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Dimulai dengan video perjalanan masuk ke TMII

 Pas bayar tiket masuk

TMII has several entrances, including those from west, east, and north. Now we enter
from the west entrances. The price of admission is... (sambil nunjukin foto daftar htm
 Video perjalanan menuju museum
Here visitors not only can go to the museum penerangan, but you can go to tribal house
from different parts of indonesia, various houses worship, other museum, gamecraft, and
many other.
 Cuci tangan
Before entering the museum, we need to wash our hands and measure temperatur, and
don’t forget to wearing a mask.
 Isi e-book guest
When entering the museum, we have to fill out e-guest book ..
(dubbing) Ohiya guys, the price of admission to this museum is free! So don’t let you not
visit here.

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hello everyone! How are you today? Okay, great. May I introduce, my
name is Nazwa Anastasya, you can call me Nazwa. And on this video, I’ll be guiding you in the
virtual tour of the Museum Penerangan TMII. Enjoy the video!
* Video muspen secara keseluruhan (liat di ig/yt)
Tmii was inaugurated on April 20 1993 by President soeharto. The museum building is star-
shaped symbolizing Pancasila. The roof is a cylinder with a transmitter tower representing
traditional and modern communication. At the front of the museum there is a monument ‘fire
never ended’, five statue of the clerk were spreading information to the public, and the fountain
that symbolize either mutual communication or interaction between governments, community,
and the media. In all, this museum represents a history of lighting and communication from the
national movement to Indonesian modern.
*video koleksi dalmnya (dubbing)
After the revitalization in 2018-2020, the manager of the Illumination Museum changed the
arrangement of the collection objects based on a chronological plot or arranged based on a
timeline from before 1945, 1945-Reformasi, Reform-present.
*Mulai virtual tur nya
Now we enter to the exhibition hall. Well we’re already in the first floor museum penerangan
exhibiton hall. What is there about here? Im sure youre already curious, right? When enter the
room, you will be greeted with a collection of kentongan. Kentongan is a traditional
coomunication tool. In ancient times, kentongan were used to gather people, alarm sign, for
danger sign, and others. Here there are three kentongan, first namely carving kentongan, second
is gagarancah kentongan, and third is green kentongan.
On the right, there is a story line about the development of information and communication
servce from year to year. You can see when historical times happened regarding information and
communication system.

This is tois trumpet and a red bowl, the red bowl is used by the Dayak tribe to convey messages
to the community to be aware of other ethnic disturbance.
Next, in the story line in 1885 is Retno dumillah new paper. This is retno dumilah newspaper
which is part of the collection of this museum. And did you know,that cinema first entered
Batavia in 1900, and people called it living picture. In 1925 the dutch colonial government
established Bataviashe Radio Vereeniging (BRV), In 1933 the first indigenous radio was
founded, namely Soloche Radio Vereeniging (SRV)
Then, 1934 was founded in Yogyakarta to broadcast events that arouse the love of Indonesian
culture. and this is a collection of mavron microphones (video in ke mikrofon nya)
and this is a collection of radios from the nirom period, this radio is used to broadcast news about
politics and culture (videoin radionya).
here also there are several collections of typewriters, camera, and radio used during the Japanese
colonial period.
Do you know what the title of the first film in Indonesia? Yups, darah dan doa by Usmar Ismail
is the first film in Indonesia. And this is the camera used in the filming of darah dan doa. And
beside that it is a radio monitoring the election in 1955.
Then the story line in 1962, this year there was an important event in the history of Indonesian
television, where on August 24, 1962 the Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) was
And next museum collection is crank tape recorder, in its use it doesn’t use batteries or
electricity, but uses hand power. beside it is a camera that is used to record activities in Timor
(dibagian peluncuran satelit palapa)
here there is a television that broadcast television shows in ancient times.
Next, story line about history of radio in Indonesia. And this is the collection of radio, there is a
radio monitoring, radio transitor cawing (LIAT MACAM2NYA DISANA)
There are 17 statues of heroes of lighting in Indonesia (sebutin tokohnya pake dubbing, video
patung dari 1-17)
On this board you can see all kinds of logos from TVRI from 1962 until 2019, on march tvri
change the logo. the next tvri show, namely the world in the news, aired for 30 minutes from 9
pm to 9.30 pm. And this is the camera used in broadcasting the program on TVRI, especially for
outdoor event
Next we go to Unyils studio. On April 5, 1981 the show Si Unyil premiered on TVRI and the
creators is Mr. Suryadi or we usually know is Mr. Raden. Here we can see unyil, mr.raden,
mr.ogah, and his friends live and we can see the process of making unyil dolls.
Let's move on to the next studio, which is TVRI studio. here we can see how the conditions in
the studio were when broadcasting
when he left the tvri studio, there is a story line about the Indonesian information department
which has now changed to the ministry of communication and informatics, and this is some
and this is the motor used by the interpreter in Subang, Jawa Barat
and here are some collections of tools used to support the Indonesian film industry, including
projectors, microphones, and cameras, beside that there are several Indonesian film trophies.
This is the wall of frame, here are photos of the minister of communication and information from
the first, namely Mr. Amir syarifudin until the minister in 2014-2019 namely mr.rudiantara.
Next, collections of typewriters, visitors can not only see, but can try to use this typewriter. there
is arabic typewriter, and The oldest collection in this museum is a Javanese typewriter. This
typewriter was used in 1917 by the Surakarta Palace.
AND here there is a printing press which in ancient times was used to write newspapers which
were then distributed to the public
(Untuk koleksi disamping msin cetak cukup di videoin, foto teks nya dan di dubbing)
Lets move to diorama, diorama is about commemorating the birthday of TVRI
Next is a diorama of the process of making the Retno Dumilah newspaper
• The Communist Army Diorama Attack on RRI Studios, where the Communist Army forbids
RRI broadcasters to tell the truth or broadcasters have to lie.
• diorama of Indonesia's success on World Food Day, where the dissemination of information
and communication Indonesia succeeded in becoming a rice self-sufficient country in the world
• President Soeharto's diorama handed the Kelompencapir Trophy to the best Kelompencapir, the
kelompencapir is a group of listeners, readers and viewers
• Diorama of connection activities, several lighting interpreters provide education to the village
• Diorama about the activities of the giant meeting in the ikada field

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