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David P. Ruth*
Meteorological Development Laboratory
Office of Science and Technology
National Weather Service, NOAA
Silver Spring, Maryland

1. INTRODUCTION can now be provided to our customers and

partners in digital form–a strategic goal of the
Since the days of first numerical weather NWS for 2003 (NWS 1999).
models, National Weather Service (NWS)
forecasters have prepared and disseminated The primary means by which the NWS
official forecasts as text. Although advances in plans to disseminate official high-resolution
numerical weather prediction, observing sys- digital forecasts is via the National Digital
tems, and computer workstations have served to Forecast Database (NDFD; Glahn and Ruth
greatly improve both the quantity and quality of 2003). The NDFD is envisioned to provide a
weather information available to NWS forecast- seamless mosaic of official NWS digital fore-
ers, the information the NWS provided to our casts. The database is being made available to
users at the end of the century continued to be all customers and partners–public and pri-
limited by how fast forecasters could type. With vate–so that those customers and partners can
the nationwide implementation of the Interactive create a wide range of text, graphic, and image
Forecast Preparation System (IFPS) at NWS products of their own. Information on NDFD is
Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) nearly com- available at Figs. 1-3
plete, the NWS is now positioned to increase show example images that can be generated
both the resolution and timeliness of its official from NDFD grids. Current forecast images can
forecasts. Instead of manually typing a myriad be viewed from the NWS homepage at
of text products tailored for specific user com-
munities, forecasters rely on interactive interpre-
tation and editing techniques to prepare detailed 2. THE COMING OF THE DIGITAL AGE
forecasts of weather elements in a common
digital database 7 days into the future on at least The previous half century witnessed an
a 5-km resolution grid. From this database, increasing reliance by operational meteorolo-
IFPS software automatically composes and gists on computer technology to complete tasks
formats the legacy text suite of products. More that were formerly infeasible or accomplished
importantly, the high-resolution forecast itself by manual methods. This transition has been
marked by three major advances, none immedi-
*Corresponding author address: David P. ately recognized as such, and each dependent on
Ruth, W/OST21, Room 10148, SSMC2, the success of the prior. The first advance came
NOAA, 1325 East West Highway, Silver in the field of numerical weather prediction.
Spring, Maryland 20910-3283; e-mail: Although not embraced by operational forecast- ers at the start, a thorough review of numerical
model output is an indispensable step in prepar- the NDFD possible. The NDFD constitutes a
ing a forecast today. “mosaic” of human value added to the best
numerical and statistical models of the day.
A second major advance came with the With it, the NWS is able to provide much more
statistical interpretation of numerical model forecast information than previously, at time-
output by employing techniques such as perfect scales as small as hourly and space scales of a
prog (Klein et al. 1959) and Model Output few kilometers. More than 120 WFOs nation-
Statistics (MOS; Glahn and Lowry 1972). wide currently submit forecasts to the experi-
Resisted by field forecasters when introduced, mental NDFD. Forecast elements in the NDFD
statistical forecasts are also now part of the at the time of this writing are shown in Table 1.
routine process. In fact, MOS guidance has The database will also eventually contain digital
become an accepted benchmark by which hu- forecasts from the National Centers for Environ-
man forecasts are judged. mental Prediction (NCEP) such as maximum
expected winds from hurricanes, offshore ma-
The third major advance came only recently rine products, and climate forecasts.
with the introduction of IFPS into NWS field
offices nationwide (Ruth 2002). This advance
Table 1. NDFD elements
has also been met with resistance. In its early
days of development, the primary benefit of NDFD element name Temporal Temporal
IFPS was thought to be in allowing forecasters frequency frequency
to focus on meteorology by eliminating the days 1-3 days 4-7
tedious chore of typing forecasts. This has not Daytime Maximum 24 hours 24 hours
been the experience at many forecast offices. Temperature
The tremendous amounts of data that need to be
viewed and manipulated can be so overwhelm- Nighttime Minimum 24 hours 24 hours
ing that it has required new management strate-
gies at local offices to accommodate peak Probability of 12 hours 12 hours
workloads (Maximuk 2003; Rezek 2002). In Precipitation (12-h)
those portions of the nation with complex
Quantitative 6 hours n/a
terrain, software still can not (and likely never
will) generate the same free-flowing text that a Forecast
human can compose. If text products are to
remain the same, this necessitates post-editing Sky Cover 3 hours 6 hours
of IFPS generated products in addition to pre-
Snowfall Amount 6 hours n/a
paring forecast grids. Today, the overwhelming
benefit of IFPS is instead recognized to lie in the Surface Temperature 3 hours 6 hours
digital data themselves. By disseminating NWS
Dewpoint 3 hours 6 hours
weather forecasts in a form that provides high
resolution with great flexibility, we significantly
increase the usefulness of NWS weather fore- Wind Direction 3 hours 6 hours
casts to our customers and partners (Ruth and
Wind Speed 3 hours 6 hours
Glahn 2003).
Weather 3 hours 6 hours
Each of the three advances described are
now working together to make the creation of Wave Height 12 hours 12 hours
3. A GOOD MODEL “FIRST GUESS” an issue, it is unclear what the ideal resolution
for NDFD would be. However, it is almost
The original concept for IFPS was that certainly finer than our highest resolution mod-
forecasters would start each new forecast cycle els are currently able to provide as guidance.
with a good “first guess” based on the most
recent numerical and statistical model guidance. Beginning this fall, the Meteorological
They would interactively make changes to Development Laboratory (MDL) plans to intro-
model guidance by using graphical editing tools. duce a prototype gridded MOS product devel-
And finally, they would push a button to pro- oped on the 5-km NDFD grid. Forecasts will be
duce a complete suite of forecast products. As produced by regionalized equations that use
the “first guess” from the models improved, the high-resolution geophysical data as predictors.
time spent on routine forecast preparation at In order to measure skill at producing forecasts
NWS forecast offices would decrease, and the for any point, selected observation sites are
overall product would be improved. being held back from the development sample
for testing. Not only does this development
The reality of IFPS operations at WFOs have the potential to provide very good gridded
today is quite different. Once the 7-day digital guidance to forecasters in a form directly appli-
forecast database is established, forecasters do cable to the problem at hand, but it will likely
not routinely overwrite it with new model establish a much fairer baseline (than station
guidance, but ”nudge” it according to the latest MOS) by which to gauge forecaster skill.
incoming observations and model guidance.
This preserves the high-resolution detail already 4. THE HUMAN IN THE LOOP
edited into the database that most sources of
model guidance do not contain. It promotes Techniques for interacting with the digital
consistency from one forecast cycle to the next. database have improved dramatically over the
And it focuses coordination discussions with past decade and will continue to evolve as both
adjacent offices to only those days requiring the quality and quantity of model guidance
change from previous thinking. increases. A variety of interactive techniques
used throughout the world are described by Ruth
Should a change to the database be deemed (2000). At present, NWS forecasters at WFOs
necessary, forecasters can either use tools to pull rely on the Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE)–a
the current grids toward the latest model guid- grid editor developed by the Forecast Systems
ance, or they can copy in grids for selected Laboratory (Wier et al. 1998). Grid editors
forecast hours. These sensible weather grids are enable forecasters to draw and manipulate fields
either mapped from MOS at available station of sensible weather on a map. Scripts, known as
locations, or are objectively interpreted from “smart tools”, are written by local forecasters to
model-based soundings (LeFebvre et al. 2002). quantify meteorological interdependencies
Grids can be derived from several NWS models. among specific weather elements and terrain.
In order to compensate for their relatively coarse These tools and procedures enable forecasters to
resolution on AWIPS, IFPS uses high-resolution streamline the forecast creation process and to
terrain data to smartly interpolate to a finer provide scientific methods to produce mesoscale
mesh grid. Grid spacing at WFOs currently effects in the forecast database (Margraf 2004).
ranges from 5 km to 1.25 km. Those WFOs
with the most complex terrain choose to run at A clear attraction of grid editing is the large
the finest resolutions. If performance were not degree of control it offers forecasters to assign
specific values to gridpoints with a simple point Although direct comparisons to known
and click. Because of the relatively small areas standards are not yet possible, several conclu-
of the country for which any one WFO has sions about WFO grids in the current NDFD are
responsibility, this methodology works well. evident:
However, as the spatial and temporal resolution
of model forecasts continues to increase, so too • Forecast offices do a better job producing
will the number of grids a forecaster will be accurate 12-h fields for maximum tempera-
asked to review and prepare. In addition to ture, minimum temperature and probability
greater resolution, forecasters will soon be asked of precipitation than they do with hourly
to prepare grids for more public, marine, and fields such as temperature, dewpoint, and
fire weather elements. Eventually, forecasters wind. The NDFD exhibits significant and
may be asked to prepare 3D grids that can consistent diurnal biases for these elements.
support aviation forecasting, as well as new
probability grids to help quantify forecast uncer- • Forecast offices do a better job producing
tainty. Under this scenario, direct editing of skillful forecasts in relation to model guid-
grids may become infeasible, even with the aide ance for the first few days than for days 4
of smart tools. through 7.

In order to continue to take advantage of • Forecast offices have difficulty producing

human expertise in the forecast process, inter- forecasts that are consistent across WFO
pretative tools that can adjust a whole contin- boundaries. This is particularly true for
uum of model forecasts in the dimensions of hourly fields like temperature, dewpoint,
time, 3D space, and probability are being proto- and wind.
typed at MDL. These techniques are intended to
enable forecasters to make better use of high- • Forecast offices are still struggling to pro-
resolution model guidance than editing tech- vide all required forecasts to NDFD in a
niques that currently exist. timely fashion. On an average day, 5-10%
of all offices in the CONUS fail to provide
5. THE VALUE ADDED grids for all required elements and times.

The deployment of IFPS nationwide has 6. CONCLUSION

now made available an unprecedented quantity
of human forecasts in digital form. And since Implementation of the IFPS/NDFD concept
the experimental release of NDFD in June 2003, is the latest in a series of advances made possi-
people have wanted to know just how good is it. ble by computer technology over the last half
MDL has developed a prototype verification century. As has been the experience with prior
system to examine this question (Dagostaro et advances, it will likely take several years to
al. 2004), but no agreed upon analysis of record firmly establish NDFD into routine NWS opera-
yet exists by which to compare gridded forecasts tions. At the time of its initial operating capa-
of sensible weather at 5-km resolution. It is bility, the NDFD will be limited to a handful of
possible to verify forecasts by polling the near- surface elements and will contain very limited
est NDFD gridpoint to an observation site, but information on forecast certainty. Over the next
this raises questions about representativeness of decade, we expect to increase the temporal and
observations at those points, especially for areas spatial resolution of the NDFD, introduce addi-
with complex terrain. tional forecast elements including those that
quantify forecast uncertainty, as well as provide Maximuk, L. P., 2003: Challenges and rewards
3D information capable of supporting aviation of preparing gridded forecasts. Preprints,
forecasts. The success of this new database, and 19th Int. Conf. on Interactive Information
especially its planned enhancements, will in- and Processing Systems for Meteorology,
creasingly depend upon the availability of Oceanography, and Hydrology, Long
accurate, high-resolution, numerical and statisti- Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM,
cal, weather forecast guidance. 12.2.
National Weather Service, 1999: National Wea-
7. REFERENCES ther Service Strategic Plan for Weather,
Water, and Climate Services 2000-2005.
Dagostaro, V. J.,and W. A. Shaffer, M. J. National Weather Service, NOAA, U. S.
Schenk, J. L. Gorline, and A. A. Taylor, Dept. of Commerce, 24 pp.
2004: A prototype verification system for Rezek, A., 2002: Changing the operational
examining NDFD forecasts. Preprints, 17th paradigm with Interactive Forecast Prepara-
Conf. on Probablity and Statistics in the tion System (IFPS). Preprints, Interactive
Atmospheric Sciences , Seattle, WA, Amer. Symposium on the Advanced Interactive
Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, 2.7 Processing System (AWIPS), Orlando, FL,
Glahn, H. R., and D. A. Lowry, 1972: The use Amer. Meteor. Soc., 23-27.
of Model Output Statistics (MOS) in objec- Ruth, D. P., 2000: Models, forecasters, and
tive weather forecasting. J. Appl Meteor., interactive forecast preparation in the new
11, 1203-1211. millennium. Preprints, 16th Int. Conf. on
_____, and D. P. Ruth, 2003: The new digital Interactive Information and Processing
forecast database of the National Weather Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography,
Service. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 84, 195- and Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer.
201. Meteor. Soc., 82-85.
Klein, W. H., B. M. Lewis, and I. Enger, 1959: _____, 2002: Interactive Forecast Preparation -
Objective prediction of five-day mean the future has come. Preprints, Interactive
temperature during winter. J. Appl Meteor., Symposium on the Advanced Interactive
Processing System (AWIPS), Orlando, FL,
16, 672-682.
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 20-22.
LeFebvre, T. J., M. B. Romberg, T. Hansen,
_____, and H. R. Glahn, 2003: Creating a na-
2002: Initializing gridded fields from
tional digital forecast database of official
numerical models. Preprints, Interactive
National Weather Service forecasts. Pre-
Symposium on the Advanced Interactive
prints, 19th Int. Conf. on Interactive Infor-
Processing System (AWIPS), Orlando, FL,
mation and Processing Systems for Meteo-
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 41-45.
rology, Oceanography, and Hydrology,
Margraf, J. M., 2004: Transforming operations
Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-
toward an IFPS/NDFD environment at
ROM, 12.1.
NWS Sterling, VA. Preprints, 20th Int.
Wier, S., M. Mathewson, and T. J. LeFebvre,
Conf. on Interactive Information and Pro-
1998: Grid editing for the Interactive Fore-
cessing Systems for Meteorology,
cast Preparation System. Preprints, 14th
Oceanography, and Hydrology, Seattle,
Int. Conf. on Interactive Information and
WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM,
Processing Systems for Meteorology,
Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix,
AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 469-473.
Figure 1. Sample maximum temperature image created from NDFD grid.
Figure 2. Sample probability of precipitation image created from NDFD grid.
Figure 3. Sample weather image created from NDFD grid.

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