Tarot of The Little Prince

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TAROT of the INDEX English TGR ee eae Espanol Portugese site cadens 53 Tarot of the LITTLE PRINCE This deck is created with love, light, and appreciation for all the star travelers of this world. And il is dedicated ta you... when you were but a small child. THE LITTLE PRINCE TAROT The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry is a classic tale for children ages one to one hundred that has touched the hearts and minds of genera- tions since its publication in 1943. It is a profound story of a pilot stranded in the middle of a desert who meets a tiny traveler of the stars, a spirit be- tween worlds, beyond time and space. In the pro- cess of this magical and unlikely [riendship, our natrator recliscovers his own inner child—and we, as teaders, are invited and inspired to do the same In our life hete on this Earth, we have a choice. Much like the Aviator, we can choose to labor and toil all day long to fix our proverbial broken-down planes, feeling alone in the desert, yearning for wa- ter, fidgeting with bolis—the stress of "grown-up" Matters at times goes on and on. But there is a light in all this. Like the Little Prince, we can choose to stop during the hustle and bustle of life. To draw a sheep, to speak to the flowers, to gaze up at the stars, and to wonder. Ta remember. Therein we find our love, our heart, our purpose, and the true real- ity In the words of the wise Fox, “One only sees 3 clearly with the heart; anything essential is invisible to the eyes.” The Little Prince embodies all the wonders that we as “strange grown-ups’ all too often forget: We can see the stars as merely little lights, to be counted and assessed...or they can become for us a blue- print as we take pause to "wonder if the stars are lit so each of us can find his own someday.” The choice is ours to remember. To cherish. To love. While we are still here. Like the Little Prince, we all are very fragile and so .oo must travel on. But when we do, we should search for beauty, love, and friendship along our journey, always. The Little Prince is an excellent reminder of this high truth; it provides people with a moment to “check in” and engage with the deeper meaning of life. And so, too, is the nature of tarot. In this deck, the tumeless story of The Little Prince is combined with the magic and insight brought forth by the seventy-eight images olf tarot. In the medita- tive practice of tarot reading, we are given a chance to reflect on the many faces and facets of the human experience. And in this process, we have an oppor- tunity to rediscover our own Little Prince, our inner child. Here we remember and honor the beauty of sunsets, and tend to our relationships like flowers. In the Little Prince Tarot, readers and seekers of all ages are given the opportunity to reflect on the universal truths and lessons presented not only by tarot itself but by Saint-Exupeéry’s timeless charac- ters who give so much room for inner reflection and interpretation. In what ways have we evolved into these “strange grown-ups”? And how can we attune 4 our spirits so that we rediscover our light, journey- ing from high atop mountains to faraway stars? The wise fox and the mysterious snake are calling, “What makes a desert beautiful is that it hides a well somewhere,” and what makes tarot beautiful is that it “[hides| a secret in the depths of its heart.” That secret is the power of self-awareness and guid- ance. In the words of The Little Prince, “Eyes are blind; you have to look with the heart.” Tarot is a key of sell-diseovery. “What makes things [beauti- full is invisible.” Enjoy the journey with laughter and love. THREE-CARD LAYOUT Like the Little Prince, this deck is designed to take you ona journey of self-discovery. Experiment with athree-card spread. (p.2) 1. Where you are now (Are you being a “strange grown-up"?). 2. Where you would like to travel to along your journey (‘What “planet”? What “star”?). 3. How your inner self can best lead you along that path (What dees your inner “Little Prince” say to you?). THE MAJOR ARCANA The Major Arcana is an illustrated depiction of the souls journey. It is the universe defined in pictorial form, with incredible depth of meaning and spirit. It is.a map to the deeper meanings and workings of life and the grand design. 5 0. The Fool: The Fool is youthful innocence and exuberance. It is the inner child in all of us, moving forward without a care in the world into new be- ginnings. Life is beauty, and ignorance is bliss. The conscious mind knows not the secrets and truths held deep in the subconscious, 1. The Magician: The Magician, or Magus, is the part of all of us who is one with the great mysteries of the universe. In perfect harmony and alchemy, creation and transformation brought forth via the magic of your own soul IL The High Priestess: The High Priestess is the subconscious rising up te the fore. She is intuition. The sacred knowledge deep within ourselves that we hold the keys to all locked doors in our life. We just need to look inside and find the answer, Il. The Empress: Pure love, care, and devotion, Beauty. Bliss. Fertility. She is the Goddess incarmate. Run toward the love and bask in its radiance. Here, all things bloorn. IV. The Emperor: Hard work and constant motion Continual progress and endless energy. Not for the faint of heart (or the lighthearted, for that matter!}. Creation and action incarnate, On a move! V. The Hierophant: The Hierophant is the teacher, When we meditate on this card, we are reminded that there are many lessons to learn. It’s time to look for our higher power, VI. The Lovers: The Lovers is about love and choice. Here the Liutle Prince may be overidentify- ing with his Rese. He may be struck by the arrow of Cupid. And he may make the choive to fly 6 VIL. The Chariot: Generally a happy card of wishes granted and fulfilled, the Chariot is about moving forward and motion—it is journeying to your best and highest potential and fulfillment. VIII. Strength: “Please, tame me!” Strength is all about allowing yourself to be led and inspired by the larger forces around you. Sometimes it takes more strength to be vulnerable, to be cared for, to be held. 1X. The Hermit: The Astronomer chooses a path all his own as he plots his course toward discovery, and here we are invited to do the same as we look deep within to find our own light. Its time to shut out the noise and do your own thing. X. The Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune Universal Law, as it spins and turns, to show us the way, Up, down, and all around—where will you land? Where the balance is found? Stay centered, XL. Justice: Sometimes the universe’ idea of bal- ance is greater than our own, We must maintain universal harmony and law. Obey the universe, and seek balance in all things. XII. The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man challeng- es us to find peace, even when things dont seem to be going our way. There is always a light to guide us along, even in times of trouble. We must put our egos aside. XII. Death: Death means change. We must change to grow. Some see this as a “scary” or “bad” card, but without death we cannot experience new life. This is what makes the character of the Snake so magical. XIV. Temperance: Temperance is transition with great care, It is time to listen closely to your angels, through prayer, meditation, and intuition. You are protected as you make your journey and change vessels. XV. The Devil: The Devil is about fear, lies, and igno- rance. Sometimes its about control. At times, theres a degree of self-imposed limitation here, What5 holding you back? What are you holding on to? AVL The Tower: Let go and let God! The Tower challenges us to cast off all illusion as we move with the currents of the universe and shed our ego, One must fall to fly, XWIL The Star: In the darkest of times, there will be light. There will be love and there will be an innate understanding within us. Look for the light, always. XVIIL The Moon: When the subconscious calls us, we must obey and follow our inner workings. The shadows are beckoning us. Things are not always what they appear, and that’s half the fun! XIX, The Sun: The inner child awakens! Enjoy the bliss and beauty of forty-four sunsets, like the Little Prince. Time to shine! XX. Judgment: Mlusion falls away, And we are awakened from our delusional state unto a new day, when the light of our own hearts, our true selves, arises. Judgment invites us to leave behind what no longer serves us. We awaken to a new dawn. It is our divine right, XXL. The World: The World Is Yours! Celebrate your life! Dance the great dance as the stars laugh and smile for you! This is the suit of the soul and the spirit. It is also the suit of fire, The Wands suit is reflected in the season of spring, where life bursts forth in color and beauty, resurrected and renewed. When we look at the Wands suit, so too is our soul and inner spirit called to the fore, to manifest and blossom forth. The Little Prince's enigmatic and mysteriously wise Snake character is featured prominently here. Ace of Wands: A yellow Snake curls around a wand with budding green leaves that runs the en- tire height of the card. The Ace of Wands invites our innermost spirit along a new path—a spiritual journey awakens and the sacred serpent calls us to shed our skin and renew. Two of Wands: The Little Prince climbs a moun- tain and calls out in search of company, newly land- ed on planet Earth. The Two of Wands is all about assessing your world, gaining your bearings, plot- ting your course, and seeking out stability—your dominion. Three of Wands: The Little Prince tends the three volcanoes on Asteroid B-612 (three representations of the element of fre). While the Two of Wands in- vites us to seek out a spiritual space, the Three of Wands calls us to really cultivate our journey and establish ourselves and create as we watch our ships sail (or tend to our breakfast!). Four of Wands: The Little Prince and Fox play together in a field of golden wheat. The Four of Wands is about satisfaction and enjoyment alter the “work” of the Three of Wands establishes a spiritual 9 space. [ts almost like a finish line, where we can find rest and respite. Establish a spiritual practice and relish in it. Rejoice! Five of Wands: The Aviator confronts the Snake, with the Little Prince up on the ledge, The Five of Wands is spiritual conflict and struggle that is nec- essary for growth and change. It doesn't always feel so nice or like a “learning experience” the time of conflict, but it is necessary nonetheless Six of Wands: Through conflict comes victory! The Aviator fixes his plane. The Six of Wands de- picts spiritual victory after conflict, We begin again anew, with a newlound sense of self and spiritual awareness, Seven of Wands: The Lamplighter works on his tiny planet. The Seven of Wands depicts a con- flict of opposing spiritual forces. The established strength and victory of the Six of Wands is tested in the Seven, just like the Lamplighter is put to the test to keep his light shining, we all are tested to keep our soul alive amid adverse conditions. Eight of Wands: The Lamplighters of the world work together to light the planet Earth. The Fight of Wands is about charging forward quickly, pro- gressing away from and resolving any conflict that arose in the Seven of Wands. Full steam ahead as the fire bums stronger than ever before, fueled by the momentum of destiny and love. Nine of Wands: The Little Prince looks upward at a sky filled with stars, Surfacing from the ti- als faced during the course of the Wands suit, we emerge with great strength and self-knowledge in 10 the Nine of Wands. This card is all about standing tall, strong, and aware of our mission. Ten of Wands: The Little Prince falls as the Snake strikes at his heel. When faced with the true nature of our own power, we can sometimes feel over- whelmed by what an enormous responsibility we have to evolve, grow, learn, anc most of all tend to the matters of the spirit, Not for the faint of heart! The Ten of Wands captures this in essence. It is the full realization of one’s purpose, which requires some heavy lifting at times but in the end produces transformation and true meaning. CUPS The Cups suit is about the emotions and the heart. It is the experience of love, of true friendship, of telationship, of agape. It is also the suit of the el- ement of water. The Cups suit is reflected in the season of the summer, so think “summer love" when reflecting on the cards, When we look at the Cups suit, it is time te consider love and passion: relationships and matters of the heart. The Little Princes love, his Rose, is our inspiration. Think sofmess. Think relationships. Or better yet, don't think—feel. Ace of Cups: A shining, gold Cup radiates in the middle of a might sky filled with stars, “I must en- dure the presence of a few caterpillars if | wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.” The Ace of Cups represents a new development or growth in our emotional self, a new love. The transformation of new emations rising from within. ll Two of Cups: The Little Prince leans forward to water his Rose, using a shining gold Cup. The Two of Cups represents balance in relationships and love. Healing, harmonious energy. Three of Cups: The Little Prince, the Aviator, and the Fox all joyfully gather around a well in the des- en. The Three of Cups is a card of friendship. The balance experienced in the Two of Cups expands out further as relationships take shape and form with multiple levels and different dimensions. Four of Cups: The Rose sits under glass, and the Lit- tle Prince leans toward her, carrying the screen and a cup, attentively. The Four of Cups indicates a time when we must find love on our own terms, in our own way. We may not be ready to receive blessings from the outside; it is a time to find contentment in our own selves, which sometimes comes along with a bit of apathy toward the outside world. Here the Rose is “shutting out” the Prince for her own reasons. Five of Cups: Longing for his Rose, the Little Prince lays down by a golden field and weeps. The Five af Cups captures loss of love, loss of a relationship, loss of pleasure. But if only we could change our perspective and see our experience from a different angle, then perhaps we would nat be so sad... Six of Cups: “Please...draw me a sheep...” The Little Prince joyfully receives the Aviators drawing of a sheep (in a box). A generally happy cand, the Six of Cups is about pleasure and harmony: A pleas- ant exchange of energy: Seven of Cups:The Railwayman changes tracks and sends multiple trains in new directions. The Seven 12 of Cups represents choice or a mystical vision. It is all about choice. The desire to move forward but indecision regarding how exactly to proceed, Eight of Cups: The Eight of Cups recalls the story of the salesclerk selling pills to cure thirst and the Little Prince’ reaction to him. (“If | had fifty-three minutes to spend as liked, I'd walk very slowly to- ward a water fountain.”) Onward and upward! This card challenges us to move on past our indecision to find our new happiness. It is a card of transition, leaving behind what no longer serves us to explore uncharted territary, Nine of Cups: The Little Prince stands in the center of the card, beaming happiness and joy. The Nine of Cups is all about finding joy within our own selves and wishes fulfilled, Radiant joy and healing, Ten of Cups: Back on Asteroid B-612, the Little Prince, his Rose, the Sheep, and the Fox all dance joyfully and play. Their faces light up with glee. The Ten of Cups is the happy family card, The inner joy found in the Nine of Cups is expressed outward, forming the foundation for emotional peace and harmony with all relations, It is gratitude, love, perfection, and securiry, It also represents the full culmination of the Cups suit, so feel those high- energy emotions and love. Dance in the rays of the starry sky! SWORDS The Swords suit is about the intellect and the mind. Beware—ihe Lith Prince reminds us of the limi- tations of solely relying on the process of thought, 13 (“The eyes are blind; you have to look with the heart.") The intellect can be a source of divisive- ness, and our thoughts, while strongly influential over our daily activities, can at times make lots of trouble for us! At the same time, there are valuable lessons to be learned through intelligence, cun- ning, and reason—the sheer power of thought. The season of fall is both bitter and beautiful. Such is the complexity of the suit of the element of air, The Little Princes Fox, a tovern traditionally associated with intelligence and wit, as our inspiration. Ace of Swords: The Fox sits poised behind the Sword, with his eyes piercing through us. He is ready to snatch a chicken while the hunter is dis- tracted. The Ace of Swords is a new frame of mind, anew way of thinking, a new thought process— whether positive or negative. Two of Swords: The Little Prince sits with his yel- low searf whipping to the right in the wind and covering his eyes, obstructing his vision, The Two of Swords represents the restoration of balance be- tween the heart and the mind, Justice is blind, and in achieving our balance, we must remain impartial Three of Swords: A deep red Rose appears with three Swords tearing through it. The Three of Swords represents an imbalance between the heart and the mind, and a decision must be made. This can be a painful process. The balance (and perhaps blissful ignorance) of the Two of Swords is lost, and we are left with a struggle between head and heart. Four of Swords: The Fox hides down in his bur- row while the chaos of a hunt ensues. Give it a rest! The Four of Swords is a time when we take a break i+ from our troubles—whether we want to or mot— and put our mind at ease for the time being. Five of Swords: The Fox creeps into a chicken coop to attack a scared and notably flustered chick- en. The feathers will fly! The Five of Swords rep- resents mental turmoil, defeat, and strife. This is a high energy card representing a time of high mental activity and racing thoughts, There’ a certain level of anxiety here. Six of Swords: The Aviator protectively caries the exhausted Little Prince across a barren desert toward the well. The Six of Swords represents safe passage from one state of mind to another, some- times aided by powerful forces that exist beyond the tealm of the mind (the spirit, the soul). The struggle of the Five of Swords is left behind, and peace is restored. Seven of Swords: The Little Ponce struggles to tame the animal nature of the Fox. The Seven of Swords is a time where we move forward with a certain degree of instability and perhaps secrecy It will take some effort for us to tame our mind and subdue our negative thoughts, This can be a con- fusing time. Eight of Swords: The Litle Prince and the Fox sit anxiously perched on top of the ledge, with the Snake lunging toward them menacingly. The Eight of Swords represents a time where the slow and (unsteady progress of the Seven of Swords comes to a screeching halt and we are faced with limita- tion. We may feel trapped in a maze and unable to proceed. It is a stagnant time. 15 Nine of Swords: The drunkard sits among piles of bottles, weeping. The Nine of Swords is despair. Cruelty. Pain. Anguish, Disappoinement. But some- times it is always darkest before dawn. It is only when we reach the point of breakdown that we can begin ourselves up again, searching anew to reach our highest light. Ten of Swords: Three Baobab trees engulf a planet and it begins to crack and break apart. Sometimes at the point of exhaustion, there is no choice but to let go and give ourselves up completely, resign- ing ourselves to the fact that through crisis comes strength. Carl Jung states: “It is from need and dis- tress that new forms of existence arise, and not from idealistic requirements or mete wishes.” That is the essence of the Ten of Swords. COINS The Coins suit represents the body and the physical world. It is also the suit of earth. lt rep- resents the season of winter, a time of reflection and introspection to bring forth abundance in the material realm. When we look at the Coins suit, we are invited to explore earthly endeavors and the more day-to-day aspects of our lives. Think about the material realm. Think plant life and greenery. The Little Princes Sheep character is Our inspiration, Ace of Coins: A sheep walks in a desert landscape. He sniffs at a single sprouting flower. The Ace of Coins marks a new pattern, form, or endeavor in the physical realm. 16 Two of Coins: The Aviator sits in front of his bro- ken plane, with a wrench in one hand and his drawing of a “hat* (the elephant trapped in a snake) in the other. The Two of Coins represents a time where there are two tasks at hand and balance must be achieved. It also indicates seemingly polar oppo- sites that interplay together. ‘Yin and yang. Three of Coins: As a child, the young Aviator sketches boa constrictors. The Three of Coins chal- lenges us to work passionately, doing what we love mest, Tt asks us to find our purpose and explore it, even in the face of outside forces that can influence or deter our work. Four of Coins: The businessman counts the stars so that he can own them and lock them away: The Four of Goins is all about ownership and posses- siveness, It is holding on to material goods or power for oneself. This is not necessarily always nega- tive—all things in balance. Five of Coins: The Prince and the Aviator wan- der through the desert, haggard and desperate. You cant always get what you want, The Five of Coins represents a time of hardship, struggle, and trouble in the material realm. It is a time of worry and stress. Six of Coins: The Aviator draws a sheep for the Little Prince, who stands looking wp at him expec- tantly The Six of Coins is about material success and the exchange of energy. Here we take all the drive and ambition of the Three of Coins and shate our works with others. It is a card of inclusion—we are able to share the bounty of our hard work. ly Seven of Coins: The Little Prince toils away, gar- dening baby Baobabs. The Seven of Coins reflects some delay, waiting, or lack of inspiration. It truly tests the patience of even the calmest individual. This is hard work that hasn't yet paid off, Eight of Coins: The Little Prince gardens his Rose as she prepares to bloom. The Eight of Coins chal- lenges us to use our skills for rewards and success in earthly endeavors. We begin to see just a little bir of the bounty from our hard work. And it feels great! Nine of Coins: The Little Prince joyfully skips through the rose garden. Enjoying the fruits of our labor. The Nine of Coins is about loving our world, and loving what we do in it. It is a card of flourish- ing and growth, Ten of Coins: The Aviator, the Sheep, and the Lit- tle Prince stand in front of the plane, smiling and laughing. The full culmination of the Coins suit, the Ten of Coins invites us to bask in the glow of our hard work and enjoy lasting security, Happy family. Wealth. Support. COURT CARDS In tater, court cards represent specific “characters” in our lives or facets of our own personalities. Ex- cluding our narrator, we find a total of sixteen char- acters that appear throughout the text of The Little Prince: the Snake, the Astronomer, the Lamplighter, the Railwayman, the Sheep, the King, the Vain Man, the Businessman, the Little Prince, the Rose, the Salesman, the Drunkard, the Fox, the Geographer, the Hunter, and the Lazy Gardener. The court cards 18 reflect these sixteen characters while also reflecting people in our lives and situations. Page of Wands = character inspiration: The Railway- man — The spiritual seeker. A person just beginning to bum. Gathering firewood to someday ignite the soul’ fire. Knight of Wands — character inspiration: The Lamp- lighter —A person charging alter a dream on their soul journey, pursuing purpose. Queen of Wands — character inspiration: The Turk- ish Astronomer —A person with a strong inner flame and deep passion. King of Wands — character inspiration: The Snake — A person who is noticeably strong, powertul. Qut- ward spiritual fire and intensity, Page of Cups — character inspiration: The Drunkard - Someone who may be dogegy-paddling through the seas of emotion, whether from innocence or past experience. Knight of Cups — character inspiration: The Sales- man = The “knight in shining armor,” searching for a soulmate. A person searching to quench an emo- tional thirst, Queen of Cups — character inspiration: The Rose — The Queen af Love and Intuition. A person who is a seer and deeply feels with an otherworldly sense. King of Cups = character inspiration: The Little Prince - The King of Hearts, The King of Love. A person outwardly expressing emotion and feeling, Page of Swords — character inspiration: The Baobab Farmer — A person who is quizzical and naive, just beginning to harness the power of the mind. 19 Knight of Swords = character inspiration; The Hunt- er— A person with an aggressive mind, racing forth. A person who overthinks, Queen of Swords — character inspiration: The Ge- ographer = Inner knowledge, confidence. A person of knowledge and high mental capacity. The Queen af Thought. King of Swords — character inspiration: The Fox - Superior mental prowess and intellect. This person has a sharp mind and knows how to use it. Page of Coins — character inspiration: The Vain Man — A person just beginning to learn how to make a living way in the world. Figuring it all out. Knight of Coins — character inspiration: The Busi- nesman — A person who is a builder, concemed with earthly matters. Hard work and dedication. Queen of Coins — character inspiration: “The King" Farth mother, a giver, a provider The keeper of beauty and bounty King of Coins — character inspiration: The Sheep - Wealth. The provider. This king has it all—all that glitters... 20 | Tarocchi del PICCOLO PRINCIPE Il Piccolo Principe di Antoine De Saint-Exupéry & una favola classica per bambini da une a cent’an- ni di eta che ha colpito i cuori e le menti di gene- tazioni da quando é stata pubblicata nel 1943, E la profonda storia di un pilota rimasto in panne nel bel mezzo del deserto, che incontra un minu- to viaggiatore delle stelle, uno spirito fra i mondi, al di la del ternpo ¢ dello spazio. Nel progredi- re di questa amicizia magica ed improbabile, il nostro marratore riscopre il proprio bambino interiore — ¢ noi, come lettori, siamo invitati ed ispirati a fare la stessa cosa. Per dirlo con le pa- tole della saggia Volpe: “Si vede bene solo con il cuore; l'essenziale é invisibile agli occhi.” In questo mazzo, la storia senza tempo de Ill Pic- colo Principe ¢ abbinata a magia ed intuizione, suggerite da settantotte immagini dei Tarocchi. Nella pratica meditativa della lettura dei Taroc- chi, ci viene data l'opportunita di riflettere sul- le molteplici facce e sfumature dellesperienza umana. In tale progressione, abbiamo la possibi- lita di riscoprire il nostro personale Piccolo Prin- cipe, il nostro bambino interiore. Qui ricordia- mo e rendiamo onore alla bellezza dei tramonti, e ci prendiamo cura dei nostri rappomi come se fossero fiori. La sagpia volpe ed il serpente misteriogo lanciano il loro richiamo. “Cid che abbellisce il deserto, & 21 che nasconde un pozzo in qualche luge", ¢ cid che rende belli i Tarocchi ¢ che “[nascondonol un segreto nel fondo del cuore.” Tale segreto é il potere della consapevolezza di st e della guida, Per dirlo con le parole de Il Piccola Principe: “Ma gli occhi sono ciechi: bisogna cercare col cuore.” I Tarocchi sono una chiave per scoprire sé stessi. “Cid che rende [belle] le cose @ invisibile.” Godin il viaggio con allegria ed amore. STESURA A TRE CARTE Proprio come il Piccolo Principe, questo mazzo é slato concepito per accompagnarti in un viag- gio alla scoperta di te stesso. Avventurati con una stesura a tre carte. (p.2) 1. Dove ti trovi ora (Sei uno “strano adulto"?). 2. Dove ti vorresti recare ne! corso del tuo viag- gio (Su quale “pianeta”?) (Su quale “stella"?) 3. Come ti pud condurre al meglio il tuo io inte- riore lungo tale cammino (Che cosa ti dice il tuo “Piccolo Principe” interiore?). GLI: ARCANI MAGGIORI 0. il Matto: Wh Matto é innocenza ec esuberanza giovanile. E il bambino interiore di tutti noi, che avanza senza alcuna preaccupazione verso nuo- vi inizi. La vita é bellezza, ed ignotare & pioia as- soluta, La mente cosciente non conosce 1 segreti e le verita serbate nel profondo del subconscio. I. Tl Bagatto: Il Bagatto, o Mago, ¢ la parte di rutti noi che é uno dei pit grandi misteri dell'u- a2 niverso. In perfetta armonia ed alchimia, la crea- zione ¢ la trasformazione sono generate attraver- so la magia della tua anima. TL. La Papessa: La Papessa é@ l'inconscio che spicca il volo. E Vintuizione, la sacra consape- volezza, nel profonde di noi stessi, che siamo in possesso delle chiavi per tutte le pore chiuse della nostra vita. Dobbiamo solo guardare den- tro di noi ¢ trovare la risposta, III. Limperatrice: Amore puro, attenzioni ¢ de- vozione, Bellezza, Gioia assoluta, Ferilita. E la Dea incarnata. Corri verso l'amore e& crogiolati nella sua raciosita, Qui, ogni cosa sboccia. IV. Limperatore: Lavoro duro ¢ movimento costante, Progressi continui ed energia infinita. Non per pusillanimi (o per persone poco serie, se é per questo!). Incarna la creazione e l'azione. Forza, andiamo! ¥. IL Papa: Il Papa é colui che insegna, Quando meditiamo su questa carta, ci viene ricordato che sono molte le lezioni da imparare. E il mo- mento di scoprire il nostro potere superiore. VI. Gli Amanti: Gli Amanti riguardano l'amore e la scelta. Qui il Piccolo Principe pud identifi- carsi in maniera eccessiva con la sua Rosa. Pud essere colpite dalla freccia di Cupido. E pud fare la scelta di volare. VIL. I Carre: In genere, una carta felice di de- sideri accolti ed esauditi. Il Carro riguarda l'an- dare avanti ed il movimento — é fare un viaggio verso le tue mighiori ¢ pia elevate povenzialita e realizzazione. 3 VIL. La Forza: “Ti prego, addomesticami!” La Forza é tutta incentrata nel consentire a te stes- so di essere condotto ed ispirato da forze pit grandi intorno a te. A volte ci vuole pit forza ad essere vulnerabile, ad essere accudito, ad essere SOrmelo. IX. LEremita: CAstronome sceglie da sé un cammino mentre traccia la propria rotta verso la scoperta, € qui siamo invitati a fare la stessa cosa mente guardiamo profondamente in noi svessi per trovare la nostra personale luce. E il momen- to di escludere il baccano e fare le proprie cose. X. La Ruota: La Legge Universale della Ruota della Fortuna, menire gira € rigira, per mostrarci il cammino. In su, in gid e€ tutte intorne — at- terrerai dove si wova lequilibrio? Rimani con- centrate. Al. La Giustizia: A volte l'idea di equilibrio delPuniverso ¢ pitt grande della nostra, Dob- biamo mantenere l'armonia e le leggi universa- li. Obbedisci alluniverso, e cerca l'equilibrio in ogni cosa XIL. LAppeso: LAppeso ci sida a trovare la pace, anche quando le cose non sembrano an- dare come vorremme. C'é sempre una luce che ci guida lungo il cammino, anche nei momenti di difficolta. Dobbiamo mettere da parte il no- stro ego. XIII. La Morte: La Morte significa cambiamen- to. Dobbiamo cambiare per crescere. Alcuni la vedono come una carta “spaventosa” o “brutia", ma senza la morte non possiamo sperimentare 24 una nuova vita. E questo che rende cosi magica la natura del Serpente. XIV. La Temperanza: La Temperanza ¢ tran- sizione con grande cautela. E il momento di ascoltare attentamente i tuoi angeli, attraverso la preghiera, la meditazione e l'intuito, Sei protetta mentre affronti il wo viaggio e cambi nave. XV. Il Diavolo: Il Diavolo riguarda la paura, le menzogne ¢ l'ignoranza. A volte, nguarda il con- trollo. Talvolta, qui é¢ presente un certo grado di limitazione autoimposta, Che cosa ti sta tratte- nendo? A cosa ti stai aggrappando? XVI. La Torre: Aiutati che il ciel taiuta! La Torte ci sfida a mollare ogni illusione mentre ci spostiamo con le correnti dell'universo e ci spo- gliamo del nostro ego. Si deve cadere per poter volare. XVIL. La Stella: Nel pit. buio dei momenti, ci sara luce. Ci sard amore e ci Sara un'innata com- prensione dentro di noi. Cerca la luce, sempre. XVIIL La Luna: Quande l'incenscio ci chiama, dobbiame obbedire ¢ seguire i nostri meccanismi interiori, Le ombre ci fanno cenno di avvicinarci. Le cose non sono sempre come sembrano, e que- sto é meta del divertimento! XIX. I Sole: fl bambino interiore si desta! Go- diti la gicia assoluta e la bellezza di quaranta- quattra tramonti, come il Piccolo Principe. E il momento di brillare! KX. 1] Giudizio: Lillusione svanisce, e veniamo svegliati dal nostro stato di desolazione ¢ spinti verso un nuove giomo, in cui la luce dei nostri Pe cuori, dei veri noi stessi, risorge. Il Giudizio ci invita a lasciare dietro di noi cid che non ci serve pit. Ci risvegliame allo spuntare di una nuova alba, E il nostro diritto divino. XXI. I Mondo: Il Mondo é Tuo! Celebra la tua vita! Balla la tua danza pit bella mentre le stelle ridono é ti sorridonal COPPE a Asso di Coppe: Nuovi sviluppi o crescita del nostra io emotive, un nuove amore. La trasfor- mazione di nuove emozioni che sorgono dall'in- temo, Due di Coppe: Equilibrio nei rapporti e nell’a- more. Dare e avere, flusso e riflusso. Guarigione, Energia anmoniosa Tre di Coppe: Amicizia. | rapporti prendono forma a vari livelli ed in diverse dimensioni. Quattro di Coppe: Il momento di trovare sod- disfazione in noi stessi, che a volte comporta un po’ di apatia nei confront del mondo esterno. Cinque di Coppe: Perdita di amore, perdita di un rapporto, perdita di piacere. Ma se solo po- tessimo cambiare il nostro punto di vista e vede- re la nostra esperienza da un‘altra angolazione, allora forse non saremmo cosi tristi... Sei di Coppe: Carta felice, in genere. Piacere ed armonia. Un gradevole scambio di energia. Sette di Coppe: Una scelta o una visione misti- ca, Desiderio di andare avanti ma indecisione su come procedere esattamente. 20 Ovo di Coppe: Avanti ¢ sempre pit in alto! Transizione, lasciare dietro di sé cié che non ci serve pit per sondare territori inesplorati. Nove di Coppe: Trovare gioia in noi stessi, de- sideri esauditi. Raggiante di gioia. Guarigione. Dieci di Coppe: Famiglia felice, Pace ed armo- nia emotiva in ogni rapporto, Gratitudine, amo- re, perfezione e protezione. Fante di Coppe: Qualcuno che potrebbe saper nuotare a malapena attraverso un mare di emo- zioni, per innocenza o esperienze passate. Cavaliere di Coppe: Il “cavaliere con l'armatura lucente” in cerca di un’anima gemella. Una perso- na alla ricerca di appagamento di una sete emotiva. Regina di Coppe: La Regina dell’Amore ¢ dell Intuizione. Una persona che ¢ una veggente € percepisce profondamente, con una sensibilita ultraterrena. Re di Coppe: If Re at Cuara 2) Re dell'Amore. Una persona che esprime esteriormente emozio- ni € sentiment DENARI Asso di Denari: Nuovi schemi, modalita o ini- ziative nel regne fisica Due di Denari: Due compiti nell'immediato: deve essere raggiunto un equilibrio. Pali op- posti che si influenzano reciprocamente. Yin ¢ yang. Tre di Denari: Lavoro appassionato. Imprese creative. Esatminare il nostro scopo. a7 Quattro di Demari: Proprieta e¢ possessivita. Mantenere i beni materiali o il potere per sé SLESSI, Cinque di Denari: Patimenti, combattimenti ¢ difficolta nel regno materiale. Preoccupazioni e stress. Sei di Denari: Successo materiale ¢ scambio di energia. Integrazione — condividere il premio. Sette di Denari: Ritardo, attesa o mancanza di ispirazione, Ono di Denari: Riconoscimenti ¢ successo in imprese terrene. Ritirare il premio. Nove di Denari: Godere dei frutti del nostro la- voro. Prosperita e crescita. Dieci di Denari: Protezione duratura. Famiglia felice. Ricchezza, Sostegno Fante di Denari: Una persona che inizia appena ad imparare come crearsi un modo di vivere nel mondo. Tutto da capire. Cavaliere di Denari: Una persona che costru- isce, dedita a questioni terrene. Lavoro duro e dedizione. Regina di Denari: Madre terra, che dona ¢ che provvede. La custode della bellezza e del pre- mia, Re di Denari: Ricchezza. Colui che provvede. Questo Re ha tutte — tutte cid che luccica.., BASTONI Asso di Bastoni: Invita il nostro spirito pit im- timo a intraprendere un nuove cammino, un 26 viaggio spirituale. Il sacra serpente ci invita a mutare la nostra pelle ed a rinnovarci. Due di Bastoni: Tutto sta nel valutare il tuo mondo, riprendere lorientamento, tracciare la rotta ¢ trovare la stabilita — il tuo dominio. Tre di Bastoni: Ci nchiama a prenderci davvero cura del nostro viaggio ¢ ad affermarci ¢ creare Tmentre guardiamo navigare i nostri velieri (o ci occupiamo della nostra colazione!). Quattro di Bastoni: Soddisfazione © diverti- mento dopo il “lavoro”, E quasi come una linea del traguardo, dove possiamo riposare ¢ ripren- dere fato. Istituisci una pratica spirituale e gu- statela, Rallegrati! Cinque di Bastoni: Conflitto e loa spirituale, che sono necessan per la crescita ed il cambia- mento. Quando non viene sempre percepito come pradevole, o come una “esperienza di ap- prendimento”, ma é tuttavia necessario. Sei di Bastoni: Vittoria spirituale dopo il conilit- to. Si comincia di nuove da zero, con una ritro- vata percezione di sé e consapevolezza spirituale. Sette di Bastoni: Conflitto di forze spirituali op- poste. La forza e la vittoria consolidate nel Sei di Bastoni vengono messe alla prova nel Sette; pro- prio come il Lampionaio viene messo alla prova nel mantenere accesa la sua luce, cosi veniamo tutti messi alla prova nel mantenere viva la nostra anima nel bel mezzo delle condizioni avverse. Otto di Bastoni: Avanzare rapidamente, pro- gredire prendendo le distanze e risolvere qua- lunque conflitto. Avanti a tutto vapore mentre 29 la fiamma arde pit forte che mai, alimentata dall'impeto del destino e dell'amore. Nove di Bastoni: Ergersi im pied, forti ¢ consa- pevoli della nostra missione. Dieci di Bastoni: Enorme responsabilita di evolvere, crescere, imparare e, soprattutte, oc- cuparsi di tutte le questioni dello spirite. Non per pusillanimi! Fante di Bastoni: Colui che é in cerca di spi- ritualita. Una persona che sta solo iniziando a fremere, che raccoglie legna da ardere per accen- dere un giorno la famma dell'anima. Cavaliere di Bastoni; Una persona che avanza tincorrendo un sogno nel proprio viaggio dell'a- Tima, perseguendo uno scopo. Regina di Bastoni: Una persona con una forte fiamma interiore ed una profonda passione. Re di Bastoni: Una persona che é visibilmente forte © potente, Fiamma spirituale ed intensita rivalte all’esterno. Asso di Spade: Nuova mentalita, nuovo modo di pensare, nuove processo di pensiero — in po- silivo oO in negative. Due di Spade: Ripristino dellequilibrio fra il cuore ¢ la mente. La giustizia é cieca. Rimani imparziale. Tre di Spade: Squilibrio fra il cuore ¢ la mente. Deve essere presa una decisione. Quattro di Spade: Prendiamoci una pausa dai 30 nostri gual, mettendo per il momento l'animo in pace, Cingue di Spade: Angoscia mentale, [rustrazio- ne € discordia. Apprensione. Sei di Spade; Passaggio sicuro da une stata d'a- nime all‘altro. La pace é ristabilita. Sette di Spade: Instabilita ¢ forse solitudine. Confusione. Otto di Spade: Sentirsi intrappolati in un labi- tinto ¢ non essere in grado di proseguire. Stasi. Nove di Spade: Disperazione, crudelia, dolore, tormento, delusione. Abbattersi. Dieci di Spade: Un punto di esaurimento. La- sciarsi andare. Attraverso la crisi giunge la forza. Fante di Spade: Una persona buila ed ingenua, che sta solo iniziando ad utilizzare il potere della mente. Cavaliere di Spade: Una persona con una men- te aggressiva, che va avanti a tutta velocita. Una persona che pensa troppo. Regina di Spade: Conoscenza interiore, fiducia. Una persona di sapere ¢ con un'elevata capacina mentale. La Regina del Pensiero. Re di Spade: Abilita mentale ed intelletto supe- riore. Questa persona ha una mente acuta € sa come usarla. 31 Tarot del PRINCIPITO El Principito de Antoine De Saint-Exupéry es un cuento clasico para ninos de uno a cien afios que ha tocade el corazén y la mente de generaciones desde su publicacién en 1943. Es una historia rellexiva sobre un piloto, perdido en medio de un desierto, que conoce a un pequefo viajero de las estrellas, un espinitu entre mundos, mas alla del tiempo y el es- pacio, Durante el curso de esta amistad tan magica como improbable, nuestro narrador redescubre a su propio nino interior —y nosotros, como lectores, estamos invitades y motivados a hacer lo mismo, En palabras del sabio Zorro: “Solo se ve bien con el corazén: lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.” En esta baraja, la historia sin tiempo del Principite se combina:con la magia y la intuicién de las setenta y ocho imagenes del tarot, En la practica meditativa de la lectura del tarot tenemos la oportunidad de re- flexionar sobre los multiples aspectos y facetas de la experiencia humana. ¥ en este proceso cantamos con la posibilicad de volver a encontrar a nuestro Princi- pite, el nifia que Levamos dentro, Aqui recordamos y honramos la belleza de los atardeceres, y cuidamos de nuestras relaciones come si fuesen flores. Fl sabio zorro y la misteriosa serpiente ya lo advier- ten: “Lo hermoso del desierto es que en cualquier parte esconde un pozo”, y lo que hace que el tarot sea hermoso es “el secreto que guarda en el fondo de su corazén." Este secrete es el poder de la auto- conciencia y la guia. En palabras del Principita: “los gjos son ciegos; hay que buscar en el corazén." El 32 tarot es la llave para nuestro autodescubrimienw. “Lo que hace las cosas [bellas] es invisible," Disfruta del viaje con alegria y amor. TIRADA DE TRES CARTAS Al igual que el libro, esta baraja se ha disenado para acompanarte en un viaje de autodescubrimento. Experimenta con una tirada de tres cartas. (p.2) 1, {Donde estas ahora? (;Eres un “adulto extrafio"?). 2. jAddnde te gustaria ir en tu viaje? (;Que “plane- ta"? jQueé “estrella’?}, 3, ;Cual es la mejor manera que tu yo prolundo tiene de guiante por el camino? (;Qué te dice tu “Principio” interior?) ARCANOS MAYORES- 0. El Loco: El Loco representa la inocenicia ia juvenil y la opulencia. Es el nitio interior que todos [leva- mos dentro, avanzande sin preacupacion hacia un nueve comienzo ene] mundo, La vida es belleza y la ignorancia felicidad, La mente consciente no conoce los seeretos 'y las verdades que yacen en lo mas profundo del subconsciente I. El Mago: El Mago, o Magus, ¢s esa parte de todos. nosotros que representa uno de los grandes miste- rios del universo. En perlecta hanmonta y alquimia, la creacién y la wansformacidén han nacido de la ma- gia de m propia alma, ll. La Sacerdotisa: La Sacerdotisa es el subcons- ciente que pasa a primer plano. Ella es intuicidn. Es la sagrada certeza de saber, en lo mas profunda de 33 nosotros, que todos tenemos las llaves de las pues tas cerradas de nuestras vidas. Tan sdlo tenemos que mirar dentro de nosotros y buscar la respuesta. I. La Emperatriz: Puro amor, carifio y devecidn, Belleza. Felicidad. Fertilidad. Es la Diosa encama- da. Corre hacia el amor y disfruta de su resplandor. Aqui todo florece. Iv. El Emperador: Duro trabajo y movimiento constante. Progreso continuo y energia ilimitada. No para cobardes (o ligeros de corazon, jqué mds dal), Creacion y accién encarnadas. [En movi- miento! ¥V. El Papa: El Papa es el maestro. Al mecitar sobre esta carta, debemos recordar que quedan muchas lecciones por aprender. Es hora de buscar nuestro mayor poder. VI. Los Enamorados: La canta de los Enamorados trata sobre el amor y la eleccién. Aqui el Principito se identifica con su Rosa. Igual ha sido alcanzado por una de las Nechas de Cupido. ¥ puede que tome la decisidin de volar. VIL El Carro: Normalmente una carta feliz de de- seos concedidos y cumplidos, el Carro trata sobre moverse ¥ avanzar —un viaje a tu mejor y mayor potencial y realizacidn. VILL. La Fuerza: “jDomesticame por favor!” La fuerza consiste en permitirte a ti mismo ser guiado ¢ inspirado por fuerzas superores que te rodean. A veces s¢ necesita mds fuerza para ser vulnerables, queridos y abrazados. IX. El Ermitatio: El Astrénomo elige su propic camino mientras traza el rumbo hacia el descubn- 34 miento, Nosotros estamos invitados a hacer lo mis- mo, miranda en lo mas profundo de nosotros para encontrar nuestra propia luz. Es hora de ignorar el ruido y hacer lo que quieras. X. La Rueda: La Ley Universal de la Rueda de la Fortuna, al gitar y girar, nos muestra el camino. Arriba, abajo y alrededor —jdénde aterrizaras que exista un buen equilibric? Mantente concentrada XL La Justicia: A veces la idea que el universe tiene sobre el equilibrio es diferente de la nuestra. De- bemos mantener la harmonia y el orden universal. Obedece al universo y busca equilibrio en todas las COSAS. XIL El Colgado: El Colgado nos reta a buscar la paz, incluso cuando las cosas no parecen ir a mues- tro favor. Siempre hay una luz que nos guia, incluso en momentos de dificultad. Debemos dejar nuestro ego a un lado, XIII. La Muerte: La Muerte significa cambio. Para crecer tenemos que cambiar. Muchos consideran esta carta mala o aterradora, pero sin la muerte no podemos experimentar vida nueva. Esto es lo que hace que el caracter de la serpiente sea tam magico. XIV. La Templanza: La Templanza es transicidn con mucho cuidado. Es hora de escuchar atenta- mente a tus angeles, a través de la oracion, la me- ditacian y la intuicidn. Estas protegido mientras realizas lu viaje y cambias de barco. X¥. El Diablo: El Diablo trata sobre miedo, menti- ras é ignorancia. A veces sobre control. Otras, hay una cietta limitacion autoimpuesta, ;Qué te esta frenando? A qué te estds agarrando? 35 KVL. La Torre: jDéjalo en manos de Dios! La Torre nos reta a desprendernos de toda ihusién mientras nos movemos con las corrientes del universo y nos des- hacemos de nuestro ego. Hay que caerse para volar, XVII. La Estrella: En la mayor oscuridad de los tiempos, habra luz. Habra amor y habra una com- prension inmata dentro de nosotros. Busca la luz, siempre. XVILL La Luna: Cuando el subconsciente nos lla- ma, tenemos que obedecer y seguir nuestro funcio- namiento interior. Las sombras nos estin [lamando agestos. Las cosas no siempre son lo que parecen, y esto és lo bueno del asunto. XIX. El Sol: jEl nitio interior se despierta! Coma el Principito, disfruta de la felicidad y la belleza de ver ponerse el sol cuarenta y cuatro veces. [Hora de brillar! XX. El Juicio: La ilusién se desvanece. Desper- tamos de nuestro estado ilusorio a un nuevo dia, cuando la luz de nuestros corazones, y nuestro ver- dacero ser, surge. El Juicio nos invita a dejar atras lo que ya no necesitamos. Nos despertamos a un nuevo amanecer. Es nuestro derecho divino. XXI. El Mundo: jEl mundo es tuyo! jFesteja tu vida! jBaila la gran danza mientras las estrellas rien y sontien para ti! COPAS As de Copas: Nuevo desarrollo y crecimiento de nuestro ser emocional, un amor nuevo. Transfor- Thacién de nuevas emociones que vienen de dentro. 36 Dos de Copas: Equilibrio en las relaciones y el amor, Dar y tomar, flujo y reflujo, Sanacién, energia harmoniosa. Tres de Copas: Amistad. Las relaciones se moldean en multiples niveles y dimensiones diferentes. Cuatro de Copas: Hora de encontrar satisfaccidén en nosotros mismos, lo que a veoes viene acompa- fiado de un poco de apatia hacia el mundo exterior Cinco de Copas: Pérdida del amor, pérdida de una relacién, pérdida de placer. Pero si sélo pudiéramos cambiar nuestra perspectiva, y ver nuestra expe- riencia desde otm angulo, quiza entonces no esta- Tiamog Lan tristes ... Seis de Copas: Normalmente una carta feliz. Placer y harmonia. Un placentero intercambio de energia. Siete de Copas: Eleccién o visiin mistica. Desens de avanzar, pero indecisidn sobre cémo proceder exactamente, Ocho de Copas: jHacia adelante y arriba! Transi- cién, dejar atras lo que ya no nos vale para exami- tar un territorio inexplorado. Nueve de Copas: Encontrar alegria dentro de no- solros mismos, deseos cumplidos, Alegria radiante. Diez de Copas: Familia feliz. Paz emocional y har- monia con todos los familiares. Gratitud, amor, per- feccion, y seguridad. Paje de Copas: Alguien que puede estar nadando con dificultad entre los mares de la emocidn, bien por inocencia o experiencia pasada. Caballero de Copas: El “caballero de brillante ar- madura” en busca de su alma gemela. Una persona que trata de saciar su sed emocional, 7 Reina de Copas: La Reina del Amor y la Intuicién. Una persona vidente que siente profundamente con una semsibilidad sobrenatural. Rey de Copas: El Rey de Corazones, El Rey del Amor. Una persona que expresa externamente emocion y sentimiento. As de Oros: Nuevo patron, forma, o esfuerzo en el reina fisiew. Dos de Onos: Dos tareas a la vez: hay que encon- trar un equilibric. Polos opuestos que interactuan juntos. Yin y yang, Tres de Oros: Trabajo apasionado. Esfuerzos crea- tives. Explorar nuestro propdsito. Custro de Ores: Propiedad y posesividad. Aferrar- se a bienes materiales o poder para tric satsrmn, Cinco de Oros: Dificultades, luchas, y probkemas en el reino material. Preocupacion y estrés. Seis de Oros: Exito material ¢ intercambio de ener gia. Inclusion —compartir abundancia. Siete de Oros: Retraso, espera, o falta de inspiracidn. Ocho de Oros: Recompensas y éxito en los esfuer- zos terrenales. Cosechar abundancia. Nueve de Oros: Distrutemos de los frutos de nues- tra trabajo. Prosperidad y crecimiento, Diez de Oros: Seguridad duradera, Familia feliz, Riqueza. Apoyo. Paje de Oros: Una persona que acaba de empezar a aprender come ganarse la vida en este mundo Descubrelo todo, 38 Caballero de Oros: Una persona que construye, en relacién con asuntos terrenales. Trabajo duro y dedicacian, Reina de Oros: Madre tierra, alguien que da y pro- vee. La guardiana de la belleza y la generosidad. Rey de Oros: Riqueza. El proveedor. Este Rey lo tiene todo —todo lo que reluce ... As de Bastos: Invita a nuestro espiritu mas intima a recorrer Un Hueve camino —un viaje spiritual nace y la serpiente sagrada nos invita a mudar nuestra piel y renovarnos. Dos de Bastos: Nos pide que valoremos nuestro Thuindo, que nos orientemos, tracemos un rumba ¥ busquemos estabilidad —nuestro dominio. Tres de Bastos: Una llamada a cultivar de verdad nues- tro viaje, establecernos y crear, mientras vemos navegar nuestros barcos (jo mos ocupamos del desayunol). Cuatro de Bastos: Satisfaccién y disirure después del “trabajo.” Es come Hegar a la meta, donde po- demos encontrar descanso y respiro. Establece una practica espinitual y disfruta con ella, jAlégrate! Cinco de Bastos: Conilicto espiritual y luchas que son necesarias para crecer y cambiar. En un con- flicio, no siempre es facil asimilar bien las cosas 0 tomarlo como una “experiencia de aprendizaje”, sin embargo es necesario. Seis de Bastos: Victoria espiritual tras el conflicto. Comenzamos de nueva, con un recién descubierto sermide de conciencia personal y espiritual. 39 Siete de Bastos: Conflicto de fuerzas espirituales opuestas. La fuerza consolidada y la victoria del Seis de Bastos se pone a prueba en el Siete: igual que el farolera tiene que probar su capacidad tratando de mantener la luz encendida, asi también todos noso- tros estamos llamados a mantener nuestra alma viva en condiciones adversas. Ocho de Bastos: Avanzar nipidamente, progresar alejandose, y solucionar cualquier conflicto. A todo vapor mientras el fuego arde con mas fuerza que nun- ca, alimentado por el empuje del destino y el amor. Nueve de Bastos: Permanecer erguidos, fuertes y conscientes de nuestra misicn. Diez de Bastos: Enorme responsabilidad para evo- lucionar, crecer, aprender, y sobre todo ocuparse de los asuntos del espiritu. |No apto para cobardes! Paje de Bastos: El buscador espiritual. Una perso- na que acaba de empezar a arder, Apilar lefia para encender algun dia el fuego del alma. Caballero de Bastos: Una persona que persigue un suefio en el viaje de su alma, seguir un propdsito. Reina de Bastos: Una persona con una fuerte llama interior y profunda pasidn. Rey de Bastos: Una persona que es notablemente fuerte y poderosa. Fuego espiritual exterior ¢ inten- sidad, ESPADAS As de Espadas: Nuevo estado de animo, ans oema nueva de pensar, un proceso nuevo de pensamiento —tante positive como negativo. 4 Dos de Espadas: Reposicidn del equilibrio entre corazdn y mente. La justicia es ciega. Sé imparcial. Tres de Espadas: Desequilibrio entre corazém y mente. Hay que tomar una decisidn. Cuatro de Espadas: Tomarse un descanso de los problemas, poner la mente en descanso por el mo- mento. Cinco de Espadas: Confusién mental, derrota y lucha. Ansiedad. Seis de Espadas: Paso seguro de un estado mental a otro. Paz restaurada, Siete de Espadas: Inestabilidad y quizas secreto. Confusion. Ocho de Espadas: Sentirse atrapado en un laberin- to y ser incapaz de continuar. Estancamiento. Nueve de Espadas: Desesperacidm, crueldad, do- lor, angustia, decepcién. Dermbarse. Diez de Espadas: Un punto de agotamiento. Dejar ir. De las crisis se saca fuerza, Paje de Espadas: Lina persona perpleja e ingenua, que da sus primeros pasos en el empleo del poder de su mente. Caballero de Espadas: Uma persona con mente agresiva, que se empuja hacia adelante. Una perso- na que piensa demasiado. Reina de Espadas: Conocimiento interior, confian- za, Una persona sabia con alta capacidad mental. La Reina del Pensamiento. Rey de Espadas: Habilidad mental superior e in- telecto. Esta persona lene una mente aguda y sabe cdmo usarla. 41 Tarot du PETIT PRINCE Le Petit Prince d'Antoine De Saint-Exupéry est un conte classique pour enfants de 7 a 77 ans qui a touché le coeur et l'esprit de plusieurs générations depuis sa publication en 1943. Il s‘agit de l'histoire profonde d'un aviateur qui, a la suite d'une panne de moteur, doit se poser en catastrophe en plein désen. Cest la qu'il rencontre un petit explorateur d’é.oiles, un esprit entre les mondes, hors du temps et de l'es- pace. Alors que cette amitié magique et improbable se développe peu a peu, notre narrateur redécouvre son enfant intérieur - et nous, lecteurs, sommes invi- tés et inspirés a faire de méme. Pour reprendre les mors sages du Renard: «On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, Lessentiel est invisible pour les yeux. » Dans ce jeu, lhistaire intermporelle du Petit Prince est combinée a la magie et 4 l'intuition qui sont suggérées par soixante-dix-huit images de cartes de tarot. La pratique méditative du tirage du tarot donne l'occasion de réfléchir aux multiples aspects et facettes de fexpérience humaine. Or, dans cette progression, nous avons la possibilité de medécou- wnir notre Petit Prince personnel, notre enfant iné- rieur. Ici, nous remémorons et nous honarons la beauté des couchers de soleil, nous prenons soin de nos relations comme si elles étaient des Meurs. Le renard sage et le serpent mystérieux lancent leur appel. «Ce qui embellit le désert, c'est qu'il cache un puults ue parts, et ce qui rend beau le tarot, cae a eakel secret au fond du cceurs, Ce secret est le pouvoir de la conscience de soi et du 42 guide. Pour lexprimer avec les mots du Petit Prince: «Mais les yeux sont aveugles. Il faut chercher avec le cceurs. Le tarot est une clé pour se découvrir soi-méme. «Ce qui fait la beauté [des choses] est invisible». Profitez du voyage avec gaieté et amour, DISPOSITION A TROIS CARTES Tout comme le Petit Prince, oe jeu a été congu pour vous accompagner dans un voyage a la découverte de vous-méme. Aventurez-vous dans une disposi- tion a trois cartes. (p.2) 1. Of @tes-vous maintenant (Etes-vous un «dréle dadultes?). 2. Of aimeriez-vous aller pendant votre voyage (Quelle «planétes? Quelle «étoile»?), 3. Comment votre moi intérieur peut-il vous guider au mieux sur ce chemin (Que vous dit votre «Petit Prince» intérieur?). LES ARCANES MAJEURS 0. Le Fou: Le Fou est innocence et Vexubérance ju- veénile. C'est l'enfant intérieur de chacun de nous, qui Avance sans se soucier vers de nouveaux commence- ments. La vie c'est la beauté, et ignorer cest la joie ab- solue. Lesprit conscient ne connait pas les secrets et les vérités gardées dans les profondeurs du subconscient. I. Le Bateleur: Le Bateleur, ou Magicien, est la par- tie de chacun de nous qui est l'un des plus grands miystéres de lunivers. En parfaite harmonie et alchi- mie, la création et la transformation sont générées par la magie de votre ame. 43 Il. La Papesse: La Papesse est l'inconscient qui prend son envol. Cest l'irtuition. La prise de conscience sacrée, au plus profond de nous-mémes, que nous détenons les clés de toutes les pores closes de notre vie. Il suffit de regarder au-dedans de soi pour trouver la réponse, IIL Uimpératrice: Amour a l'état pur, attentions et dévotion. Beauté. Joie ahsolue. Fertilité. C'est lincarnation de la Déesse. Courez vers l'amour et délectez-vous de son éclat. Ici, tout fleurit. IV. LEmpereur: Travail acharmé et mouvement constant, Progrés continus et énergie infinie. Ne convient pas aux dames sensibles (ni aux cocurs légers!), C'est l'incarnation de la création et de l'ac- tion. Allez, courage! V. Le Pape: Le Pape est celui qui enseigne. Lorsque nous méditons sur cette carte, i] nous est rappelé que nombreuses sont les lecons a tirer. I] est temps de découvrir notre pouvoir supérieur. VI. Les Amants: La carte des Amants se réfere A l'amour et au choix. Ici, le Petit Prince peut s'iden- lifier de maniére excessive 4 sa Rose, Il peut étre touché par la fleche de Cupidon. Et il peut faire le choix de voler. VU. Le Chariot: II s'agit pénéralement d'une carte heureuse de désirs écoutés et exaucés. Le Chariot concerne la progression et le mouvement - c'est faire un voyage vers votre meilleur potentiel et votre plus grande réussite. VIIL La Force: «5'il te plait... apprivoise-moi!» La Force consiste 4 vous laisser guider et inspirer par des forces plus importantes autour de vous, Parlois, Aa il faut plus de force pour étre vulnérable, étre soi- ané, &tre Ssoutenu, IX. LErmite: CAstronome choisit lui-méme un chemin alors qu'il trace sa voie vers la découverte, Nous sommes invités ici a faire la méme chose quand nous regardons au plus profond de nous- mimes pour trouver notre propre lumiére. Il est temps de s'¢loigner du brouhaha et de s‘occuper de 58 propres affaires. X. La Rowe: La Loi Universelle de la Roue de la Fortune, qui tourné pour nous montrer le chemin. En haut, en bas et tout autour - allez-vous auerrir of se trouve féquilibre? Restez concentré. XI. La Justice: Parlois, l'idée d'équilibre de l'uni- vers est plus grande que notre idée personnelle. Nous devons maintenir I'harmonie et les lois uni- verselles. Obéissez a l'univers et cherchez l'équilibre dans toute chose, XIL Le Pendu: Le Pendu nous défe de trouver la paix, méme lorsque les chases ne semblent pas aller comme nous le souhaitons. fl y a toujours une lumiére qui mous guide tout au long du chemin, méme dans les moments difficiles. Nous devons Thettre notre ego de cote. XIIL La Mort: La Mort signifie le changement. Nous devons changer pour grandir Certains y voient une carte «eflrayantes ou «mauvaises, mais sans la Mori, nous he pouvens pas experimenter une nouvelle vie. Cest ce qui rend la nature du Serpent si magique. XIV. La Tempérance: La Tempérance est une transi- tion avec beaucoup de prudence, Il est temps d'écou- 45

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