Daily Test English

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Daily test English subject for grades 1-3

Multiple choice!

1. There is a ............................. in the living room.

a. Clock b. lamp c. Vase

2. Jasmine : What is it?

Rio : It is .....................?

a. Curtain b. Tables c. Picture

3. I have ..................................

a. Ten window b. Two window c. Three curtain

4. My father is reading a .......................... in the living room.

a. Magezine b. Book c. Newspaper

5. Ada sebuah lampu

In English is ....................

a. There is a lamp b. Threre is a picture c. There is a table

6. a. Carpet b. Sofa c. Table

7. Tidak ada majalah di ruang tamu.

In English is..............................

a. There is not table in the living room

b. There is not magazine in the living room

c. There is not telephone in the living room

8. Chika : what is that?

Jordi : that is tap.

a. b. c.

9. There is a .................... in the bathroom.

a. Tooth paste b. Mirror c. Soap

10. I have ......................

a. Three tap b. four tissue c. One dipper

11. There are four dipper.

a. b. c.

12. There are eight mirror in the bathroom.

a. Ada delapan kaca di kamar mandi

b. Ada tujuh gayung di kamar mandi

c. Ada dua tisu di kamar mandi

13. There is a sink in the bathroom.

a. Ada sebuah wastafel di kamar mandi

b. Ada dua wastafel di kamar mandi

c. Ada tiga wastafel di kamar mandi

14. a. Tooth paste b. three tooth paste c. Dipper

15. a. Bath tube b. Towel c. Sink


1. There ( are/is )....................................... two towels.

2. There are ( lima ) ....................................... soaps in the bathroom.
3. (Ada) ............................................. five mirrors in the bathroom.
4. T .... ..... th B.... u ...... h
5. D ... p ... e .....
6. Rina : What is that?
Teguh : ................ is sofa.
7. (Tidak ada) ...................................... vase in the living room.
8. Jendela in English is ...................................
9. Tirai in English is .........................................
10. My mother is reading (majalah) ............................. in the living room.

Good luck!!!

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