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The new set of regulations was published in the Government Gazette

Religious gatherings of not more than 50 people were allowed and
1 religious organisations should, where possible, convene through virtual
2 Place of worship must be deep sanitized before any gaqtherings may
3 All religious services may not exceed two hours with a 30-minute
intermission between services.
4 No-one should be allowed to join the gatherings without a face mask
covering their nose and mouth.
Every worshipper entering a place of worship should be screened for
5 Covid-19 symptoms and should inform leaders whether they suffer
from body aches, loss of smell or loss of taste, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhoea or fatigue.
Those who presented these symptoms MUST not be allowed in a
6 place of worship and if already in the place of worship, they should be
Religious leader should ensure that there is no physical contact
7 between worshippers. Singing of hymns should be limited to solo
performances or pre-recorded performances.
Where the religious activity, such as preaching or leading worship
8 cannot be performed with face masks, the distance between people
must be increased to 2.5m.
Religious leaders should ensure that all hand sanitisers should contain
at least 70% alcohol content and that there should be sufficient
9 quantities of sanitisers available. All surfaces and equipment should be
cleaned before and after religious activities. There should be no
sharing of equipment or objects.
No substance or liquid may be shared between worshippers and any
10 person older than 60 and those with co-morbidities are encouraged to
continue worshipping at home.
A place of worship should keep a register with full names, addresses
11 and contact details of those in attendance. The register must be
retained for at least six months.
Requirements for religious gatherings Y/N/NA Comment
1 Have you taken action to ensure that-
- Religious gatherings of not more than 50 persons are allowed.
Religious organisations should, where possible, convene services through virtual platforms
- (online and social media).
All religious services may not exceed 2 hours with a 30-minute intermission between
- services;
2 Health and Safety measures at places of worship
a Has your congrigation leader in charge ensured that-
- Every person entering a place of worship wears a face mask covering the nose and mouth;
A plan is developed for gatherings at your place of worship which incorporates measures set
- out in these directions and the Regulations;
Protocols are developed and maintained on how you will ensure that there are no more than
- 50 persons within the place of worship at a time;
b Have you implemented the following health and safety measures:
Screening every person entering the place of worship for symptoms associated with COVID-
- 19, namely fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, or difficulty in breathing;
Requirement for every person to report whether they suffer from any of the following
- additional symptoms such as body aches, loss of smell or loss of taste, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, fatigue, weakness or tiredness;
Requirment for every person to immediately inform your religious leader or person in charge
- of the religious activity if they experience any of the symptoms referred to above while at the
place of worship;
Requirement If a person is already at your place of worship, and the screening points at
possible infection, to immediately isolate the person, and assist the person, to make
- arrangements to be transported, in a manner that does not place other persons or members
of the public at risk, for a medical examination and testing;
Developed an assessment of the risk of transmission and proceduresto disinfect the area
- and, refer those persons who may be at risk for screening and take any other appropriate
measure to prevent possible transmission;
Obtained from the person who is to be isolated, the contact details, including name, address
- and telephone numbers of the people they have been in contact with since entering the place
of worship;
A requirement for persons who has tested positive for COVID-19 to immediately inform your
- religious leader of any religious activity he or she has participated in, 14 days prior to the
positive test result;
3 Social distancing
a Have your leader charge of the place of worship taken action to ensure that-
- There is no physical contact between persons at the place of worship;
- There is a minimum of one and a half metres between persons;
- All social distancing measures and health protocols are adhered to at all times;
Singing of hymns is limited to solo performances, or pre-recorded performances during the
- religious service or activity;
Where the religious activity, such as preaching or leading worship, cannot be performed
- with face masks, the distance between persons must be increased to 2,5 meters;
4 Personal Protection
a Have you ensured that-
- Wearing of face masks is compulsory for the duration of any religious activity;
- No personal contact may not be performed during any religious activity;
Any person counting offerings or gifts must sanitise their hands during and after the counting
- of offerings and must not touch his or her face during the process;
5 Sanitisers, disinfectants and other measures
a Have you ensured that -
That hand sanitiser have at least 70% alcohol content. or a generic alternative with a similar
- sanitising effect, which is in accordance with the recommendations of the Department of
That there are sufficient quantities of hand sanitiser available at the entrance of place of
- worship, which all attendees are required to use; and
- There are facilities for the washing of hands with water and soap.
b Have you implement the following measures to ensure-
That all surfaces and equipment are cleaned before and after religious activities to ensure
- that the place of worship is sanitised before the next religious activity commences;
- That there is no sharing of equipment, objects or religious scriptures;
That all areas such as toilets, common areas, door handles, electronic equipment and
- objects are sanitised as regularly as possible as required in the circumstances to spread of
6 Health Protocols for Places of worship
a Have you ensured that-
- Seating arrangements, are compliant with social distancing requirements
- All attendees have been informed about the dangers of COVID -19 and how to prevent it.
- Social activities before and after the sevice is not allowed
- No substance or liquid is shared between persons
Persons over the age of 60 and persons with comorbidities are encouraged to continue
- worshiping at home.
Funeral services conducted are limited to 50 persons in line with the restriction on funerals as
- per the Regulations.
A register is kept with the following details of each person attending the activity which must
- be retained for a period of not less than 6 months:
a.     Full names;
b.     Residential address;
c.     Cell number, telephone number or e-mail;
d.     Contact details of persons living in the same residence as the person attending the
religious activity.

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