes ..............................................................
261. I don't want to ever meet him again.
I'd rather ..................................................................
262. I can't tolerate such rude behaviour.
I can't put ................................................................
263. He lost consciousness when he was struck on the head.
He was ....................................................................
264. My opinion about helping those in need hasn't changed.
I still stick ................................................................
265. Put those medicines where they can't be reached.

Put them .
.................. ................................................
Although it was raining, we resumed the game.
The game .................................................................
267.Unfortunately, our beloved teacher will leave next year.
If only .....................................................................
268. If you can't manage on your own, just give us a ring.
Should .....................................................................
268. In case something goes wrong, press the button.
All ......................................................................... .
270.I hope nobody will sleep in my room while I am away.
I hope ......................................................................
271.I don't think he should be elected chairman.
I object ....................................................................
272. He never attacked his enemies himself.
He always had ...........................................................
273. She couldn't walk to the station on account of the rain.
The rain ...................................................................
274. I'm sure they'll try to take revenge.
They're ....................................................................
275. It would be sheer ill-luck if they lost this match.
They can't afford ........................................................
276. I told him repeatedly that he was mistaken.
I kept ......................................................................
277. Some countries are still spending too much money on
weapons. Too much money
278. Someone broke into my flat while I was away. ,
My flat ....................................................................

279. If you had come on time, you could have heard his speech.
Had .........................................................................
280. They were redecorating the house for her.
She .........................................................................
281. If she rings up, tell her I'm not in.
Should .....................................................................
282. There's no reason for you to complain.
I don't see why ..........................................................
283. Don't worry, I will pay for everything.
Don't worry, everything ..........................................,. ... .
284. Nobody can account for this mystery.
This mystery .............................................................
285. It's a shame that they look down on you.
It's a shame that you ...................................................
286. It's necessary that immigrants should learn the language.
It's necessary for ........................................................
287. She needn't have bought such an expensive present.
There was .................................................................
288. Michael wished he hadn't offered to get up so early.
Michael regretted .......................................................
289. He admitted having lied to us.
He admitted that ........................................................
290. Alice is certain to have finished her homework.
Alice must ................................................................
291. Mary explained why she was late.
Mary explained her .....................................................
292. "You broke my window, Tom! " said Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown accused .....................................................
293. othing will make her believe him.
There isn't ................................................................
294. I had been trying to repair my car for hours.
I spent .....................................................................
295. The flying saucer disappeared soon afterwards.
It wasn't long ............................................................
296. Is it likely that they will arrive here tomorrow?
Are they........................................................................................?
297. The only person who didn't like that song was Jack.
Except .....................................................................

298. I took a car because I didn't want to be late for the exam.
I took a car ...............................................................
299. Pamela talked to her mother before buying that dress.
Pamela didn't ............................................................
300. When the rain started, the children were watching a cartoon.
A cartoon .................................................................
301. She said: "I'm sorry I forgot the camera".
She apologized ...........................................................
302. The boy thought that the woman in the park was his neighbour, but he
was wrong.
The boy mistook ........................................................
303.21 February is the last day for submitting your application fonn.
You must ...................................................................
304. She never thought she would ever succeed.
At no time ................................................................
305. The only way you can reach the top is by working hard.
Only ........................................................................
306.She speaks English so fluently that one often takes her for an English
So ...........................................................................
307.I don't think you have met this famous man.
Do you happen......................................................................... ?
308.I will never be able to understand her.
Never ......................................................................
309.She would prefer him to do all the shopping.
She'd .......................................................................
310.You shouldn't worry about this exam.
It's ..........................................................................
311. They will have repaired the roof by next week.
The roof ...................................................................
31_2. Such valuable paintings are to be found nowhere else.
Nowhere ..................................................................
313. Please, don't interrupt me!
I'd rather ..................................................................
314. "Why don't you try to talk to her?"
I suggested ...............................................................

315. He has to wash his hands.

His hands .................................................................
316. They will on no account agree to such a proposal.
On no account ...........................................................
317. Nadia was such a good gymnast that she won several gold
medals. So good
318. She doesn't admit that she has made so many mistakes.
She denies ................................................................
319. I am sorry I didn't get there in time.
I regret ....................................................................
320. I rarely get the chance to listen to such a famous singer.
Rarely ......................·................................................
321. Christine seems to be tired.
Christine looks as if ....................................................
322. People say that Joan is getting married.
Joan is supposed ........................................................
323. That's no problem for Mother! .She deals with such problems all the
Mother is .................................................................
324·.My new car is so fast that it overtakes all the other cars on the motorway.
So ...........................................................................
325. Her work finished, she felt relieved.
Not before ................................................................
326. The little girl stopped crying only when she saw her doll.
Not until ..................................................................
327. I paid a lot of money for these earrings.
These earrings ...........................................................
328. It is said that she was shaken by this terrible news.
She .........................................................................
329. The beauty of the scenery in the Carpathians is the most likely reason
why so many tourists come here.
So many tourists must .................................................
330. We didn't know much about such matters.
Little ......................................................, ........ , ....···
331. She laughed when we told her that her hat looked funny.
She laughed at ...........................................................
332. I looked at my compass again because I thought I might have taken a
wrong route.
I looked at my compass again in ....................................

333. As soon as we opened the album we recognized the woman.

On ..........................................................................
334. She hasn't spoken to him before, it appears.
She appears ...............................................................
335. The teacher praised Alice because she had done such a difficult
exercise. The teacher praised Alice for ........................................
336. It is quite possible that he had an accident.
He may well ..............................................................
337. They are selling a valuable collection of paintings.
A valuable collection of paintings ...................................
338. If, by any chance, you meet him at the football match, tell him to
give me a ring.
Should .....................................................................
339. I didn't see anybody on the beach at that time of night.
Not a soul ................................................................
340. We arrived at the theatre but we were told that the play had
been can celled.
We arrived at the theatre only ........................................
341. We would all have gone for a walk if it hadn't been for that terrible
storm. But for .....................................................................
342. You'd better try to talk to him.
It's time ...................................................................
343. Nobody expected such indifference on their part.
Nobody expected them .................................................
344. You have to go on, whatever difficulties you meet.
No ..........................................................................
345. He should have told me this from the very beginning.
It would .....;.............................................................
346. I don't really want her to learn about our plans yet.
I'd ............··············................................................
347. When I saw her in the garden, I remembered her name.
Seeing .....................................................................
348. She didn't know they had become secretly engaged..
She didn't know of ......................................................
349. Your uncle is mean not to offer you a drink.
It ............................................................................
350. Maybe granny is making a cake.
Granny may ..............................................................

351. The old man didn't mention that he was ill.

The old man didn't mention his .....................................
352. The rain started too suddenly for the tourists to be able to take
shelter. So suddenly ..............................................................
353. She now regrets having said that.
She now wishes ..........................................................
354. Thanks to her cousin, she avoided the accident.
If it .........................................................................
355. Please talk to her whenever you meet her.
No ..........................................................................
356. Vegetarians think they shouldn't eat meat.
Vegetarians don't apprQve .............................................
357. We haven't seen so many birds anywhere else in the world.
Nowhere ..................................................................
358. Please don't interrupt me.
I wish ......................................................................
359. Our house was decorated one year ago.
Our house hasn't ........................................................
360. They say that Mr. Strawback, the English teacher, is a good fisherman.
Mr. Strawback, the English teacher, ................................
361. A very good mechanic repaired my car last week.
I .............................................................................
362. The girl regrets having told him this secret.
The girl wishes ..........................................................
363. It had rained a lot, but the ground was still pretty dry.
In spite ....................................................................
364. They were determined to find out the truth and nobody could stop
them. Nobody could prevent ..................................................
365. A boy or a girl of seventeen can't vote in our country.
It is impossible ..........................................................
366. The child was listening to me silently.
The child was listening to me without .............................
367. This time they replied immediately.
This time their ...........................................................
368. I can't hear any noise in his room and so I suppose he is
sleeping. He must
369. They not only swim well but also ski well.
Not only ...................................................................

370. She said she was sorry she had lost my key.
She apologized ...........................................................
371. We stood up in order to see them better.
We stood up so that ....................................................
372. She always uses a sharp knife to cut up meat.
She always cuts up meat by ...........................................
373. I'm quite sure they are not working now.
They can't ................................................................
374. I like walking in the park more than watching TV.
I prefer ....................................................................
375. I would like you to show me your identity card.
Do you mind.................................................................................?
376. I scolded her because siie was making so much noise.
I scolded her for ........................................................
377. She tried not to look at him.
She; avoided ...............................................................
378. Instead of loving her, you detested her.
Far ..........................................................................
379. She didn't want to be sent there so early.
She objected ..............................................................
380.Jane managed to borrow books from that library.
Jane succeeded ...........................................................
381.The prisoner claimed that he had not murdered the old woman.
The prisoner denied ....................................................
382. They always serve lunch at 2 p.m.
Lunch ......................................................................
383. They knew that she was a very good singer.
They knew her .......................................................... .
384. Alice has said that I was responsible for the stain on the
carpet. has accused
385. Both my sister and my brother play the piano well.
Not only ...................................................................
386. Whatever she says don't believe her.
No ..........................................................................
387. I like this song and my friend likes it, too.
I like this song and so .................................................
388. It's time for her to know these things.
It's time she ..............................................................

389. You must repair the handle of this door.

The handle of this door ................................................
390. John wished he hadn't offered to help her.
John regretted ............................................................
391. She ran to the bus stop so she wouldn't miss the bus.
To avoid ...................................................................
392. It seems that she has seen us.
She .........................................................................
393. Alice is not only intelligent, but also hard working.
Not only ...................................................................
394. He's two hours late!
He's kept .....................1 ............................................
395. It's a pity I didn't notice the change.
I wish ......................................................................
396. Someone will steal her camera if she-carries it in that bag.
She will have .............................................................
397. He paid more than was necessary for that TV set.
He needn't ................................................................
398. You will be thirsty. Take a bottle of juice.
) Take a bottle of juice in case ........:................................
399. They didn't specify the details of their plan.
They didn't go ...........................................................
400. We complained about the rent, but in vain.
It's no use ................................................................

B. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible
in meaning using the word given. Do not change this word.
1. A lot of people participated in this meeting. (part)
2. It's not necessary for them to leave so early. (have)
3. They say Peter was the best singer of all. (is)
4. I'd like to be on holiday now and I'm sorry I'm not. (wish)
5. Nobody has heard anything new about this car accident. (nothing)

6. Perhaps they managed to catch the plane. (may)

7. Taxes are expected to rise next year. (people)

8. I am sure they have received our letter. (must)

9. Do you mind if you open that window? (would)

10. Why don't you try to speak to the manager? (how)

11.A mechanic is going to fix the engine of my car. (am)

12. I regret you didn't tell the truth from the very beginning. (had)

13. She failed the exam because she was very tired. (if)

14. Can you show me the way to the railway station, please? (kind)

15. I'm sure Jane is still at school; she never leaves before 2 o'clock p.m.

16. Thank you for the flowers, but it wasn't necessary, really. (need)

17. You'd better take the morning train. (I)

18. It's forbidden to light a fire in the forest. (allowed)

19. Although she was very tired, she managed to finish her homework that
evening. (of)

20. John went to the library so that he could borrow a book of poetry.

21. The game was cancelled because it was foggy. (to)

22. What time is the next train to Parfs? (leave)

23. You have said something that was very interesting. (what)

24. She was so kind that- everybody liked her. (such)

25. They told her to wait outside. (was)

26. Adrian didn't go to Lucy's party because she hadn't invited him. (would)

27. One can have access to the Internet only by having a password. (providing)

28. I would go for a walk if I weren't so tired. (too)

29. You can attend the conference as long as you pay the fee. (only)

30. We could leave the cave if it weren't for the storm. (for)

31. If grandfather meets our neighbour, they talk about the good old times.

32. Catherine would like to buy a better car, but she hasn't got enough
money. (should)

33. Bob bought a new flat. It was advertised in the local newspaper. (which)

34. This woman works in an office whereas her husband is a policeman. (whose)

35. Ice melts if you heat it. (when)

36. Paris is a wonderful place and I spent our last holiday there. (where)

37. If he makes a promise, he keeps it. (whenever)

38. George is a very good writer and he has just published a new novel. (who)

39. Does she know the exact date they are going to meet again? (when)

40. Someone must tell her about the accident. (she)

41. Nobody could recognize my friend. (not)


42. I went to the hairdresser and he cut my hair. (had)

43. There is plenty to choose from this menu. (of)

44. Grannie gave me a present for my birthday. (I)

45. They are going to rebuild the railway station. (is)

46. Ann visits her sick friend daily. (every)

47. Entry is free if you are under eighteen. (providing)

48. My old car needs servicing., (to)

49. The plane is faster than any other means of transport. (all)

50. People believe that Tom has told the truth. (is)

51.Take the car keys with you after you park the car. (not)

52. Each course lasts three months. (is)

53. I regret that I did not stay there longer. (wish)

54. Every tenth person goes free. (there)

55. Martin finished writing the letter and then went to the post office. (when)

56. During our dinner we discussed about the programme for the next day.

57. Although she has an Italian name, she is in fact Dutch. (despite)

58. They repaired the door to their house and then they went abroad. (once)

59. The weather was very cold so the children had to stay indoors. (so)

60. The Last time I spoke to them was two weeks ago. (for)

61. My brother cannot reach that shelf because he is too short. (enough)
62. Celebrities brighten our lives. (make)
63. Ju.lie is learning to drive a car. (lessons)
64. That house is for sale. (nobody)
65. She does not know much about football. (little)
66. The garage is servicing our car now. (we)

67. I am sure I paid for the cake. (remember)

■•■••• •• ••

. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••• ■....

68. She advised us not to talk to him for a while. (avoid)
·····························.. ··············.. ·································
69. Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ? (mind)
·······················.. ·············································•··•·····
70. Felix is pleased he is going to visit China. (forward)
71. Paul regrets leaving the camp. (wishes)
72. The last time it rained here was in June. (since)
73. "You cheated in the exam, Tom, didn't you?" said the teacher. (accused)
74. My father has stopped smoking. (longer)
75. There-is no point in spending so much time in this little village. (worth)
76. The boy looked so funny that we all started to laugh. (help)
77. "Shall I help you with your luggage?" Tom asked the old lady. (offered)
78. Jt's a pity the shops here shut at weekends. (wish)
O • • • • • • • • • .... ••OOOOO • ••• • oo • o • • o i O • • • I • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • I O • • • • ., • • • .. • • • • 9 • I • •

79. We have special offers for the tourists this month. (there)

80. Family tables can be reserved daily. (one)

81. Jogging is good for your health. (keeps)

82. If you are still a student, you can get reduced prices. (unless)

83. Most schools in this country are for boys and girls. (nearly)

84. First Pam looked at the timetable and then she bought a train ticket. (after)

85. It's a pity you stayed in this town only for three days. (should)

86. We haven't been to an Italian restaurant for ages. (since)

87. This is our first visit to Madrid. (been)

88. How long have John and Margaret been married? (when)

89. You cannot park here. (parking)

90. Although she made huge efforts, she failed. (in)

91. "It isn't true! I have never spoken to that man", George said. (denied)

92. The girls don't speak Danish and the boy doesn't speak Danish either.

93. My aunt arrived late at the wedding and the ceremony had already begun.

94. Catherine isn't rich enough to buy such a big house. (poor)

95. John was finally successful because he was so strong-willed. (but)

96. We suspect that he stole the woman's bag. (of)

97. When the rain started, more than 20,000 people were watching the .
match. (being)

98. I thought that the man in the comer was a musician, but I was mistaken.

99. She would prefer him to investigate the case. (rather)

100. It was such a good offer that we couldn't refuse. (too)

101. Angela stopped watching TV only when she heard that noise. (did)

102. Unfortunately, there was no vacant seat left. (at)

103. Clare doesn't like living so far from the city centre. (lived)

104. I took my umbrella in case it rained. (fear)

105. Shall I make you another cup of coffee? (would)

106. Bert talked to his parents before buying the boat. (until)

107. Father cut more firewood than it was necessary. (have)

108. Jack tried to find a parking place for half an hour. (spent)

109. I wish Mike hadn't forgotten to buy flowers. (pity)

llO. Nothing can make him give up his plans. (anything)

111. It seems that she has found a very good job. (have)

112. Alan explained why he was so happy. (reasons)

113. Filippa must visit the British Museum if she goes to London. (should)

114. Pamela admitted she had made a big mistake. (having)

115. No matter how busy you are, you should find some time for your family,
too. (however)

116. Philip took a taxi so he wouldn't miss the plane. (avoid)

117. Rose remembered his name the moment she saw the picture in the news
paper. (sooner)
·············.. ································································
ll8. It was silly of her to leave in such weather. (which)
ll9. Andrew has the bad habit of smoking in his car. (always)
120. What is your opinion about this new film? (think)
121. "Me? No, I haven't used s computer today", Nancy said. (denied)
122. It would be nice to be able to speak so many foreign languages. (could)
123. Without him, she couldn't have coped with so many problems. (but)
124. She tried hard, but she couldn't help him. (might)
125. I don't know whether they are coming by train or by plane. (slightest)
126. "You will be ill if you don't diet", the doctor told him. (warned)
127. "Don't forget to buy some bread" mother told me. (reminded)
128. Our guests are on the point of leaving. (about)
129. Alice was the first person he asked for advice. (whose)
130. The person who will get the job will have a lot of work to do. (whoever)
131. The number of people who buy new cars is increasing. (more)
132. They said they would like me to spend my summer holiday with them.
133. Most people sleep at that time of night. (it)

134. Philip expects to win this race. (believes)

135. Angela didn't expect to see him at the party. (last)

136. People say that this statue was discovered in the 18th century. (is)

137. According to Jimmy, he is the winner of the contest. (claims)

138. "Why don't you go to the seaside in July?" Dean said. (suggested)

139. Nobody could understand what had happened. (who)

140. Eating snails was new to her. (before)

141. Stupidly, I left the keys of the car on the table in the garden. (which)

142. I don't know who he was, but he was of great help for them. (whoever)

143. To pass this difficult exam, Harold has to work harder. (means)

144. The policeman said he would fine me the next time. (threatened)

145. I have managed to translate only half of the text up to now. (so)

146. Please, give us an answer as soon as possible. (delay)

147. I accidentally took my sister's passport to the airport. (mistake)

148. Tomorrow is my parents' fortieth wedding anniversary. (for)

149. We couldn't get to that house because of the flood. (access)

150. You can easily walk to the city centre from the station. (within)

151. They awarded him a medal for his outstanding courage. (recognition)

152. I am sure that this word comes from Latin. (derives)


153. He is a person one can rely on. (count)

154. This is our third visit to Istanbul. (time)

155.Nobody there had seen the old lady before. (who)

156.The police assured him they were not suspicious of him. (under)

157.I regret not visiting this museum. (only)

158.Jack resembles his twin brother very much. (alike)

159. What exactly does she inte nd to do with her old house? (is)

HiO. I don't know if she was sincere when she said that. (earnest)

161.That armour made me remember the history classes. (reminded)

162. That problem is none of their business. (does)

163. Mother saw that the door was broken and phoned the police. (when)

164. "No, you really must speak to the manager", the secretary told him.

165. Sue says she doesn't need anything else. (got)

166. The roof will take them three weeks to replace. (time)

167. I am sorry I didn't buy that album. (regret)

168. When Alice passed that difficult exam, she threw a party. (on)

169. On completing the management courses, he was promoted. (enabled)

170. The letters GMT mean "Greenwich Mean Time"'. (stand)

171. The most interesting thing was that nobody had heard the shot. (what)
If you meet her by chance, tell her t-0 phone us. (happen)

As you can see, it's the same old routine in our activity. (day)

As soon as we entered the room her phone rang. (hardly)

In the end my brother chose a red car. (what)

Those were exactly her words. (very)

You are not disturbing us at all. (least)

196. Without his sister, he wouldn't have gone on the trip to Canada. (been
Nobody could believe what you said then. (what)

Tourists are banned from taking photographs in the museum. (on)

Harold told me about the expedition. (who)

I don't understand why you refused to help them. (ever)

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