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Psychic Power: may choose one psychic power (Clairvoyance, Divination, Medium,

Psychometry, or Telekinesis). Note that occupational and/or personal interest skill

points should be invested in this skill (see Psychic Powers, page 83).
サイキックパワー:サイキックパワー(透視、占い、霊媒、サイコメトリー)を 1 つ選択することができる。
キル(『サイキックパワー』83 ページ参照)。

Clairvoyance 千里眼
Also known as second sight, clairvoyance enables perception beyond the normal human
senses, allowing the psychic to gain information about an object, person, location,
or physical event. The clairvoyant may sense ghosts and invisible Mythos creatures,
identify the rough whereabouts of a missing object or person, detect whether a
tragic event occurred in a certain place, and so on.
The psychic concentrates for 1D6 rounds, focusing solely on the thing they wish to
know about, spending 1D6+1 magic points in the process, and making a Clairvoyance
roll. If the roll fails, the psychic is unable to determine anything and may
attempt to push the roll (requiring a further spend of 5 magic points). A success
means the psychic is able to perceive some relevant information. The nature and
detail of the information gained are the purview of the Keeper. Often such
information will be vague or incomplete.
If an outside force (another psychic, monster, etc.) does not wish to be “read”
then the difficulty level of the roll is raised. Certain objects may assist in a
reading, such a photograph of a missing person or an object personal to the
clairvoyant hero.
In such situations, the Keeper may reduce the difficulty of the skill roll. If the
psychic reads and senses a Mythos presence, or somehow connects with the alien
intelligence, they must make a Sanity roll, losing the usual amount for that
monster. Other situations may also call for Sanity rolls at the Keeper’s
超能力者は 1D6 ラウンド集中し、知りたいことだけに集中し、その過程で 1D6+1 マジック・ポイントを消費
ことができる(さらに 5 マジック・ポイントを消費する必要がある)。成功した場合、その超能力者は何らか

Divination 占い
Using a ritual (such as tarot cards, crystal dowsing, Ouija board, rune stones,
etc.), the psychic is able to divine the future in some fashion. Usually, this
centers on a specific question, such as, “Is there danger at the house on Ocean
Avenue?” or, “Is Dr. Zarkov alive?” The question should be nswerable with a yes or
a no, with any additional information given at the Keeper’s discretion.
A reading takes 1D10 rounds, costing the psychic 1D6 magic points and requiring a
successful Divination roll.
いるか "などの特定の質問が中心となります。その質問はイエスかノーで答えられるものでなければならず、
占いは 1D10 ラウンドかかり、1D6 マジック・ポイントを消費し、占いのロールに成功する必要がある。

Akin to divination and clairvoyance, a medium is able to communicate with spirits,
perhaps even alien presences.
The medium effectively becomes a channel for an outside intelligence—opening up a
part of their mind to allow the incorporeal spirit to communicate. Often this takes
the form
of the spirit talking through the medium’s mouth but can also manifest as words or
phrases that pop into the medium’s mind.
The medium must spend 1D10 rounds preparing themselves and then a Medium roll is
made to determine if a psychic link is established, with 1D10 magic points spent
(whether the roll is successful or not).
The Keeper arbitrates the nature and content of such psychic conversations. Bear in
mind that outside forces do not always like to be contacted and that, in any event,
conversation is short, lasting only for a few minutes at best.
The unseen world is awash with all manner of incorporeal beings and the medium has
no way of knowing just what they will connect with. If a malevolent presence
hijacks the
situation, the medium may attempt an opposed POW roll to cast out the malignant
entity. If failed, the entity may be able to control the medium’s body for up to
1D10 rounds before the medium falls unconscious and the entity is thrown off.
Such events are likely to call for Sanity rolls.
霊媒は 1D10 ラウンドかけて準備をし、霊的なつながりができたかどうかを判断するためにミディアムロールを
行い、1D10 マジックポイントを消費する(ロールが成功するかどうかにかかわらず)。
かなる場合でも 会話は短く、せいぜい数分程度です。
る由もない。悪意のある存在に乗っ取られた場合 この場合、霊媒はその悪意ある存在を追い出すために、反対
方向の POW ロールを試みることができる。失敗した場合、霊媒は 1D10 ラウンドまで霊媒の身体を支配するこ

Psychometry サイコメトリー
Like a sponge sucking up water, the psychic is able to absorb impressions and
emotions from a physical (non-living) object, such as a book, a house, or a
cigarette case. The reading is able to determine what the object’s owner is (or
was) like, their overriding personality, and perhaps further information.
The psychic must touch the object and spend 1D10 minutes concentrating (they can do
nothing else during this period). At the end of this time, a Psychometry roll is
made and 1D6+4 magic points are spent. Strong emotions come first (sorrow, hatred,
or love), followed by more specific impressions. Some possibilities include:
•If the object was used to murder someone (possibly how long ago and a rough idea
of the location).
• If the object belongs to a person who is already known to the psychic, then the
psychic can confirm the object’s ownership.
• If the object belongs to a person unknown to the psychic, then the psychic can
gain impressions of owner’s sex, body type, and personality.
• Impressions of the object’s history (where it was made, places it has been for a
length of time).
Further information is at the discretion of the Keeper; the information collected
by psychometry should be relatively vague, as its use can unbalance investigations
if not managed by the Keeper.
霊能者はその物体に触れ、1D10 分間集中する必要がある(この間、他のことは何もできない)。この時間の終
わりにサイコメトリーのロールを行い、1D6+4 マジック・ポイントを消費する。強い感情(悲しみ、憎しみ、
- その物体が、すでに霊能者が知っている人物のものである場合、霊能者はその物体の所有者を確認すること
- 所有者が未知の人物である場合、所有者の性別、体型、性格を知ることができる。
- その物が作られた場所や、長い間そこにあった場所など、その物の歴史に関する印象。

Telekinesis テレキネシス
This ability allows the psychic to manipulate objects by the power of their mind.
Usually, this means moving a small physical object for a short distance.
Possible objects include: candlesticks, knives, vases, chairs, plates, rocks,
swords, typewriters, and so on.
The psychic is able to move any inanimate objects that an average person could
easily lift and throw at the cost of 1 magic point per item. The psychic is able to
move such
objects either slowly or quickly, allowing objects to be hurled into opponents
during combat if so desired (see following).
• Outside of combat, the psychic makes a Telekinesis skill roll and spends 1 magic
point to move the object (normally in any direction, for up to 5 meters).
• During combat, the psychic makes a combined Telekinesis and Throw roll and spends
1 magic point. The combined roll must be equal to or under both their Telekinesis
and Throw skills to be successful in terms of a ranged weapon (the roll cannot be
pushed). The target of the attack (if aware) may attempt to Dodge (opposed by the
psychic’s roll). Damage inflicted is commensurate with the nature of the object
thrown (usually 1D4 to 1D6 for small-to-medium sized items).
Telekinesis may also be used to defend against physical attacks, acting as a form
of invisible armor. The psychic must succeed in a Telekinesis roll per attack and
spend 1 magic point to gain 1 point of armor (10 magic points for 10 armor, and so
on). When used in this manner the psychic may not push the roll.

Optional: where a psychic wishes to move an object beyond the capacity of an

average person, such as a car, the cost in magic points is determined by the number
of people it would realistically take to lift and move the object, and the
Telekinesis roll difficulty is increased to Extreme. The object cannot be thrown or
raised-up high, but it can be dragged slowly a short distance (up to 3 meters).
超能力者は、普通の人が簡単に持ち上げたり投げたりできるあらゆる無生物を、1 個につき 1 マジックポイント
- 戦闘外では、テレキネシスのスキルロールを行い、1 マジックポイントを消費してオブジェクトを移動させ
る(通常、任意の方向に 5 メートルまで移動できる)。
- 戦闘中、サイキックはテレキネシスと投擲の複合ロールを行い、1 マジック・ポイントを消費する。この複
常、小型から中型のものでは 1D4 から 1D6)。
攻撃 1 回につきテレキネシスのロールに成功し、1 マジックポイントを消費して 1 ポイントの鎧を得る必要があ
る(10 マジックポイントで 10 鎧、以下同様)。この方法で使用する場合、サイキックはロールを押すことが

易度はエクストリームに増加する。物体を投げたり高く上げたりすることはできないが、短い距離(3m まで)


Ancient wizards, devious mystics, and some monsters (ghosts, spirits, and the like)
can wreak havoc through targeted mind assaults, perhaps even possessing others for
periods of time.
Keepers are advised to reserve psychic attacks and possession for monsters and
villains only. Allowing pulp heroes to use these rules may unbalance the game;
however, for those Keepers eager to allow their players to take advantage of
psychic attacks, some guidance notes are provided.

Psychic attacks consist of a POW vs. POW opposed roll:

• If the attacker overcomes the target’s POW: the target loses 1D10 magic points.
• If the target overcomes the attacker’s POW: the attacker loses 1D10 magic points.
サイキック・アタックと 占有率
ルプヒーローに使用させる このルールは、ゲームのバランスを崩す可能性があります。キーパーは、プレイヤ

サイキック攻撃は、POW 対 POW の対抗ロールで構成されます。

- 攻撃者が対象の POW に打ち勝つと、対象は以下のような損失を受ける。1D10 魔力点。
- 対象が攻撃側の POW に打ち勝った場合:攻撃側 1D10 点の魔法を失う。

Psychic attacks may only take place when the attacker has line of sight upon the
target or is in close proximity (within 10 feet). The psychic combat continues each
round until the target is unconscious, possessed, or either side has fled.
A spirit will flee before it reaches zero magic points, and a wizard will probably
give up well before their magic point reserve is depleted. If the target runs out
of magic points they immediately fall unconscious or become possessed (if that is
the will of the attacker).
Onlookers might notice the target of the attack looking
confused or pained but, otherwise, they will be oblivious to the mental assault
taking place.
Those possessed may be controlled for a period of time,
acting in accordance with the will of the possessor. Usually, this may take the
form of performing a certain action, harming another person, or perhaps harming
oneself. Possession usually lasts for 1D10 hours but may be longer at the Keeper’s
discretion. Those possessed for longer periods may attempt a new POW vs. POW roll
every 8 hours in order to throw out the possessing spirit.
It is believed that certain ghosts who lose spirit combat are obliged to provide
the victor a boon, which could be answering a single question, giving a direction,
or some other piece of information, before departing.
A possessing spirit may be identified by casting the Identify Spirit spell,
dislodged by magical attacks (using spells such as Cast Out The Devil or Dismiss),
or if they are targeted by psychic attack and are reduced to zero magic points, at
which point they immediately vacate the possessed body to return from whence they
サイキック攻撃は、攻撃者がその場にいるときのみ可能です。対象から視線を逸らすか、近接した状態(0.5 秒
以内)で、対象から視線を逸らす。10 フィート)。精神戦は毎ラウンド、次のラウンドまで続く。対象が気絶
精霊はマジックポイントが 0 になる前に逃げ出すだろうし ウィザードはおそらくマジックポイントよりかなり
前にあきらめるでしょう。が枯渇する。対象がマジックポイントを使い果たした場合 即座に意識を失うか、憑
憑依者の意志に従って行動する。通常は これは、特定の行動をする、危害を加える、といった形をとることが
あります。他者、あるいは自らに危害を加える。通常、憑依は 1D10 時間だが、キーパーの判断でこれより長
くなることもある。の裁量で行うことができます。より長い時間憑依された者は 8 時間ごとに新しい POW vs
POW ロールを行い、追い出すことができる。憑依している霊
除(例) 悪魔を追い出す、退散させるなど)、またはターゲットにされた場合は サイキック攻撃を受け、マジ
ックポイントが 0 になると、その時点で 憑依された身体から即座に離脱して戻ってくる。ということになる。

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