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Aptitude test 2023 - Technical

✓ 1. Find a number such that when 20 is subtracted from 8 times the number, the result is 16 more than twice the number.

Points: 3
1/1 6✓

✘ 2. Find the error in the sentence: I asked the salesman (A) / if I could exchange (B) / the faulty camera (C) / with another one. (D) /
No error (E)
0/1 The faulty camera ✘
No error
If I could exchange
I asked the salesman
With another one ✓

✘ 3. Choose the word which is most nearly the SIMILAR in meaning as the word FLUCTUATION
Points: Variety
Inconsistent ✓
Alteration ✘

✓ 4. Find the odd letters in the following:

Points: TQ
1/1 SP
NL ✓

✓ 5. One morning after sunrise, Ajay was standing facing a wall. The shadow of the wall was forming on the left side. Which direction
was Ajay facing?
1/1 West
North ✓

✓ 6. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence.

Points: That which cannot be read

1/1 Negligible
Illegible ✓
✓ 7. There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from the given options which fits into
both the blanks appropriately without altering their meanings.
1/1 (1) The only difficulty in this ______________ is to secure debtors that will not die.
(2) She was in a state of rare contentment, an _____________ to the gaiety that was hers by nature.
Accretion ✓
None of the above

✘ 8. Which of the phrases given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence
grammatically meaningful and correct:
0/1 The kids put the cat in the oven because it was cold. What are they going to think in next!
Think on
Think around
No change required
Think over ✘
Think up ✓

✘ 9. “Table” is related to “Wood” in the same way “Almirah” is related to?

Points: Office
0/1 Store
Furniture ✘
Steel ✓

✘ 10. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT : GO

Points: It's going to be cold tomorrow

0/1 When the boy ran out the door, his mother quickly went after him ✘
Despite the weather, the party went as planned ✓
Everything seemed to be going against her but she didn't give up hope

✓ 11. One card is picked randomly from a pack of 52 playing cards. What is the probability that it would either be red queen or black
1/1 2/13
1/13 ✓

✓ 12. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Points: I told him that he was not working hard.


I said, "You are not working hard."

I told to him, "You are not working hard."
I said to him, "You are not working hard." ✓
I said to him, "He is not working hard."
✘ 13. Find odd one out: 248, 313, 326, 428, 525

Points: 248
0/1 428
326 ✘
525 ✓

✓ 14. Find the number: 7, 14, 23, 36, 55?

Points: 62
1/1 92
82 ✓

✘ 15. Forty percent of a number is 50 less than four-fifth of that number. What is the number?

Points: 150
0/1 125 ✓
200 ✘

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