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Role of the Media

Article · March 2021

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_277-1


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2 authors:

Salvin Paul Maheema Rai

Sikkim University Sikkim University


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Role of the Media and organizations, which are engaged in securing

human rights. Today printing has become highly
Salvin Paul and Maheema Rai sophisticated and the print media, namely, news-
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies and paper, weeklies, and monthlies, use these modern
Management, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India printing presses which are capable of printing
very fast. Computers have further improved print-
Keywords ing operations, thus making print media indis-
pensable part to society. In the present era of
Media · Human rights · Peace and security
globalization and media explosion, one cannot
restrict themselves to the boundaries of traditional
media. As a result the law governing them has
been increasing. The information and views com-
municated through these media have great impact
Media plays a catalytic role in transforming the
on the attitudes and problems of the people. Due
society in a globalized world. World in recent
to mass media, the range and amount of informa-
years has undergone rapid changes in all spheres
tion available to the people has vastly increased,
due to the impact of media. These changes have
resulting in protecting their human rights if there
also influenced and significantly transformed the
is any violation. Mass media create an impact by
mass media system too. We are living in such a
playing a role as change agent, reflector, and rein-
society where instantaneous availability of infor-
force policies, law protecting their rights. Media
mation, facts, and knowledge is possible due to
plays a major role in protecting human rights in
the information and communication technologies.
the world.
Role of media in understanding the spatial and
temporal aspects of social life is beyond compre-
hension as the influence of media is increasing day
Defintion of Media
by day. The Internet and new social media have
overcome the difficulties faced by the conven-
Media is one of the medium of communications
tional media in time and space. Media plays a
that have brought the world into one single unit.
major role in protecting human rights in the
As the word media derives from the Latin medium
world. It educates people to make aware of their
that means in the middle. The media refers to
human rights, suggests how they can solve their
traditional mass communication system and con-
problems and thus empower them to protect their
tent generators as well as other technologies for
rights. Media gives publicity to the individuals
mediated human speech. This would include
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
S. Romaniuk et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies,
2 Role of the Media

traditional publishing (newspapers, periodicals, or everyone had their own share of media related
books), traditional electronic media exposure every day.
(broadcasting, broadband, cable, or satellite), One of the foremost sources of information
motion pictures, video gaming, recorded music, earlier was the print media. The first printed news-
advertising, and adaptations of the Internet for any paper appeared in Beijing, China, in the eighth
of these media (Hoag 2008). Information and century A.D. In India, the first newspaper Hicky’s
messages are transferred from the sender to the Bengal Gazette appeared in English and edited
receiver through a certain channel, known as and published by James Augustus Hicky, an
media. In the form of a spoken, written, or printed ex-employee of the East India Company on
word or any sign, medium is what conveys a January 29, 1780 (Vilanilam 2005). Traditionally
meaning. These could be coded in the form of the term print media refers to the distribution of
electronic message. Besides this scientific under- printed works. It includes newspaper, magazines,
standing of the concept of media, there is a current booklets, barouches, house magazine, periodicals
common parlance of it, as a process or instrument or newsletters, direct mailers, handbills or flyers,
designed to reach a large number of consumers as billboard, press releases, books, etc. Print media
audience, readers, or viewers. In the common like newspapers and magazines influence people
parlance, “media” and “mass media” are used such as politicians and policy makers who often
almost interchangeably. The term “media” was turn to print media for their news, intended to
first used with the advent of newspapers and mag- reach general public.
azines (Pushparaj 2014). The second is the electronic media that is kind
The media works as the tools that publicize of media which requires the user to utilize an
information and entertainment to a large and vast electric connection to access it. It is also known
number of populations. A number of Internet- as broadcast media. It includes television, radio,
based newspapers, journals, and periodicals have and telephones, etc. The invention of electronic
already made their presence felt (Kumar 2008). media was a turning point in the history of com-
The web newspapers are becoming increasingly munication process (Lee 2009). The third is the
popular. And the net editions of almost all the social media or can be called as new media. The
major newspapers are as popular as their print emergence of Internet and mobile technology, a
editions. Mass media have helped in creating new way of news dissemination, started taking
social awareness and have also provided people place. Today there are a number of social media
with an easy way of living life (Rajan 2011). Thus, sites in the form of blogs, social networks, micro-
media refers various means of communication, its blogs, forums, wikis, photos, audio and video
aim to reach a very large population, such as the sharing. Hjarvard (2013) opines that due to the
entire population of country. advancement in technology, it is not only the
journalists who become the news distributers.
Anyone can publish news and opinions on the
Types of Media Internet and on the social networking media.
Social media use web and mobile technologies
Media is devices of the communication which is to make communication as an interactive dialogue
useful to communicate and interact with a large (Mathur 2012). It allows the people with little
number of audiences in various languages. One knowledge about the technology to create and
cannot separate himself from media. Media is share content (Dar 2011). Social media are a
used for the entertainment, communication and group of web-based applications that enable peo-
dissemination of information, advertising, mar- ple to create and exchange information, pictures,
keting, and for expressing and sharing views, videos, and social booking.
opinion, and ideas. There are different types of Social media is one area of communication that
media that are accustomed to the day and age. allows one to share views and opinions. A major
Whether its children, young people, or adults, point of difference between social media and
Role of the Media 3

conventional media is that the former allows everything including human rights. In addition to
instant responses, which is critical in moments of just processing information, the media are political
conflict. However, uncontrolled and irresponsible and moral agents, deciding to highlight a particular
usage of this media is a great danger to the society story, taking clear editorial positions, and calling
(Baruah and Upadhyaya 2014). for something to be done. Media are the carriers of
information generated by human rights organiza-
tions like NGOs, national human right commis-
Media as a Source of Information sions, etc.: they act as the most powerful
gatekeepers between these organizations and the
In the contemporary world, media plays an impor- wider public. Whether mounting a campaign on a
tant role as a source of information about every- particular issue or publishing a report about a par-
thing including human rights, as for most people ticular country or appealing for fund, organizations
television, radio, and newspapers are their only channel their information through the selective fil-
source of information. Media possess a power to ter of the media (International Council on Human
select issues and events in the world we got to Rights Policy 2002, p. 36). Media has proved the
know about, they decide what constitute news, power it holds in building up public opinion on
they filter and frame issues, they contextualize different subject matters. The pen is mightier than
the problem, they set the political agenda, and the sword goes an old proverb which has been
they create both the consciousness and on matters proved since the advent of writing and develop-
that include human rights (International Council ment of media (Patricia McFadden 1998).
on Human Rights Policy 2002).
In a democracy, public opinion formation is
critical in making and breaking governments and
Media as Peace and Security Instrument
can influence the policy decisions drastically. This
large consumer base coupled with the right to
The social responsibility that lies on media today
freedom of press – the mother of all freedoms –
is not just confined to the traditional idea of trans-
makes media a very powerful entity in a country.
mitting news and entertainment. It has tremen-
It can make and unmake individuals and institu-
dous power in going beyond these basic
tions. It can also build and break societies (Sawant
responsibilities and reaching out to society in
1998). Over the last 20 years media have made
achieving positive peace, which shall be one of
great changes. Accessibility of media is one of the
the main goals of media. Media are often blamed
revolutions of our times. Availability of news on
for becoming active in a conflict situation for their
computers and mobiles empowers people with
commercial gains. But media are powerful entity
updates on-the-go. Press and electronic media
that can be made use of, for constructive purposes
are also easily accessible due to their association
especially in resolving and transforming dreaded
with the Internet that helps people to connect
ethnic conflicts so as to find lasting peace in a
anywhere in the world at any time (Kant 2012).
conflict-ridden society. Although there are many
The role of any media new or old is to effectively
NGOs that are working towards the same goal,
deliver information. It means providing the right
media are in an advantageous position to achieve
information to the right people at the right time.
this goal, because they have the power to influ-
New communication opportunities can keep indi-
ence the attitude and behavior of the people and
viduals to be more informative and sensible for
are able to reach out to a large number of audience
their own rights and duties as well. The new
at the same time. The role of media in security is
communication technology can create a media-
not just to project the developing activities in a
literate public (Sarma 2014).
particular area but to offer a comprehensive pic-
The media are generators and source of infor-
ture, encompassing all aspects of the policies of
mation: out here reporters gather, process, and pre-
the country (Hali 2003).
sent most of the information we receive about
4 Role of the Media

Today, electronic media is the most effective media can help in to protect the people with albi-
and powerful means of mass motivation. A nation nism in Tanzania, as this albinism is a rare genetic
not motivated enough to withstand the aggression condition which affects the pigment in the eyes,
cannot aspire to preserve its freedom, faith, and hair, and skin. The most common and most severe
ideology for long. On the other hand, strong moti- type in sub-Saharan Africa is ocular albinism
vated people cannot be forced to abandon their which gives people white hair, pink skin, low
struggle against heavy odds. It is for this aspect of vision or blindness and a greater susceptibility to
unique coverage and impact that the electronic skin cancer. People with albinism in Africa face a
media can be geared up effectively to promote range of prejudices and social stigmas. They are
and expand security awareness among the people often dismissed as belonging to another race, or as
at large (Hussain 2008). Media remains an impor- ghosts or spirits. In East Africa, adults and chil-
tant component of statecraft, not only for one dren with albinism face discrimination and human
country but for the rest of the world, as it helps rights violations driven by beliefs rooted in witch-
the States attain their goals and objectives, mainly craft that albino body parts bring wealth and for-
due to the effect that media has on opinion- tune. Many are murdered for body parts, including
building of the public (Hamburg and Vance infants and babies. Most of the attacks have taken
1997). However, in terms of matters of national place in Tanzania. Murders and attempted attacks,
security, media of any country follows a national- though in smaller numbers, have also been
istic approach, even though the dynamics of documented in Burundi, Kenya, Swaziland,
media are different and diverse in different coun- Guinea, Nigeria, South Africa, Congo, Zambia,
tries (Abraham 2011). Sometimes, the States use Namibia, Ivory Coast, and Burkina Faso. The
media to create fear or hatred among countries and media had played one of the most important
sometimes prolong diplomatic ties. In the contem- roles in stopping and delivering punishment for
porary strategic environment, media and the Gov- the culprit for this inhuman act. Media reporting
ernment have a very strong and symbiotic on these attacks as crimes had helped and lead to a
relationship which is believed to be evolving as death sentence of the culprit and also helped in
even political actors have started working in the reducing the violence (Bruke 2017). The key mes-
environment set or prescribed by the media for sage that media portrayed through their channel is
undertaking their duties (Yadava and Mathur that people with albinism are humans who have
2008). Thus, not only are the perceptions of the rights so the whole community should treat them
public set by the media in this modern world, but well and protect them from harm.
also that of the authorities and leaders, which in Child Rights: National and international
turn help them to set up policies in tune with the efforts are underway across all continents to stop
demands of the people. systematic abuse of the rights of children. Even
History also shows that media did play an so, shockingly high levels of child rights viola-
important role in bringing normalcy and peace in tions continue. Hundreds of millions of children
the society. Media function as a channel of peace live with hunger, homelessness, and illiteracy and
that clarifies all the misunderstanding and misper- suffer sexual violence, physical abuse, forced
ceptions. It frames and analyzes the conflict, iden- labor, and other varied and complex risks. To
tifies the interests, defuses mistrust, and provides confront and reduce the persistently the high rate
opportunities for emotional outlets. The media of child rights violation and to protect the rights of
thus becomes a facilitator of positive social the child, the media has contributed their valuable
change rather than a professional reporter role towards it. In Brazil the media had and still is
(Howard 2002). Some of the initiatives that have playing a very important role in shaping the social
been encountered by media are shown in some conversation and views on child rights. As the
case studies below. media has been widely explored by Civil Society
Albinism in Tanzania: One of the most recent Organization initiatives on media and human
arguments that have been on the focus is how the rights in Brazil and many of these projects focus
Role of the Media 5

on online media content, as it is a more democratic labor: work likely to harm the health, safety, or
and accessible distribution medium. There are morals of children, which includes the use of
three key projects that have gained large recogni- hazardous tools. It also prohibits work which
tion: the EscolaPolular de ComunicacaoCritica interferes with schooling (Nwankwo 2011). All
( Accessed 12th this is done through the advancement in technol-
March, 2018) (Community school for critical ogies and interference of the media which resulted
communication/engagement) of the NGO in the awareness of the rights of the children and
Observatorio de Favelas (Rio de Janeiro), the connecting people with the social issues to which
School of Citizen Journalism of Bahia and all the countries are facing with.
Media Literacy program of the Federal University Conflicts in India: The media can set the pub-
of TriânguloMineiro (UFTM) in partnership with lic agenda by reporting one news story in place of
UNESCO. ( another, then the media can take up the human
images/APRESENTACAO.pdf. Accessed 12th rights agenda by publishing or broadcasting
March, 2018) Journalist training programs focus- human rights programs. The media can dissemi-
ing on child rights media coverage is another nate human rights information, mobilize human
important initiative led by ANDI and the Univer- rights NGOS, strengthen popular participation in
sity Jorge Amado, in Salvador, Bahia. Finally, civil society, promote tolerance, and shine a light
there are several major awards for child rights on government activity. There is a common belief
reporting in Brazil, including the Child Friendly that human rights and democracy are mutually
Journalist Award granted by ANDI to media pro- supportive or related to each other by definition
fessionals who have addressed children’s issues, (Freeman 2002). Freedom of expression, and
and the Tim Lopes Award and Vladmir Herzog press freedom in particular, is an important factor
Award, which are awarded to quality human rights in democracy because of the media’s ability to
reporting. One of the most striking features of the provide information which serve as link between
media is the documentary of the child labor by mass publics, elites, and government (Whitten-
BCC in the cocoa farm in Ghana and Ivory Coast Woodring 2009).
in west Africa. In the documentary, the children In Kashmir Country’s media has been working
are said to be not going to school and they use in a united manner to create an environment
hazardous tools and are deprived of childhood against the terrorists who violate human rights.
life. This is an allusion to ILO Convention Media is always fully alert about the designs of
182 and Convention on the Rights of the Child, Pakistan and terrorists. The incidents of open vio-
CRC. The children used in child labor are traf- lation of human rights of people by terrorists get
ficked from Burkina Faso, which is faced with prominent space in the Indian media. Debate pro-
lack of the basic necessities of life (ILO 2011). grams are shown on TV channels particularly
Some women whose children were used in child related to cases involving terrorist incidents.
labor said they had no option other than to give Long exclusive articles are published in newspa-
their children to work. Others claim they were not pers. The local media of Jammu & Kashmir as
directly responsible for their children’s trafficking well as the national media working in Delhi gives
to cocoa farms. The film portrays the children as prominent space to terrorists and the nefarious
victims of human rights violations, who are in acts carried out by them. Many journalists and
need of help (Wasserman 2009). According to columnists, while talking about human rights,
the narration of the documentary, some of the also talk of the human rights of terrorists and
children were trafficked and used as child labor. support to protect their human rights as well. If
They were not paid any wage. In some cases, a we talk about Jammu & Kashmir, on November 3,
close relative received the wage. The documen- 2014, in Badgam (Jammu & Kashmir) the army
tary explicitly states that trafficking is illegal and a killed two men in a firing. Since military has the
serious breach of global standards. It states that power of Arm Forces Power Act, 1958, they can
ILO Convention prohibits the worst forms of child attack anyone on the basis of suspicion and they
6 Role of the Media

do not need to answer anyone for this. But the on women and children, the media has to crop up
matter of killing innocent men without any evi- with effective plan to bring behavioral change of
dence has been heavily dominated in the print and the public. One of the most effective strategies of
electronic media, including on social media (The addressing these problems is engagement of the
Times of India 2014). media with governmental and nongovernmental
Human Rights and Ethiopia: Media, at the organizations whose objective is advocating the
international level, is often criticized for rights of women and children (Kelklachew and
underreporting certain specific human rights espe- Haileyesus 2009). So far, as already discussed,
cially socio-economic and cultural rights. How- national human rights institutions are collaborat-
ever, in Ethiopia, it is possible to challenge the ing with the media for such purpose. In addition to
above analysis and maintain a position that socio- the activities with national human rights institu-
economic rights have better coverage than civil tions, the media is engaged with nongovernmental
and political. Particularly, media institutions actors whose purpose is advocating the human
under Ethiopian radio and Television Agency are rights of specific groups including women and
engaged in the promotion and education of socio- children. In this instance, it is appropriate to note
economic and cultural rights to the general the collaboration of the media with Population
public. This, perhaps, is an obvious outcome of Media Center (PMC). PMC is an exemplary non-
development journalism, which is the principle at governmental organization working for behav-
all government owned media institutions. The ioral change in Ethiopia.
media institutions in Ethiopia follow the same
trend by discussing the rights of women and chil-
dren whenever notable violations or activities Threats of Media to Security
with regard to it occur. There are also regular
trends by the media in covering the human rights Recent world events have shown that social
of specific groups for the purpose of creating media, just like traditional media, can act as a
awareness. Especially, the human rights of tool that threatens national security. Social media
women, children, nations, nationalities, and peo- can act as a tool for widening democratic space,
ple are often discussed and promoted in light of but on the other it can lead to destabilization. The
the Ethiopian constitution and international media can be used to spread propaganda and hate
human rights instruments like CRC, CEDAW, speech and incite to violence and others. Any
ICCPR, and The International Covenant on Eco- debate about the role of the social media must
nomic, Social and Cultural Rights (Terje 2009). In therefore be grounded on the larger debate
spite of this effort, the need of the country and the between information flows and stability of state.
massive extent of human rights violations espe- Social media has well-known security risks to
cially on women and children require additional nations (Wanner 2011). Threats of social media
measures to be taken by the media. For example, can manifest themselves in many ways. Social
Ethiopia is, at present, one of the countries where Media are more and more used by terrorist orga-
a large number of women and children suffer from nizations as tools for ideological radicalization,
different types of abuses and exploitation as a recruitment, communication, and training. In
result of human trafficking (Endeshaw et al. addition to this, terrorist groups take advantage
2010). In addition, early marriage, Harmful Tra- of Social Media to communicate with cyber-crime
ditional practices (HTPs) particularly on Female groups and to coordinate along with them fund-
Gentile Mutilation (FGM), abduction, inequality raising activities carried out in part or completely
of women, and child labor abuses are the promi- on the Internet (UN 2011).
nent practices in the country (Interview with Lorraine Bowman-Grieve pointed out that
AtoAberaYasin 2010). Social Media play an important role in influencing
In order to contribute towards the prevention of the behavior of the individual and their readiness
these massive and brutal human rights violations to take part in collective action because of their
Role of the Media 7

inherent socializing that in turn can lead to viewers not only get updated but it also creates an
changes in attitudes and behavior over time understanding of current happenings. Radio being
(Bowman-Grieve 2010). These changes in atti- an audio medium helps in disseminating informa-
tude might include adopting the most prevalent tion to every nook and corner of our country.
ideology expressed within the community. Social Radio has also played a vital role in creating a
Media and, more generally speaking, the platform for imagination. The reach of this audio
Internet allow the publication and diffusion of medium is not only limited to urban areas but it
extremist ideas and material that may lead a vul- has covered a wide range even to the remote areas
nerable individuals to recruit themselves, some- of our country.
times unaided by any intermediary. During the In the contemporary society, media have
second Israeli-Lebanese war in 2006, Mayfield acquired tremendous power that influences the
carried out several Information Warfare activities socio, cultural, religious, political, and economic
through the use of Social Media (Kimutai 2014). fabric of everyday life. Media have become one of
Further on that, cases of nonauthorized and the essential amenities of life. They function as
uncontrolled publication of classified or sensitive custodians of the constitution of a nation. It has
information or content (print, audio, photo, etc.) the duty to inform, entertain, and educate the
through Social Media are more and more frequent. people on matters related to their lives. It is pos-
In these cases, national security can be severely sible that media can construct reality and make
compromised by the use of Social Media. Exam- people believe what they report. It is also seen that
ples include the famous leaks of Wiki leaks of US media highlight irrelevant events as important and
Cable Communications (ibid., 40). New technol- vice versa. Thus, media can mislead people and
ogies and in particular Social Media constitute an deviate from important issues and concerns.
asset of great importance both for social move- Sometimes media try to please the aspirations of
ments/groups and for revolutions (Papic and the audience whom they address. Therefore, they
Noonan 2011). Rebels and revolutionary groups frame images of reality to form public opinion and
turn to such tools to better organize and spur support. Most of the researches on media’s role in
masses to action, to arrange protest or struggle conflict show that media played a negative role in
activities, and to manage their tactical and opera- the major conflicts around the world. The misuse
tional aspects and also the social media is also of the media and its technology has boosted the
used for electronic financial fraud and hacking. emergence of terrorism.
The role of media is very vital in a conflict
situation. Under such circumstances, media can
Conclusion either incite violence or promote peace with their
reporting. Media reporting has great impact on
Media is the reflection of our society and it depicts public attitudes and the resolution of the conflict.
what and how society works. Media, either it is As there persist many drawbacks of media but still
printed, electronic or the web is the only medium, media play an important role in a democratic
which helps in making people informed. It also society. Media help people to come to know
helps in entertaining the public and educate and what is happening around them. It is all the more
make people aware of the current happenings. apparent during conflict situations where people
Media has today become the voice of our society. totally depend on mass media to know the devel-
There are various forms of media that help to opment of escalation and de-escalation of vio-
inform, educate, and entertain our society. Media lence. In the age of information revolution,
can be in print form that is through newspapers, media is most influential tool and instrument in
books, magazines, etc. Media includes an elec- persuasion of national policies and security.
tronic form for spreading information which is
one of the most used media of mass communica-
tion. With the help of radio and TV, listeners and
8 Role of the Media

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