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Institute of Nursing

A.Y 2020 – 2021 1st Semester

Concept: Nursing Jurisprudence

(Part 1)


Republic Act No. 2493

 An act to amend Act No. 310 known as the “Medical Law” to regulate the practice of
medicine in the Philippines.
 Provided for the examination and registration of nurses.
 Nurses must apply for registration to the Director of Health
 Requirements:

 Good moral character

 Good health
 21 years old

Republic Act No. 2808

 First “True Nursing Law” of 1919

 An act regulating the practice of nursing profession in the Philippines
 Created the board of examiners composed of 3 members
 Examination date on the 2nd Monday of June and December
 1920: First Nursing Board Examination was given.

Republic Act No. 3025

 Enacted in 1922 wherein this policy is entitled: “An Act Regulating the Practice of
Nursing Profession in the Philippine Island, which necessitates all nurses who are
practicing the profession to register yearly.
 Amplification of the definition of the nursing profession
 Granting the registered nurses from the United States the privilege of registering as
nurses without exams
 Changed the exam date on 2nd Monday of April and October.
Republic Act No. 4007

 Reorganization Law of 1932

 Conduct of examination was placed under the direct supervision of Bureau of Civil
 Change of jurisdiction over the Board of Examiner under the Department of Public

Executive Order No. 317

 Enacted in 1941
 Pursuant to Commonwealth Act 430, transfer of jurisdiction of the Board to the
Department of Health and Public Welfare

Republic Act No. 877

 Known as the “Nursing Practice Law” approved on June 19, 1953

Republic Act No. 546

 Enacted in 1953 where there was an organization of the Board of Examiners of

 Provisions regarding nursing schools and colleges, examinations, registration of
nurses including various provisions relative to the practice of nursing were enacted.
 Two important sections pertained to the need for registration as nurse before
anyone could practice nursing in the country:

 No person shall practice or offer to practice nursing in the Philippines as

defined in the Act, without holding a valid certificate of registration as nurse
issued by the Board of Examiners for Nurses.
 Not only prohibit the practice of nursing without a certificate of registration
issued by the Board of Nursing but also provides the penalty for doing so.

Republic Act No. 4704

 Enacted in 1966
 Amended certain portions of Republic Act No. 877
 The membership of the Board of Examiners for nurses was increased from 3 to 5
 Members of the Board were to be appointed by the President of the Philippines with
the consent of the Commission on Appointment and no longer upon the
recommendation of the Commission of Civil Service.
 The requisite academic degree for members of the Board was a master’s degree
instead of Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing.
 No person was eligible for membership in the Board if he/she was over 65 years of
 The academic qualification for Dean, Directors and Principals of colleges and schools
of nursing was raised to that of master’s degree in Nursing.
 The minimum age required of applicants for admission to the nurse’s examination
was lowered from 21 to 18 years of age, but no candidate who passed the
examination was permitted to practice the profession until he/she reached the age
of 21.

Republic Act No. 6136

 Enacted in 1970
 The application and execution of legal orders in writing of physicians concerning
treatments and medications including the application of hypodermic and
intramuscular injection; provided that intravenous and other injection may be
administered under the direction and in the presence of the said physician.

Republic Act No. 7164

 Known as the ‘Philippine Nursing Act of 1991”

 Redefinition of the scope of nursing practice to emphasize:

 The use of nursing process as a scientific discipline in arriving at an

appropriate nursing action and care.
 The teaching, management, leadership and decision-making roles of the
 The undertaking of and participation in studies and research by nurses.

 Requiring a faculty member who was appointed to the Board of Nursing to resign
from his/her teaching position at the time of appointment and not one year
preceding his/her appointment as provided in Republic Act 877.
 Updating a faculty’s educational qualification by requiring a master’s degree in
Nursing or related fields or its equivalent in terms of experience and specification as
pre-requisite to teaching.
 Specifications of qualifications of administrators of nursing services.
 Inclusion of the phrase “unethical conduct” as one of the reasons for revocation and
suspension of certificate of registration.

Republic Act No. 9173

 Known as the “Philippine Nursing Act of 2002”

 The Board is now composed of a chairman and 6 members instead of a Chairman
and 4 members.
 Submission of names of qualified nominees by the Accredited Professional
Organization (APO) to the Commission, three (3) nominees per vacancy, not later
than three months before the vacancy.
 The Commission submits to the Office of the President two (2) nominees per
vacancy not later than two months before the vacancy occurs. The appointment
must be issued not later than thirty (30) days before scheduled licensure
 Qualifications of the Board Members:

 Educational requirement for members of the Board is not limited to

registered nurses with master’s Degrees in education, or other allied
medical profession provided that the Chairperson and majority of the
members are holders of a master’s degree in nursing.
 Of the ten years of continuous practice of the profession prior to the
appointment, the last five (5) years must be in the Philippines.

 Added to the Powers and Duties of the Board:

 Adopt and regulate a Code of Ethics and Code of Technical Standards for
the practice of nursing within one year from the effectivity of this act.
 Recognize specialty organization in coordination with accredited
professional organization.

 Licensure Examination and Registration:

 Specific age of applicants has been deleted.

 Specific dates of examinations have been deleted.

 Specific dates of examination: Not earlier than one (1) month and not later than 2
months after the closing of each semestral term.
 Ratings:

 Specific number of times an examinee may take the licensure examination

has been deleted.
 Added:
o Removal examination shall be taken within two (2) years after the
last failed examination.

 Revocation and Suspension of Certificate of Registration

 Added:
o Implementing rules and regulations, code of ethics, code of technical
standards, for nursing practice and policies of the Board and the
o Section 28 for practicing the profession during the period of
o Period of suspension of the certificate of registration / professional
license not to exceed four (4) years.

 Nursing Education

 Added:
o Requirement for inactive nurses returning to practice: Nurses who
have not actively practice her profession shall undergo one (1) month
didactic training and three (3) months of practicum.
 Qualifications of Faculty
o Requirement of clinical experience in a field of specialization has been
reduced from three (3) years to one (1) year in a field of
 The Dean of the College of Nursing must have at least 5 years’ experience
in teaching and supervising a nursing education program.

 Nursing Practice

 Scope of Nursing: Duties and Responsibilities of a nurse

o Deleted:
 Special training for intravenous injections but Nursing Service
Administrators still require formal training for the safety of the
patient and the protection of the nurse and of the institution.
o Added:
 Special training for suturing the lacerated perineum.
 Observe the Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical Standards
maintain competence through continual professional education.

 Health Human Resource Production and Utilization additions

 Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program

o The Board in coordination with the accredited professional
organization, recognized specialty organizations and the Department
of Health is mandated to formulate and develop a comprehensive
nursing specialty program that would upgrade the level of skills and
competency of specialty nurse clinicians in the country.
o Beneficiaries if this program is obliged to serve in any Philippine
hospital for a period of at least two (2) years of continuous service.
 Salary
o Minimum base pay of nurses in public health institutions shall not be
lower than the first step or hiring rate prescribed for Salary Grade 15
pursuant to Republic Act No. 6758, otherwise known as
Compensation and Classification Act of 1989.
 Funding for the Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program
o The annual financial requirements to train at least 10% of the nursing
staff of the participating hospital shall be chargeable against the
incomes of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes.
 Incentives and Benefits
o Incentives and benefits shall be limited to non-cash benefits such as
free hospital care for nurses and their dependents and scholarship

 Penal and Miscellaneous Provisions

 Penalty for violation of this Act in fines has been increased to not less
than fifty thousand pesos (P50, 000) not more than one hundred
thousand pesos (P100, 000).
 Imprisonment of not less than one (1) year nor more than six (6) years or
both fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the Board.

Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program

 Nursing Specialty Certification Program has been adopted and a Nursing Specialty
Certification Council has been created on the basis of Republic Act No. 7164.
 It was done through Resolution No. 14 of the Board of Nursing on February 18,
 The adoption and creation were perceived to oversee the administration of the
program by the Specialty Certification Board.
 These Specialty Certification Boards were scheduled for creation in each of the four
major groups of nursing specialties with the assistance of the Clinical Nurse
Association of the Philippines, Inc.
 The purpose of this program is to upgrade the level of skill and competence of
specialty nurse clinicians in the country.


 Definition of Terms
 Jurisprudence
o It is the application and interpretation of all the legal rules and
principles affecting the practice of nursing.
o It is the study of law and the principles on which laws are based.
 Law
o It is a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or
governmental institutions to regulate behavior.
o The system of rules that a particular country or community
recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce
by the imposition of penalties.

 Article III: Organization of the Board of Nursing

 Section 3: Creation and composition of the BON
 Creation of a Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
 1 Chairperson; 6 members
 Shall be appointed by the President of the Phil.
 Sections 4 and 5: Qualifications and Requirements of the Chairperson and
Members of the Board
T: en years of continuous experience but the last 5 years should be in
the Philippines
R: epresent the three (3) areas of nursing, namely: (1) Community
Health Nursing; (2) Nursing Education; and (3) Nursing Service
I: mmediately resign upon appointment (Requirement)
P: ecuniary interest should be absent (Requirement)
M: aster’s degree in Nursing (either MAN or MSN)
A: accredited professional organization of nursing member
(Philippine Nurses Association)
N: ot convicted of any crime
C: itizen and resident of the Philippines

The 2017 Philippine Board of Nursing

Glenda S. Arquiza, Phd, RN Carmelita Divinagracia, EdD

Nursing Education/Management Nursing Education/Research

Gloria B. Arcos, PhD, RN

Cora D. Anonuevo, PhD, RN Nursing Service/Management
Nursing Education/Health Promotion
& Community Health Nursing
Carfredda Dumlao, PhD, RN Florence C. Cawaon, EdD, RN
TeleHealth Nursing Nursing Education/Management

 Section 6: Term of Office

 BON shall hold office for 3 years until successors have been appointed and
 Chairperson and members of the Board may be re-appointed for another
 Any vacancy in the Board occurring within the term of a member shall be
filled for the unexpired portion of the term only.

 Section 9: Powers and Duties of BON

 Executive / Administrative Power

o Administering, enforcing and implementing functions of the BON.

o Also called Police Power
o Duties and Responsibilities:
C: onducts Nursing Licensure Examination
R: ecognize nursing specialty organizations (ORNAP, MCNAP,
E: nsure quality nursing education
 The authority to open and close colleges of nursing and/or
nursing education programs shall be vested on the
Commission on Higher Education upon the written
recommendation of the Board.
M: onitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice

 Quasi – Legislative Power

o Rule or policy making functions of the BON.

o Duties and Responsibilities:
P: romulgate the code of ethics
P: rescribe, adopt, issue and promulgate guidelines, measures,
regulations and decisions

 Quasi – Judicial Power

o Investigating, determining decisions and hearing functions of the

o Duties and Responsibilities:
C: onducts hearings and investigations
 BON can issue a subpoena to facilitate clarification of the issues.
I: ssue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of
 PRC is only authorized to release a professional license or
certificates. However, it is the Board of Nursing who issues such
documents to Nurses thru PRC.

 Section 11: Removal of BON

N: eglect of duty or incompetence
U: nprofessional, dishonorable conduct
T: oleration of irregularities in the NLE (Board exam

 Article IV: Examination and Registration

1. Section 13: Qualifications and Requirements

a. Qualifications:
B: achelor of Science in Nursing Degree
C: itizen of the Philippines
G: ood Moral Character
b. Requirements:
 Transcript of Records
 Summary of Related Learning Experience
 OR / DR Cases
 Birth Certificate
 Community Tax (Cedula)
 Board Exam Application Form
 Long white mailing envelope
 Short brown envelope
 Passport size picture with white background and nameplate
 PRC Notice of Admission
 Examination Fee

2. Section 14: Scope of Examination

 The Board shall take into consideration the ff.:
a. Objectives of nursing curriculum
b. Broad areas of nursing
c. Other related disciplines and competencies in determining the subjects of
 5 sets of 100 questions:

NP (Foundation of Professional Nursing 10% Leadership, Management &

1 Practice) Research
20% Bioethics & Jurisprudence
60% Fundamentals in Nursing, Basic
10% Fundamentals in Nursing,
NP (Community Health Nursing and Care 10% Leadership, Management &
2 of the Mother and Child) Research
10% Bioethics & Jurisprudence
20% Community Health Nursing,
Basic Concept
20% Community Health Nursing,
Communicable Disease
20% Maternal & Child Nursing
20% Pediatric Nursing
NP (Care of Clients with Physiologic and 10% Leadership, Management &
3 Psychosocial Alteration) Research
10% Bioethics & Jurisprudence
30% Medical Surgical Nursing,
25% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Metabolic & Endocrine
25% Medical Surgical Nursing,
NP (Care of Clients with Physiologic and 10% Leadership, Management &
4 Psychosocial Alteration) Research
10% Bioethics & Jurisprudence
20% Medical Surgical Nursing, Fluids
& Electrolytes
20% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Immunologic System
20% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Integumentary System
20% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Emergency Nursing
NP (Care of Clients with Physiologic and 10% Leadership, Management &
5 Psychosocial Alteration) Research
10% Bioethics & Jurisprudence
25% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Neurosensory System
25% Medical Surgical Nursing,
Skeletal System
30% Psychiatric Nursing

 Nursing Concepts
Questions Breakdown
10% Leadership, Management & Research/set 50 PALMER - 110

20% Bioethics & Jurisprudence/set 60

60% Fundamentals in Nursing, Basic Concept 60 Funda - 60

10% Fundamentals in Nursing, Pharmacology 10 Pharma - 10

20% Community Health Nursing 20 CHN -20

20% Communicable Disease 20 CD - 20

20% Maternal & Child Nursing 20 MCH-20

20% Pediatric Nursing 20 IMCI-20

30% Medical Surgical Nursing, Oxygenation 30

25% Medical Surgical Nursing, Metab & Endo 25

25% Medical Surgical Nursing, Elimination 25

20% Medical Surgical Nursing, Fluids & 20

20% Medical Surgical Nursing, Immunologic 20
20% Medical Surgical Nursing, Integumentary 20

20% Medical Surgical Nursing, Emergency Nursing 20

25% Medical Surgical Nursing, Neurosensory 25

25% Medical Surgical Nursing, Skeletal System 25
MS - 210
30% Psychiatric Nursing 30 Psych-30

TOTAL # OF questions 500 500

3. Section 15: Board Rating

 General Average: Not less than 75%
 Average per subject: Not below 60% in any subject
 When the examinee obtained the required GWA but gets a rating below 60%
in any subject:
1. It is remarked as “Conditionally Passed”.
2. Re-take the subject where she/he is rated below 60%.
3. In order to pass, he/she must obtain a rating of at least 75% per subject.

4. Section 16: Issuance of Certificate of Registration/ Professional License and

Professional Identification Card
 Issued to an applicant who passes the examination upon payment of the
required fees.
 Every Certificate of Registration/ Professional License shall show the ff.:
a. Full name of the registrant
b. Serial number
c. Signature of the Chairperson of the Commission and of the Members of
the Board
d. Official seal of the Commission
 A Professional Identification Card shall show the ff.:
a. Last name, First name and Middle name of the registrant
b. Signature of the Chairperson of the Commission
c. Date of Registration
d. License/ Registration Number
e. Date of Issuance
f. Date of Expiration
g. Signature of the Professional
 Professional license shall be renewed every 3 years during the registrant’s
birth month.
 Since professional license is a “privilege”, therefore a person who wants to
obtain this shall meet the criteria/ qualifications set by the Board.

5. Section 19: Automatic Registration of Nurses

 All nurses whose names appear at the roster of nurses shall be automatically
or ipso facto registered as nurses.

6. Section 20: Registration by Reciprocity

 Nurses who are registered from foreign country may be issued a certificate of
registration / license provided, that:
1. Requirements for registration in their country of origin are substantially
the same as those in our country;
2. Under their laws, Filipino nurses are granted the same privileges and on
the basis as their citizens.

7. Section 21: Practice through Special or Temporary Permit

 Issued by the Board but subject to the approval of the Commission and upon
payment of the prescribed fees.
 Licensed nurses from foreign country whose:
1. Services are either for fee or free if they are internationally well-known
specialists or outstanding experts in any branch or nursing specialty;
2. On Medical Mission and services shall be free in a particular hospital,
center or clinic;
3. Employed by schools/colleges of nursing as an exchange professors in a
branch or specialty nursing.

Special /Temporary permits shall be effective for the duration of the project,
medical mission or employment contract.

8. Section 23: Revocation and Suspension of Certificate of Registration /

Professional License and Cancellation of Special / Temporary Permit
S: erious ignorance or gross incompetence
M: alpractice or negligence
C: onviction by final judgement
U: nprofessional, unethical conduct
V: iolation or R.A 9173 and Code of Ethics for nurses
U: se of fraud, deceit, and false statement in obtaining a certificate of
registration, license or temporary/ special permit
P: racticing his/her profession during suspension

The suspension shall be for a period not to exceed four (4) years.

9. Section 24: Re-issuance of Revoked Certificates and Replacement of Lost

P: roper application
P: ayment of required fees
E: xpiration of a maximum of four years from the date of the revocation of a
C: ause for revocation has disappeared or has been cured and corrected

 Article V: Nursing Education

1. Section 26: Requirements for Inactive Nurses Returning to Practice

 Inactive for 5 consecutive years
 1 month didactic training
 3 months practicum
 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
 Republic Act No. 10912: Known as the “Continuing Professional
Development Act of 2016”
 Mandatory requirement in the renewal of the Professional Identification
Card of all registered and licensed professionals under the regulation of
 All registered licensed professionals shall complete the required credit
units (CUs) every three (3) years of compliance period.
 Nurses are required to earn 45 credit units of CPD for 3 years.
 CPD Activities (based on PRC Resolution No. 2016-990)
1. Professional Track (Training offered by accredited CPD Providers, Face to
Face / Online)
1.1 Participant Approved credit units for the
1.2 Resource Speaker 3 CU per hour
1.3 Panelist/Reactor 2 CU per hour
1.4 Facilitator/Moderator 1 CU per hour
1.5 Monitor Twice the number of approved
credit units for the program
1.6 In-service Training Maximum of 20 CU for a 12-month
period or a fraction thereof upon
2. Academic Track
2.1 Master’s Degree or Equivalent Full credit units for compliance
period upon completion of Degree
2.2 Doctorate Degree or Equivalent Full credit units for compliance
period upon completion of

Additional full credit units for

compliance period upon completion
of Degree
2.3 Professorial Chair 15 CU per year
2.4 Residency/Externship/Specialty/Sub- 10 CU per year
specialty Program
2.5 Fellowship
2.5.1 Participant 2 CU per grant
2.5.2 Resource Speaker 4 CU per grant
2.5.3 Researcher 5 CU per grant
2.6 Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate Maximum of 30 CU for an 18-month
period or a fraction thereof upon
3. Self-Directed (Training offered by non-accredited CPR Providers, Face to
3.1 Participant Credit units for the program as
evaluated by the CPD Council
3.2 Resource Speaker 3 CU per hour
3.3 Panelist/Reactor 2 CU per hour
3.4 Facilitator/Moderator 1 CU per hour
3.5 In-service Training Maximum of 20 CU for a 12-month
period or a fraction thereof upon
3.6 Program/Training Module Development 10 CU per module
3.7 Technical Paper 5 CU per Technical Paper for
published paper
3.8 Article Published in a Refereed/Peer Reviewed Professional Journal
3.8.1 Authors  Local: 10 CU
 International: 10 CU
 For multiple authors, divide CU
equally among them
3.8.2 Peer Reviewer Maximum of 20 CU
3.9 Pamphlet/Book or Monograph
3.9.1 Author/s  20 CU for single author for
pamphlet (less than 100 pages)
 40 CU for single author for book
or monograph (more than 100
3.9.2 Editor Maximum of 20 CU
3.10 Article in Magazine/Newspaper Maximum of 5 CU per article for
multiple authors, divide CU equally
among them
3.11 Inventions Full credit units for compliance
3.12 Study Tours/Visits 2 CU per day
(Maximum of 20 CU per Tour)
3.13 Consultancy (e.g Technical Meetings/ 1 CU per hour
Accreditation and other activities as per
request of an institution, etc.)
3.14 Socio-Civic Activities (e.g. Medical 1 CU per hour
Missions, Outreach Programs, etc.)
3.15 Recognition/Title (e.g Fellows, Hall of Full Credit Units for compliance
Fame Award, Outstanding Professional, period`
Lifetime Achievement Awardee, etc.)
4. Such other Activities to be Recommended by the CPD Council and Approved by
the Board and the Commission

2. Section 27: Qualifications of Nursing Faculty

2.1 Qualification of Faculty
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
M: asters Degree (Nursing; Education; other allied medical and health
O: ne year clinical experience
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines

2.2 Qualification of a Dean:

F: ive years experience in teaching and supervising a nursing education
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines
M: asters Degree in Nursing (either MAN or MSN)

 Article VI: Nursing Practice

1. Section 28: Scope of Nursing

1. Individuals, families and communities
2. Nursing care during conception, labor, delivery, infancy, childhood, toddler,
pre-school, school age, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
 Womb to Tomb
 All stages of life
3. Curative, preventive and rehabilitative aspects of care, restoration of health,
alleviation of suffering, and when recovery is not possible, towards a
peaceful death.
C: urative
R: estorative
R: ehabilitative
A: lleviation of sufferings
P: eaceful death
4. It is the duty of the nurse to:
P: rovide nursing care through the utilization of the nursing process
 Traditional and innovative approaches
 Therapeutic use of self
 Executing health care techniques and procedures
 Essential primary health care
 Comfort measures
 Health teachings
 Administration of written prescription for treatments, therapies, oral,
topical and parenteral medications
 Internal examination during labor in the absence of antenatal bleeding and
 In case of suturing of perineal laceration, special training shall be provided
U: ndertake nursing and health human resource development training and
P: rovide health education to individuals, families, and communities
E: stablish linkages with community resources and coordination with health
T: each, guide, and supervise students in nursing education programs

The nurse is required to maintain competence by continual learning through
continuing professional education to be provided by the accredited
professional organization or any recognized professional nursing
2. Section 29: Qualifications of Nursing Administrators
2.1 Nursing Supervisor / Manager
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
N: ine units managerial and administrative courses at the graduate level
T: wo years experience in General Nursing Service Administration
BA: chelor of Science in Nursing
RN: in the Philippines

2.2 Nursing Director / Chief Nurse

BA: chelor of Science in Nursing
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines
F: ive years experience in Supervisory or Managerial Positions in Nursing
M: asters Degree in Nursing (either MAN or MSN)
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
N: ine units managerial and administrative courses in the graduate level

 Primary Hospitals:
T: wo years experience in General Nursing Service Administration
BA: chelor of Science in Nursing
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines
N: ine units managerial and administrative courses in the graduate level

 Military Hospitals:
BA: chelor of Science in Nursing
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines
F: ive years experience in Supervisory or Managerial Positions in
M: asters Degree in Nursing (either MAN or MSN)
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
N: ine units managerial and administrative courses in the graduate level
G: eneral Staffing Courses

 Government Hospitals:
BA: chelor of Science in Nursing
R: egistered Nurse in the Philippines
F: ive years experience in Supervisory or Managerial Positions in
M: asters Degree in Community Health Nursing or Public Health Nursing
A: ccredited professional organization of nursing member (Philippine
Nurses Association)
N: ine units managerial and administrative courses in the graduate level

 Article VII: Health Human Resources Production, Utilization and Development

1. Section 31: Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program
 Formulation and development o f a comprehensive nursing specialty
program that would upgrade the level of skill and competence of a specialty
nurse clinicians in the country.
 Such specializations are but not limited to:
a. Critical care
b. Oncology
c. Renal
d. And other areas as may be determined by the Board
 The beneficiaries of this program are obliged to serve in any Philippine
hospital for a period of at least 2 years and continuous service.

2. Section 32: Salary

 The minimum base pay of nurses working in the public health institutions
shall not be lower than salary grade 15 prescribed under RA No. 6758
otherwise known as “Compensation and Classification Act of 1989.”

3. Section 33: Funding for the Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program

 At least 10% of the nursing staff of participating government
hospital shall be trained.
 It shall be chargeable against the income of the Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes and the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation.
 DOH shall set the criteria for the availment of this program.

4. Section 34: Incentives and Benefits

 Incentive and benefits system in the form of:
a. Free hospital care for nurses and their dependents
b. Scholarship grants
c. Non-cash benefits
 The government and private hospitals are hereby mandated to maintain the
standard nurse-patient ratio set by the DOH.

 Article VIII: Penalties and Miscellaneous Provisions

1. Section 35: Prohibitions in the Practice of Nursing

V: iolates the minimum base pay, incentives & benefits of nurses
A: bsence of COR, Professional License & ID, temporary permit & exemption
A: ppends BSN/RN to his name w/o having been conferred the degree
A: ssist the illegal practice of a person who is not lawfully qualified to practice
F: alsely advertises / convey impression that he/she is an RN
F: alse evidence to obtain COR, Prof. License & ID, Special permit
U: ses another person’s COR, Prof. License & ID, Special Permit
U: ses invalid, suspended, revoked, expired, cancelled COR, Prof. License & ID,
special permit
U: ndertakes in-service educational programs, conducts review classes w/o
permit or clearance from BON


1. Fine of not less than P 50,000.00 nor more than P 100,000.00;

2. Imprisonment of not less than 1 year nor more than 6 years, or both, upon
discretion of the court

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