Design Requirements

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1. Administrative Building/Offices

● General or Executive Office

● Registrar

● Accounting

● Guidance Office

2. On Board Training Office (OBT)

3. Research and Extension Office

4. Faculty Rooms

5. Lecture rooms

● Classrooms

● Drafting Rooms

● Computer Rooms

6. Library

7. Laboratories

● Hydrodynamics Laboratory

○ Towing Tank

○ Wind,Wave and Current Tank

○ Model Shop

○ Robotics Facility
● Ship Structures Laboratory

● Ship Simulator Room

8. Dormitory

● Student Room

● Communal Bathroom

● Kitchenette

● Lounge

● Library

● Laundry

● Dining Area

● Recreation Area

9. Gymnasium

● Lobby / Waiting area

● Bleachers

● Toilet

○ Male

○ Female

● Shower Room

○ Male

○ Female
● Volleyball Locker Room

● Badminton Locker Room

● Basketball Court

● Basketball Locker Room

10. Medical & Dental Clinic

11. Canteen/Cafeteria

12. Student Lounge

13. Athletic Field

14. Swimming Facilities

15. Parking Spaces


1. Administrative Offices

The administrative offices serve as the nerve centre of the

entire physical education plant. Located near the entrance of

the building to be accessible to those to the people. According

to CHED, academies undertake duties which fall into five broad

categories- General or Executive Office, Registrar, Accounting,

ROTC, and Guidance or Placement Office.

● General or Executive Office - is responsible for the

daily operational management and strategic

advice in relation to all academic governance,

research, finance, administration, public relations

and technical support services, to ensure that the

School of Health and Social Development achieves

their mission in providing high quality education,

research and community service.



● Registrar - It enforces government and school

regulations regarding admission, enrollment,

crediting and promotions, transfer and graduation. It

maintains good relations with the general public,

provides customer service. As registration and

records officer, the Registrar oversees admission of

new students and overall enrollment; supervises

student accounting and records evaluation for

graduation. (





● Accounting - The accounting department looks

after the preparation of financial statements,

maintenance of general ledger, payment of bills,

preparation of customer bills, payroll, and more. In

other words, they are responsible for managing the

overall economic front of the school.



● Guidance Office - The Guidance Office designs and

implements development programs to help students

mature more holistically as they move through the

different learning stages. The guidance counselors

provide such services as counselling, test

interpretation, and individual inventory.




2. On Board Training Office (OBT)

The Onboard Training Office is responsible for the

administration and coordination of activities and other

requirements for student cadets undergoing the onboard

training. Its function is to provide cadets with an onboard training

program with the opportunity to use a ship as a sea-going

laboratory wherein they are required to complete their Training

Record Books and practice watchkeeping duties recorded in the

Daily Journal.

3. Research and Extension Office

It aims to promote and enhance the research and

extension activities of the Institution and is responsible for

supporting the management, administration and development

of the school's research agenda. Its mandate covers the

conduct of meaningful studies to aid management in arriving at

sound decisions, and likewise.


4. Faculty Room

Faculty Rooms are where teachers can stay during their

vacant hours. This place serves as their meeting place where

they can rest, do and prepare new lessons.

5. Lecture rooms

The academy should include sufficient room space

designed primarily for lectures, draftings and computers. The

number, size, and types of rooms will depend upon the

anticipated enrollment and curricular offerings. The sizes of

classrooms may well vary to accommodate from 10 to 150

persons. The space per student may vary from approximately 1.8

sq m per student in smaller rooms to 1.1 sq m per student in

rooms for 100 or more persons.

● Classrooms - is a place created especially for

uninterrupted instruction of the students. In the classroom,

pupils are supposed to remain submissive and quiet. An

adaptive learning technology approach is also used in the

classroom to improve student training and education. It

makes it simple for students who were admitted with a

deferred status to catch up with the class. A strategy of

tremendous sophistication in the classroom is adaptive



● Computer Rooms - Computers and other tech equipment

are kept in computer rooms so that students and others

can utilize them. A computer room is a location where

students who are enrolled in the university can access

computers for use in required computer studies.



● Drafting Rooms

6. Library

A place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and other

material for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference, as a

room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or

borrowed. Every maritime school shall have a library with

professional library staff, and books and publications which in

terms of quality and quantity are reasonably adequate for

effective maritime studies.

7. Laboratories

● Hydrodynamics Laboratory

The Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory conducts

experiments on ship resistance, ship movements, ship

propulsion, and ship stability. Additionally, it is utilized for

research projects, testing for businesses, and projects for

undergraduate and graduate students.


○ Towing Tank - a long, open tank filled with water

used to test the hydrodynamic properties of ship or

seaplane model hulls or floats.

○ Wind, Wave, and Current Tank - a shallow water

container used to examine or show wave

phenomena. The water is vibrated by an object

submerged in the container.

○ Model Shop

● Ship Structures Laboratory

● Ship Simulator Room

Utilize dependable, precise, cutting-edge software

to model the behavior of ships at sea and in port and

terminal regions.

8. Dormitory

A dormitory is a large building at a college or university where

students live throughout the semester.

● Student Room - The student room is the smallest element

and the basic space in the housing facility . It is the core

environment of the student who spends many of his

waking hours here (undergraduate girls, 8 hr ; boys, 6 hr) .

In this space the student studies, sleeps, dresses, and

socializes . He stores all of his clothes, books, and personal

possessions here except for nonseasonal clothing and

larger-size sports equipment . In a very real sense, it is here

that his identity within the university is established, since it is

the only space on campus which he himself can control in

any way.
● Communal Bathroom - where numerous people can

shower at once is a communal shower. It typically consists

of a sizable area with numerous shower heads and drains.

Communal showers are frequently found in dorm rooms,

gyms, and locker rooms. The benefit of a shared shower is

that it is less expensive to install than individual showers.

● Kitchenette - a very compact space where simple cooking

and food preparation can be done.

● Lounge - it has everything to do with finding a place where

you can stay for a while and feel comfortable. It also refers

to loitering carelessly.

● Library - a room, series of rooms, or building where books

may be read or loaned; a space designated to store

books, periodicals, and other material for reading, viewing,

listening, studying, or referencing.

● Laundry - a space where clothes and linens can be

cleaned and ironed in a home, hotel, or other

● Dining Area - any space, including sidewalks and streets,

that is regularly utilized for consuming food or beverages

that is accessible to the general public or employees.

● Recreation Area - any location, whether permanent or

temporary (such as during special events), owned by the

public or privately and accessible to the general public for

recreational activities is considered a recreational space,

regardless of the cost or minimum age requirement. In

addition to parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, sports fields

and arenas, golf courses, walking paths, gardens, hiking

trails, bike trails, horseback riding trails, swimming pools,

roller- and ice-skating rinks, skateboard parks, amusement

parks, and beaches.

9. Gymnasium

A large room with equipment for exercising the body and

increasing strength, or space for playing sports, especially in a


10. Medical & Dental Clinic

This is where students that are injured or in need of first-aid

treatment are brought before they are taken into a hospital.

11. Canteen/Cafeteria

The school canteen/cafeteria provides and sells edibles

and equipment. This is where students rest, meet ,and eat.

12. Student Lounge

The Student Lounges are dedicated social and study

spaces for students, where you can:

● Meet for individual and group study areas including lounges,

study nooks, booths and small group meeting rooms

● Laptop and phone charging facilities

13. Athletic Field

An area where community members and organized

sporting events and teams can practice and play various sports,

which are generally open-air and include soccer fields, baseball

diamonds, basketball courts, etc.

14. Swimming Facilities

Swimming facilities serve for the training of students for

offshore safety.

15. Parking Spaces

Parking space is a location intended for people to park

their vehicles.

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