Learning Plan 3

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No. of hours 3
Mode of delivery Asynchronous and Synchronous
1. Define communication ethics.
Learning objectives 2. Differentiate ethical from unethical communication.
3. Write a short critique paper about social media and ethics.

Tasks/ Activities Tasks/ Activities ONLINE TOOL/S

Video Link Official LMS Loom
https://youtu.be/9a Google Sharing of Ideas Google Meet
B7IlHLMoo Classroom Zoom
Activity 1

Jamboard or
Brain Booster (Perform the task Google Slides Loom
Sharing of
provided in this (Link/s will be Google Meet
Activity 2 module.) given by your Zoom
Write a short
critique paper
using this link
Brain Booster Blogger.com
prsa/#:~:text=Public% Loom
Activity 3 20relations%20professi Google Slides Presentation of
Google Meet
onals%20have%20a,tr Outputs
Please check/ visit your LMS or Google Classroom for the announcement on the
Submission of
submission of your outputs. You may also reach your teacher through contact
number ___________________.

1) The online tools and resources for synchronous and asynchronous tasks to be used shall depend on the agreement between
the teacher and students. The online platforms above are only suggested. Teachers are given the liberty to choose tools which
best suit the learning environment and resource-capacities of the learners without setting aside the competencies expected for
the course.
Activity 1
Watch the video titled The Social Network Ethics. Please click on this link:

What have you observed in the video? Write your insights here:

Visit your digital learning platform to read updates when to go online and what tool will be
used for the synchronous discussion of this activity.

Communication Ethics is the notion that an individual’s or group’s behavior are governed by
their morals which in turn affects communication.

What does it mean to be an ethical communicator?

Ethics is a system of moral principles which means that you try to do what is correct. Ethical
communication encompasses being honest in all communications.

What are ethical and unethical communications?

Communication is powerful and therefore, has ethical boundaries. Communication used to

improve interpersonal relations or to bring moral changes to society is ethical communication.
Communication used to undermine relationships or encourage social immorality is unethical

Ethical communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision making and the

development of relationships and communities within and across contexts, cultures, channels
and media.

Ethical communication enhances human worth and dignity by fostering truthfulness, fairness,
responsibility, personal integrity and respect for self and others.


1. Seek to “elicit the best” in communications and interactions with other group members.
2. Listen when others speak.
3. Speak non-judgmentally.
4. Speak from your own experience and perspective, expressing your own thoughts, needs
and feelings.
5. Seek to understand others (rather than to be “right” or “more ethical than you).
6. Avoid speaking for others, for example by characterizing what others have said without
checking your understanding or by universalizing your opinions, beliefs, values and
conclusions assuming everyone shares them.
7. Manage your own personal boundaries: share only what you are comfortable sharing.
8. Respect the personal boundaries of others.
9. Avoid interrupting and having side conversations.
10. Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all members have relatively equal “air
time” if they want it.

It is important to understand that whatever we communicate should be guided by

certain ethical principles.

The US National Communication Association (NCA, 1999) discusses this in their Credo for
Ethical Communication, stating that, “Ethical communication is fundamental to responsible
thinking, decision-making, and the development of relationships and communities within and
across contexts , cultures, channels and media…”

There are four ethical principles of communication that are relevant for students today.

1. Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of

communication (NCA, 1999)

2. Freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to achieve the

informed and responsible decision-making fundamental to a civil society (NCA, 1999)

3. Condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion,

intimidation, coercion, and violence and through the expression of intolerance and hatred
(NCA, 1999)

4. Accept responsibility for the short and long-term consequences of our own communication
and expect the same of others (NCA, 1999)
General Direction:

Visit our digital learning platform for the instructions

on the online tools to be used and the mode and
deadline of submission of your activities.

Activity 2
Answer the following questions based on what you have understood from the lesson.

1. What is communication ethics?


2. Using your own words, differentiate ethical from unethical communication. Cite examples
to justify your answer.


3. Students these days are very much exposed to social media where they use it as an avenue
to express themselves. Comment on this.

4. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating?


Activity 3/Evaluation
Click on this link:


Read the article titled Social Media and Ethics and write a short critique paper following these

1. What is the general idea of the text?

2. Discuss thoroughly why you agree or disagree on the article.
3. Give examples to justify your claims.
4. Observe coherence in writing.
5. Cite other references properly. (if any)

Define the following terms and be ready to share your answer to the class next meeting.
1. Globalization
2. Local and global communication.

For Writing Activity (Critique Paper)

Content - 40%
Organization - 30%
Relevance to the topic - 20%
Mechanics - 10%
Total 100%


NCA Credo for Ethical Communication retrieved on July 19, 2018 from

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