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CompuBez dc en a

C tnon module a fle containing Putmon

detinitions and State munt module ca define
uchons, classes and vaziables . Amodule can a)8o

imclud e sunnable Code Code into

Grouping sel ated
a module maKes the Code eagie& to
to undev atand and
use L t also maKes mne Lode oqically o3ganized.

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bats can fly Cpremise. all
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axe bisda CAsemise = bats and

false),'bats and bts
Cconclusion fal3 e).

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Gbe toclling isdefined as a Cime in which a
compt is objet the Cime
LhacKing phishing
o1S uSed to as a tool to Commit an
offenu Child po phy,hate cxes, et .

&5 A dgtae footprint is dola that is eft behind when

have been onlinc

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Unifosm segonanca ocator URT

i Hy pex texF rans fer protocol CHTTP

L n iellectual propety ght
(Q4 Fou methods t even ident
Cezepu cedit.

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Tegu l a
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Create for youY aCcount

iM d ffexent passucYds

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ype impo math ycu mpostir
all fon ctiong Classes
ahd thne math cdule
but when
8CO y fom math import Lname o Clas
only aCLs to hat cla n the whole
Module , yeu mar ma wate mis fac m math mpost
TOimpos t evexuthi fuvn theom" &ratemant

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