CNI Question

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DATE AND IME 3/12/ 2021 30 AM

EXAMINATON Ro LLNo 11026 5220t1



wQu PAPER CODE 12323105


Shon of Nahorals

shudm colonalium a nwhonalsm h

en pmnuhA ramn Uchn hhepepho
ppethess arsing from hwdwn pn'alish he rahowlth

w ad suhalkn i s du in lolca w a

st pannuhe sehauam bnovere

he nur
0Y wwdi onen r
ramin ouerdn selt-
TNernmnk ov cootahwe t d r plovtwe. asA

nerahit ov a omph So

Zomwcan dupnos unon e s

Colona uu in on
eshka hunm T
omas k Stuon coboned dnhmun
(npalsF mnasr ahnalat a SudHo .May
nah nnnh
SAe sStdard a
esalbnahon s
pmsila aA mtud.Sin \ndn s
an o w m
VovcA a Aktmn dayu (shn Commnh
Mayz Appmoach
Th oundahon marxut oprouudh w led by Rajo

Palme Ds nolia Toclam Cnol A R Desar' Suial bakyand

of wdan nadonalioo h shudhy colonialido o4 Shuu
Contyhog of Cutan mods eplohng a Count nd ihin

hu shudw a tat numbe of rdeals en eoalhes

Can be lotoTp074led T h mm120 st hutonans

Primam Gohilbchee Conradchon behun heioksls

o h ulenia mahu and Suhet apla, as well as t
ProuAS of nahon in he malaing o un he nahsnaluh .

thun alto lce l nk 64 tha innun conhedichsn of

(ndin Souty
Th busit tat akout colomul jng i aionomu

enportahin ECsnon'c epatahòn 'so O n tawo

Tu manS hat
har Ccolonu produu Cetain amoun+

o nationd produ apon 6f i s

nusamm to nmmin
thColom and what
wr rmars u euonomi Sopl Th Ccono

mi &p Canbe
appropnak i'n manyways i
tOTnf rpviahòo ra dktm1ny how aloniais

h Colanidm broyld a Stucnd

ran o mahon of lndian Souch ro o a fndal mod

o Produuhioo
prouhon toon1mptnkeut cnd Capttaidt
dlsratol Cayptalis
CCoomy ttHiated Som of h basiu Uge in

Soia phelebo physo 'sono lndt an otich thoagh

to Subsene h ou nurets l+Srnevatd nw Cunnun

n Ceonomnl pTo1es, hah c

Colony of Cnhs,
Captaluin o l a l a Fatal Lbw to t fuda
hientnchies and Created he sis tor the emeru

6 w Soua chus, sha Cnd assouahony,1hur y

ai th founedadon o mocom das s syskomm 1 nho

dutu modurn mar hronspot C tgmonuntcahon

Cnd edutahin. Ad thuk hanyes werc. tahn lac to

enhyh Copdit inkns tn In dia , skt 4

uortiowk ngnaed ashuthnad rontvmahin whi

put th hekwo uc on to n pa

vhn cnd thu Brhh eplotahòo l e t o a nahon

nd movemn auki na a Conteg unt

a ahening

emuges snkadi chion Iness.

Cn cklomlum From
Con6mic Pan to was & 7uen by u r t a Suh

aDadabhai NaOvaj ond R.c Dout who fös e upp

Calonwd epbtahsn .huv Cenhra thumy cund Conhrase

had w sve anoun'druin 4 wealth', dendushWalbsahin

Co of oadeulhre wd,
ngahve Canscanas, cn
fai omtts eud foreiso
Capra dom inauhsn
olshuchin ndezinto4 Captalsk duchpmn
Brpn honda pans out, the Mailt opproah not ablu

tall h e hein hramet 5 pmman anti-impennt

Con reolthan nd e Seiorstm inner unkrarhthsn ond knd
to Coun pose. e
antimpenalyk Shuslto elas Shggh.
hen alo Se h nadonal mvennt os a 'Shuuhn
oOunesiis movemuns nd mus Hh all class ana -ndel
harat h also See he dass horastt 4 h
Su tkomao4 b r n of smgsu a in th
aut ha* tma Sheuteg Tereas ano
Sba Subaltenn proath

Subaltern pproath dhsm ss ul prwiouy

hutovicad nhngs eke histoviojaphy anod claims to

plac tt i a w pcople's 07 Sulbcdtem opproat Thiy

opproah has bun

populongel b Ranynu jas pande ,

and ofhes Ran iM Gauha h vem svolwm. ot

Sukealtern Shudies declored had " histovriogmph 64 Inoksn
nahonas torralony hinu been dominakd by etio
Colonilis ekisen on amgbis - ahonaukd duhis

h6balhorn Ahnks dui. he Soueh to two

1aps the olik. ad the subaltem maljy .Fo th subaltean

T Hes 4he besiu canhraouchin in h lndian Sadthm during
Coloni al w behwen elike ad th subalkn yroups

Calonudso ono ele maniulahin hindercd gro, 6l

nahin wi aond ot unt. ony Vomiouug 2oup5 t hh
Soceyt Come w o
oun hus noian pol
nukd a3aud
againt onti
hw -

ipmii} sug anol ho

was n enhm as natonas mavemnt we wn Onlm
wo dishinumovumuntti tha ral anti- impnalik Sh
4 Sutbt Subadtern and the whonau) movurnns of elte
Ih SubJlwn wvlleviw hutorM. 6ou ond

PbLehcg Tom dow. Thy Lebve tha the Comin 4*

Colon absm e t a num be ok conl uh betwen lmpalt

ows and most Sechon st me alon 13e Souhuu

o u hon an amony Voiouy oups anod dass

ihin thunyeluy . olonia rule penthato in to Tura

nd hbad arcos HhTh mon und ,

vays d anrato .lmst 2onus hwru hghbrud fov

unDupe pd pon Ths Uhonges was

thtoun ocwronad ytoln ou bsh h hu enn'he

PYo' aun -Ir*n, anit ubha lanche a sathy

akak on he esuhny peasnt ad bal hitbiu i Ind
or Congidenng peasnt beltons a purely pontanto

d unprmtdátd a4airs
Ch s
Aaordhy t Brpin donda, iy oproah is doaraka dd b
a histovia glonliahin of al kormy uk ppuler miliHntg ad Canui
ow od am euall ahupon'tal Cankn r ah formy
6 ioihah4 ond abveyb the tnkek grnkin , Org ni2erhy
eadbskyo ond othu eltey4 duries ntoread , n -coboij
Shugfy that he win wape a a wholu.


pun nwhonin Pasy Inmasrym bCamny

A louvit shaanh rahuu kalonwim a

nahoraim nhdia . tasen 4 does no me

hat g«hsh dommnhon a lotkakion and anti-

aloniad memuwy Can w

cwidng st n rwhantu holy modn
hduwn hwromStn whélu lnolin on1 Soue
Cwonomm ha hun ektut hhe toglbvkh. hubn
Conbd ium naho rals mnemn pg a hutoie
rayh whis in
spu n nherad
CaMmwhrn D t a nahon An wps han
6jene *nahsnalis ato mok uni
6lnoian Com mon S

cAnudis h dup anr'n abnae m


by nhluhes wn ployal p t a nl
s nwherahsm among maly.


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