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Generational differences appear to be a real issue that should be addressed in the workplace.

Traditional, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials are examples of generations. These
four generations demonstrate that each stage has its own set of beliefs, work ethics, values,
attitudes, and culture. These peer groups also show how generational differences change over
time. As time passes, a generation gap develops, resulting in widespread conflict. This topic
should be addressed to evaluate, illustrate, and provide insight to those in this generation who
will have an impact on how they respond to and overcome these differences.

Additionally, different generations have had various experiences. In general, older workers have
more years of experience than newer hires. Your elder employees have years of stories, practical
experience, and institutional knowledge that will benefit your business. Your younger employees
may be able to use their freshly gained degrees to assist with a project in the office.

Business World. (2022, August 25). Bridge the Gap: Communicating with a Multigenerational

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