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Science Pre-sync Week2

The Digestive and Excretory Systems

Human eat mainly because food tastes good. As it turns out,
food is also essential for our survival, as we need food to
provide ourselves with energy and the building blocks to make
new cells. It’s not only humans that require food, but all animals
require some sort of food source to survive. So whatever animal
you are, you will need to eat other organisms. Despite this
shared need to eat, organisms have diverse diets.
Herbivores consume only plant-based food sources. Carnivores
eat other animals and omnivores like us consume animals as
well as plantbased foods.
Digestive System
Whatever the food source is broken in the body by acid and
enzymes within the digestive system to provide nutrients that
can then be absorbed into the body. The complexity of the
digestive system varies between organisms. Simple organisms
like Hydra have a basic digestive system which consists of a
single compartment called a gastrovascular cavity with a single
opening. This cavity aids in digestion as well as the distribution
of nutrients through the body by a way of the vascular system.
More complex animals have digestive systems that resemble
the human digestive system consisting of a tube or
gastrointestinal tract with two openings the mouth and the
The gastrointestinal tract includes the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine and large intestine. In addition, there
are several accessory organs such as the liver, pancreas and
gallbladder. They provide secretions to help break down the

The Digestive Process

Let’s focus on the human digestive by considering what
happens to the food after you eat it. There are four main stages
of food processing which are ingestion, digestion, absorption
and elimination.
Ingestion - is just eating food.
The first stage, ingestion is just another word for eating. So, you
first ingest food by putting food in your mouth.
Digestion – is the process of breaking down food into
Digestion which is the process of breaking down food into
molecules small enough for the body to absorb, starts in the
mouth with both mechanical and chemical digestive process.
Digestive Processes
- Mechanical
- Chemical

Chewing mechanically breaks food down into smaller pieces

and mixes the digestive enzyme amylase found in saliva with
the food. The enzymes in the saliva begin in the breakdown of
starches into sugars. The chewed food is then swallowed and
travels down the esophagus to the stomach. The stomach
contains acid that converts an inactive precursor enzyme
pepsinogen into the active enzyme. Pepsin used to break down
proteins. So, this would be another example of chemical

The churning of stomach is an example of mechanical digestion

and it pushes the now liquid food into the small intestine in
small doses.
Within the small intestine, various enzymes from accessory
organs such as the pancreas and the liver act to further digest
the food into nutrient components.

The pancreas releases enzymes that degrade proteins, fats,

nucleic acids, and carbohydrates within the small intestine. In
addition to the enzymes released by the pancreas, bile is also
released into the small intestine to aid in the breakdown of fats.
Bile is made in the liver and concentrated and stored in the
gallbladder until needed.
Bile aids in the breakdown of fats in the small intestine.

Once chemical digestion in the first part of the small intestine is

complete. The third stage of food processing absorption takes
place in what is left in the small intestine. Food digestion results
nutrients that are now small enough to be absorbed through
the villi fingerlike projections found lining the inside of the small
intestine at the core of each villus is a network of blood vessels.
so when nutrients cross the epithelial layer of each Villus they
enter the bloodstream to be delivered to the rest of the body.


Excretory System
Undigested waste is passed through the large intestine where
water is removed and the remaining is eliminated from the
body a solid matter called feces. One of the main components
of human diet is protein. The breakdown of proteins by
digestion results in nitrogenous wastes that need to get
eliminated by the body. The function of the excretory system is
to dispose of metabolic wastes to ensure the right water
balance in the body. The excretory system is one of several that
function to maintain homeostasis in the body and it consists of
structures of the urogenital system such as kidneys, the urinary
bladder and the urethra.
In mammals, urea is dissolved in the body and forms urine.
The main forms of nitrogenous wastes resulting from protein
metabolism and terrestrial animals including mammals and
some marine bony fishes is urea in fish the urea is expelled
directly into the water. However, in land animals, the urea is
dissolved in wood in the body to form urine which is then
excreted. Production and excretion of urine occurs through a
series of steps involving the excretory system and urinary
system working in tandem with the blood capillaries.
Urine is produced in the kidneys.
In mammals urine is produced in the kidneys blood is brough
into the functional units of the kidney known as nephrons.
Nephrons – functional units of the kidney.
Here blood comes into contact with the tubules and hydrostatic
pressure pushes small molecules such as water, sugars, and
amino acids. Out from the blood into the extra Tori tubule to
form what is known as the filtrate cells and larger molecules
such as proteins remain in the blood. As the filtrate flows
through the tube you’ll substances that are needed by the body
a reabsorbed from the filtrate. The remaining water so leads,
toxins and other substances are concentrated as urine. Urine
leaves each kidney through a duct called the ureter and it
travels to the bladder where it is stored until it is expelled
through the urethra. Achieve the empties urine outside the

Pre-Synchronous Activity_Engage
“My Body Systems”

Watch the following video then, answer the guide questions that follow.

Guide questions:

1. Based on the video. What are the different organs of the digestive system? 

2. What is/are the function of the digestive system according to the video?

3. What are the organs of the excretory system presented in the video?

4. What is/are the function of the excretory system based on the video?

1. The different organs of the digestive systems are mouth,
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and
anus. There are several accessory organs such as the liver,
pancreas and gallbladder.
2. The function of the digestive system is to break down food
in the body by acid and enzymes to provide nutrients that
can be absorbed into the body.
3. The organs in the excretory system are kidneys, ureter,
urethra, urinary bladder, liver, intestine.
4. The function of the excretory system is to dispose of
metabolic wastes to ensure the right water balance in the
body. The excretory system is one of several that function
to maintain homeostasis in the body.

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