At The Restaurant British English Student Ver2

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1 Food and drink

How many types of meat/fish/seafood, fruit/vegetable and cooking methods do you know?

2 Restaurant vocabulary

Explain the difference between the following words, and then complete the sentences below.

a. a bill and a check?

b. a cook and a chef?
c. a service charge and a tip?
d. a dish and a plate?
e. eat in and eat out?

1. ‘Fish and chips’ is a typical British .

2. You don’t need to leave a for the waiter - the bill includes a .
3. When I lived in Greece, I used to all the time. The restaurants were so cheap.
4. My wasn’t very clean so I asked the waiter to bring me another one.
5. The food at this restaurant is excellent. Compliments to the !
6. Diego always . His wife is a very good .

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3 Parts of a meal

Match the parts of a meal with their descriptions:

1. starter a. an alcoholic drink usually drunk before a meal

2. main course b. a small amount of food that you eat before a meal

3. dessert c. a small extra order of food served on a separate plate

4. appetiser d. sweet food that you eat at the end of a meal

5. side dish e. the first part of a meal

6. aperitif f. the largest or most important part of a meal

4 Listening
Listen to the dialogue. Write down what Simon orders for lunch.
Main course:

5 Ordering a meal
Listen again and complete the missing words from the dialogue:

Waiter: Are you r to order?

Simon: Yes, I’ll h the tomato soup.
Waiter: And for your main course?
Simon: Hmm... what w you r ?
Waiter: The grilled trout is excellent sir.
Simon: What does it c w ?
Waiter: It’s s with boiled potatoes and vegetables.
Simon: OK, that s fine. And I’ll have a side salad with that.
Waiter: A to drink?
Simon: What fruit juices do you have?
Waiter: We have apple, orange and lemon.
Simon: OK, I’ll have an orange juice. No... m that a coke.

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Waiter: And for your dessert?

Simon: Do you have fruit salad?
Waiter: No, I’m afraid we’re out of fruit salad. We have apple pie, ice cream and cheese cake. Can I
s the cheese cake? It’s delicious.
Simon: Hmm...I don’t think I have r for that. I’ll have the apple pie.
Waiter: Of course.

Waiter: Would you like a coffee, sir?

Simon: No, j the b please.
Waiter: Certainly
Simon: Here you are. K the change.
Waiter: Thank you. Have a good day.

Read the dialogue again and find expressions for each of the categories below:

1. Taking an order:

2. Ordering:

3. Changing an order:

4. Asking about dishes:

5. Tipping:

Add the following expressions to the categories above:

I’d like the .... Can I take your order? This is for you. Do you serve vegetarian dishes?

Work in pairs. Practise ordering a meal from the menu on page 5. Take turns turns to be waiter and

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6 Restaurant dialogue

Put the following phrases in the correct order to form a dialogue between two people having a meal
in a restaurant.
Cheers, here’s to our new friendship.

I’ll drink to that.

I’m having the same.

I recommend the ‘bouillabaisse’.

It’s a local speciality. It’s a stew made of different kinds of cooked fish, seafood and vegetables.

It’s normally served with grilled slices of bread.

OK, that sounds fine. I’ll have it. And what are you having?

Some wine before your meal?

That sounds nice. What does it come with?

What exactly is it?

What shall we order? 1

Yes, please.

Now do the same with the second part of the conversation:

Audio Are you going to have a dessert? 1

I’ll get this.

Me too. Waiter, can we have the bill, please?

No, no. You’re my guest. It’s on me.

No problem.

No thanks, I’m completely full.

OK, if you insist. Let me pay next time.

Listen to the dialogue and check your answers.

7 Role play

Work in pairs. Prepare a menu of 3 typical dishes from your country and give them to your partner.
Have a conversation in a restaurant similar to the one in the previous exercise. Take turns to be host
and guest.

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