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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


1. What is the topic of the movie?

ANSWER: The topic of the movie is Noli Me Tangere
2. Who are the main characters in the movie? Who are the protagonist and antagonist?
ANSWER: The main character in the movie:
 Juan Crisóstomo Ibarra y Magsalin (Ibarra) is also known as Ibarra, is a Filipino-
Spanish descendent of Don Rafael Ibarra, a wealthy Spaniard. He was born and raised
in the Philippines but spent seven years studying in Europe during his adolescence.
He was unaware of what was going on in his country throughout those years. When
he returned to the Philippines, he discovered that his father had died, and that his body
had been transported to a Chinese cemetery (allegedly) (but the body ended up in a
river). He had heard stories about how helpful and nice his father was, and he was
determined to respect his father's memory by following in his footsteps.
 María Clara de Los Santos y Alba is the setting's most powerful yet weakest female
character. When it comes to Noli, the name María Clara conjures up images of the
ideal Filipino woman. The novel's central female character is María Clara. She is
Capitán Tiago's and Doa Pa Alba's daughter. Doa Pa died while giving birth to María
Clara. Tya Isabél, Capitán Tiago's cousin, guided and supervised the underprivileged
child's development. Since childhood, Mara Clara has been Ibarra's beloved. Capitán
Tiago sent María Clara to the Beaterio de Santa Clara while Ibarra was traveling in
Europe, where she grew into a charming woman under the strict supervision of the
Catholic sisters.
 Dámaso Verdolagas (also known as Padre Dámaso, Padre Damaso, or Father
Damaso) was a Franciscan priest who served as the curate of San Diego's parish
church. He served as curate for nearly two decades before being succeeded by Padre
Salvi, who was significantly younger. Padre Damaso was well-known among the
Ibarras, so Crisóstomo was taken aback by what the former curate had done to Don
 One of the most prominent characters in Noli is Don Anastacio, also known as
Filósofo Tacio (Philosopher Tasyo). On the one hand, he is described to as a
philosopher/sage (thus the name Pilosopo Tasyo) because his thoughts were in tune
with the townspeople's brains. On the other hand, if his thoughts ran counter to
popular opinion, he was labelled the Imbecile Tacio (or Tasyong Sintu-sinto) or
Lunatic Tacio (Tasyong Baliw).
 Eliás belonged to a family that had been subjugated for generations by the Ibarra
dynasty. He was up in a well-to-do family until he came across something that forever
changed his life. Despite the fact that Ibarra's family oppressed him, he owes him
nothing. In addition, when they attempted to kill a crocodile, Ibarra saved Elas' life.

Keep excellence burning.

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


 Doa Victorina de los Reyes de Espadaa is the woman who pretended to be a meztisa
(a Spanish woman born in the Philippines) and dreamed of marrying a Spaniard,
which she did when she married Don Tiburcio. Because of her strange looks, vicious
personality, and passionate rivalry with Donya Consolacion, she was feared by
everyone in the village. Don Tiburcio turned out to be a disliked character for her.
Despite the fact that she was in love with Kapitan Tiago, she forced herself to marry

 Narcisa is the mother of two children, Basilio and Crispin, and is married to Pedro.
She portrays a mother's unconditional love for her child in the Philippines. Crispin
was arrested and sent to the jail after being held captive for days by Mang Tasyo, the
sacristy's owner. She was pardoned and released one day later by the town of Alferez.
Basilio was also gone when she arrived home. She went insane when she saw
Crispin's blood-soaked garments, and she's still looking for her children. Basilio
laments his mother's death under the tree at the novel's conclusion.

 Doña Consolacíon, the Civil Guards Museum's muse and Alférez's wife, was a
laundry worker for the town of Alferez at one time. After marrying a Spaniard, she
became extremely wealthy. Despite being rivals with Donya Victorina, they are very
PROTAGONIST: Juan Crisóstomo Ibarra y Magsalin, commonly referred to in the novel as
Ibarra or Crisóstomo, is the novel's protagonist. The mestizo (mixed-race) son of Filipino
businessman Don Rafael Ibarra, he studied in Europe for seven years. Ibarra is also María
Clara's fiancé.
ANTAGONIST: Dámaso Verdolagas (also known as Padre Dámaso, Padre Damaso, or
Father Damaso) was a Franciscan priest who served as the curate of San Diego's parish
church. He served as curate for nearly two decades before being succeeded by Padre Salvi,
who was significantly younger. Padre Damaso was well-known among the Ibarras, so
Crisóstomo was taken aback by what the former curate had done to Don Rafaél.
 Padre Damaso was a typical arrogant, immoral, and anti-Filipino dictatorial friar
during Rizal's time.

Keep excellence burning.

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


3. Name two or more characters you believe greatly influenced Crisostomo Ibarra's life
and perspective.
 Maria Clara
 Pilosopo Tasyo
 Elias
 Doña Victorina
 Sisa
 Doña Consolacion
4. Cite two or more scenes from the movie that you feel are still happening at present.
 ANSWER: The Philippines today, with 110 million people and whose wealth is in
the hands of less than one percent of the population, still suffers from the social
cancer that Rizal denounced in his masterpieces, the Noli and the El Fili. The poor are
still suffering from institutional and structural social injustice.
 Freedom in Noli Me Tangere for me means having power as those people with rank
can do things freely even those cruel things. The lack of freedom is portrayed by the
Spaniards being so controlling over the Filipinos which is different from today. There
are no Spaniards controlling us, we finally have freedom but there are still
similarities. Some with ranks today are doing bad things.

5. Do you think the movie benefits students studying Rizal's writings? Why or why not?
ANSWER: As a student studying Rizal’s writing is important because, many people in
today's generation have never heard much about Jose Rizal, which is why it is so important
for us to know everything about him! If we don't study his life and works, we will never truly
get to know who he was or why he was such a part of our lives because even though he died
over 83 years ago, many Filipinos still make references from him. Today! Acting with
knowing all this information allows us to appreciate and understand the views of Jose Rizal
on his people, life, society and government.
Rizal is an icon, and he will always be remembered as someone who peacefully fought for
freedom. He was a great leader throughout his whole life! His writing influenced many
Filipinos because it reflected what they were feeling and thinking at that time. His writing
was inspirational because it enabled the Filipinos to think in ways they had never thought of
before. He opened their minds to different ideas, he helped them see what they didn't have
yet, and he made them feel like they could make a difference in this world.
Rizal is a hero, and his life was not only about studying but also about learning the
importance of family, love and country/motherland! He wanted Filipinos to awaken their
minds to the problems of life and learn to make better choices. He wanted them to learn that
it is essential for everyone to have a job to feed their families, give their children a good
education and still have money to buy things that will improve their lives.

Keep excellence burning.

Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
If you know about his life, you won't see him asOF
writer, but you will see him as an
inspiration to fight for what is right and treat all people equally and with respect.


Keep excellence burning.

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