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Dot 723118

(effective 19 November 1997)

Published by authority
of the Secretary General




Article I Purpose of ICAO Publications ........ ...... 1

Article II Definition of Publications ............ ...... 1
Article III Documents ...................... ...... 2
Article IV Working Papers .................. ...... 3
Article V Other Publications ................. ...... 3
Article VI Authority ....................... ...... 4
Article VII Languages ...................... ...... 4
Article VIII Format ......................... ...... 5
Article IX Pricing ......................... ...... 5
Article X Distribution ..................... ...... 5
Article XI Copyrights ...................... ...... 6
Article XII Reports by the Secretary General ...... ...... 6
Article XIII Co-ordination of Publications Activities . . ...... 6
Article XIV Amendment of the Regulations ........ ...... 7

Appendix 1. Pricing ..... . ........ . . . . .. . .. 9

Appendix 2. Free Distribution and Dispatch of Publications
to States . . . . . ........... ,........ .. 11
Appendix 3. Distribution and Dispatch of Circular Letters
to States . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 13
Appendix 4. Copyright . . . . .......,.. .....,.... . . 15

Note.- These Regulations are promulgated by the Secretary

General under the authority given by the Council on
28 November 1951 (XIV-II).

This edition incorporates all amendments introduced up to

19 November 1997.

Article I
Purpose of ICAO Publications

The purposeof ICAO publicationsshall be the systematicand prompt

disseminationof informationin conciseform on the policiesand activitiesof
the Organizationin orderto:

a) promotethe fulfilment of the aimsenunciatedin the preambleto the

Conventionon InternationalCivil Aviation;

b) providethe States,the organsof ICAO andother users,with information

concerningthe work of the Organizationin convenientform for their use;

c) fosterthe participationandsupportof ContractingStatesandthe interest

of non-ContractingStatesin the work of the Organization;

d) promotean informedopinion concerningthe work of the Organization

amonggovernmentsandthe generalpublic, looking towardscontinued
andeffective collaborationin the field of internationalcivil aviation;

e) presentclearly, accuratelyandconciselythe progressof the Organization

andthe pointsuponwhich agreementhasbeenreachedanduponwhich
actionby Statesin compliancewith ICAO decisionshasbeentaken or
is still required.

Article II
Definition of Publications

1. When used in theseRegulations,the term publications designatesany

printed materialissuedby the Organization,including:

a) the Convention on InternationalCivil Aviation; the Annexes thereto

(comprisingthe internationalStandardsand Recommended Practices
adoptedby the Council in accordancewith this Convention);andother
internationalaeronauticalinstrumentspublishedor reprinted by the
b) documents as defined in Article III;

c) working papers as defined in Article IV;

d) other publications listed in Article V.

2. For the purpose of Appendices 1 and 4, the term publications also means
photocopies or microform copies of such material, sound recordings,
audio-visual productions (films, tapes, slides and posters) as well as
computerized material (such as discs, tapes or other forms of access to the
computerized information).

Article III

1. A document is a publication which is considered to have permanent

character or special importance and which for this reason is suitable for
distribution to all Contracting States.

2. Bearing in mind the provision contained in paragraph 1 of this Article, the

Assembly and the Council may direct that any paper submitted to them should
be issued as a document, and the Secretary General may issue a paper as a
document, either at his discretion or upon the recommendation of a
representative body of the Organization.

3. The Organization will publish the following categories of documents:

a) Documents which record action by the Assembly or the Council, i.e.

- documents embodying resolutions, decisions and recommendations

formally adopted by the Assembly or the Council, and texts approved
by the Council for implementation by Contracting States;

- the minutes of the Assembly and the Council;

b) Reports of meetings convened by the Council and by the Air Navigation


c) Manuals, providing guidance and information concerning selected aspects

of aeronautical activity, or intended to facilitate the uniform application
of international Standards and Recommended Practices;

d) The ICAO Lexicon of terms used in connection with civil aviation.

Article IV
Working Papers

1, A working paper is a publicationintendedto serveprimarily asa basisfor

discussionin, or sourceof informationfor, a meetingof the Organization.

2. Working paperswill normally be distributedonly to the membersof the

body for which they are prepared.No othergeneraldistributionwill be made.

3. At the discretionof the SecretaryGeneral,copiesof working paperswill

alsobe suppliedon specificrequest.

4. With the exceptionof copiesretainedin the archivesof the Organization,

stocksof working papersmay be destroyedone year after the date of issue
unlessthere is a need for retaining particular working papersfor a longer

Article V
Other Publications

The Organizationwill alsopublish:

a) a monthly ICAO Journal giving a conciseaccountof the activitiesof the

Organization,with the addition of information of generalinterestto
ContractingStatesandto the aeronauticalworld;

b) otherpublic information material, suchasnewsreleases


c) ICAO Circulars, to disseminatespecializedinformation of interestto

ContractingStates,suchas: studiesor notesbasedon statisticsfiled,
summariesof treatiesor agreementsregisteredwith the Organization,
analyses,reproductionsof, or extracts from documentssubmittedby
ContractingStates,reportson implementationof internationalStandards
and Recommended Practices,andrelatedacts;

d) Digests of Statistics, presentingstatisticsin the internationalcivil aviation


e) an Index of ICAO Publications, providing a referencesystemto the

publicationsof the Organization,to be kept up to date by meansof

f) a Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids,
providing bibliographic information on all publications offered for sale
by the Organization.

Article VI

1. Each publication will carry a clear indication stating the authority under
which it is issued and the responsibility for textual content.

2. If the text constitutes an official opinion or act of the Organization, i.e. one
that has received the final approval of the body ultimately responsible under the
Convention, this will be indicated.

3. Any new category of publication not referred to in Articles III, IV and V

herein will require the approval of the Council.

4. Any existing category of publication may only be discontinued by direction

of the Council.

Article VII

Subject to other decisions made by the Council, the publications of the

Organization are issued in the following languages:

a) in English, French, Russian and Spanish

- the Convention on International Civil Aviation and Annexes thereto

and texts approved by the Assembly or the Council for
implementation by all Contracting States;

- the minutes and documents of the Legal Committee;

- the reports of Divisional-type meetings and Conferences;

- documents and working papers for and from sessions of the

Assembly, Divisional-type meetings and Conferences;

- documents and working papers for and from meetings of the Council
and its subsidiary bodies, as determined by the Council;

- rules of procedure of the statutory bodies and administrative

regulations published by authority of the Assembly or the Council;

- publications of a world-wide character such as manuals, circulars,
digests, ICAO Lexicon; .

b) in the language or languages selected by the Council

- documents and working papers for or from Regional and Special


- the Index of ICAO Publications;

- the ICAO Journal and other public information publications.

Article VIII

The Secretary General will determine the format and method of production of
ICAO publications, due regard being given to the need for economy.

Article IX

1. The Secretary General will determine which ICAO publications will be


2. The price of salable publications will be set, in accordance with the number
of pages, to cover the average production cost, in accordance with the rules laid
down in Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

Article X

1. ICAO publications will be distributed at Headquarters and at ICAO

Regional Offices as well as through duly appointed sales agencies.
Announcements concerning the sale of publications through these agencies will
be made in the ICAO Journal, when necessary, and in the Catalogue of ICAO
Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids.

2. The free distribution of ICAO publications to States will be in accordance

with the rules laid down in Appendix 2 to these Regulations.

3. The distribution of circular letters to States will be as prescribed in

Appendix 3 to these Regulations.

4. The Secretary General may, in special circumstances, authorize the free
distribution of small quantities of salable publications at his discretion.

Article XI

The Organization shall claim copyright for ICAO publications, audio-visual

aids, sound recordings and computerized information as determined by the
Secretary General. Requests to reproduce such ICAO material shall be subject
to the rules in Appendix 4 of these Regulations.

Article XII
Reports by the Secretary General

The Secretary General will render to the Council an annual report on the
production, distribution and sale of ICAO publications, and on the status of the
publications programme. Amendments to the Publications Regulations will be
reported to the Council at the time when they are promulgated by the Secretary

Article XIII
Co-ordination of Publications Activities

1. A Secretariat co-ordinating group functioning as the Publications Priority

Board and consisting of officers designated by Directors of the Bureaux will
meet at regular intervals under the chairmanship of an officer designated by the
Secretary General to:

- monitor established priorities for the production of the various types of

publications and documentation to be issued;

- advise the Directors and the Secretary General on the style and content
of any new publication in the planning stage and before substantive work
commences, taking into account readership and sales plans;

- advise the Secretary General on the format and frequency of issue of


2. The Secretary General will, when necessary, convene a meeting of the
Directors of the Bureaux to advise him on major questions of publications
policy, such as:

- the rules governing the sale, pricing and distribution of publications,

within the principles approved by the Council;

- any amendments to these Regulations;

- the contents of the annual report to the Council referred to in Article XII

- plans for future publications.

Article XIV
Amendment of the Regulations

Theseregulationsmay be amendedby the SecretaryGeneral,who will report

amendments to the Councilin the mannerprescribedin Article XII herein.
1. The price of salable publications will be established according to the
following method:

a) an average unit cost per page will be determined statistically from time
to time;

b) this determination will be made separately for publications printed wholly

or in part by commercial printing establishments, and for publications
reproduced by means of the Organization’s own printing equipment;

c) the unit cost per page will be the cost of printing and distributing copies
in excess of the number of copies normally required for free issue to
Contracting States;

d) a publication will be priced uniformly, regardless of the language in

which it is published;

e) selling prices to Contracting States will be set, in accordance with the

number of pages, to cover the average production cost as defined in
paragraphs a) to d) above. Selling prices to others will be based on the
market value of each individual publication which will include average
production cost as stated above;

f) the price of ICAO publications will be stated in the currency of the

United States of America rounded off to the nearest 25 cents, followed
by the mention “or equivalent in other currencies”. Billings done by
ICAO Regional Offices will be at the fixed exchange rate notified to
them by Headquarters, and Sales Agencies will be billed by Headquarters
in their national currencies;

g) the Secretary General may waive the collection of charges for any order
for publications when the cost of collection would be greater than the
amount due;

h) shipping costs as printed matter by surface means shall normally be

borne by the Organization. Additional cost of shipment by air will be
charged to the purchaser;

i) salable publications, microform copies, sound recordings and audio-visual
aids (films, tapes, slides and posters) will be sold on the basis of “cash
with order”. Credit or deferred payment may however be granted to duly
appointed Sales Agents, to government departments of Contracting States
and to reputable business establishments;

j) the price of a publication that carries a periodical amendment service will

include a charge for one year’s amendment service. If the life of the
publication extends beyond one year, an additional charge will be made
for each succeeding year’s amendment service.

2. Microform copies of ICAO publications and sound recordings of ICAO

open meetings may be sold at cost price on specific order.

3. Computer data, used for publications, will be sold in computer tape form
at standard cost of conversion plus processing and tape charges.


1. Determination of States’ requirements. Contracting States will be invited

to indicate from time to time to the Secretary General the number of copies and
breakdown between different language editions, if so required, of each
publication that they desire to receive, within the scale of free issue for any
particular publication as prescribed in paragraph 3 herein.

2. Restriction on distribution of working papers. In accordance with

Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Publications Regulations, the distribution of
working papers will be limited to States participating, or eligible to participate
in the meeting for which the working papers are prepared.

3. Scale offree issue:

a) The maximum number of copies of publications distributed and

dispatched free of charge to States will be determined by the following

Non-Contracting States 1 copy.

Contracting States 10 copies over all, including different

language breakdowns, for the first 1 per cent
of their contribution (or fraction thereof for
States contributing less than 1 per cent) to the
expenses of the Organization during the
current year.

5 copies over all, including different language

breakdowns, for every additional 1 per cent or
fraction thereof of their contribution to the
expenses of the Organization during the
current year.

Note.- The text of paragraph 3 a) above is that approved by the Secretary

General with effect from 26 March 1986. The scale of free issue is primarily
related to the respective requirements of Contracting States for ICAO

b) Within the maximum number of copies laid down in the above scale of
free issue, publications will be sent (by air, if, in the opinion of the
Secretary General, urgency so requires) at the Organization’s expense to
the main address indicated by Contracting States.

4. Additional copies in excess of scale of free issue:

a) Additional copiesof non-salable publications, in excessof theallowance

laid downin the scaleof free issue,will be sentin reasonable quantities
free of charge only if dispatchedby surfacemail or parcel post. If
dispatchby air is requested,the costwill be invoicedto the Statemaking
the request.

b) Additional copiesof salable publications, in excessof the allowancelaid

down in the scale of free issue,will be invoiced to Statesat the
established price. If dispatchby air is requested,the cost will be added
to the invoice.


1. Definition. A singletext, sentasan individual communicationin identical

form to each of 10 or morerecipients,is dealt with as a Circular Letter to
States.Although this materialis printedfor the economyof reproduction,the
provisionsof the PublicationsRegulationsin regard to the distribution of
publicationsare not applicableto the distribution and dispatchof Circular
Lettersto States.

2. Authority. Circular Lettersto Statesare issuedunderthe signatureof the


3. Languages.Circular Letters to Statesare normally issuedin the ICAO

workinglanguageselectedby eachrecipientStatefor correspondencepurposes.

4. Scale of distribution

a) The maximumnumberof copiesdistributedto ContractingStateswill be

determinedaccordingto the following scale:

5 copiesfor the first 1 per cent of their contribution(or fraction thereof

for Statescontributing lessthan 1 per cent) to the expensesof the
Organizationduringthe currentyear.

3 copiesfor every additional 1 per cent or fraction thereof of their

contributionto the expenses
of the Organizationduring the currentyear.

b) The scale in paragraph 4 applies to the selected language of

only. In addition,on request,Stateswill besuppliedwith
a maximumof threecopiesin other languageversions.

c) Where it is deemednecessary,for examplewhenthe Circular Letter is

used to transmitdraft publicationsto Statesor draft amendments to
existingpublications,the SecretaryGeneralwill distributesuchmaterial
in accordancewith Appendix 2 of theseRegulations.

5. Address

a) Where a State maintains a permanent representation on the Council or

where a State has designated a representative to ICAO at Headquarters,
all copies of Circular Letters to States may be directed to the
Representative’s office if agreed by the member State concerned.

b) The foregoing arrangements may be revoked at the State’s request. In

such circumstances, the Circular Letters to States will be directed to a
single destination and included in the periodic bulk shipment.

6. Exceptions

As circumstanceswarrant, different methodsof dispatchmay be applied,

includingthe useof priority mail or telecommunications.

7. Thesearrangements apply principally to communications

with Contracting
States;similararrangementswill be madefor the dispatchof suchmaterialto
non-ContractingStatesand InternationalOrganizations.


1. In order to preserve the authenticity and integrity of ICAO publications,

audio-visual aids, sound recordings and computerized information (further
referred to as “ICAO publications”) and to protect their successful commercial
distribution, ICAO will retain, claim and enforce all of the rights under the
applicable copyright laws and regulations and international copyright

2. Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 1 above, ICAO Contracting

States may, without prior approval by ICAO, reproduce in part or in whole
ICAO publications for their own internal non-commercial use (not for sale).

3. Requests for permission to reproduce parts of ICAO publications should be

addressed to ICAO Headquarters, attention: Director, Bureau of Administration
and Services, and contain:

a) specific listing of the parts to be reproduced;

b) description of the use to which the material will be put; and

c) a statement that the material will not be used for advertising a particular
product or for any other commercial purpose.

4. The permission to reproduce parts of ICAO publications shall be subject to

the following conditions:

a) no change shall be made in the wording or content of the ICAO

publication without express authorization by ICAO;

b) suitable attribution shall accompany the extracts reproduced with an

indication that they have been reproduced with the permission of ICAO;

c) two copies of the publication, film, cassette, disc or tape containing

extracts for an ICAO publication shall be forwarded to ICAO, without
charge, for its tiles; and

d) the permission may be revoked by ICAO at any time.

5. Requests to produce the entire ICAO publication shall normally be refused
if the publication is available for sale. In exceptional cases the Secretary
General may authorize the reproduction of the entire publication in
consideration of a royalty payable to ICAO which will not normally be lower
than 20 per cent of the selling price of the reproduced copies actually sold.
Requests to reproduce an ICAO publication in a language other than that in
which the document is offered for sale by ICAO will be subject to approval by
the Secretary General and to conditions determined by him.



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