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F r a m e w o r k

What is The Million Value Post?

The "Question Bait" Post

The "Tippity Tips" Post

The “Threatening” Post

The "Let Me Tell You A Story" Post

The "Hey-You Callout" Post

The "#1 Problem" Post

The "#RingTheBell" Post

The “Humble Brag” Post

The "Watch Me Live" Post

The "Ingenius Interview" Post

The “Raving Fans Testimonial” Post

The “Drop Me A Comment” Post

42 The “Follow Train” Post

What is The Million Value Post?

The Million Value Post (MVP) Framework provides you with

real life, proven examples that our friends and ourselves
have posted across Facebook profiles, Facebook pages, and
Facebook groups to get over 100 comments each, attract
prospects, and close sales.

The "Question Bait" Post
Question: Do you judge?

People often say "not to judge a book by its cover".

However, the reality is, we all judge.

The only question is whether we judge A LOT, or we

judge less.

The color... The font... The spacing...

Consciously or subconsciously, we all judge.

What's worse is, we humans judge faster than the

page can load

In between 0.05s to 0.5s, credibility is already


Truth is, our brains are naturally hardwired to

process visual information 60,000x better and
faster than text...

(and study shows that people only read 28% of copy

on web pages)

Which is why websites that are well-designed create

a greater sense of credibility and trustworthiness
for the prospects and so on.

"Bridge the credibility gap" -- the term I just

randomly came up with this morning when I was
talking on a live.

Anyway, all I am saying is... while copywriting is

responsible for the majority of the sales, design
matters just as much.

Agree or disagree?

P.S. Designed by me using CF for a recent Hero


Do share with me what's your 0.5-second


The "Question Bait" Post
🆁🆄🅻🅴 🅵 🅽🅴 - ONE Big Idea On Your
Landing Page

A big idea is what connects all of the pieces of your

landing page. If someone asks “what is this landing
page about,” the answer is your ONE big idea. I still
see many landing pages try to include more than one
CTA. The truth is, high-converting landing page tell
ONE cohesive story. ️

Every piece of your landing page needs to connect

back to ONE idea, in the same way that good stories
have overarching themes. Your ONE Big Idea does
the same thing for your landing page. It makes sure
that people chunk all the important information –
which makes it easier to understand and makes you
offer more enticing.

Tips of the day : Text on white is easiest to read

Books are printed on white paper. Most news

website have white backgronds. Our eyes are used
to reading dark text on a light backgrond! it’s proven
that white text on dark background can strain our
eyes after a prolonged period of time. As a result,
body copy should be kept on lighter background. The
effect of white text can be used to your advantage,
though! Headlines and shorter emphasized text can
benefit from being set on a dark background.

Who else loves white background on their landing

page? Let me know your preference in the comment

The "Question Bait" Post
Can our funnels inspire positive change?

A few weeks ago, I read about something deeply

disturbing that inspired me to think differently about

I learned that global domestic violence and killings had

more than doubled during the period of the virus

Children and mostly women were being abused and even

murdered by their parent and spouses.

This was incredibly shocking and disturbing.

Surely there must be a way out to prevent this.

Hotlines, social workers, lawyers…

Then I thought… “What if funnels could help”

This inspired me to create a landing page template for

lawyers fighting against domestic violence and child

“You’re just one funnel away…” is no longer just for

business owners but also a life-changing or life-saving one
for those on the receiving end.

Conversions in this case would also mean a better life for


I just thought to share this thought in case it inspires

someone else in this group :)

I chose a regal blue and gold combination for the lawyer


These colors give a deep sense of trust, prestige and in

some ways a feeling purity.

I placed testimonials that might give victims the needed

encouragement to make the call.

I used friendly and relatable pictures - not of serious men

in serious suits.

Overall, I felt it important to create a safe and

understanding space.

I think I did alright.

What do you think? What other ways could we use funnels

to inspire positive change?

The "Question Bait" Post
I'm a huge advocate of simplicity when it comes to

Recently there's a number of people that tell me

'Jedy the design you did recently lacks the wow
factor' or 'it just doesn't pop'.

Yes, yes, I get it.

In most situation it's important to create something

which is eye catchy and stands out from the rest.

But in certain cases I stick to simplicity because

ultimately I believe design is to aid the delivery of
your sales copy and offer, not stealing the spotlight
away. There are cases where design is just there to
spice things up so that visitors could be kept
interested long enough to follow through at least
half the sales message. In other cases design
becomes crucial to create trust and unique branding
that copywriting alone couldn't achieve.

That being said, between the designs below which

catches your attention first and why?

#cbd #landingpage

The "Tippity Tips" Post
How to remove image background in 3 steps without
Photoshop so that your website can look super
awesome too.

Select a good-looking photo

Upload the photo to

Voila. Download!

One of the KEY element in a personal branding

website or just any website, really, is the Hero


The first section, often referred to as the Hero

Section is, what captures the first impression of the
web visitor.

Just like your daily clothing choice has to look good

to make an awesome first impression...

You need to treat your online presence the same.

One of my not-so-secret secret trick is to remove the

background of a particular image so that it POPS
(like the Jeff Bezos').

Mix it well, and you can create an even more

powerful hero section with a social-proof
background (like Gary V's).

So, start with your HERO image.

Your friendly neighborhood

image-background-remover tool.

One of my secret to create an eye-popping Superstar

branding site.


Disclaimer: is not owned by me

and I receive absolutely NO compensation from
promoting it.

The "Tippity Tips" Post

Instead of asking, 'what type of theme do I want for

this funnel', ask yourself: "What type of feeling do
you want the visitors to get from their first

They say copy sells, but design helps them trust you
to even read the copy.

What are some of the top reasons people BUY from

me? Then list out those reasons from emotional to
logical reasons and at the top of the page talk more
about the *Problem* and *Promise* and back it up
with *Proof*.

Then as you get further down the page you talk more
logical lingo to get the 'science people' over the

What are some of the top reasons people DON'T BUY

from you? This is just as important cause it doesn't
matter if they want your stuff if they have other
'follow up objections', aka reasons not to buy RIGHT

You can use testimonials with different angles of "I

thought this 'objection' at first but ______" to
overcome these roadblocks.

Finally you can have data, authority figures and case

studies to back up your big promise along with FAQ
to overcome any last objections or confusion.

BONUS: In 5 seconds or less, can the visitor clearly

understand what you offer, who it's for and why they
need it?

Tons more to think about but hope these helps for


Also if you build funnels for others, you can ask

these questions (plus all the other Q's you have)
from your client in an automated onboarding funnel
to make sure you get their messaging, offer and
design right from the start

The "Tippity Tips" Post
Keep Your Theme Consistent ‍

I always see designs on this community that could to be be

waaaay better if they knew about to use the colours

Basically this is how I choose them

A Unique color for your background

A unique color for your CTA

A unique color to highlight your benefit / important points

(in this one it's the cup and the stars)

How To Build a Beautiful Header ?

First, if your looking for to increase your conversion with a

design then forget about Canvas, please.

As I say all the time I only work with Photoshop and if you
want to know the reason then just type my name in the
group to see my last posts about it.

You'll understand and will jump on that.

So let's talk about that Lead Magnet I've just made. 🧲

I create a new project on Photoshop, create an artboard

1920 X 1080 (the height isn't metter since it's up to you
and how long will be your page)

I start to build my header by creating a simple gradient

background then I draw a white circle shape and then
repeat the same process for the rest of my backgrounds.

I download my icones and add a shadow to it.

I literally do only that and the rest it's only texts and buttons
that anyway I'll not use but to build directly on CF.

The most important point for your conversion rate it's

about the colours, please apply it, AB split test if you want
and let me know about the results

If you have any questions let me know in the comments !

Cheers !!

The "Tippity Tips" Post
04 Youtube Growth Value Post [Day 9 of 10] ️

Let's talk about the gear you need to crush it on youtube.


The phone you're probably reading this on has a camera that would
have been worth like $20k just 20 years ago. It's good enough to get
started! No amount of 4k cams can make up for not being good on
video. It's about your energy, not the gear!


I love the canon G7x. Super user-friendly. Hard to make this camera
look bad. Only con is lack of external audio. But I think they fixed this
on the newest release.

I also used the Canon T5i with kit lens to get like first 200k+ subs. It's
a $500 kit used on amazon I think? Point is it's good enough!

Now I use a 4K cam (Sony a6400) but 4K or high-end DSLR cameras

are super not needed for most people and to get your first 10k subs.


This matters almost more than your camera. Get a $60 three-piece
light kit or invest in a $100 ring light.

If you're super DIY just film in front of a big window. Natural lighting
looks the best anyway.


Also really important. Surprisingly not expensive at all! Couple options

I'd recommend:

cheap $20 sony lapel mic. Forget the model and name but it's the one
that looks like a silver bullet. I used this all the time and it sounds way
better than most $100+ lapel mics IMO.

Use your phone/voice memo! Sometimes I forget the lapel and have
just recorded a voice memo on my phone and it sounds sick. The
downside is you have to sync this in post-production and creates an
extra step.


I use Final Cut Pro X. Any free editing software will do! All you need to
know is COPY/PASTE/DELETE/EXPORT. that's it!

DO NOT GET FANCY WITH VIDEO EDITING. Don't use titles, transitions,
music, color grade, etc. You'll just burn too much time and it maybe
helps like +5%. You're way better off using that time to film more
content and get better on camera. Over editing hurts your vids and
takes way too long. Just edit for flow/cut stuff out that isn't needed.

Editing does take some time and is a labor of love! I suggest adopting
the frame that you LOVE editing instead of hating it. Will make you life
a whole lot easier moving forward since you'll be doing it a ton at the
start unless you want to pay someone.

Side note: I still do 99% of my edits. Hard to find a talented video

editor for less than $100+ per vid and sometimes uploading/sending
files then re-downloading after changes takes longer than just doing
the thing yourself.

Hope that helps!

Refusing to Settle,

Clark Kegley

Day 09/10

The “Threatening” Post

Here's why

Email marketing is on its death-bed

Yes, you read that right.

Good old email marketing is about to kick the bucket...

And no amount of fancy-schmancy email sequences are going to stop the



Don't believe me?

Fair enough... but before they delete this post for email shaming...

At least read what I have to say...

3 Reasons why email marketing is on its death bed:

1) People don't check emails anymore

It's 2020, and it's all about social media.

Let's face it, when was the last time you checked your email?

For me, it was... um 20 minutes ago...

But that's not the point.

Let's see what does real data say, shall we?

According to Hubspot,

"More than 50 percent of U.S. respondents check their personal email

account more than 10 times a day, and it is by far their preferred way to
receive updates from brands."


"99% of consumers check their email every day."


That's pretty good actually... nevermind.

Next point!

2) Email is too censored to persuade

What good are your emails if you can't write any hard-hitting copy to

For example...

I can't even say "SEXXXXXX" or "you just won $1000 MILLION euros"
without it going to a spam folder.


Now let's compare that to Facebook...

(reads about FB compliance)


So apparently on Facebook, if I run an ad saying,

"you're a sassy dude in your 40s with a big email list, and I can help you
make more money from it."

Mr. Zuck will shut down my ad.

Next thing I know...

Facebook police are at my back door with a giant thumbs-up sign about to
ram in.


Okay, so email marketing is pretty good in comparison to FB... Fine.

Whatever. Next point...

3) The ROI is just not there

When it comes to business, the return on investment is everything.

So if you don't get a good ROI from your marketing...

You're wasting money, you reckless rogue.

And this is where email marketing fails.

Just because people are reading your emails...

And you can write whatever you want in those emails...

It all means nothing if your emails don't bring in sales.

Let's look at some hard facts:

In 2019 DMA found that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you
can expect an average return of $42.

Wait a minute...

$1 to $42 is like 42000000% ROI. That's incredible!

Okay... this is kind of awkward...

I know I said email marketing was all poo-poo...

But hey

Turns out I was wrong...

Email marketing is not only alive...

It's the best thing ever.

Long Live Email Marketing

The “Threatening” Post

Why you should be careful with your Funnel Designs

I know It sounds a bit weird, ( A designer giving caution for

design, kinda weird) But it’s really important to stay within the
boundaries and make a funnel that speaks to your audience and
get them to buy, and not something that looks cool and visually

In this post, I’m going to explain what I’ve found while designing
this page from scratch.

Just to make things clear, I love design and totally agree that it’s
one of the pillars which determine your conversion and is
responsible for a lot of high converting funnels.

But this post will explain why you shouldn’t try to fill every
background, or image with awesome graphic elements and make
a banger design, which looks good, no doubt but affects your

Let’s start with the basics, the main purpose of a funnel is to get
buyers and more sales.

You need a proper offer, persuasive copy and aesthetic design to

bring out all the emotions that persuades.

Basic stuff, right?

But a lot of people don’t understand the basics and stick to it.

Again, let me repeat the basics from a designer point of view.

“ Create something that appeals to the emotions of the buyer, with

proper color scheme matching the psychological pattern and
complimenting the entire flow”

Keep this in mind

The goal of design is not to distract, its to support the flow.

And that’s why adding elements here and there, making it look
fancy, might affect your conversions.

True, when done the right way, the funnel gets on steroids( In a
good sense), but it’s not common practice.

I could’ve added a ton of elements in this page, but it made no

sense and only disturbed the funnel flow.

So guys, always remember the purpose behind everything.

Your offer is there for a reason, your copy is there to persuade

and your design it there to support the other two, not to distract.

Try to make something beautiful, but always keep in mind “

Conversion”, while doing that.

P.S. I’m always open to your feedback, this is my opinion, so If it’s

wrong, feel free to correct me



The “Threatening” Post

If you're a Funnel Builder and this is your objection...

‍♂️"People can't afford those prices"

...said the client who hired me (on credit) even though she
couldn't afford me, less than a week before closing a client
for 3x the most she had ever closed for. (from $1,200
straight to $4,000). 🤷 ‍♂️

Let me tell you something about the concept of affording.

Affording isn't about having access to money.

It's about seeing the value in something. ️

Many of my clients come to me and their first thing is "I'm

really interested but I can't afford it right now!"

You know what I do? I ignore them, because that objection

isn't real.

Once people see you CAN get them results, they magically,
figure out how to afford it.

They don't know if they can afford me. They wouldn't

know even if I told them my price upfront.


Because it's about the return they can get from me.

A funnel builder with talent, and experience, can through

me, get to $10k in clients (just 3x clients for $3,000..) in a
month. Maybe less.

You think they still can't afford me? You think they don't
find the money SOMEWHERE, to get those results?

That's the issue with YOUR offer.

People can't afford to pay $3,000-$5,000 for a landing page

and a few emails...

But they can afford to pay that for RESULTS.

So sell them on results.

Learn to CLOSE by selling results relevant to THEM.

If you're selling clients on funnels you're screwed. You need

to sell RESULTS.

They'll do ANYTHING to afford results.

I really hope that helps you out If you have ANY

questions, comment below or reach out

The "Let Me Tell You A Story" Post
This Man Went From Broke to a Six-Figure Funnel
Builder in a Week.

I am going to share with you a crazy story about 1 of

my newest friends, Nana Nyarko Mensah from

Just 2 weeks ago, this man had only a few hundred

dollars to his name.

He migrated all the way to my country, Singapore, for

a better future, but because of challenges faced by
the institution, the PhD he worked so freaking hard
for was rejected. After 5 long years.

REFUSING to give up, he spent some of his last

money on investing in the One Funnel Away

He started building funnels, shared them on

Facebook, and it caught my eye.

I asked whether he was keen to work on a brand new

project that my mentor and I was working on with
ZERO guarantee of pay, and he readily said yes.

Each day, he gave it his 100%. Not only did he build

funnels, he picked up brand new software, took up
graphic design, video editing, and had to execute it
with just a few hours' notice.

He was awake every single day at 730am and slept

2am every night. He kept going.

And because of his efforts, our team was able to

raise $200,000 for charity and >$300,000 in

We are going to hit the 2 comma club soon, and its all
thanks to this man.

DO NOT underestimate your power or what you can


The stuff in Clickfunnels works.

You have just got to have faith and keep going.

The "Let Me Tell You A Story" Post

Cold sales tactics...

They’re freaking nerve racking!

I’ve been there...

And it’s embarrassing to say this, but i used to...

Hang the phone up after two rings because the last

business owner screamed in my ear...

Drive past gyms that were perfect prospects because

I ‘wasn’t feeling it’ ...

Plan on sending 50 emails in the morning, just not to

do it because ‘these damn cold emails don’t work’...

But I’ll tell ya what...

When I actually completed thet call, walked into that

gym, sent those emails...

I felt a helluva lot better about myself.

And over time, I generated massive momentum and

confidence after I started saying ‘Fuck these negative
voices in my head’ and just started taking action.

It’s totally normal to feel down, nervous, and

especially umprepared...

But when you just start DOING, your life starts to

change real fast.

I hope this helps someone

The "Let Me Tell You A Story" Post

I Practiced 5 Simple Morning Rituals of the Richest CEOs for the Past 3 Weeks, and Here
is What Happened.

Today, instead of 6am, I broke my personal streak by waking up at 8. But guess what, I
actually had to FORCE myself to sleep more (& that's a story for another day...)

But you see, I started waking up at 6am every single morning since the start of July, and I
absolutely loved it! Here's why:

1) Meditation (~630am).

Majority of the top CEOs, Athletes, High Performers around the world practice some form
of mindfulness & meditation every single day, and if you want be a top performer, this is 1
habit to adopt.

Personally, I have had an on-off relationship with meditation over the years, but right now
its something I am extremely consistent in now. I typically switch between two
meditation tracks, 1 is called the 6-Phase Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani, & the other is
the 15-min Morning Priming Exercise by none other than Tony Robbins. 

Doing this has helped me to keep calm, relaxed, focused for the rest of the day. I feel
much more grounded, less anxious, and enjoy the peace before the “chaos” begins when
the rest of the world wakes up. 

2. Journaling (~650am). Inspired since the days I followed Tim Ferriss years ago,
journalling is an important priming exercise that gets me to focus on the kind of feelings,
focus, & intention I want to have for the rest of the day.

I am personally using the 5-Min Journal and am also trying out the High Performance
Planner by Brendon Burchard - Live. Love. Matter. too. 

I love the 5-Minute Journal because it consists of simple questions that have me to
practice gratitude, enable me to focus, and reminds me the kind of person I want to be
(e.g. loving, strong, calm, powerful, etc.). I also love the photo function where you get to
upload a photo of something that happened in the day, so its something you can look
back on too! 

Will share my experiences of the HPH journal at a later time. :) 

3) Exercise (~7am). No need to explain it much, but not only does it help me to lose
weight, build muscle etc, it also gives me a feeling of an early morning “Win” which I have
really came to enjoy. Maybe it’s sweating it out, challenging myself via the weights etc,
but I feel weird when I do not exercise now. 

Typically, I lift weights about 3 times a week, and the other 3 times will be focused on
HIIT (e.g. Tabata, Kettlebell Swings, etc.) & cardio to raise the heart rate up too. I also
incorporate yoga, stretching and mobility exercises to increase my flexibility too. I don’t
want to be an immobile when I grow older…

When I do all these, my body feels great for the rest of the day!!

4) Cold shower (~745am). Having recently read a little more into biohacking lately, I am
even more convinced about the power of taking cold showers (For those who didn’t know,
Tony Robbins jumps into the cold pool every single morning!).

What it does is to jumpstart our entire body, you start feeling REALLY energised, & I am
told it helps to “burn” off fat even more as well. 

I also practice a breathing routine during the cold shower to keep myself calm which is
great for the entire body too. If not, it is easy to start panicking & taking shallow breaths. 


The worst part for me is right at the start, aka the first 10 seconds
or so. After that, together with breathing, it feels way better and I
LOVE the way my body feels after I step out. It just feels like my
whole body is recharged, and I am ready to win for the entire day. 

5, Learn (~8am). My favourite part of the day! Instead of saying I

have not enough time, I prioritise it as a key focus in the morning. I
use it for reading, watching online courses (I am actually
undergoing 2 quests by Mindvalley right now), and taking ~5-10
minutes to grab a quick update of the news (Morningbrew, QZ, &

At about 9am, the hustle begins. But by then, I have already

completed 2.5 hours of “me” time, and I enjoy every second of it. 

No social media, emails (for work), requests & messages from rest
of the world, etc.

It’s protected time for me to live my purpose and create massive

positive impact for the world.

Hope you enjoyed the sharing! :)

And lastly, I have a few more systems, expert routines & habits I
practice daily which helped me to explode my performance and
productivity even further during this Covid-19 period, and would
love to share all of them with you!

All you need is to share this post so more people can benefit, and I
will PM you that, plus links to all the resources I mentioned, and a
bonus surprise too ;)


P.S. Also, if you would like to attend my first private, brand-new

workshop, do comment “me!” and I will be sending you more
details about it! During the workshop, I go deep on the specific
strategies, tools and tactics top experts and myself personally

The "Let Me Tell You A Story" Post

04 Taking The Leap of Faith

When I was considering to apply to be part of the speaker

team for KBB, I was so afraid. I was scared I would be
rejected, being laughed at, or just not taken seriously at all.

I asked myself: "who am I to apply for this

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Then I reminded what Dean Graziosi said. It is not about

your experience or credentials.

It is about the heart to serve.

And he said something else that resonated with me so


"Being an Underdog is Actually Your Gift".

I decided to make the decision to go for it. To give my 100%

for this application.

And after I shared with Bibiana Lim my vision, she decided

to take an entire half-day off her busy schedule to shoot
this super dope video with me. I am just so grateful to her!!

(P.S. Check the video out just for the production quality!
You will NOT be disappointed).

And so I just wanted to share with you today,

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is feeling the fear and

doing it anyway.

And whether I get selected or not, I have zero regrets.

Because I gave it my all. My 100%.

And that is living a fulfilled life for me. Implementing and

taking action.

And I invite all of you to do the same :)


The "Hey-You Callout" Post
(attention seeking callout)

Digital Agency Owners:

Where do you generate most

of your leads from?

The "#1 Problem" Post

(attention seeking callout)

What’s the #1 thing holding

you back from scaling your


The "#RingTheBell" Post

($600 project, $300 received)

Hi guys~ it’s ME AGAIN . And.....yup! I just closed my first US

client yesterday night at 4am! So here’s the story (Warning: I’m
going to make this a long story, because it’s really exciting )

Since I joined DHM, I followed Reeve’s advices in joining groups,

adding friends and posting mockup to the groups, to my wall, and
not to forget my story as well. Chop all the grandpa grandma

I posted my Fitness mockup that I built for the competition

organised by Reeve last time (some of you may have seen it
before) to Click Funnels group. It does attract many people to text
me, but most of them are price hopping.

Until yesterday night I received a notification that someone sent a

msg to my page (I opened a page for this business but I didn’t
really put much effort in managing it ), but I don’t know why I
couldn’t see her msg whenever I clicked the notification. I almost
gave up like thinking ‘Nah something just went wrong maybe’.
Luckily I didn’t and paid a bit more attention in finding back the
person and finally I saw her message! She texted me on
Wednesday morning, with my fitness mockup design and asked if I
could help her in building EXACTLY same thing for her landing
page as she hired one who did a really bad job for her. I didn’t reply
her as I can’t see her msg (I almost lost the opportunity ), but I
think she really likes my design so she asked again yesterday that
could I get back to her.

The process went too smooth until I couldn’t believe it’s real. As
since few weeks before, I have been getting ‘challenging’
prospects and thanks to Cmc ChengReeve Yewand Jackson Yew‘s
patience in guiding me on answering their questions. But for this
client, I handled her all on my own because that time was 4am .
Of course we negotiated a bit on the price but it was just a little
while and once we agreed on the price, she straight away asked for
my paypal link and paid me! I almost scream it out and my heart
beating sooooooo fast (sorry if I’ve been too over ), that’s the
most satisfying and motivating moment that I’ve ever had!

What I want to share is, keep going with what you’re doing now.
Don’t rush, as Reeve always said, follow your own pace, keep on
posting your mock up consistently, you won’t know who’s paying
attention to your design, until you got approached. And I always
tell my classmates in this group that, DON’T FEEL SHY TO ASK
QUESTIONS, there are sooo many great people in this group, and
that’s what this group is meant to be!!!

*I am not an expert, in fact I’m still a very new newbie, so you’ll

probably see me posting a lot of questions soon

LET’S GROW TOGETHER! I love this group!!


The "#RingTheBell" Post


First client closed for 750USD!

Would like to thank @NoKahEm, JsCheok, Jarrett & Tonge for your

Would like to thank Reeve, Jackson & CMC for the endless

Although this project is really heavy, (27 pages long).... but any
amount of money is better than no amount! haha and also because
this is my first client so yeah take it like what Jedy & Nana said!


Yay it's my turn! Saw so many good news from other members and
today finally I closed my first UK client who is also my first client

Special thanks to Reeve Yew Grace Lytz Jedy Wei for patiently
answering my questions and all the continuous support from this
BIG family! ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

I remember this sharing from Shanice Siew Huei during one of the
live sessions that really inspired me --

'Close first and you can figure out how to do it later' ️

So now I have to figure out how to complete this project~ haha!

Anyone here who has experience using WordPress?

The "#RingTheBell" Post

Guess what is missing today? It's the ring guys!


Finally after 2 months 10 days joining this family managed to close

a Dubai client. She contacted me today around 6 am. After my
morning prayer (you know need to keep praying so that she will
seal the deal ), I replied her and find her problems, needs and
wants. Around afternoon we got in touch again and closed the
deal. Just now at 5pm, I had zoom meeting with her to discuss

Phewww~~ what a journey. Never thought I was able to close the

client in a day. It's funny as the process was so smooth. Obviously
I was nervous, but kept chanting, she just another human. She
doesn't know much about funnel, but I DO. She isn't good at design
hacking, but I DO.

A tip here, do some research about client's business, prepare what

to say during the meeting and be a human. Try to insert questions
like, oh how did you find me? how long she has been in Dubai
(since she is a British). I tried to applied things Jackson's the
wizard has shared in the portal. Works 110% guys!

Massive thanks to mentors, Reeve Yew, Jackson Yew, Cmc Cheng

for consistently guiding and pushing me to JUST DO IT! also to you
guys in this family, appreciate your comments, positivity, sharing
and everything!!! also, to Iyfa SyaFeeque and Jamal Hakim for
providing good reviews about Reeve and his class before I joined
DHM. Your girl was sceptical about this whole online marketing
thingy. She never encountered and it never in her life plan before

Not a sceptic girl anymore,


The "#RingTheBell" Post




Hi everyone, I'm Yee Lun here to summarize my funnel design

journey in May.

Here's what I learn about this month:

1)The more prospects you talk with , the higher chance rate you
gonna close a deal with your next prospect.

2)Hoping on a call have a greater chance to close an client than


3)In the conversation,the key here is to give and add value in each
touch you make toward your customers and prospects.

4)When you’re adding value, you should be giving the client or

prospect something they are not expecting. Doing something for
them that should be naturally part of the product, your job, or your
service is not adding value.

5)Do propose a funnel blueprint & let the prospect know that you
highly understand what they need!

6)Work Smart > Work Hard



Here's what you might say: All the design looks so similar, you sure
that is good enough to propose to the client?

I created this simple templates to propose to my client, what's

their feedback?

A template used for 3 clients from the same industry, 0 design

changes after the first design proposal!

Save time , Happy clients , Positive feedback!

Thanks to all the sifu Reeve Yew & Jackson Yew! & Special thanks
to JS Cheok for helping out in the projects.

There are lots of awesome people are on this journey moving

forward together! Let us ring many many bells!

Do drop your questions in the comment. I would be happy to


The "#RingTheBell" Post
Ring the bell! Throwing some serious confetti around here.

I never ring the bell because I have this internalized thought

of "no one cares about what I have to say" but this is me
trying to overcome old thought patterns and also inspire
you to keep doing the work. :D

I closed 7 beautiful clients for 2497 € for a new round of

group coaching in September within the last 3 weeks.
Aiming for 15 by the end of august.

Here is what really helped me:

I had a really uplifting call with Allan Cortes and that made
me raise my price by 500 € and move to weekly Q&A's with
coaching hot seats instead of 1:1 coaching in the group -
which has natural limit of 6 clients per group. He really
gave me great advice and the push that I needed.

I have amazing Facebook Ads Support from Adrian Pilot

who takes care of everything so I can focus on what I do

I work with Shani Taylor on my ad copy / sales copy and on

and she is the bomb to actually get to the gist of things and
the main drivers my audience has.

I took the amazing advice about the sales call from Linda
Potgieter about the current & desired state from the women
I work with and it resonates so much. asking how they feel
and how they desire to feel really was the game changer.

I hope its okay to share my learning with you. if you're

stuck, ask for help. If you're not good at something, invest
in someone who is. I found all the answers in this group
and with the mentors I invested in.

This program has changed my life and made me realize

how much I can actually do, moving from a 1500 Euros
blogging business a month to 6 figures yearly within a
really short amount of time. It gives me freedom of choice,
so much self worth and a wonderful vision for this life. I get
to hang with my 4 year old daughter and only work 20 hours
a week. I get to work with amazing women and can really
be of service in what I do.

Thanks to Sam, thanks to everyone here for sharing your

energy and information and keeping up the good spirit.

I'm so, so grateful.

xx Christina

The “Humble Brag” Post
WE DID IT!!!🤯🤯

We are honestly shocked by the outcome of the latest book funnel we have

The conversion rate hit almost 3͟ 0%

͟(29.92% to be exact) in merely 3 hours
of releasing the project.

And 7k in total sales after one week of JV launch with 100 new leads who
registered for a high ticket webinar

The best thing is that we only spent around 7 days to get everything up!

Yoooooo… 🤯

Creating this book funnel with my team reminded me about the start of my
journey into entrepreneurship and funnels 2 years ago…

I just graduated with a physiotherapy degree and was lost on what to do in


I knew I wanted to try entrepreneurship once I graduated but I didn't know

how. I bought books and consumed them like crazy ( Expert secrets, Dot
com secrets, Dan Kennedy’s and many more )

It was those books that lead me on this path and I would say a book really
changes the perspective of people and helps brand the author as an
authority and expert.

Now, I would like to share some simple but often-overlooked tips and
practices on building a highly converting book funnel.

(Just take it as me showing some love & spreading some positivity during
tough times like this. Heh.)

#1 Write the sneak peak of your book in a direct response way

Firstly, you’re selling a book. People need to know what’s inside. And you’re
not just gonna break down your book like some romantic youngsters fiction.

Make sure you keep this in mind all the time, people need to know what your
book is gonna do to them, people want to know how your book can help
them achieve what they want.

The more they FEEL your book can help them, the higher the perceived value
is, the higher the chance they’re gonna buy your book, right away.

Clarify the big promise of your book immediately with your headline and
write the copy according to the big promise!

#2 To have an order bump & upsell at a higher price

People in the market normally offer their book/ebook from $0- $37. And
unless you managed to sell at least 27,000 copies of them, it’s nearly
impossible for you to hit the 1m mark.

Simple, the trick is to have an order bump & 1-2 upsell(s) to speed up the

For example, if you’re selling a book teaching people how to cook Chinese
food at home, your order bump could be a pot. Yes, a pot. You gotta show
them how this pot has helped you churned out plates after plates of
delicious Chinese food. For some weird reason, people will buy into it.

Next up, you could sell a “30-day done for you recipe” as an upsell. First, you
teach them how to cook (main offer), later you tell them what to cook. Just
as you know, people are lazy. And they will buy almost ANYTHING that is
done nicely for them.

Always sell followup problems as upsells!


#3 Do not end the selling process on thank you page

This is probably the most crucial factor to determine the success

of your funnel.

Remember, selling a book is just the T.O.F (top of the funnel). We

need to prepare for something bigger, something that could bring
in more profits at the back!

By just showing your charming beautiful smiley photo + ‘Thank you

so much for purchasing my book’ on the thank you page won’t get
you any further.

Play around with your thank you page. Direct your traffic to
something bigger. Direct them to something else so that could
keep them in your loop for you to keep selling!

Direct them to a coaching call, to a webinar or to your Facebook


#4 do not create a book funnel first*

This is one of the biggest problems we see people doing. People

wanting to create small ticket items first before they get their
business in order.

A book funnel or an SLO funnel is there for you to create and

acquire new customers, and it usually breaks even or profits
slightly at best. It’s not used to generate lots of profit.

If you have not created your core offer yet, go and get the proof of
concept by selling and making $$$ before creating a truly cold
customer acquisition funnel. Profit first through high ticket!


Hope you guys gained something from this post!

And if you have any questions or tips for book funnels, feel free to
leave a comment below, would be glad to exchange feedback! :)


The “Humble Brag” Post
Youtube Growth Value Post

Yo yo yo! Happy 2020 you funnel hackers.

Been seeing a lot of buzz the past 12-months about growing a

youtube channel.

Man... hate to say it...

most the advice from the "youtube gurus" sucks. Not only that,
it's HURTFUL. They tell you to edit like crazy, use 3857 intro
hooks, beg for comments likes and subs, and spend 10 hours
per video.

Oh, and NOT TO MENTION... 99% of the youtube growth yt

channels have NEVER grown an actual channel outside of
giving yt advice (rant over)

I have.

Not saying this to brag, just saying this to let you know here's
what I've found ACTUALLY works after 4-years of posting on YT
with over:

300k+ subs

500+ videos

18M+ views

ALL 100% organic

So here's some (hopefully valuable) advice on WHAT

ACTUALLY WORKS in 2020 with growing on youtube today.

So in honor of most the yt growth advice, well, sucking...

I present to you...

The 3 BIGGEST Time-SUCKers New YouTubers Fall Victim Too!

**as always, excuse any lack of grammar/formatting. Just

wrote this like a stream of consciousness - meant to deliver
value, not be a blog post.


This is probably the BIGGEST time-sucker out there. Especially

if you're first starting out. Yes, you will have to learn some
basic editing software to post youtube videos. I use final cut
pro x but any of them will work. Here's why

Remember this ONE thing: the ONLY three editing commands

you'll ever need to know are




Everything else is a distraction.

Screw the music, b-roll, titles, transitions... just throw them

out! They are not the reason people will watch or click off.
Again, not sure why people promote this stuff to NEW
youtubers who are just starting.

Once you can outsource... go as hog-wild as you want. But

again, your time is 1285877X BETTER spent creating more

VALUE BOMB: One massive 'hack' to cut down editing time
and still make vids engaging is to use a flip chart or
whiteboard. Write out your points or use this for visuals.
Crazy watch time!)


Don't over script your videos...

I HAVE TESTED THIS with hundreds of videos and dozens

of thumbnails...

the videos that have LESS editing and LESS "polish" are the
ones people watch the most.

Hopefully kinda like this post?

Good news for you: Authenticity wins in 2020. It's called

YOU-tube, not IDEALFAKEYOU-tube (I'm also a comedian

To go deeper on the "why" behind over-scripting, I found the

times I was over-scripting my videos a form of hiding.

It can be scary putting your TRUE self out there... because

that means if people don't like it they ACTUALLY don't like
YOU. Vs. the "fake" over-polished we can write it off as
them not liking the script or persona (which isn't really us,
so we all good).

But the irony is that MORE people will LOVE the real you
than love the mask! So just ditch it and be straight up.
You'll win!

Does that make sense?


Again, massive time suck.

And again, I've split test this. What I actually like to do on

Friday nights cause apparently I have no social life.

The thumbnails I had "professionally designed" didn't out

convert click-throughs of ones I did myself and were
kinda... ugly sloppy?

Let me know if you want to see examples but in short, just

post decent eye-catching CLEAR images of you from the
video using like canva or whatever

Here's another non-sucking rule to follow for your content:

DO NOT spend MORE time creating your thumbnails than
you did shooting the actual video.

Yes, thumbnails are SUPER important, but what you say in

your video matters way more.

Spend your time creating content and you'll be in the clear.

AND REMEMBER... don't listen to marketers and people

saying that "It's too competitive to start youtube" or "too
crowded" - people have literally been saying that since I
uploaded my first vid in like 2016.

Refusing to settle,


p.s. what questions do you have about growing your YT

channel organically? I plan on giving in funnel hacker group
more regularly and happy to answer them.

The “Humble Brag” Post


Completed another project with Kolton G Krottinger

and I must say it's amazing! Kolton has a big heart,
super down-to-earth guy although he's a 2 comma
club member. Not forgetting he is one of the top
affiliates in Clickfunnels. I'm very honored to build his
personal webpage for him.

If you're looking for some radical change in your life,

learn from this guy who has gone through it all.

The “Humble Brag” Post
How This Controversial Ecom Funnel Made $25k In 5 Days

Is it ethical to sell face masks during a national emergency?

Here are my thoughts on the subject...

If there is a DEMAND for a product,

Then what is wrong with supplying it?

The news has done most of the marketing for us here anyway.

Side Note: This is not my funnel, I built it for a client

But the raw reality is....

This funnel still made circa $25,000 in around 5 days flat.

How was this possible?


The offer we put together was killer (no pun intended)

And remember?

Offer = Meat 🥩

Design = Bread

Successful sandwich 🥪 = design + offer


1. Right off the bat (no pun intended) I knew this should be a free plus
shipping offer

Here is what we set up:

> 1X Face Mask just pay $12.95 S&H

> 2X Face Masks, $11 Per Mask (SAVE 15%)

> 5X Face Masks, $10 Per Mask (SAVE 25%)

2. We set up quantity breaks to give people a reason to order more (most

people bought masks for their entire family)

3. The order bump we created made perfect sense! This face mask was one
with a respirator that required filters and cotton to be changed.

4. We had two upsells. The first was for a 'kids version' of the mask. And the
last was a mask for your dog (people actually bought this, crazy)


That's all for this one guys. Whether you think its ethical or not is up for you
to decide. Again, this was not my funnel.

I do think its perfectly fine to sell a product when there is a demand for it!

Just wanted to, yet again, prove that....


When creating their funnel.

Get the offer right and it's smooth sailing ;)

The “Humble Brag” Post
05 I cheated on my marridge for Clickfunnels!

For almost a decade, Wordpress has been my "beautiful" wife that I

used to design over a 100 websites for clients here in Singapore...

3 years ago, a friend from the Clickfunnels community introduced

me to Clickfunnels and the man Russell Brunson himself...

"Funnels is the future!", he said.

When I heard that...

Honestly, I was damn skeptical af.

For someone that was comfortable making a good 5 figure

monthly income building wordpress websites while travelling the
world, I was stubborn and insisted that Wordpress is the best
platform to build online sites.

And then, I started seeing more and more of my friends here

getting insane results for their businesses using Clickfunnels...

The day i took the leap of faith to try out Clickfunnels and applying
the funnel concepts taught by Russell...


We literally crossed 7 Figures in sales for our agency and clients.

Seriously, I wished I learnt about Clickfunnels and Russell's

teachings earlier on!

Thought of giving back to this community, so here's my 3 biggest

learning points that allowed our agency to scale rapidly with $0 ad
spend (Yes, our clients are all through word of mouth referrals)...

If you're a marketer or funnel builder, this is definitely FOR YOU.

Secret #1: Sell Frameworks, Product/ Services 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀

This was my biggest epiphany when I first heard Russell shared

about this in Funnel Hacking Live (I recommend you to watch his
videos on frameworks again).

It sucks to have a great product but you cant sell isn't it?

Reposition your sales message to selling the results outcome of

how your business can bring a customer from point A to point B in
a short span of time (Yes, make sure your product / service is
really good).

This allowed us to pivot from struggling previously selling

websites as a service for $800, to becoming one of Singapore's top
funnel agency where clients now pay us an average of $5k - $10k
to build a funnel for them.

This will make a HUGE difference in your business's profits

especially if you're running ads and able to tank much higher CPA
from Facebook, Youtube ads etc.


Secret #2: The MORE $$$ you take from clients = The MORE they
love you𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂

I know, some of you are giving the disbelief look on your face.

Let me explain.

Think about it, when was the last time a client appreciates the
work you have done for them that they paid low prices for?

Worse still, they dont feel enough pain to take action for

You would want to be the Lamborghini that customers drive around

to flaunt to their social circles rather than being a cheap bicycle
that nobody talks about.

This way, you get MORE referrals while clients take action to
achieve greater success!

You win, they win.

Secret #3: Have an affiliate / referral model

Your best marketers are your raving fans and dream customers.

No big secret but seriously how many people actually implement

this properly?

We simply success modeled from how Clickfunnels paid out up to

40% affiliate commission and reward our current clients the same
way for referrals too.

Sometimes, all we gotta do is to boldly ask people for referrals.

There's no shame in doing that.

Remember, we are all in the business of making people's life better

with our products and services!

And yup, that is my 3 biggest learning so far...

Hope this helps and let me know if it did! A big thank you to the
positive vibes family here for being supportive and awesome as

P.S: Next time when someone asks you whats the difference
between wordpress and clickfunnels... Show them this!

The “Humble Brag” Post
How I scaled to a million+ a month. (Hope my awards
serve as proof, if not you will have to stone me ha)

Here is the journey and framework I used.

1. Create a high ticket offer.

Typically this is anything 3000+. As you scale this

price will need to go up to support margins and a
team but at least 3k is my suggestion.

2. Maximize organic

This means fb messaging, Instagram messaging,

posts, emails, etc.

Any method of traffic that is free. If ya can’t convert

free traffic ya can’t convert paid traffic.

I didn’t do a dime of paid traffic before I was crushing

organic methods.

You’re giving up time early on to avoid wasting money


Besides as a beginner you don’t have money to


3. Hire a coach for your clientsOnce you’ve mastered

organic and gotten 20+ high ticket clients time to hire
a coach (on average).

4. Ads + sales guy/girl

Start running a small amount of ads plus a sales rep.

Typically this is needed anywhere between 50-100k a


Sales is the MOST important so I recommend giving

this up last.

5. Crank ads + hire more team members

Now it’s time to press down on the gas in whatever is


You should look for a 4x ROI.

I was spending 80-100k a month before I started having

less than a 4x ROI

Hire as needed in different positions.

6. Time for low ticket

After a certain point in ad spend the costs will go up


This is common with high ticket offers.To combat the

increase in ad spend a low ticket offer makes sense around
the 300-400k revenue mark for B2B (may be around 1-150
for B2C).

The goal would be to liquidate half of your ad spend.

Meaning if you spend 100k you make 50k in low ticket


Then within 90 days you upsell a portion of those buyers to

your high ticket offer to make much more profit.

This works very well and helps you increase revenue and
profit margins.

7. Diversify ad platforms

After you max out fb ads and start pushing your low ticket
offer with your high ticket I would diversify on youtube.

Youtube is an amazing platform and helped me go even


At this point you’re now around 7-800k a month.

8. Focus on improving metrics increasing LTV of clients,

increasing prices, increase funnel page conversion %s, etc.

Optimize for that last little bit.

A percentage here or there makes all the difference.

And now you’re there, hope this somewhat helps.

Obviously lots of specifics inside each step but this is a


The "Watch Me Live" Post

Would you like to take a sneak peak into my full

design process (from A-Z) that I use to create landing
page designs (LIKE THE ONE BELOW) and many other
of my mockups as well as client projects?

For the first time ever, at Vamsi Pannala's Impact

Marketing Summit, I'm gonna reveal my full process

- How I come up with a great theme/idea for my

design mockup

- How I find design inspirations regarding the theme I

decide on

- How I find an actual product/service/brand for

content inspiration

- The steps I always go through before starting to

design (which will make your process 5X more
efficient and cut your design time from few days to a

- My favorite softwares/tools

- How I choose the color combinations

- How I choose the fonts

- Watching me actually designing a page from scratch

in a design software

- How I build a design out LIVE on Clickfunnels and

how you can apply the same thing to any other web
builders you use

For a few bucks you can also get accessed to live

trainings by many other experts in the marketing field
who are generous enough to share their knowledge
with us.

The summit will be released mid June but if you want

to be notified, comment 'COUNT ME IN' and I'll let you
know when the time comes.

Thank you

The "Watch Me Live" Post


Going live with Melvin Soh!

The "Ingenius Interview" Post

[Live Guest] Brad Newman shares his story on losing

it all, growing an addiction, and turning it around into
a high performing sales athlete that's sold 7 figures
for the people you already know...

Right NOW he shares his awesome expert secrets


The big break that made him realize he could sell

ethically (even when the world thought he couldn't)

How he found his next mentor, coach, and the big

sales skills the took him to over 7 figures in sales

The 3 secrets to his 5C Sourcing system that he

used to sell 68 $2,000 programs in 5 days

A delicious on-air giveaway only available those

who are watching it LIVE

Watch and learn as Brad Newman shows you its

clearly possible to lose it all and get it back 10x



The "Ingenius Interview" Post

[LIVE Interview w/ John Logar - 7-figure agency

owner & coach]

What’s happening right now, what’s about to happen,

and how to get your shit together to profit

[Live Guest] James Cluster spills the beans on how he took
a local dentist from 0 to over 600 real life customer
opportunities in less than 7 months.

Hold on....

Lemme do that math...

Is that almost 3 leads a day every day for over 200 days?

Yup thats right

Today he shares awesome expert secrets including…

How 1/4 of these leads came in with 1 SPECIFIC offer

How to get a 50% return rate for scheduled


A SECRET opportunity that he won't be giving out

anywhere else

Watch as James pops the hood on what works, what

doesn't, and how to get those juicy return appointments
that make dentist campaigns work...


Join the Inner Circle here =>

The “Raving Fans Testimonial” Post
We are selling 100 physical copies of the new Automatic
Clients book before we launch to the public...‼️

BUT there is a catch... more below.

Here are some of the things you'll find in this 330 page
book we worked on for the last 7 months!

How We Get 100+ "$5 Customers" Per Day & Convert

Them To $5,000 - $35,000 Clients

The 3 Levels Of Customers & How To Sell To Each Level

Why Focusing On Increasing Sales Velocity Triples Your

Revenue & Speed

How Focusing On Economics Instead Of Marketing Lets

Brand New Companies Compete With Industry Giants (And
Examples Of This)

How To Dominate FB, IG, Google, And YT Ads Even If

You Never Created An Ad

Our 7-Figure Sales Funnel Explained

How To Scale To 250+ Sales Per Day

Breakdown Of Our "Tri-Page Sales Page" (Converted

15% Of Cold Traffic To Buyers)

330 Pages With Advanced Marketing Knowledge You

Can't Find Anywhere Else

We've been consulting a private group of 60 people to

implement the information in this book and we already
have 7-figure case studies in less than 6 months.

Ok, so what is the catch ️

The reason we are selling these 100 copies is because we

want testimonials to put on our sales page, so we're going
to bribe you for one.

If you get the book and send us a testimonial (good or bad)

we will give you both upsells for FREE (usual price is

️ ️ ️

If you want more information just comment below and we'll

send you a link with a video and ability to get 1 out of the
100 physical copies we prepared.

️ ️ ️

The “Drop Me A Comment” Post

Understand Your Why And You Will Succeed In Time!

We all know it takes commitment to see our goals

through but many of us struggle with holding on
when things get tough. ⁣

Why is that? ⁣

Most often, it is because we haven't meditated on our

why. ⁣

Why have we set certain goals for ourselves and our

business?! ⁣

The answer should come instantaneously to our

minds. It should fuel every decision that we make. ⁣

Because at the end of the day every method works,

you just have to be one of the few who are diligent
and dedicated enough to stay dedicated to your
goals. ⁣

⁣P.S. The podcast episode will be released tonight

where I will be dropping a special mastermind in
conjuncture with our office warming end of the

Comment "Pre-Paid Customers" and I will tag you in

the post for that special mastermind/office warming

The “Drop Me A Comment” Post
Now is the time to innovate...

I have been receiving messages from friends and

prospects on how to navigate this tough times.

This crisis is an opportunity for everyone. Think

about what companies are doing well and why!

The advice has always been the same continue doing

what you are doing and build an online version of
your business...

An agency in Canada helping gym told me gyms were

closed and the whole country is on lockdown.

Solution: help gym owners transit online with their

current base of customers and build their brand.
Imagine what this will do for their business once the
virus is over!

Restaurants are getting less bookings and walk-ins

Solution: create a subscription based delivery service

for new and old customers. You can even angle it to
getting good food during this tough period or healthy

Tuition centers, events and seminar getting


Solution: create an online version of the event ,

seminar or the class with zoom or other webinar
apps. This will help you reach way more people
compare to doing it offline

Coaches who rely on corporate trainings and

speaking engagement

Solution: create a book funnel to continue building

your brand with more people and funnel them to
group or personal coaching

These are just some solutions you can use for your
business right now.

Remember you are in control, take charge of your

business and continue to innovate and pivot we will
get through this tough times together

Our team is currently working on a free 4 day value

pack video series to support local business around
the world

All you need to do is to comment "recession proof"

and my team will contact you!

The “Follow Train” Post


Yo! Stop scrolling. Need your attention for a minute!

I have always been active on FB and never really

bother about Instagram. I used to have one really
hypebeast one where I post all the "trendy" photos
but deleted it a year ago because I don't think that's
who I am.

So I am trying to build my IG community - let's

exchange Instagram contacts below?

Follow me at

Comment your IG HANDLE below so I can follow you



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