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Oral Communication

In Context

FIRST QUARTER Topic: Models of

WORKSHEET NO. 1 Communication
MELC: Differentiates the
various models of

Writer: Nazaria M. Magcamit-

Adaya & Jojo A. Matre
Layout Artist: Kevin H.
Evaluator/s: Ma. Jessica L.

Department of Education • Schools Division of Marinduque

Topic: Various Models of
2 Communication

Good day my dear students! Today you will study your second lesson in Oral
Communication in Context.
From the first lesson, you have learned that Communication is a “process”
of persons interacting and responding to the symbolic behaviour of other persons.
It is a two-way process that results in a shared meaning or common understanding
between the sender and the receiver – whereby the sender sends a message
through a medium/channel to a receiver who, in turn, gives feedback to show
understanding or negotiate meaning. The sender has to encode the message in a
way that the receiver is able to decode it.
The basic communication model consists of five elements of communication:
the sender, the receiver, the message, the channel and feedback.
1. Sender. The sender is the initiator of the communication process. To
communicate effectively, the sender must use effective verbal as well as
nonverbal techniques. The sender should have some understanding of who
the receiver is in order to modify the message to make it more relevant.
2. Receiver. The receiver is the recipient of the message. A receiver can be one
person or an entire audience of people. The receiver can also communicate
verbally and nonverbally.
3. Message. The message is what will be communicated to another party. It
can come in many different forms, such as an oral presentation, a written
document, an advertisement, or just a comment. The message isn’t
necessarily what the sender intends it to be. Rather, the message is what the
receiver perceives the message to be. As a result, the sender must not only
compose the message carefully, but also evaluate the ways in which the
message can be interpreted.
4. Channel. The channel is the medium of the communication. The message
travels from one point to another via a channel of communication.
5. Feedback. The feedback is the receivers’ response or reaction to the sender’s
message. Feedback can be questions, comments or just support to the
message that was delivered. Feedback helps the sender to determine how the
receiver interpreted the message and how it can be improved.

Several models of communication have been formulated by scholars and

researchers through the years but as you go along and study these models, you will
see on what they want to emphasize as being an important component of the
communication process.

In this lesson, you will be exposed to several models of communication in

order for you to give their similarities and differences. This will not only help you
differentiate the communication models but you will also identify how the
communication models depict your everyday conversation and communication with
others. I hope you will enjoy this lesson while learning.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

1. Linear model/ Laswel’s model

 Information flows sequentially.

 Communication is a one-way process.
 The recipient processes the information but does not reciprocate the
 To disseminate message to various groups in various situations.
 Listening to a resource speaker ,
 Reading newspapers, magazines or from books.

2. Shanon-Weaver’s Model

 Depicts communication as a linear or one way process.

 Resembled to the transmission of a telephone message.
 Introduces noise as a factor that hinders the transmission of message.

 You are talking to your friend when a dog barks.
 It is already 12:00 in the afternoon and you feel that your stomach is
grumbling. As you listen to the speaker, you can hear what he is
saying, but the message does not get into your heart because you are
thinking of what to eat.

3. Transactional Model

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

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 A two-way process.
 It recognizes that both people involved in the interaction are
 The process becomes circular in its function.  Thus the process is
an exchange. 
 Realistic view of the communication process.
 Spontaneous, rapid flow of ideas.
 Communication is on-going.
 Each element exists in relation to the other elements.

 Your mother is asking you to wash the dishes. While she is saying it, you
scratch your head and stamp your feet.
 You ask question to your friend while he/she also asks a question to you

4. Interactive Model

 Describes communication as a two-way process in which participants

 Communication as a dynamic exchange.
 Communicator and the recipient take turns to speak and to listen to each
 The key element is feedback.
 The process is repeated, making the sender a receiver and the receiver a
 Sending text or e-mail messages
 Telephone conversation
There are other models of communication that you may encounter as you do
further research and readings on it.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
After reading the lecture, apply your learning below.

What I can do

ACTIVITY 1: Check on Me
Directions. Identify if each situation manifests communication or not. Put a check (̷
) if the situation shows communication and (x) if not on the space provided.
____1. Greeting your parents.
____2. Watching a TV show.
____3. Texting your friends.
____4. Reading a book.
____5. Talking to yourself upon doing something wrong.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which situation shows communication and which does not?
2. How did you say so?

Good job! You are done with the first activity. Did you get all correctly?

ACTIVITY 2: Picture Analysis

Directions. Examine the pictures below and identify their similarities and

Answer the following questions:

1. What is common among the pictures?
2. What are the differences between the communication models?
Good job! You have just answered the second activity.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Directions. Using your knowledge of the models of communication, identify the
communication model used in each situation. Write your answer on the blank
provided before each number.
__________1. You are having a video call with your friends.
__________2. Ana is having a short conversation with her mother while her baby
sister keeps on crying.
__________3. James is watching basketball game on TV.
__________4. Elvin is giving an advice to his classmate who always comes late to
school every morning.
__________5. Cora confessed her true feelings to John but while she was talking
John kept on laughing.

Good Job! You have just finished the third activity. I hope you got it all

ACTIVITY 4: Compare Us

Differentiate the following models of communication using a Venn diagram.

Write at least 3 similarities and 3 differences for each pair. Write your answer in a
one whole sheet of paper.
1. Linear Model and Interactive Model
2. Transactional Model and Shannon and Weaver’s Model

Additional Activity

ACTIVITY 5: Give Me Some More

Directions. Give five situations for each communication model.
A. Linear/Laswel’s Model B. Shanonn-Weaver’s Model
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
C. Transactional Model D. Interactive Model
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

Bandiala, Dorcas Menoc. (2020). Oral Communication in Context. Module #1.

Functions and Process of Communication. Misamis Oriental

DepEd’s Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School

Redoblado, S. (2016). Exploring Literature and Grammar. Quezon City: Brilliant

Creations Publishing Inc.

Hermosa, A. L. S., et al., (2016). Oral Communication for Senior High School.
City: Educational Resources Corporation

Flores, Ramona S. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Manila: Rex Bookstore,


“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Para sa mga katanungan o puna, sumulat o tumawag sa:

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon – Schools Division Marinduque

T. Roque St., Malusak, Boac, Marinduque
Email: or;
Tel. No.: (042) 332-1009 / 332-1611

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Key to Correction

*Answers may be written or placed in inverted form.

Activity 1: Activity 2:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

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