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WEEK 3-4

Activity 3

Mark up the Text! (50 pts)

Direction: Read the text entitled “Importance of Education” and do the following activities.
1. On your first reading of the text, do the following activities:
a. mark color red all the unfamiliar words as you encounter them
b. on the right side of each paragraph, write what you think these words mean and
the clues that made you think so (or you may do this: highlight the text > right
click > choose “add comment”)
2. On your second reading of the text, do the following activities:
a. underline any concept you want to talk more about
b. Highlight yellow to an especially significant or important idea.
c. Number and use color green font (1) on the writer’s key supporting points or
3. Paraphrase or summarize the main idea of each paragraph
4. After each summary, write your comment which may include agreement/disagreement,
related personal experiences, connection with other texts, etc.

Importance of Education
1. Education is a process that involves the transfer of knowledge, habits and skills from one
generation to another through teaching, research and training. It can be in a formal or
informal setting. Formal education involves institutionalized learning based on a
curriculum. In today’s society, education and learning play an indispensable role in
shaping the lives of individuals and the society at large. The most effective way of
boosting economic growth, reducing poverty and improving people’s health is by
investing in education.


2. Human labor is essential for economic growth. A highly educated labor force further
stimulates economic growth. Additionally, a highly educated labor force can easily adapt
to new working environments and conditions. In view of that, it is evident that education
serves as the driving force for innovation of new products and services. Educated workers
exchange ideas in the work place and come up with new ideas that help in the growth of
the economy.


3. Education reduces poverty in a number of ways. One way is by creating employment

opportunities for educated people. Through employment, one is able to afford a decent
living. Education helps to increase economic security, create income opportunities and
improve livelihoods of the economically disadvantaged by providing sustainable
environmental management mechanisms. Education further alleviates poverty through
skills acquired in the learning process. Skills such as carpentry, plumbing and masonry
are relevant in non-formal economies. One can acquire these skills through technical and
vocational training.


4. Educated people are health conscious and live longer than their counterparts because they
engage in healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and going for
medical check-ups. By investing in education, one will also be investing in their health.
Education serves to create room for technological advancements in the field of medicine
and agriculture. Advanced technology used for conducting surgery has replaced
traditional methods. This has seen an improvement in people’s general health and an
increased life expectancy. Most developing countries have a low life expectancy
compared to developed countries. This can be attributed to high illiteracy levels present
in developing countries. This translates to poor health and poor eating habits.

5. In conclusion, education is the only means of alleviating poverty, improving people’s
health and increasing economic growth. Improving literacy levels in marginalized
societies will go a long way in improving human living standards.


Activity 4 (15 pts)

Direction: The column on the left contains a list of points that are not in any specific order. Plug
the unorganized points into the classic outline format on the right to achieve a logical, organized
Outline of the text “Importance of Education”
Unorganized Points Outline Structure
- Why education is important? I.
- Reducing Poverty II.
- Definition of Education A.
- Economic Growth 1.
- Role of education in improving 2.
people’s Health B.
- Role of Education in Economic 1.
Growth 2.
- Role of education in reducing poverty C.
- Acquiring skills 1.
- Role of technological advancement on 2.
- Educated Workers
- Improving People’s Health

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