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Unit 3 Five-minute test

Unit 3 Vocabulary page 37 Test A

1 Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1 The bed is in the b__ __ __ __ __ m.

2 The sofa is in the l __ __ __ __ __ r __ __ __.
3 The shower is in the b __ __ __ __ __ __ m.
4 The fridge is in the k __ __ __ __ __ n.
5 The car is in the g __ __ __ __ e.

2 Uzupełnij zdania angielskimi wyrazami z ramki.

toilet basement dining room garden hall

1 Jesteś na parterze. Schodząc na dół, idziesz do _______________.

2 Otwierasz drzwi wejściowe i wchodzisz do środka. Jesteś w _______________.
3 Jemy obiad. Jesteśmy w _______________.
4 W piłkę nożną gramy na _______________.
5 W tej łazience jest _______________, ale nie ma prysznica.


Unit 3 Vocabulary page 37 Test B

1 Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1 We cook food in the k __ __ __ __ __ n.

2 We sleep in the b__ __ __ __ __ m.
3 We wash in the b __ __ __ __ __ __ m.
4 We watch TV in the l __ __ __ __ __ r __ __ __ .
5 We play outside in the g __ __ __ __ n.

2 Uzupełnij zdania angielskimi wyrazami z ramki.

attic balcony garage hall stairs

1 Kurtkę i buty zdejmujemy w _______________.

2 Na drugie piętro wejdziemy po _______________.
3 Jesteś na ostatnim piętrze. Idąc na górę, trafisz na _______________.
4 Rowery trzymamy w _______________.
5 Jesteś w sypialni. Otwierasz drzwi, by wyjść na _______________.

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 3 Five-minute test
Unit 3 Grammar page 40 Test A
1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami There is i There are.

1 ______________________________ two bathrooms in the house.

2 ______________________________ a chair in the kitchen.
3 ______________________________ two windows in the living room.
4 ______________________________ a bed in the bedroom.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

behind in in front next on under

1 There's a computer _______________ the table.

2 There's a TV _______________ the kitchen.
3 There are trees _______________ of the house.
4 There is a desk _______________ to my bed.
5 There is a basement _______________ the house.
6 There is a garden _______________ the house.

Unit 3 Grammar page 40 Test B
1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami There is i There are.

1 ______________________________ a table in the dining room.

2 ______________________________ three pictures in the hall.
3 ______________________________ a window in the living room.
4 ______________________________ three books on the table.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

behind in in front of next on under

1 My shoes are _______________ the bed.

2 There's a desk _______________ of the window.
3 There's a chair _______________ to the bed.
4 There's a tree _______________ the house.
5 There are books _______________ the bookshelf.
6 There's food _______________ the kitchen.

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 3 Five-minute test
Unit 3 Grammar page 42 Test A
1 Wybierz właściwą formę.
1 There isn't / aren't any windows.
2 There isn't / aren't a desk.
3 There isn't / aren't a clock.
4 There isn't / aren't any computers.
5 There isn't / aren't any pictures.

2 Ułóż wyrazy w kolejności, tak by utworzyły pytania. Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

there / a balcony / Is Is there a balcony? No, there isn't.
1 there / a bookcase / Is / in your bedroom?
______________________________ Yes, there _______________.
2 Is / a computer / in the kitchen / there?
______________________________ No, there _______________.
3 any windows / there / in the attic / Are?
______________________________ No, there _______________.
4 Are / any pictures / there / in your bedroom?
______________________________ No, there _______________.
5 any trees / in your garden / there / Are?
______________________________ Yes, there _______________.

______________________________ _______

Unit 3 Grammar page 42 Test B

1 Wybierz właściwą formę.
1 There isn't / aren't a computer.
2 There isn't / aren't any chairs.
3 There isn't / aren't any lights.
4 There isn't / aren't a desk.
5 There isn't / aren't a garden.

2 Ułóż wyrazy w kolejności, tak by utworzyły pytania. Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

there / a tree / Is / in your garden? Is there a tree in your garden? No, there isn't.
1 a clock / in the kitchen / there / Is?
______________________________ No, there _______________.
2 Is / a table / in the living room / there?
______________________________ Yes, there _______________.
3 there / a washing machine / Is / in the basement?
______________________________ No, there _______________.
4 any pens / Are / in your bag / there?
______________________________ Yes, there _______________.
5 Are / any windows / there / in the bathroom?
______________________________ Yes, there _______________.

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

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