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1 Achef is preparing some cakes. Each cake needs seven eggs. How many whole cakes can be made q with 144 eggs? A 19 B 20 c at D7 E 1008 ee B Tg arene Tat in termes ect aie eat 72 q A 70000 BT7 Cc 700 D 67000 — 7000 y 3 This scalene triangle has angles q, r ands marked. * Ingestce anames esr a oo c a0 ” 4 Devis drawing a plan of his garclen. He is using a scale of 2em to Sm. The criveway is 12.5m long | How long should he draw the crivewey on his plan? | A 125m 8 20n © 50m 0 250m E 520m 5 Which answer has 2cifeent value tothe others? A $01 100 B 75%al100 © $al100 D oo7sct100 E Hol 100 6 — Ascheol sends a letter home to the parents/guardians of all 780 pupils in the school iy 85% of the parents/guardians have replied in the first week. g What number have not replied in the first week? A 673 B17 C850 oO 127 E 663 7 Leela has been collecting football stickers for two years. Some cost her 10p and others cast ce her 5p. She has bought 56 of the more expensive stickers and 75 of the cheaper stickers. What is the totel amount she has spent? A 85.60 B £9.35 — £375 c £10.30 D £9.45 8 Gavin spent twice as long on the Internet on Tuesday as he did on Wednesday. He thon spent three times as long on Thursday as he did on Wednesday. On Friday he spent two hours longer than he dic E on Thursday. Ifhe spent eight hours on the Internet on Friday, how long cid he spend on Tuesday? i B 2hours © 6hours D Shous20mins = E 8hours A. 4hours 9 The school maths club started in 2005 with 23 pupils. In 2006 there were twice as mary as in 2005, In.2007 thera were twice as many as in 2006. How many pupils were in the maths club in 20077 a A 82 B 23 c 92 D 46 € 2007 What is the area af triangle DEF? te A 12.920m® B 18.960" © 60cm? D 90cm? E 180m? meu eee ee eee ee What is the missing number? 104 | 98 | 92 A 116 B 104 c 92 |110|104 98 D 96 E 98 2 |110| 104 12 The pie chart shows proportions of number of doors on cars ina car park ‘There are 60 cars in the car park. en How many cars have three doors? ene coe aim A 18 8 15 © 12 09 E6 13 ACDrackholds 28 CDs. How many CD racks are neaded to hold 532 CDs? Aq B 18 c 19 D 20 — 2 14 giant stick of rock 2m Bom long is cut into two equal pieces. How big is each piece? A imaoom = B 14cm cum D 2macm E 104cm 15 Each of the white and grey tiles measures 25 om x 25 om What isthe total area covered by the white tiles, in square metres? A ose B 1.5m C 25me D asme E 45m? 16 —Aroulette whee! has all the numbers trom 0 to 36 equally spaced around the edge. o1238. 35 36 There is an equally ikely chance of landing on any of these numbers. What is the chance of not landing on an odd number? 8 8 v Ag 8S cs Which number is visible by 6 and 12? : A 18 B 24 c 90 D a E 54 e A 8 c o E fr Only one of the above diagrams is the net of a closed cube. \Which net can be folded to form the closed cube? he z ane Eee. bee a = e By i ee gay Tiemsctie doubes and then subtracts 7. : ——>— |__»——-99 Which number has been put in? a AMG 8 92 c 107 D 83 E 535 r i 20 Morag delivers papers seven days a week. She earns x each weekday, and twice each weekcay amount for each weekend day. How much does she earn forthe whele waek? k E i A S5x B Ex Cc fax D tix E flax a 1 4 9 isthe beginning ofthe sequence of square numbers ; The differance between the first pair of square numbers is 4-1=3 difference =3 . The diference between the second pair of square numbersis 9-4=8 diference = 5 Continue the sequence and find which is the first difference between a pair of square fhumbers that is not @ prme number AT Be ce D 10 et 2 \ite the coordinates ofthe Petrol Station A 2435) et :. B (25,48) 3 © (5,25) fs F ; Papi sho a He + | Steenhog eae ‘es a . Lo oye se 6 BF 3 i ‘ ko be Fel] 2a Asking noiday coss £780 for each acuit, Theres a reducton of £160 foreach che E 5 How much would it cost for Angus, his older sister who is nine years old, his mum and dad my I and his granny to go on holiday? ce A £3600 8 £2000 © 22750 D 3100 E £2850 |. bed ea 24 ~~ Look at these clouds of numbers. ey 46,18, 20 k A B c D E Inwhich cloud are ail the numbers multiples of either 4 or 5? ls Ee s 25 This bar chart shows the marks in a geography test. How many children scored fewer than 20 marks? ey 5 a i | 3 8 5 zo 8 E Bal ca ——Fet i = ao D 18 ea Fe tse: — 10 10-14 1&1 20-24 25-28 90-94 See ean 26 Which number which has the smallest value. A 503 B 405 © 510 D 27 The subscription to join the ‘Draw and Paint’ evening class is £90 Plus: £2.50 admin charge I £1.10 for HB pencils . £8.50 for pastels ie £4.75 for brushos e £2.15 for water colours £1.65 for paper What is the totel cost? A £46.55 B 25.65 © S166 D 246.60 = £00 28 Here's the plan of room. What isthe parimeter of the room? A 375m eae 7a B 365m Tm © 245m 1m D sam E 37m mmf OTTO Lam e 5 ewe 29 ‘The orignal price ofthis book was £12.60 ‘SALET Inthe sala, itis on offer wih ‘A quarter off. key A quarter off/\ How much change will you get from £10? a original price A £3.15 B £250 C 4p D 85p £0 30 Westward Travel has reduced ihe price of holidays by 30% this week. The orginal price ofthe holiday | went to book was £540, How much wil this holiday cos! this week? A $378 8 8510 © 2270 D e162 E 9962 31 Yourolla fair dice numbered 1 10 6. Inwhich ofthese ere both statements true? A You have an even chance of rolling an add number. You are certain to roll a number less than sot B You have a greater than even chance of roling a prime number You are certain to roll e number less than seven. © Youhave an even chance of roling an odd number You are certain to roll a number less than seven. D_ You have a grealer than even chance ot rofing a prime number You are certain to roll a number less than six E _Youhave a greater than even chance of rling a prime number. You have an even chance of roling an odd numb 5 pope pes e| 32 When point Tis added to the diagram, QAST is 2 parallelogram. ‘What are the coordinates of the point T? A (4.4) B (1,4) ca 074) E 6.4) 33 Here is part of@ conversion table for pounds (b) to lklograms (kg) and klograms to pounds Example: § pounds = 2.27kg pounds to kg kg to pounds 2arkg 71.0215 2T2kg 2 318k 15.4316 al seiko | ‘17.64 Which figure is missing from the table? A 11.44Ib B 12.031 Cc 13.10 D 1444lb E 13231 34 Tariq colected the folowing data during a survey o his year group. Favourite musical instrument Drum Recorder Guitar at 2 v1 15 Boys [iris 13 12 One hundred and ten puplis completed the survey. How many boys gave recorder as ther favouste instrument? A B 9 c 9 0 18 £21 A 8 c o E (One interior angle on each polygon has been marked. Example: The interior angle of a square is 90° Which of the regular polygons above has the largest interior angle? 36 It Ge +9 = 64 — 4x what ix? ABS B 9 c a 048 E 8 m| 37 “There are 520 pupils at Sporting School. 439 take part in events atthe annual sports day. How many pupiis do not take part in the events? a7 8 87 cor D 433 E93 38 ‘Seb walks home from the supermarket carrying his shopping in two bags, They contain an average size chicken, a bag of sugar and a 5009 jar of coffee. What is most likely tobe the approximate total weight of his shopping? A 0Skg B 15kg © 38kg D 65k9 E 105kg x Icontinlieltolthie next page i Bae eM, i eo 39 Finish Your task is to guide the robot along the white \ fe rey ‘squares on the plan. |e E i E Itstaris on the square marked START and i pd { i finishes on the square marked FINISH. p | It can only move FORWARD, TURN AIGHT 90° E| and TURN LEFT 90° r ; Which are the corect instructions? F oe e desea A ‘A FORWARD 6, TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 4, TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 2, c TURN RIGHT 90°, FORWARD 3 8 FORWARD 6, TURN RIGHT 90°, FORWARD 5, TURN RIGHT 80°, FORWARD 2, TURN LEFT 90, FORWARD 2 © FORWARD 5, TURN RIGHT 90°, FORWARD 4, TURN LEFT 99°, FORWARD 2, | TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 2 | FORWARD 6, TURN LEFT 90 , FORWARD §, TURN RIGHT 90°, FORWARD 2, TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 2 E FORWARD 6, TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 4, TURN LEFT 90°, FORWARD 2, TURN RIGHT 907, FORWARD 2 bo f 40 These are the wages of seven people in a company e100 e140 ett e120 e130 e025 i What is the median wage? A £193 B £425 © e100 D130 £120 41 Heather thinks that her mum is drinking too many cups of catfee a day. Heather asks her mum some questions and completes this table. r is Day Mon | Tues | Wed _| Thurs | Fri Sat_| Sun a i Cups of coffee 5 6 4 5 a 9 |. E, Her mum says her mean is 6. How many cups dld she drink on Tuesday? e & A6 Bs c 10 D8 Eo : ke 5 {B] 42 Liam used this decision tree to sort a pile of ciscarded plastic and metal t What is missing trom the empty shape? A Recyclable F B Non-ecyctable che lef © Canitbe recycled? D Isitmetar? ee E Isitnon-recyciable? = ‘Grace buys two computer games on holiday for €32 and €28. She calculates that one game 43 costs £20 and the other costs £17.50, How much would a @4 adapter cost her calculations a are correct”? A £200 B 92.50 © £350 D £4.00 2450 44 You start with a number. You muttpyitby itself, Then multiply this number by the stat number. The new number is 125. What isthe value of tha start numioer? pry A 10 B 8 c 6 D4 Es ef 4s <— Won — ‘The shaded comers are cutout ofthis lat shape. be itis then folded to make an open box wen t What isthe capacity ofthe box? erie et | B 1200m" © 2600m 0 1600? & 200m ‘| 46 Deepak’s street has 34 semi-detached houses and 16 delached houses. Whal fraction of the houses on the street are semi-detached? bo Pa r 2 © E AS 89 ce Og eg 47 Ifyou rellec this right-angled triangle in its = E dashed side you wil make a quadiilaleal i bea \What is the name of this quadhlateral? te "el A. square B rectangle © thombus «=D paralielogramn kite ; | 48 ‘The arrow shows haw much the person weighs. The person is wearing @ coat, which weighs 600g, I they take it off and place iton the table, whet ‘would the new weight be? ee ‘a A 30.2k9 B 312kg © 292kg D 296kg E 298k9 49° §p- 79 +3r 1p = 7,q = 4,7 = 9, what isthe value of 2? i A 2 8 90 c 36 D 2 = 34 ie pe] 50. Which ofthese words does not have vertical ne of symmety? \. BS A wow B TOT © sos D wUM AXA a l ‘WORSOND Sif Puar-STUIHOK MOT ayers 40 (7 A@ ACIAIC NSHL LHOWSH XASVe) affueun v Jo vore oup urea 3g, ‘unede axeIstUN stip ayeAK OU Op NOK aunsuo 01 Op 01 peau NOA 1eYM -TORSY, dais £q dais DNIIOAN TINA 219 wonenbo wigadye wunowe Jo % “uonwondnqn ON TD, ‘Suou4 pIp NOK yey 10 MOLD] UPIP NOK rey BuLaquiaar puw A wg ‘SUE :AB! UW NOK J DUN You sso] PUL S59] 198 PINOYS sUORSALIOD Jo IuNOWE SUL ‘dV LXSN FHL LIS NOA TAO GN WIdVd LSAL AVAAT UILAV AALATANO Ia LSAW wORsW ONDRIOM Tint wider |

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