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How To Enable Personalization Of Pages In Oracle Apps/EBS

Two profile options should be set for a user to be able to perform personalizations of Oracle EBS pages:

Personalize Self-Service Defn FND: personalization region Link Enabled

Personalize Self-Service Defn: Go To System Administrator-->Profile -->System and set the profile option "Personalize Self-Service Defn" to "Yes" for enabling the personalizations . If this profile option is set to Yes at site level, then any user in the system can perform personalizations, provided this profile is not set to No at his or her user level. FND: personalization region Link Enabled: The profile option "FND: personalization region Link Enabled" is used to enable the personalization link at region level. This profile has three possible values: Minimal, No, and Yes. If it is set to No, the user will still be able to see the personalize page link on top of the page, provided the profile Personalize Self-Service Defn is set to Yes. If FND: personalization region Link Enabled is set to Yes, then users will see the Personalize link for each region in every OA Framework page, provided the profile Personalize Self-Service Defn is set to Yes.

How To Disable All Personalizations Done In EBS

If you have over personalized your EBS, then pages can look different from the original E-Business Suite installation as provided by Oracle. You can disable all the personalizations in the system by setting the below profile option:

Disable Self-Service Personalization

Go To System Administrator-->Profile -->System and set the profile option "Disable Self-Service Personalization" to Yes at the site level. When this profile is set to Yes, then personalizations done at all the levels are ignored, and the product functionality and its appearance will become the same as provided originally by Oracle.

How To Import Oaf Pages From Unix Server Or Apps server.

Import oaf pages from unix server or apps server To import OAF pages within the server just use the steps: Just go to $APPL_TOP and run the command below: java $JAVA_TOP/xxcholas/oracle/apps/fnd/search/webui/EmpSearchPG.xml -username APPS -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=<Host name of ip of the instance>)(PORT=<default port of the instance>)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=<SID of the instance>) ) )" -rootdir $JAVA_TOP ;

How To Create A Submit Button Dynamically In OAF Page

To create a submit button in OAF page Programatically use the code below: OASubmitButtonBean oasb = (OASubmitButtonBean)pageContext.getWebBeanFactory().createW ebBean(pageContext, "BUTTON_SUBMIT"); OAAdvancedTableBean oatb =(OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("WOResultsT ab"); oasb.setID("SubmitPrintButton"); oasb.setUINodeName("SubmitPrintButton"); oasb.setEvent("SubmitPrintButton"); oasb.setText("Click Here"); oatb.setFooter(oasb);

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