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Understanding Culture, Society 11/12
and Politics


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
Cultural, Social, and Political
Development Team
Writers: Clarisse C. Raval Mac Alwin Z. Tacang
Editors/Reviewers: Rhonel S. Bandiola Richard A. Hapa
Roxy G. Gaoiran
Lay-out Artist: Bryll B. Atienza
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Imelda Fatima G. Hernaez

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
What I Need to Know

What this module is about?

This module is a SELF-PACED learning material for you to continue your studies
in the comfort and safety of your home.

This module presents knowledge on the social, cultural, and political changes of the
society, the causes and sources of these changes. With the onset of technology, globalization,
and modernization, the contemporary society. It contains interesting discussion that will guide
you in understanding these concepts. Activities are found in every lesson to test your
understanding and to help you retain better what you have learned.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies

What you are expected to learn?

After going through the module, you are expected to:

✓ evaluate factors causing social, political and cultural change;
✓ advocate how human societies should adapt to changes;
✓ analyze the causes and sources of social changes; and
✓ identify new challenges faced by human population.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
What I Know

Pre-test: Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1) Social change refers to the

A. qualities specific to social and interest groups, social classes, and human
social structures.
B. significant modification or alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including
C. use of new techniques to achieve desired ends.
D. number of people that continuously increasing/decreasing in some countries.

2) It is the driving force behind globalization.

A. Modernization
B. Population
C. Environment
D. Technology

3) It refers to changes made in cultural elements, both material and non-material.

A. Political Change
B. Social Change
C. Cultural Change
D. All of the above

4) It refers to the process of increased differentiation and specialization within a

society, primarily around its industry and infrastructure.
A. Environment
B. Population
C. Modernization
D. Technology

5) Political change happens when there is a

A. significant disruption in a government that leads to new or modified
leadership or policies.
B. significant modification or alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including
C. changes made in cultural elements, both material and non-material.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
D. qualities specific to social and interest groups, social classes, and human
social structures.

6) Many Filipino millennial begin to speak and dress like their KPOP idol but they can
still retain their Filipino culture, this is an example of?
A. Assimilation
B. Cultural Diffusion
C. Acculturation
D. Innovation

7) These are the causes of social change.

A. Modernization and Technology
B. Social Institutions, Environment and Population
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

8) There are instances that a new idea somehow may lead to innovation, but instead,
it can disturb patterns and relationships between people, likewise, the
encountering of other cultures may lead to _________ and __________.
A. triumph; harmony
B. triumph; conflict
C. tensions; harmony
D. tensions; conflict

9) All are ssources of cultural, social and political changes except

A. innovation
B. relationship
C. cultural diffusion
D. acculturation

10) Which of the following is not an example of cultural diffusion?

A. Coca-Cola products are found all over the world.
B. China invented the first mechanical clock and soon that technology spread
throughout other cultures.
C. People in the United States celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
D. Cebuano’s celebrate Sinulog every 3rd Sunday of January.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12

What’s In

Activity 1.1: The Changes in My Life

Directions. In the box below, show information about the big changes in your
life and in your community caused by the pandemic. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Processing Question:
How do you think these changes affect you and your community?

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
What is It


Any shift in various aspects of the society means change. Social change refers
to the significant modification or alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including culture.
Social change also means any significant shift or modification in the lifestyle of the
society that affects the major portion of the population that brings about pattern of
behavior. It may be brought about by cultural, religious, economic, scientific, or
technological forces.
“Staying at home in the “new normal” because of covid-19 are the best
examples for this. Any change of what we perceived as a normal thing in our lives,
may it be intentional or not, may lead to social change.
Cultural change refers to changes made in cultural elements, both material
and non-material.

Political change is when there is a significant disruption in a government that

leads to new or modified leadership or policies.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
According to Thomas Friedman, American political commentator and author,
technology is the driving force behind globalization. People get connected all over the
world through technology. Technologically advanced countries are on the rise.
Technology contributes a lot to the modernization in the fields of medicine, agriculture,
manufacturing, and other industries. Life has been made easier through technology.
But it can’t be denied that while technology has given so much comfort to us, there is
also its downside. To name a few, it helps widen the gap between the technology savvy
and those who are not. It can also bring security risk in terms on data privacy issues,
online scam, online hacking, phishing, systems failure, and the like.
Social Institutions
Social institutions are established sets of norms and subsystems in a society.
Societies are composed of different sectors and each sector carries out specific tasks.
Each sector also has different responsibilities that contribute to the normal functioning
of the society. Each change in a single social institution, also leads to changes in all
other institutions. For instance, the change in technology has led to changes in other
social institutions. The introduction of machineries to be used in factories has led to a
change in the acquisition of the workforce where there are only few individuals are
needed to run an industry than in a manual work set-up.
A change in population in the composition of every level in the society leads to
social change. Regardless, whether the population increases or decreases, for sure it
has a great impact of all aspects in the society.
A population change may affect the environment and the natural resources.
Likewise, a change in the environment will also affect the people and the society.
Because of the changes in the population (increase), people will now be using all the
natural resources available. The way human interacts with the environment and the
way members of the population utilize the resources aggravate the impact of those
natural disasters.
It may also be considered as atypical result of social change. It refers to the
process of increased differentiation and specialization within a society, primarily
around its industry and infrastructure.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
What’s New

Activity 1.2: Cause and Effect

Directions: Show and explain the causes and effects of social change. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Social Change

Cause # 1 Cause # 2 Cause # 3 Cause # 4 Cause # 5

(effect) (effect) (effect) (effect) (effect)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12

What is It


It is the use of new techniques
to achieve desired ends. It also
refers to changing or creating more
effective processes and ideas. This
is the process of translating a new
idea into something that can create


Cultural Diffusion
This is the spread of culture including aspects such as clothing and food, from
one group to another, typically as a result of making contact with a new group for the
first time. When one culture begins to adopt elements (clothing, food, religion,
costume, song, dance, language, etc.) of another culture, then cultural diffusion
happens. Filipinos experience cultural diffusion when KPOP was first introduced in the
Philippines. The concept of
KPOP music and K drama
was new to us at that time.


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
It is a process where a
minority (small group of people)
adopts the cultural aspects of
the majority (large group of
people) without losing its own
traditions and customs. Looking
back to our previous example
about KPOP, many Filipino
millennial begin to speak and
dress like their KPOP idol but
they can still retain their Filipino Source:
It is a process whereby
people of a culture learn to adapt
to the ways of the majority
culture. There is a loss of the
minority’s own culture as more
value is given to the cultural
aspects of the majority.

What’s More

Activity 2: Changes That Matter

Directions. Identify at least five (5) cultural, social and political changes that you
have observed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________
WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
4. ______________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________


What’s New


Source: \

Social contradictions and tensions apply only to humans. There are instances
that a new idea somehow may lead to innovation, but instead, it can disturb patterns
and relationships between people, likewise, the encountering of other cultures may
lead to tensions and conflict.
Inter-ethnic conflict is an armed conflict between different ethnic groups.
When two or more ethnic groups meet because they are occupying or living in the
same territory, there are so many possibilities that may arise. One of these is
misunderstanding between these groups that would likely lead to conflict and would
result to war.
WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
Political violence can be the result not only of ethnic conflict but also of class
conflict. In political science, political violence is also seen as a manifestation of
aggressive politics, and it includes revolutions, civil war, riots, strikes, and peaceful
protest movements. Two of the more serious forms of political violence are revolution
and terrorism.
Revolution involves a public seizure of the state with the main goal of
overturning the existing political structures. Revolutions involve the public, and are
usually attended by rapid, structural changes that usually involve the use of violence.
Terrorism occurs when nonstate actors use violence against civilians to
achieve their political goals.
Gender issue is also a source of social contradictions and tensions. The issue
on gender equality has been a subject on social discussions for quite some time up to
the present. Gender equality refers to a view that all genders, including men and
women, should receive equal treatment, and therefore should not be discriminated
against based on their gender. UNICEF (United Nations children’s Fund) describes
gender equality as “women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights,
resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or
women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.

What’s More

Activity 3: Do You Agree?

Directions. Do you agree that all social changes are positive? Explain your answers
on a separate sheet paper.





WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12


Activity 4: Essay

Directions. Due to cultural, social and political change, relationships have

changed, institutions have changed, and cultural norms have changed. Change is
always happening, as the famous saying goes, “Change is the only thing permanent
in this world.”. We accept change as inevitable. In a clean sheet of paper, write an essay
about the impact of cultural, social and political change in your identity as an individual and
how you can adapt to these changes.


Post-test: Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1) It is the driving force behind globalization.

A. Modernization
B. Population
C. Environment
D. Technology

2) There are instances that a new idea somehow may lead to innovation, but instead,
it can disturb patterns and relationships between people, likewise, the
encountering of other cultures may lead to _________ and __________.
A. triumph; harmony
B. triumph; conflict
C. tensions; harmony
WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
D. tensions; conflict

3) Political change happens when there is a

A. significant disruption in a government that leads to new or modified
leadership or policies.
B. significant modification or alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including
C. changes made in cultural elements, both material and non-material.
D. qualities specific to social and interest groups, social classes, and human
social structures.

4) Social change refers to the

A. qualities specific to social and interest groups, social classes, and human
social structures.
B. significant modification or alteration in the lifestyle of a society, including
C. use of new techniques to achieve desired ends.
D. number of people that continuously increasing/decreasing in some countries.

5) It refers to the process of increased differentiation and specialization within a

society, primarily around its industry and infrastructure.
A. Environment
B. Population
C. Modernization
D. Technology

6) It refers to changes made in cultural elements, both material and non-material.

A. Political Change
B. Social Change
C. Cultural Change
D. All of the above

7) Which of the following is not an example of cultural diffusion?

A. Coca-Cola products are found all over the world.
B. China invented the first mechanical clock and soon that technology spread
throughout other cultures.
C. People in the United States celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
D. Cebuano’s celebrate Sinulog every 3rd Sunday of January.

8) Many Filipino millennial begin to speak and dress like their KPOP idol but they can
still retain their Filipino culture, this is an example of?
A. Assimilation
B. Cultural Diffusion
C. Acculturation
D. Innovation

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
9) These are the causes of social change
A. Modernization and Technology
B. Social Institutions, Environment and Population
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

10) All are ssources of cultural, social and political changes except
A. Iinnovations
B. relationship
C. cultural diffusion
D. acculturation

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
Answer Key

What I Know What’s More

(Pre-test) (Activity 3)
1) B Answers may vary
2) D
3) C What I Have Learned
4) A (Activity 4)
5) A Answers may vary
6) C
7) C Assessment
8) D (Post-test)
9) B 1) D
10) D 2) D
3) A
What’s In 4) B
(Activity 1.1) 5) A
Answers may vary 6) C
7) D
What’s New 8) C
(Activity 1.2) 9) C
Answers may vary 10) B

What’s More
(Activity 2)
Answers may vary

Baleṅa, Ederlina et. al. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (pp. 161-
179). Quezon City: Educational Resources Corporation.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division
Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City, 2900
Contact Number: (077)-771-3678
Email Address:

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12

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