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- Noor atef othman

- 2038153
- Homework “1”
“Our brain has two very distinct modes of
thought: System 1 (fast, automatic, and
impulsive) and System 2 (slow, conscious,
and deliberative)”
We have a number of repetitive System 1
tasks that we need to do every day.
But we are also expected to perform a series
of System 2 tasks.
Crucially, being aware of the two distinct
modes of thought helps you identify the risk
of fast System 1 reactions that can lead you
astray due to faulty assumptions, while also
giving you more confidence around when it’s
okay to rely on those System 1 instincts.
Bearing the two systems in mind allows you
to distinguish between product management
• The ones your brain is able to take actions
quickly on (fast).
• The ones where you need to sit down, take
a breath, and ‘think’ deeply (slow).
●Questions & answers :
1. Discuss the merits of the following statement by
Sir Martin Sorrell: ‘We have no choice but to
match our own pace of work to the demands of
a superfast globalised business world.’
- Because of globalization, the world has become
faster. Therefore, the business system must keep
pace with this speed. Otherwise, customers will
be dissatisfied with the services provided to
them ; which will lead to companies losing their
customers and announcing their failures

2. How can you simultaneously manage fast and

- Controlling the speed depends on the decision or
process complexity, it also depends on the
certainty or uncertainty of surrounded
environment . Absolutely our experience will
affect our responsive speed too.
3. Tamara Heber-Percy argues that: ‘Slow makes
fast happen.’ What does this mean? Illustrate
your answer with examples from the real world.

-When we face contemporary issues, we deal

with them slowly and carefully until we realize
how to deal with them properly and
correctly.Until we master it or solve similar
issues, our performance will be faster.
□When technology started, it spread slowly until
the population mastered it, and it started
spreading quickly.
□When doctors start their work, their work is
under supervision and they work in easy cases
slowly. After they master their work, they start
working quickly and with higher skill.

4. If ‘speed control is often about managing the

short term and the long term’, what does this
mean and how can it be achieved?

-The speed of performance can be controlled

based on the specific time required to complete
the task.
If the company is asked to provide easy, routine
services, this does not take a long time to
implement the service, but in the case of difficult
services or that have a significant and fateful
impact, the time consumed in providing the
service will be long.

5. How could you establish your own ‘golden

time’ and what benefits might you achieve?

-My golden time comes when I am kind and

helpful , also when I work hard to get amazing
results. absolutely the effect of my golden time
will be positive, I will get the respect, peace,
responsibility, love and kindness from the society.

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