Research Proposal 1

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The Effectivity of Teaching Ethics Through Social Media in Grade

Seven High School Students at Barangay Panacan,

Narra, Palawan


A Research Proposal submitted to Dr. Lovina A. Hamora, faculty of the College of

Education, Western Philippines University, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the course VED115A-Research in Values Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education

February 28, 2021


Background of the Study

The topic of ethics is an important part of society that we must understand

and adapt to. Explore what ethics are and what skills high school students can

develop as a result of studying this subject, and learn effective strategies used to

teach ethics. Ethics are moral principles that determine the standards for

human behavior. Even though many ethical standards are similar across

societies, there are situations in which ethical views differ. In other words, the

rules for right and wrong can be judged differently depending on cultural and

even personal beliefs. Due to the diverse opinions and perspectives that ethics

involves, it can be a challenging topic to teach to high school students.

Given the diversity of what is defined as just or unjust in a society,

teaching ethics to high school students is often based on how to determine if

situations violate ethical standards and what to do when a violation occurs, rather

than swaying student opinions as to what is right or wrong.

Students develop many skills as a result of studying ethics in high school.

This study gives students the opportunity to explore and evaluate different

opinions and compare them to their own. It promotes critical thought, which is

beneficial to practice before making any decision. Critically thinking about

situations also can prevent students from blindly following others without

considering alternative options.

Teaching ethics provides a way for students to engage in intellectual

discussions, improve moral reasoning, and explore the answers to meaningful

questions about life. Sharing personal thoughts or opinions about ethical issues

can build confidence in students and teaches them that their beliefs about

problems in society are important.

There are many strategies for teaching ethics in high school, but some of

the most effective include online debate, and reasoning exercises. Through debate

or arguments that reflect opposing views, students can freely address ethical

issues. Debating whether or not an act such as abortion, war, or denying a human

right violates human rights or harms others allows students to explore and

evaluate diverse thoughts about behavior.

The past few months the whole world threatens by the Pandemic and we

have seen increasing numbers of schools and universities across the world

announce that they are moving to online-only learning due to this Pandemic

known for COVID 19. Hundreds of thousands of teachers are busy working to

move their face-to-face lessons online. Designing online courses takes significant

time and effort.

The use of social media in various teaching contexts is specific. Ethics

education can benefit from the advantages offered by these media. Rapid and

easy communication, sharing experiences and ideas, and dialogue and

interaction. This is especially clear in the rapidly growing number of online ethics

teaching programs. More students than ever can be reached by such programs.

That does not mean that the trend to replace face-to-face classes in ethics by

online courses is not raising serious questions about the role and impact of ethics


Social media also facilitate the dialogue and interactions between students

and teachers. Finally, these media present an astonishing range of materials that

might be useful for teaching. Many resources such as books and journal articles

are now accessible for free.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectivity of teaching ethics through the

use of social media in grade seven high school students at barangay Panacan,

Narra, Palawan.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the academic performance of grade seven students in Edukasyon

sa Pagpapakatao during the first quarter of the School Year 2020-2021?

2. How does teachers use social media to teach ethics effectively?

3. What are the significant effects of teaching ethics using social media

platforms to grade seven students?

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to:

1. Determine the academic performance of grade seven students in

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao during the first quarter of the School Year


2. Describe the teacher’s strategies in using social media to teach ethics


3. Determine the significant effects of teaching ethics using social media

platforms to grade seven students.

Hypotheses of the Study

1. Teachers use social media in conducting online debate that reflect

opposing views, sharing experiences and ideas, reasoning exercises,

dialogue and interaction.

2. The significant effects of teaching ethics using social media are:

 can easily connect with people everywhere on the globe

 much more interactive

 facilitate the dialogue and interactions between students and

 astonishing range of materials that might be useful for teaching.

Such as books and journal articles accessible for free, and the

number of videos about ethical problems

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectivity of teaching ethics

through social media in Grade 7 High School Students at Barangay Panacan,

Narra, Palawan. Specifically, this study aims to provide significant in sights to

the following:

To the Department of Education, Division of Palawan, School

Administrators, and Grade 7 teachers, the study will be able to provide ideas that

will reform new ways and techniques to teach ethics and help students to learn

through social media.

To the future researchers, the information provided by this study would

serve as a reference to allow the related topic to gain more basis and provide

more accurate solution and conclusion.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is subjected to the Grade 7 teachers and the Grade 7 students in

Barangay Panacan, Narra, Palawan. With the COVID-19 pandemic happening,

the conducting of the study will be done with the use of social media and online

approach to gather accurate and useful data.

Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the readers, the following terms are defined


Ethics. It refers to a well-founded standard of right and wrong that prescribe

what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to

society, fairness, or specific virtues.

Social Media. It refers to an interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.

User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or

videos, and data generated through all online interactions—is the lifeblood

of social media.

Academic Performance. It refers to the extent to which a student in Panacan

National High School has achieved their short- or long-term educational goals.

Moral Reasoning. It refers to the study in psychology that overlaps with moral

philosophy. Starting from a young age, people can make moral decisions about

what is right and wrong; this makes morality fundamental to the human


Dialogue. It refers to a conversation between two or more people as a feature of

a book, play, or movie.

Interaction. It refers to a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have

an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the

concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect.

Ethics has an essential place in all fields of life. Education is also a basic

method of human life. In education, ethics has a very vital and productive role.

To become a better citizen, ethics should be put as a way in the educational

system. Ethics has also become essential in Education. Learning ethics deliberate

to help students grow ethically, whether in terms of expanded ethical awareness

and understanding or greater motivation to act ethically in the whole world.

Flanagan (2019), stated in her article that central to ethics education is

teaching kids the skills to make sound decisions: to search for and evaluate their

assumptions, to excavate the reasons behind those assumptions, to examine

without prejudice another’s opinion and to make a thoughtful decision with

confidence. Furthermore, research suggests that ethics training improves

academic performance. Children in Scotland who had been taught to think about

ethical decision-making and the responsibilities of citizenship showed improved

reasoning abilities. Beyond academics, ethical training develops important

“soft skills” like respect, empathy and compassion. “Exploring conflicts

from different points of view—and striving to understand the value

behind an opinion—also makes them more empathetic to others,”

Flanagan writes. Identifying the principles that comprise the foundation

of their own beliefs as well as those that guide others allows students to

hone social and emotional competencies like self-awareness and social


Lee (2019) Exercises that require assessments of ethical dilemmas

can improve reasoning and critical thinking skills—valuable assets in

many academic contexts. Students can apply ethical considerations to

historical events, scientific discoveries, and technological or medical


The study of University staff (2020) of the University of Arizona, found out

that social media promotes self-directed learning, which prepares students to

search for answers and make decisions independently. When reinforced in a

classroom setting, these social media skills can be guided and refined to produce

better learning outcomes and critical awareness. Social media also allows students

more freedom to connect and collaborate beyond the physical classroom, which

means students anywhere can start to experience the globally connected world

long before they enter the workforce.

Fatima (2012) revealed that

learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Wang (2012) reported
that Facebook usage in education
comprehensive learning that
benefits both the students
and teachers. It was also found
that students are more
serious toward online materials
as opposed to
conventional materials. Facebook
used for student’s
learning provides a personalized
experience, however
students expect the websites to
be more dynamic
(Griffith and Liyanage, 2008)
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Wang (2012) reported
that Facebook usage in education
comprehensive learning that
benefits both the students
and teachers. It was also found
that students are more
serious toward online materials
as opposed to
conventional materials. Facebook
used for student’s
learning provides a personalized
experience, however
students expect the websites to
be more dynamic
(Griffith and Liyanage, 2008)
Fatima (2012) revealed that
learning through Facebook
can help students to engage
actively in the learning
process, while eliminating the
traditional lessons taught
through presentation materials.
Wang (2012) reported
that Facebook usage in education
comprehensive learning that
benefits both the students
and teachers. It was also found
that students are more
serious toward online materials
as opposed to
conventional materials. Facebook
used for student’s
learning provides a personalized
experience, however
students expect the websites to
be more dynamic
(Griffith and Liyanage, 2008)
Fatima (2012) revealed that learning through Facebook can help students

to engage actively in the learning process, while eliminating the traditional

lessons taught through presentation materials.

Wang (2012) reported that Facebook usage in education introduces

comprehensive learning that benefits both the students and teachers.

Griffith and Liyanage (2008) it was found that students are more serious

towards online materials as opposed to conventional materials. Facebook used

for students learning provides a personalized experience, however students

expect the website to be more dynamic.

For last decade, social media technology has been penetrated intensively

into daily life of individuals globally. However, it is not completely clear; “what

tools, platforms and social phenomena” is considered as social media. Based on

an analysis of academic literature on social media.

McCay-Peet and Quan-Haase (2018) identified three main themes:

Activities social media enables, how it enables these activities, and the content it

contains. They proposed the following definitions: social media are web-based

services that allow individuals, communities, and organizations, to collaborate,

connect, interact, and build community by enabling to create, co-create, modify,

share, and engage with user-generated, content that is easily accessible.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this study is to determine the if teaching ethics through the

use of social media is effective in grade 7 students.

For the clear understanding of the concept of this study, the research

paradigm is presented as Figure 1. The independent variables include the

academic performance of grade seven students in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

during the first quarter of the School Year 2020-2021.

Furthermore, the intervening variables includes techniques of teachers in

using social media to teach ethics effectively. Moreover, dependent variables

contain the significant effects of teaching ethics using social media platforms to

grade seven students.

Conceptual Paradigm
The study provides an outline of the relationships that are viable to the

study, noting the relationship and connection in between variables, from

independent to dependent variables with the intervening variables serving as the

bridge to further gather data for conclusion.

Independent Intervening Dependent

Variables Variables Variables
Academic Techniques of Significant effects of
performance of grade teachers in using teaching ethics using
seven students in social media to teach social media platforms
Edukasyon sa ethics effectively to grade seven students
Pagpapakatao  Online Debate  Students can do
 90-100  Dialogue and search for and
Outstanding media evaluate their
 85-89 Very interaction assumptions
Satisfactory  Reasoning  Can excavate the
 80-84 Satisfactory exercises reasons behind
 75 -79 Fairly  Sharing those assumptions
Satisfactory experiences and  Can examine
 Below 75 – Did ideas without prejudice
not meet another’s opinion
expectations  Can make a
thoughtful decision
with confidence
 Be able to search for
answers and make

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in public secondary school in Barangay

Panacan, Narra, Palawan.

Research Design
The descriptive correlation research design was used in the study to

describe the profile of the respondent, techniques of teachers in using social

media to teach ethics effectively, academic performance of grade seven students

in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao and significant effects of teaching ethics using

social media platforms to grade seven students.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the grade 7 teachers and students from

the high school of Barangay Panacan, Narra, Palawan. Prior to the administering

of the survey questionnaire, a letter of request to conduct the study will be sent to

the Principal of Panacan National High School for approval.

Sampling procedure

Judgement (or Purposive) Sampling, also known as selective sampling,

will employ to determine the selection of the teachers. Simple random sampling

will be used to select the student respondents.


A two part of survey questionnaire will be used. Part I contained questions

that describe the profile of the grade 7 teachers as to their age, civil status,

highest educational attainment, specialization and years of teaching experience.

The second part contained 3 questions: What is the academic performance of

grade seven students in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao during the first quarter of

the School Year 2020-2021? How did you use social media to teach ethics

effectively? What are the significant effects did you perceive when you teach

ethics using social media platforms to grade seven students?

Data Collection Procedure

Data will be collected using survey questionnaires. Sets of survey

questionnaire will be carried out to the respective respondents once the request

was approved.
Treatment of Data

This study will be using one-way ANOVA to determine and analyzing the

data that is gathered from the survey. Since the study is descriptive in nature, the

data presentation will be done with the use of tables following the usage of

statistical tools of measurement also such as frequency distribution and central

tendency to provide more understanding of the data gathered. The data will then

be calculated and tabulated in accordance to the survey.

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