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Week No. _17_

Open the video clip entitled, “What is Sustainability”. After watching the video clip,
answer these questions:
● How you describe the word sustainability? How you figure out if an object is
sustainable? (10 POINTS)
- Sustainability entails addressing our own needs without affecting future
generations' ability to satisfy their own. We require social and economic resources
in addition to natural resources. Environmentalism isn't the only aspect of
sustainability. Concerns for social fairness and economic development are found
in most definitions of sustainability. To be sustainable, a product must be able to
be produced and/or consumed in a way that does not cause harm or destruction. It
is unlikely to be deemed sustainable if the manufacture of a product uses
nonrenewable resources, harms the environment, or causes harm to persons or

Open the power point presentation entitled “The Sustainable Development” and watch the
video clip entitled, “Sustainable Development”. After reading and understanding the power
point, and watching the video clip, answer the following questions:
1. What is sustainable development? Discuss the goals or the objectives of Sustainable
development. (10 POINTS)
- Sustainable Development is a process for achieving sustainability in any
activity that uses resources and where immediate and intergenerational
replication is demanded. Sustainable development coincides with further
economic growth and human development in the developed economy for
finding the means of continual development beyond economic
development. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are No Poverty, Zero
Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality,
Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work
and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reducing
Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption
and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life On Land, Peace,
Justice, and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for the Goals.

2. What are the Roles of Science and Technology in Environmental Sustainability?

- Energy, medicine, and health, clean air and water, transportation, sanitation, and
natural resource management and conservation are all founded on science and
technology. As a result, it is self-evident that science and technology must play a
role in the development process in order to be a part of that world.
3. What are the strategies to care the planet earth? (10 POINTS)

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away.
Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community.
Conserve water.
Choose sustainable.
Shop wisely.
Use long-lasting light bulbs.
Plant a tree.

Make an analysis in line of these questions:
● Why is science and technology essential for sustainable development? How it
affects the economic, social and environmental responsibilities? (10 POINTS)
- Science and technology exist by natural beneficial interaction.
Science is the “know why” of things to produce knowledge,
while technology is the “know how” of things to produce
products or processes. Sustainable development is probably the
most daunting challenge that humanity has ever faced, and
achieving it requires that the fundamental issues be addressed
immediately at local, regional and global levels.

Make an analysis in line of this question:
● In order to achieve Sustainable Development, what are the needed
actions to be done by the government to support sustainable
living in our country? Explain. (10 POINTS)
- There are six ways in achieving Sustainable Development such as Sustainable
development is a societal rather than an environmental challenge. Substantial
advances in human capacity are needed through improvements of education and
healthcare – resulting, among others, in higher income and better environmental
decisions. Responsible consumption and production cut across several of the other
transitions, allowing us to do more with fewer resources – we need to adopt a
circular economy approach and reduce demand. It is possible to decarbonise the
energy system around 2050 while providing clean and affordable energy for all –
including through energy efficiency, more renewables and electrification.
Achieving access to nutritional food and clean water for all, while protecting the
biosphere and the oceans, requires more efficient and sustainable food systems –
for example by increasing agricultural productivity and reducing meat
consumption. Smart cities: Transforming our settlement patterns will benefit the
world population and the environment– such as through ‘smart’ infrastructure,
decent housing and high connectivity. Digital revolution: Science, technology, and
innovation need to support sustainable development. Much depends on the way
the world will put the Information Technology revolution to use – continuing
present trends or inverting them by asserting societal control over them.


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