Part 4

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Essay 1

 Motor is driven by temperature transmitter reading

 Operation has 3 modes
o Mode 1: Motor runs if temperature more than 20 and less
than 30, when the motor starts it will be star for 20 seconds
and then delta
o Mode 2: Motor runs if temperature more than 30 and less
than 60, when the motor starts it will be star for 30 seconds
and then delta
o Mode 3: Motor runs if temperature more than 60 and less
than 100, when the motor starts it will be star for 40 seconds
and then delta
 The operation mode can be changed by a 3-position selector with 2
signals to PLC (sel1 and sel2)
o Mode1: sel1 = 0 and sel2 = 0
o Mode2: sel1 = 0 and sel2 = 1
o Mode3: sel1 = 1 and sel2 = 0 OR: sel1 = 1 and sel2 = 1
 You can not change mode while the motor is running
 Even if the temperature goes out of the range, the motor will never
stop until delta connection time is 200 seconds
 A warning lamp is operated by internal counter in case of the
motor starts 4 times per hour. The counter will reset periodically
with interval of one hour. The lamp will go off by Acknowledge
Write a Ladder Program to apply the above control description
Essay 2

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