Short Story

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Short Story (First POV)


I am no Rapunzel, but I keep on asking when will my life begin? In my room, I am holding a piece of
paper that I’ve been waiting to for my whole life. “Ecsae.” I panicked as my mother knock. It was as if I
am lost in my own thoughts but was brought back when my mother opened the door as fast as the
lightning. The paper was blew by the wind exactly where I expected it. My heart skipped a beat when
she picked it out of curiosity. “Vines Institute??” her brows furrowed as she read. “It is not what you
think it is, Mother.” the feeling of guilt was visible on my face. “Are you out of your mind? You knew
how dangerous it is for you Ecsae.” she replied as she crumples the piece of paper obliviously, admission
slip I supposed. All of the frustrations that was kept inside me was finally revealed as I say, “Why can’t
you support me, I am doing this for us.” she gritted her teeth as we fought, yet, was instantly calmed
when she noticed how hard it is for me to compose myself not to burst in front of her. “You know that I
want what’s best for you right?” she sighed. “Trust me, Mother. I’ll comeback and make sure that you’ll
be proud of me.” she hugged me as my tears keep on pouring. “I’ve been always proud of you, my
dear.” that was a relief because I needed that validation. “Get ready for dinner, I’ll help you pack your
things tomorrow, early in the morning.” I nodded, her lips touched my forehead as she left my room. I
kept thinking on how will I keep my identity inside the Institute as we eat dinner. “Are you really sure
about this, my love?” my Mother popped my bubbles as she ask. “I am certain, Mother.” I gave her a
small smile to assure her. After we clean things up, I got into my room and immediately confirmed that
I’ll be going to the Vines Institute. I guess this is really it, there’s this feeling that I can’t contain,
happiness. A smile plastered on my face as my bed drag me to sleep. I was excited and woke up before
the alarm was set off. My mom suddenly entered the room, she was stunned as she saw me awake this
early but then got easily recovered. “I can’t imagine that you’ll be away from me for quite a long time,
my dear..” she uttered as she help me pack the things that I’ll be needing. “I will call you from time to
time, Mother..” I sat beside her as I console her. My phone rang right after we finished packing. “Hello
Ms. Infantes, this is Professor Demelssa from Vines Institute, in less than an hour a limousine will pick
you up” she stated as I answered the call. My eyes widened, “A limousine?” she giggled as she replied,
“Yes Ms. Infantes, see you in a while..” she then end the call after that. “Good luck, my dear. Come back
for me..” I hugged my Mother as if it’s our last. “I’m going to miss you, Mom. I’ll call you.” she nodded as
I lean on her. Later on, I took my things and left my room as I heard some knock outside. My mom
opened the door, “Is this Kresia Infantes’ residence?” the mysterious man with all black attire asked with
deep voice. My mother nodded, hugged me again and bid for goodbye. That Professor Demelssa isn’t
kidding about the Limousine part though, I am now inside of the said luxurious car. As we travel back to
the Institute I calmed myself. My abilities shouldn’t be revealed, I need to keep a low profile. As we
arrived in the Institute, a woman in her elegant suit smiled and approached me. “Ms. Ecsae Miracle
Infantes, it’s nice to finally meet you..” she lend a hand for acknowledgement I supposed. A smirk
plastered on my face, “I can’t afford seeing how you’ll die in this time, too early for that.” I declared
without any visible emotions on my face. She looked at me in awe, “Freaky, just like your Mother?” my
brows furrowed. How come she knew my Mom? “We’re colleagues, my dear..” did she just read my
mind? “Yes, I just did, dear.. Here comes the President, finally..” I looked at the direction that she was
staring. A man with dazzling hazel eyes were a-flicker with curiosity over a genial smile. He had an
aquiline nose, which went well with his strong cheekbones. His basalt jaw and well-toned shoulders
were handsome in an understated way and spoke of strength. He walked with purpose and authority as
he addressed, “You called for me, Professor?” he asked Ms. Demelssa yet was staring at me intently. I
arched my brows, “What are you looking at?” I directly asked. “I’m not talking to you, what a brat..” the
insult was told in a mumbled monotone, I barely heard him. “Then quit staring..” Jerk. I added in the
back of my mind as I rolled my eyes. “Is she serious right now, Prof Dem?” he asked in disbelief. “Enough
of the nonsense catfight..” Professor Demelssa looked at me and introruced the mysterious man earlier.
“Ms. Infantes, your things will be brought by Mr. Cruise on your respective room. He is the head of the
security team in the Institute” I nodded as I listen to her and she pointed the jerk beside her, “And this is
Craige Fher Buenaflor. The student’s council President. He is the one who will be assigned on touring
you around the campus, he is also one of your classmates so I’m sure that you’re in good hands..” she
explained deliberately as that jerk smirked at me. Professor Demelssa excused herself after that. “Let’s
go, Ms. Infantes. It’s still 7 o’clock in the morning so we still have an hour before the classes starts..” I
nodded at him. “But first, let me formally introduce myself, I am Craige Fher Buenaflor, from the
Buenaflor Elite Clan obviously..” he stated as he lend his hand towards me. I stared at him with no
emotions. No one’s really perfect. He’s good looking, honestly, I was amazed by his beauty but then
arrogance was attached in his aura. “I don’t do shake hands Mr. Elite Clan, just tour me as per Professor
Demelssa asked you to do..” his jaw dropped as if I said something horrible. “You’re really something..”
he murmurs something but I didn’t hear it clearly, as if I care. “Here we are in the Garden of Wonder. It
is the season that’s not giving the justice to this wonderful place..” He’s right, the place were full of dry
leaves since it’s Autumn season. We continued and I have to admit, he’s really good at explaining things.
“This is the of College of Architecture, our building.” He pointed the other building beside it, the right
one, “That is the Dormitory of College of Architecture, Women Division, and on the left side as you can
see is our Division..” the bell rang right after he stated that. He lead the way as we enter the elevator. As
the elevator stopped, I was in awe when it opened. “By the way, your uniform is already in your locker,
number 27. Since it’s the first day of class, uniform is not really an issue..” I nodded as he knocked in
front of our classroom, I supposed, and excused himself. “Good Morning, Ms. Roswell. I’d like to
apologize if we’re late. Ms. Demelssa asked me to—“ he was cut by the Professor in front, “Yes I know,
Craige. You may now take your seat..” she then stared at me, “Introduce yourself in front of the class,
Ms. Infantes..” she commanded with authority. I did exactly what she asked me to do, “Good morning, I
am Ecsae Miracle Infantes. I prefer if you’ll just call me Ecsae.” I stated blankly as they stare at me with
oddity. “Is that all?” I nodded as she direct me to be seated beside the Student’s Council President. As I
seat I noticed that there’s a girl that is standing, was called by the Professor, I supposed. She had half-
moon cheekbones and stunning champagne-brown eyes. She had black velvet hair that fell over her
shoulders. The Professor then continued talking to the girl. “Ms. Bienvenido?” the girl was obviously
tensed for some reason. I got curious about her. Our eyes met as I looked at her. I immediately divert
my attention to the Professor in front. I don’t want her to be weirded out. “So Ms. Bien-” the girl quickly
answered. “I don’t have any idea about it Professor, my apologies..” she looks like she’s about to cry as
she sat on her chair, disappointment on herself was visible. “Alright then, let’s have an agreement
class.” Prof. Roswell called our attention. “If anyone of you can answer my question correctly, the class
will be dismissed early..” Craige instantly raised his hand. “Yes Mr. Buenaflor?” Ms. Roswell nodded to
signal him to stand as he answered, “What is the question Professor?” half of the class burst into
laughter as he asked that nonsense question. “According to the great Roman architect and historian,
Marcus Vitruvius, what does Architecture provides?” no one dared to answer except me, I need to
change to my uniform so I raised my hand for early dismissal. I stand up as I answer, “Architecture is a
passion, a vocation, a calling — as well as a science and a business. It has been described as a social art
and also an artful science. Architecture must be of the highest quality of design. Architecture provides,
in the words of Marcus Vitruvius, the great Roman architect and historian, firmness, commodity and
delight.” I sat down as Ms. Roswell clap her hands. “Very well said, Ms. Infantes. See you tomorrow
class.” as she left I quickly went to the lockers area when someone grabbed my arm. “What was that
newbie?” I stared at her blankly as I remove her hands on my arm. “Quit it, Victora. It wasn’t her fault
that you wasn’t able to answer the question..” she rolled her eyes as she left. “Thanks, but there’s no
need for you to do that, I am no one’s responsibility.” I left as I said that. I walked to the bathroom to
change to my uniform, as I enter inside, I bumped into a girl. She quickly apologized then hurriedly left. I
got back to the classroom as soon as I finished changing to my uniform. The classes went smoothly, I
was engaging to multiple recitations. But it’s obvious how competitive Victora was. Lunch time was quite
normal, Craige was following me as per Prof. Demelssa’s command. “There will be general assembly
right after our last period, see you at the gymnasium.” I nodded as the classes continued. The bell rang,
that’s our cue for the assembly. I seated on the lower left corner of the venue. Someone approached
me, “Is this seat vacant?” I nodded as the girl’s eyes widened. “You’re the girl earlier right? On the
bathroom? My apologies for that, I was going to be late for my second class so I was in a hurry..” she
explained excitedly. “No worries, that seat is vacant.” I smiled timidly. “Here you are, Ms. Demelssa
asked me to look after you so please cooperate.” Craige came from nowhere as he talked. He was
stunned as the girl beside me spoke, “You’re too loud Craige..” they know each other? How come? “I
forgot to introduce myself, the name’s Courtney Polaris Buenaflor, Craige’s sister.” Craige corrected her,
“Your twin, Pola.” She just rolled her eyes and mocked Craige. “Attention to all students, please rise for
the Queen of Vontoire and current headmistress of the Vines Institute, Queen Vienida Beverly Hills.”
Our attention was divert to Prof Demelssa. The Queen waved her hand as we all rise to show our
respect. She made her speech, I’m not really interested on what she was saying but then her next words
shocked me. “Also, phone calls outside the Institute would just be available in every first Sunday of the
month. We need to tighten our security. Further information will not be disclosed. Thank you!” they
clapped as I worry about my Mother. I won’t be able to contact her. “Is there something wrong?” Pola
asked. “I am worried about my communication towards my Mother, as stated earlier, phone calls will be
deactivated.” Pola looked at Craige and the jerk immediately nodded. “I will be sending letter to your
Mother to assure her your safety..” I breathe heavily as I thank him. We got back to our respective
rooms after that. I arranged my things and was easily fallen asleep right after I took a bath. My routines
are exactly the same every day. Craige and Pola have always been there. Four months have passed and
it was already Winter, Christmas is coming and yet I felt like there was something missing on me I got
back to the reality as Professor Demelssa called for my name, “Ms. Infantes, would you like to share
your thoughts?” I can feel the heat on my face as my classmates curiously looked at me. “As I was saying
class, there will be a task that you’ll be partner to one of your classmate for the rebuilding project of the
Garden of Wonder right after the Winter Season. You will be partner based on your designated seats.
Make sure to impress me, class dismissed!” Craige smirked at me as he mock me, “Stop daydreaming
whenever it’s Prof. Dem’s class, you know her deal. Don’t let her enter your mind.” I answered with pure
sarcasm, “Sure, Mr. Elite Clan what so ever..” he burst into laughter as he continued teasing me.
“Kidding aside, I will be going to Prof. Dem’s office later, she asked me to so you know the deal, yeah?.” I
nodded as I sat on my chair when we got back to our classroom. “See you later, I need to go.” He waved
as I rolled my eyes on him. My heart beats faster whenever he’s near. The feeling of genuine happiness
whenever I’m with him. What was that supposed to mean? After the discussion I was supposed to go to
Pola but I bumped into Craige as I leave the classroom. “What’s gotten into you? Have you seen a
ghost?” I asked. He just stared at me and just pulled me into not so crowded place inside the Institute. I
withdraw my arm unto him. “Are you going nut-“ he cut what was I’m supposed to say. “Care to explain
what’s this?” he was holding my admission paper. “How come you have this ability Ecsae? Are you
somehow related to the higher ups?” my brows furrowed. “What are you talking about, Craige?” I barely
understand him, he’s confusing me. “Listen to me Ecsae, only the Royal Blood have the ability to know
someone’s death just by holding their hand.” I was confused even more. We we’re interrupted when we
heard some noise. I was taken aback when a news about me spread on the whole campus. It’s about me
having the life of a Middle Class. “I need to talk to Ms. Demelssa, will you help me?” Craige smiled as his
lips touched mine. I tremble as I enter Ms. Demelssa’s office. “Let’s wait for your Mother. Any moment
right now, she’ll be here.” My Mom hugged me as soon as she saw me. Ms. Demelssa quickly asked my
Mother things that got me confused. “How’s it going, Kresia?” my Mom responded, “She is now in the
hands of the authority, Ma’am” I can’t even think straight as of the moment as I asked her, “You’re not
my Mother, aren’t you?” the silenced confirmed my thoughts, “That’s all I need to know” I can’t contain
my emotions, it’s like my whole world collapsed. As I ran away from all of them, it was Craige who
followed me and run towards me as I collapsed is my last memory as I close my eyes and it all went
black. I am hearing weird noises as I try to open my eyes. I am at the hospital, as I move my known
Mother awakened. “You’re finally awake, my dear..” my tears fell as I try to process everything that just
happened. “I need you to be strong, I will tell you everything you need to know..” I composed myself as I
listen to her. “Vienida is now on the hands of the authority together with her daughter, Victora. Victora
was the one who leaked your information with the help of her Mother. Vienida needed to cover up her
skeletons in the closet to keep on having the throne that was supposedly yours. She killed your parents.”
My jaw dropped as I my tears keep on falling. “You are the only heir of the late King and Queen Benitez,
Ecsae. Forgive me, my dear. I needed to keep you away from your evil aunt. I together with Ma’am
Demelssa, we gathered evidences to finally bring justice and put Vienida to jail. You are finally free, only
heir of Vontoire.” I stared at her intently, “You are still my Mother, nothing will ever change that. As
soon as I recover I will rule this country. No one should be categorized based on their way of living.”
Craige entered the room and hugged me tight, “You’re finally awake, you made me worried about you..”
I smiled at him, “Can you take me to the Garden of Wonder? How’s it going?” he proudly looked at me,
“It’s doing well as we planned it to be.” As we arrived in the Garden of Wonder, he took my hand, I
smiled. The moment he kissed me for the first time, there I realized that I should control my powers and
not my powers be in control of me. He suddenly kneel down in front of me, “Will you be with me forever
and always?” his eyes were sparkling with glee. “I am much more willing, Craige..” as the fireworks
showed in the sky, we sealed that moment as we kissed, the happiness that he’s bringing is witnessed by
where we have begin.

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