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Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health

Beliefs About the Use of Nonprescribed Antibiotics Among People in Yogyakarta City,
Indonesia: A Qualitative Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
Aris Widayati, Sri Suryawati, Charlotte de Crespigny and Janet E. Hiller
Asia Pac J Public Health published online 1 May 2012
DOI: 10.1177/1010539512445052

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Nonprescribed Antibiotics
DOI: 10.1177/1010539512445052
Among People in Yogyakarta

City, Indonesia: A Qualitative

Study Based on the Theory
of Planned Behavior

Aris Widayati, MSc1,3, Sri Suryawati, Dr2,

Charlotte de Crespigny, RN, PhD3,
and Janet E. Hiller, MPH, PhD3,4

Although antibiotics are prescription-only medicine in Indonesia, they can be purchased without
prescription. This qualitative study elicited beliefs about nonprescribed antibiotics use informed
by the theory of planned behavior to develop a questionnaire for an expanded theory of
planned behavior survey. Twenty-five (N = 25) adults with experience of using nonprescribed
antibiotics were interviewed. Content analysis was applied. Participants reported that the use of
nonprescribed antibiotics was advantageous in term of saving time and money and of reducing
the number of medicines that need to be purchased, in contrast to a perception of what occurs
with medical prescriptions. Potential adverse effects, poor health outcomes, and antimicrobial
resistance were the perceived disadvantages. Facilitators of such use were the availability of
over-the-counter antibiotics and successful experience in using antibiotics. Medication for children
was the perceived barrier to such use. Family members and friends, especially those with health
education background, approved of such use.

antibiotics, Indonesia, nonprescribed antibiotics, qualitative study, self-medication, theory of
planned behavior

Worldwide, antibiotics are frequently used without prescription, with reports of period preva-
lence ranging from 41% to as high as 75% in Jordan1 and Greece,2 respectively. The use of

Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Corresponding Author:
Aris Widayati, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sanata Dharma University, Kampus III, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman 55281,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health XX(X)

nonprescribed antibiotics, including leftover antibiotics, raises concerns about inappropriate use,
which potentially leads to negative impacts such as possibly lethal effects, adverse effects,
reduced effectiveness, and financial burden.3 A review of antibiotics use in developing coun-
tries4 indicated inappropriate use of nonprescribed antibiotics—for example, nonprescribed
antibiotics were used for the common cold, which is caused by viruses. Findings from other
recent studies5,6 are similar to those in the earlier review. Such inappropriate use also potentially
increases the development of bacterial resistance,7 as reported in the context of antimicrobial
resistance in resource-limited countries8 and other individual studies examining antimicrobial
resistance in association with the use of nonprescribed antibiotics in Asian countries.9,10
In Indonesia, legislation mandates the presentation of a medical prescription for purchase of
antibiotics.11 However, people can purchase antibiotics without a prescription, despite this legis-
lation. A previous Indonesian study12 reported that 76% of 104 antibiotics transactions were
without prescriptions when using a simulated client visits approach in 75 pharmacies, 10 drug-
stores, and 39 roadside stalls (kiosks) in East Java, Indonesia. Another study in 2001-200213
reported that 17% of 472 respondents who used antibiotics in the 4 weeks preceding the study
had taken them without prescription. A recent population-based study in Yogyakarta City
reported a 4-week period prevalence of 7.3% for self-medication with antibiotics, which indi-
cates that more people would self-medicate with antibiotics annually.14
Furthermore, an Indonesia study reported that people without health insurance were more
likely to use nonprescribed antibiotics.13 Formal sector employees in Indonesia, such as those in
large companies or the government, have access to health insurance (“ASKES” and “Jamsostek”),
and wealthy people generally use private voluntary health insurance. Poor people are insured by
social health insurance known as “Jamkesmas,” which covers about 76 million (33% of
Indonesians) people.15 There is also district and provincial health insurance called “Jamkesda”
and “Jamkesos” for people on a low income but who are not covered in the “Jamkesmas” quota.
Medical insurance provided by the government covers the cost of the medical consultation fee as
well as the prescribed medicines but only those that are listed under the health insurance criteria
(Daftar Plafon Harga Obat). The role of health insurance in influencing people’s behavior related
to the use of non-prescribed antibiotics remains unclear.
In the Indonesia context, the use of nonprescribed antibiotics has been a neglected issue
because most intervention strategies focus on improving antibiotics prescription among health
care providers.16 Therefore, this study aimed to explore people’s beliefs about using nonpre-
scribed antibiotics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, through interviews informed by the theory of
planned behavior (TPB).
The TPB is an established model that has been widely used to understand health-related
behavior.17 For example, the TPB has been used to examine behavior related to reducing child-
hood fever among Australian parents,18 pharmacists’ intention to dispense nonprescribed anti-
fungals for vaginal candidiasis in Scotland,19 and Southern Thai pharmacists’ intention to
dispense nonprescribed antibiotics for upper respiratory infection (URI).20 According to the
TPB, behavioral intention, which is an antecedent of behavior, is initiated by 3 constructs,
namely, attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. An
attitude refers to a personal evaluation about advantages and disadvantages of the behavior.
Subjective norms refer to beliefs about normative expectations. Perceived behavioral control
refers to individuals’ perception of their ability to perform the given behavior.17 In the Thai study
mentioned earlier, the TPB successfully shows that Thai pharmacists have a low intention to
dispense nonprescribed antibiotics for URI as a result of their attitude regarding the disadvan-
tages of antibiotics for URI treatment. Subjective norms, that is, beliefs and practice of physi-
cians, other pharmacists, drug sellers, and lecturers, have a weak effect on their intention to do
so. Perceived behavioral control, that is, income, standard practice guidelines, patient demand,

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Widayati et al. 3

Table 1. The Interview Schedule of People’s Beliefs About Using Nonprescribed Antibiotics in
Yogyakarta City, Indonesia
Questions About Beliefs of Using Nonprescribed Antibiotics Informed by the Theory of Planned Behavior
What do you believe about the advantages of the use of nonprescribed antibiotics?
What do you believe about the disadvantages of the use of nonprescribed antibiotics?
What factors or circumstances enable you to use nonprescribed antibiotics?
What factors or circumstances make it difficult or impossible for you to use nonprescribed antibiotics?
Are there any individuals or groups who would approve of your using the nonprescribed antibiotics?
Are there any individuals or groups who would disapprove of your using the nonprescribed antibiotics?
Are there any other issues that come to mind when you think about the use of nonPrescribed
Number of family members living in the house since the past month:

and socioeconomic characteristics of patients, has no effect in any way in that study. Based on
the TPB concept, information about common beliefs of advantages, disadvantages, persons who
would approve or disapprove, and factors that facilitate or impede associated with the given
behavior can be used for structuring a tool for investigating predictors of a given behavior using
the TPB constructs.17,21 Therefore, findings of this qualitative study would be useful to develop
a questionnaire for an expanded TPB survey.

This qualitative study is the initial stage of a mixed-methods study examining self-medication
with antibiotics based on the TPB in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Face-to-face interviews were
used to collect data. An exploratory sequential design was applied.22
The study population included adults (>18 years old) who resided in urban areas of Yogyakarta
and who had experience in using nonprescribed antibiotics, including leftover antibiotics.
Participants were selected using a snowball sampling technique.23 Purposive approaches were
initially applied to identify 4 participants with diverse social backgrounds, that is, an under-
graduate student, a housewife, a laborer, and a manager, using contacts of the first-named author.
These 4 participants were asked to locate other potential participants from their own networks
who met the selection criteria.
The interview schedule (Table 1) was structured based on the TPB literature17,21 examining
advantages, disadvantages and factors facilitating and impeding the use of nonprescribed anti-
biotics and identifying people or groups who approve or disapprove of the use of nonprescribed
antibiotics. The last section of the schedule contained questions about demographics and socio-
economic characteristics of participants. The interview schedule was previously piloted with
3 adults experienced in using nonprescribed antibiotics and then modified based on the findings
of the pilot. The questions and approach to sampling was approved by the Human Research
Ethics Committees at the University of Adelaide and the City Government of Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Voluntary informed consent to participation, confidentiality, and anonymity were

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4 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health XX(X)

The interviews were undertaken in Bahasa Indonesia (the national language of Indonesia). To
ensure the quality of the interviews, a local qualified instructor trained 3 interviewers (ie, AL,
SA, and the first author, AW, who speak Bahasa Indonesia). The interviewer visited potential
participants at their home or office. Three documents (in Bahasa Indonesia)—an information
sheet about the study, a copy of the research permit issued by the Yogyakarta City Government,
and a consent form—were presented and explained to all potential participants. The interviewer
also offered an opportunity to have a family member or a friend present while the project was
explained to them. The interviewer made an appointment to conduct an interview once the poten-
tial participant consented to participate in the study. Interviews were recorded with participants’
approval. The duration of each interview ranged from 45 to 60 minutes. Given local cultural
expectations, a small gift was given to each participant on completion of the interview.
Two interviewers (AL and SA) transcribed the interview records verbatim. The first author
checked the transcripts against the interview recordings and then translated the transcripts into
English. The translations were checked by an Indonesian colleague (SH) who speaks English
well. Data were independently coded and analysed by the first author and SH using content
analysis24,25 with the assistance of NVivo 8 software. Other authors checked and clarified data
analysis and data representation.

Twenty-five participants were interviewed face-to-face during November 2009. Tables 2 and 3
describe characteristics of the participants. The median age was 36 years (range = 20-60 years).
The majority of participants had completed their senior high school. Two participants had a
health industry background. Most participants were low-level paid workers and unpaid people
(housewife and undergraduate students). The median number of family members sharing in the
household since the past month was 4 (range = 2-6).
The following paragraphs describe the emergent themes under the topics of advantages and
disadvantages, factors that facilitate and impede, the sources of advice (approval and disap-
proval), and particular issues related to the use of nonprescribed antibiotics. Using a framework
informed by the TBP, the following themes assist in understanding self-medication with antibi-
otics behavior among people in the community as can be seen in Figure 1.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The 2 main advantages of using nonprescribed antibiotics were saving time and saving money.
All participants believed that queueing for a medical consultation at a doctor’s consulting rooms,
particularly in a primary health care (PHC) center or a hospital, was a waste of their time. Four
participants, who work during the day, considered it difficult to arrange a time to visit the PHC
with the restricted opening times (usually 9:00-11:30 am). “If we see a doctor . . . how much
money must be spent for the doctor, then [another amount of money] for the medicines pre-
scribed. It is [also] wasting time in the queue in doctor’s room” (N).
Participants might be sensitive to overprescribing; therefore, using nonprescribed antibiotics
was also seen as an advantage in terms of avoiding taking more medicines than they needed. “If
I go to a doctor, the doctor tends to prescribe many types of medicines besides antibiotics, while
I can just buy medicine that I need without prescription” (RB).
Concerns about adverse effects or side effects, antimicrobial resistance, misdiagnosing, and
inappropriate antibiotic selection were seen as the disadvantages of using nonprescribed antibi-
otics. Most participants experienced a fear of side effects, but 3 participants did not have such

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Widayati et al. 5

Table 2. Details of Participants of Interviews About Beliefs of Using Nonprescribed Antibiotics in

Yogyakarta City, Indonesia
Initial of Participants’ Name Gender Age (Years) Education Background
RB Male 36 Master’s degree
BF Female 42 Undergraduate
C Female 46 Senior high school
E Male 28 Undergraduate
J Female 60 Undergraduate
N Female 25 Undergraduate
I Female 40 Senior high school
R Male 23 Senior high school
SS Male 55 Undergraduate
T Female 20 Senior high school
M Female 22 Senior high school
K Male 24 Did not mention
JAS Male 45 Undergraduate
BS Female 50 Senior high school
AE Female 36 Senior high school
DAR Male 37 Undergraduate
ST Female 37 Undergraduate
TS Female 32 Senior high school
L Male 24 Elementary School
NN Female 20 Junior high school
B Male 20 Senior high school
T Male 45 Senior high school
BS Male 50 Senior high school
Y Male 36 Undergraduate
I Female 33 Senior high school

concerns. None had suffered such side effects. “To date no . . . I hope . . . I will never experience
any side effects, I am afraid of being poisoned” (C). Nearly half of participants were concerned
about antimicrobial resistance. “I am afraid . . . if [I] purchase [antibiotics] without prescription
. . ., perhaps the dosage or the antibiotics chosen is wrong . . . then I may resist to the antibiotics”
(TS). However, it should be noted that participants might understand the term resistance as refer-
ring to human resistance to an antibiotic rather than bacterial resistance. Five participants did
worry about the risk of taking a consecutive course of antibiotics and too many medications. If it
is no improvement, it shall be treated again . . . then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics again
. . . may be another type of antibiotics. Honestly, I am scared [to use antibiotics] too much . . . If
my symptoms do not improve after self-medication, then further visits to a doctor will definitely
result in an increased antibiotic dosage. (BF)
Four participants were concerned about misdiagnosing their conditions and selecting an inap-
propriate antibiotic. Seven participants were concerned that antibiotics used without a medical
prescription would possibly worsen the condition. However, 2 participants perceived that amoxi-
cillin is a common antibiotic and is likely to be safe for self-medication despite its use by these
participants without clear indications. “Because it is an “ordinary” antibiotic, in my opinion
amoxicillin is okay [no problem] to be used by trial and error . . . um . . . cipro [ciprofloxacin] is
for cough, it is more [potent] than amoxicillin” (BF).

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6 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health XX(X)

Table 3. Descriptive Characteristics of Participants of Interviews About Beliefs of Using Nonprescribed

Antibiotics in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia
Descriptive Characteristics Frequency (%)
 Male 12 (48)
 Female 13 (52)
Age in years, median (range) 36 (20-60)
Education background
 University 10 (40)
  Senior high school 12 (48)
  Junior high school 1 (4)
  Elementary school 1 (4)
  Did not mention 1 (4)
Family income level (US$)
  ≥800 2 (8)
 150-800 9 (36)
  <150 14 (56)
Number of family sharing in the household, median (range) 4 (2-6)
Current employment/position
  Low-level private employee 9 (36)
  Middle- to high-level private employee 7 (28)
  Middle-level government employee 2 (8)
  Student of university 5 (20)
 Housewife 2 (8)

The following issues were also seen by some participants as disadvantages of using nonpre-
scribed antibiotics. Two participants declared their concerns about counterfeit antibiotics. “I was
worried I might get fake antibiotics if I purchase them outside a pharmacy” (T). Two participants
stated that using nonprescribed antibiotics did not benefit them as they have medical insurance
that covers fees for medical consultation as well as medicines. “As my family has medical insur-
ance called “Jamsostek” . . . actually, self-medicating with antibiotics does not benefit for me . .
. [because] the insurance paid fees for medical consultation and any medicines prescribed” (T).
Two participants who were workers faced problems in applying for leave of absence when they
used nonprescribed antibiotics, as they did not have medical documentations provided by the
doctors required for such an application.

Factors That Facilitate and Impede the Use of Nonprescribed Antibiotics

All but one of the participants purchased antibiotics from a pharmacy. They stated that it was
easy to purchase antibiotics without prescription. “Purchasing antibiotics without prescription in
a pharmacy is easy, even though “prescription-only medicine” was written on the package
“(JAS). Using medication successfully in the past made the majority of participants very confi-
dent about self-medicating with antibiotics. “If I had similar symptoms to the previous ones
which had been successfully treated using antibiotics, I will use such antibiotics again without
medical consultation” (T). On the other hand, participants will seek medical advice if the symp-
toms appear to differ from a previous episode. Only 2 participants implied that they were likely
to experiment with antibiotics for a symptom that they had not suffered before. However, most

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Widayati et al. 7

Behavioural beliefs
- Advantages: saving
time and money;
preventing from
overprescribing Attitude towards
- Disadvantages: a range the use of non-
of concerns about prescribed
side/adverse effects, antibiotics
antimicrobial resistance,
misdiagnosing and
inappropriate antibiotics

Normative beliefs

- People who would likely

to approve: families and Behaviour
friends, particularly who Intention to
use non- of using
have a health education Subjective norms non-
/industry background prescribed
antibiotics prescribed
- People who likely to antibiotics
disapprove: physician

Control beliefs
- Factors that facilitate: the
availability of antibiotics
over-the-counter; a
previous successful
medication using
antibiotics; perception
about the same Perceived behavioural
antibiotics prescribed with control
the previous prescription;
knowledge about
- Factors that impede:
medication for children

Figure 1. Schema of the theory of planned behavior framework to understand the behavior of using
nonprescribed antibiotics in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia

of the participants understood that not all symptoms or diseases are appropriate to be treated
with antibiotics. They also perceived that once they have symptoms similar to those experienced
previously, a doctor would be likely to prescribe the same antibiotic as used in the past.
“Because I am sure that if I go to a doctor I will be prescribed the same antibiotic or even more
types of other medicines” (DAR).
Most participants did not use nonprescribed antibiotics when the health concerns were for
their children. “If it is for my child, I must take them to the doctor. Although, I may seek a loan
to pay the fees” (ST). However, 1 participant said that she had made a copy of her child’s pre-
scription and used the copy to purchase antibiotics when the child next got the same symptoms.

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8 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health XX(X)

Sources of Advice (Approval and

Disapproval About Self-Medication With Antibiotics)
The majority of participants stated that family members and friends, especially those with a
health education background, were more likely to approve of this behavior. “My friend who
has a health education background [suggested] . . ., I believed in her as she is an official in
a hospital. She runs a clinic and has an authorization to give medical treatment. I really
believe in her” (C). Another participant said, “Family . . . friends . . . my wife also [gave
approval for me to use nonprescribed antibiotics]. My family member who gave me advice
is a GP” (RB).
Four participants reported being assisted in selecting antibiotics by a pharmacist or pharmacy
assistant. “In the pharmacy, there is usually a pharmacist or person [professional] who is knowl-
edgeable about medicines and normally they question me about the symptoms” (B).
The majority of participants declared that no one disapproved of self-medicating with antibi-
otics. However, 3 participants said their GP did not approve of this behavior. “When my symp-
tom did not improve after self-medicating with antibiotics . . . my GP blamed me for such use”
(C). Another participant said a family member, who was a pharmacist, suggested avoiding using
antibiotics when he got a mild cough.

Particular Issues Regarding the Use of Nonprescribed Antibiotics

Seven participants suggested that pharmacies must comply with the law associated with antibi-
otics supply. “If antibiotics are prescription-only medicines, don’t sell them as nonprescribed”
(JAS). Another participant said, “If there is a risk in using non-prescribed antibiotics, the author-
ity should make sure that pharmacies and other drug sellers follow the regulation” (BF). But,
one of the participants said, “It is okay to obtain antibiotics without prescription as long as the
pharmacist gave advice in the selection of the antibiotics” (B). Four participants suggested for-
mally educating people about antibiotics; they indicated that safe use would be improved if
people had a better understanding of antibiotics. “Education for people is necessary, particularly
about side effects or adverse effects of antibiotics” (AE).

This qualitative study described people’s beliefs regarding the use of nonprescribed antibiotics
among participants of an urban area in Indonesia. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured
through various strategies. The accuracy and consistency of transcription were achieved through
checking each transcript alongside the records.26 Validity was achieved through independent
coding and analyzing of data as well as clarifying the results.21 The snowball sampling technique
was applied for reasons of time and cost in accessing eligible participants. Issues of unrepresen-
tativeness and bias of sample selection were reduced by applying purposive techniques to
approach the 4 initial recruits from diverse social groups.
Generally, people in this study took a “shortcut” by expeditiously managing their recognized
symptoms by using nonprescribed antibiotics. Saving time and saving money are the 2 main
advantages of using nonprescribed antibiotics reported by people in this study, which are in line
with those found by other previous studies particularly in the developing world.1,4,27 On the other
hand, they reported a range of concerns about misdiagnosing, wrong antibiotic selection, wrong
dosage, antimicrobial resistance, and potential adverse effects as disadvantages of self-medica-
tion with antibiotics. Such concerns are the important points to increase people’s attitudes toward
the harmfulness of using nonprescribed antibiotics. According to the TPB,17 when people

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Widayati et al. 9

negatively evaluate behavior of using nonprescribed antibiotics, their intention and practice to do
so can be diminished.
People in this study reported that family and friends, in particular those who have health edu-
cation background, would give approval to self-medicate with antibiotics practice. Family and
friends are also reported by studies in Palestine,28 Southwest Nigeria,6 and other developing
countries4 as sources of recommendation regarding self-medication with antibiotics. The previ-
ous studies also strongly mention people’s behavior regarding copying doctor’s prescription
when deciding the type of antibiotics to be used without prescription. On the contrary, few par-
ticipants in this study stated that their doctor would blame them for such use. These findings
suggest that a high quality of communication between doctors and their patients may reduce the
magnitude of such practice.
The perceived availability of over-the-counter antibiotics in pharmacies, previous experience
in using antibiotics, and positive advice from relatives and friends who have health education
background facilitated this behavior. These findings are consistent with a study involving 11
European countries29 and with those in other developing countries.4 Finding related to partici-
pants’ perception about over-the-counter availability of antibiotics is in contrast with those of a
study in Pakistan30 where availability of over-the-counter antibiotics was not linked to self-
medication with antibiotics. The Pakistani survey involving 2348 households using semistruc-
tured interviews with a 57% response rate found that 91% of 396 antimicrobial treatments were
based on prescription of physicians/surgeons. Only 9% of antimicrobial treatments were based
on a chemist’s and lay advice or respondents’ own initiatives. That study concluded that the free
market of antimicrobials in Pakistan does not lead to self-medication with antibiotics. However,
as this study was conducted over a decade ago, the situation may now differ.
Unlike a previous Indonesian study13 and a study conducted in Thai,31 this study interestingly
revealed that participants with health insurance still preferred to use nonprescribed antibiotics
rather than visit health facilities, even though they had to pay out of pocket. Consultation fees at
the PHC centers in Indonesia are low (<US$ 1, in which US$ 1 ˜ Rp 9.200 (Indonesian currency)
in 2009), but such fees in a hospital or in a private practice with a specialist or general practitio-
ner (GP) are considerable at about US$ 5 and US$ 2, respectively. Therefore, people on a low
income (earning about US$ 5/day or less) and are without health insurance would potentially
spend nearly half their daily wages for a medical consultation and associated prescribed generic
medicines. On the other hand, the price of generic antibiotics is very affordable for most people;
for example, the price of 10 caplets of amoxicillin is less than US$ 1. Therefore, when antibiotics
are easily accesses in pharmacies and even in local shops, particularly in urban areas, obtaining
nonprescribed antibiotics would seem a “quick and cheap” method for people’s self-management
of their self-diagnosed illness as implied by findings of this study.
Participants’ perception about overprescription was also a significant issue that influenced
their decisions to self-medicate with antibiotics. Pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia com-
monly offer financial incentives for prescribers who prescribe particular medicines, although
such action is prohibited by law.32 This phenomenon coupled with other factors, such as con-
cerns about bad clinical outcomes and perceived patient demand, might lead to overprescrip-
tion.4 Such a perception facilitated participants to practice self-medication, in which such a
practice can limit the number of types and the amount of antibiotics purchased.
There was also an interesting finding in that the participants (laypeople) in this study were
familiar with the names of antibiotics, despite lacking particular knowledge about antibiotics
use. It is in contrast with those of misidentifications of antibiotics found among old people in a
Thai study.33 Participants also had concerns about issues such as side/adverse effects and antibi-
otics resistance. Such findings require further investigation and action to promote the safe use of
antibiotics in the community.

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10 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health XX(X)

We acknowledge some limitations in this study. As the area of this study is an urban with a
mostly literate population, results may be more suitable in describing people’s opinion living in
urban areas of Indonesia. People in rural areas may express different opinion regarding their
experience in using nonprescribed antibiotics, because of disparities regarding implementation
of health care system and regulation and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Furthermore, as the nature of the method of selecting the participants shows, generalization of
the findings to the whole Indonesia population is not intended. Despite such limitations, as con-
sequences of diversity of the participants’ social backgrounds and of the nature of in-depth inter-
view, information yielded from this study is invaluable in providing robust descriptions about
common beliefs regarding the use of nonprescribed antibiotics, particularly among urban popu-
lation of Indonesia. The findings can contribute to further examination of the determinants of
such use based on the TPB, particularly among a randomly selected sample of the Indonesian
urban population.

Through interviews informed by the TPB, this qualitative study has revealed new information
about people’s beliefs of using nonprescribed antibiotics in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The
findings indicate that it is still important to encourage the enforcement of medicines supply
regulations and equity access to health care services. Health professionals should also be encour-
aged to improve the safe use of antibiotics in the Indonesian community.

The authors would like to thank the participants for their efforts to participate in this study; colleagues at
the Centre of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Policy Study, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; the Thesis Writing
Group of the Discipline of Public Health at The University of Adelaide; fieldwork team: Siti Hidayati,
Anna S. Yuliasari, Andrian Liem, Martin Schumacher (language); Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta,
Indonesia; and The University of Adelaide, Australia (general support).

Authors’ Note
This study was presented at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research 4th
Asia-Pacific Conference, Thailand, September 2010, with a travel grant provided by the Faculty of Health
Sciences Research Committee at the University of Adelaide, and at the 3rd International Conference for
Improving Use of Medicines, Turkey, November 2011, with a travel grant from the WHO-SEARO and
Sanata Dharma Foundation.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author (s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or pub-
lication of this article:
This work was supported by the Indonesia Ministry of Education (DIKTI Scholarship).

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