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How to Write a Summary: A Guide

Yes No
Do you have to mention all major points of the text? x 
Can you use sentences from the original text?  x
Can you use phrases from the original text?  x
Can you use words from the original text?  x (only
technical terms and names of people)

Does the structure of the text matter? x 

Does it need to be a coherent text? x 
Do you need to write in formal English? x 
Can you use contractions?  x

How to Write a Summary: A Checklist

Content and organization:
Have I covered all major points? 
Have I avoided plagiarism? 
Have I structured my text logically? 
Have I joined both the sentences and the paragraph properly? 
Vocabulary and grammar:
Is my text formal enough? 
Is my vocabulary appropriate for the task? 
Have I used the right tenses, and have I used them correctly? 
Does the subject agree with the verb in each sentence? 
Is the word order correct in my sentences? 
Have I avoided contractions? 
Have I proofread the text for spelling mistakes? 

EUS 2 Dr. Orsolya Serkédi

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