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Academic Vocabulary: AWL/Group 2

Write 1 sentence with each collocation below. Example: I enjoy studying despite the
changed circumstances.

a) changed circumstances
I prefer to study in the University under the changed circumstances because I have the
opportunity to watch again the Podcats.

b) the core areas of someone’s studies


The core areas of my study is related to Climate Change and Economics

c) the precise location of


Two weeks ago I had one meeting in the University of Bern with my advisor professor.
Unfortunately, I did not know the precise location of Oechsger Centre.

d) register for

I decided to register for English level B2 course because I should improve my skills in
English and I was one suggestion of my advisor professor.

e) use a technique
To learn a language I used to write every word with the meaning in flash cards

f) integrate somebody/something into something


When I was in Germany between 2016-2017, I decided to integrate myself into the german
culture because I think that there is one linkage between culture and language.

g) draw a parallel with sth


I used data of two investments in Stata program, after to open the file I drew a parallel line,
which described the effect what could cause other variables in the econometric model.

h) the retention of (information)


There are different techniques to the retention of information but one of the most important
for me is to take notes of clarifications
i) alter considerably (=change a lot)

The greenhouse effect alters considerably the atmosphere.

j) at someone’s discretion (=according to what sb wants)


Some books of the library may be issued at the discretion of the professor who wrote the

k) facilitate learning (=help learning)


Every Tuesday my professor of English facilitate learning

l) genetically modified (=changed)

/dʒəˌnetɪkli ˈmɒdɪfaɪd/

Recent studies have revealed that some bananas trees had been genetically modified by
scientist to increase its production.

m)) in a ratio of /ˈreɪʃiəʊ/

The regression does not give us the value of one variable but gives us the ratio of the land

n) form strong bonds with


The bonds formed with my boy friends have increased recently

o) a high incidence of

The exposure to the air pollution gives us a high incidence of getting cardiovascular
p) minimum wage
/ˌmɪnɪməm ˈweɪdʒ/

The minimum wage in my country is around 400$

q) outside the scope of


My research idea by the environmental epidemiology was outside of the scope of my starting focus

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