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(b) What do you understand by primary balancing and secondary balancing of multicylinder in
line engines? Consider a six cylinder in line engine and show that it is fully balanced.
3. (a)


At a potnt A tn a stratned mat en a!, planes AB and AC ー。ウ ・ セ@ p otnt as shown tn the
above figure Normal and shear stresses on plane AR e e 3 11 a d 50 MPa respectively as
shown Normal and shear stresses on plane AC are a 20 MPa resp ectlvel y as
shown By graphical or analytical method, determme gle 1i tween the planes AB and AC


セ@ ..ᄋM M セ Rュ@
A b earn ABCD, セ ッョァL@
hanged at end A and roller supported at end D carries the
transverse ads as snown in the above figure. Determine the support reactions and draw the
BM di for tt"e beam.

(c) Explain the mechanisms of

(i) Discontinuous yielding in mild steel when tested under tension
(ii) Hysteresis I oop for a ductile material when subjected to a stress cycle of loading
intension to plastic state unloading, loading in compression and then unloading.
(d) Give the compositions and applications of Alumel alloy and Nichrome alloy.
5. Attempt any three parts from the following:
(a) What is a Master Production Schedule? Explain its relationship with Material Planning
(MRP), capacity planning and control activities.
(b) Explain with a neat sketch the salient features of Ultrasonic drilling (US D) covering (i) the
basic operating principle (ii) mechanism of metal removal (iii) applications
(c) (t) Ltst the pnmary hardware components of a personal computer セ@
(u) Ltst some of the opt! ons for each of the above components
(tu) What do you understand from the followtng terms?
(a) RAM (b) ROM (c) 5GB (d) 860 MHz (e) 57 6 KBPS 0
jイ ᄋ セ ョエウ@ colle::
(d) Wnte a FORTRAN programme to accept data of hetghts of up to of a
The pro gramme should be able to cal cui ate the matn van ance, 。ョ セ 。イ、@ devtatlon of
heights and print +
(i) the number of students
(ii) the serial number and heights of individual stu ents
(iii) the mean, variance and standard 、・カゥ。エッ セ ・@ セ ィ エ ウ@
6. (a) (i) Explain the difference between th, £llo\iWl two types of motion controls used in
CNC machines セ@
(a) Point to point or pos· · con I
Contouring or co · uo path control Give on example each of their
apphcatlon セ@
(u) A stepper ュ セッイ@ 1 e n NC p osttlorung system, for dnvmg the table through a
lead screw o h - m The control resolution for the table movement 1 s
spectfied as セ ・エイュョ@
(a) t ゥヲセ ヲ@ of pulses which the motor should gtve per revolution
(b) ti セ ッヲ@ step angle of the motor
セ セ@ Th4 lineartravelrate of the table
セ エッイ@ works at a pulse rate of200/s

f:ts wィ。エ@
Ltst three het ght energy rate formmg processes
are the tmportant reasons behtnd the use of these processes?

(tu) Explatn tn detatl, usmg a dtagram the process of explostve formtng of a sphencal
dome wtth a flange from sheet steel
7. (a) Define the following terms in rolling
(i) bite angle
(ii) percentage reduction in thickness
(iii) elongation coefficient
(iv) neutral point
(v) forward slip

A slab of 3 00 mm initial thickness, 60 0 mm wide is given a reduction of 50 mm in a roBing

mi11 with rolls I 0 00 mm diameter. The spread in this pass is 5 mm. Cal cui ate the values of
the bite angle, percentage reduction in thickness and elongation co efficient.
How is forward slip determined experimentally?
(b) Solve the fo11owing linear programming problem graphically or otherwise
Maximize Z = 4x1 + I Ox2 subject to

RクQKセUP@ セ@
2x1 + 5x2 セUP@
2x1 + 3x2 セUP@
2X!,X2;::_0 0
8. (a) (i) What 1s an mventory ? Expl am the sal1ent features of the fo11
Detemumst:lc models Pro bab1hst:lc models
Mッ セ
11ventory models
ョ、・イ@ uncertanty

(ii) er. セ ィ ・@ cost of each item is

N[LM L[ 。 ᄋセ 。A@ J quirement is I 0,000 units
1e mventory carrymg cost
% determine the % change in

(b) (i) be

(ii) The operation


·ne a sequence that wi11 minimize the total completion time. Find the make

セイMNZGQ@ ゥセ@

!I CS.E Main$ :zm1 !!

セ@ GヲᄋゥZエセ[NLAjkイャ@
セ@ I,J,.

• ,L,'
5: ..オセZ@ 11
• ,L,'
SEC110N A 11
• ,L,'
セ@ I. Answer any three of the following parts (Answer to each part should not exceed 20 0 キッイ、 セ I@

Uセ@ セ@ 3-\0 セ@
!! (a) The ratio of heat transfer to work transfer in the process of an air compresso cipr ting jj
セA@ type is 114, If the compression follows pV' = constant, what is the valug . rive the jj
n equation that you use. セ@
セA@ In such a compression pro cess the work required is 20 0 セ@ ,eci fie heat at jj kJik{'iiid
!! constant volume is 0. 75 kJ/kg K. What rise of temperature is " 'd at the end of 11
セ@ (b) compression process? セ@ +



600 K
T P1 • 10 atm.
0 ,L,'



• ,L,'
• ,L,'
Uセ@ 300 K セ@
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'

S ,L,'
What is the available ener .e e aximum amount of work that can be obtained from I 11
!! kg of air at state point I i(l th:e gw . The dead state is also marked '0' in the figure? jj
セA@ (c) What are the fan i。 セ@ I east three methods which are used to control fan output jj
!!セ@ (Q) in a power ー エIセ 」 エゥ A@ turl 11
(d) Show that in a 5 % c · n turbine stage, the maximum stage efficiency is given by, jj
Uセ@ 2 cos 2 a: セ@

AKcos セ ᄋ@ セ@

!! キィ セ サN⦅ sBG@ ozzle angle. jj

!! 2. (a) A |セ ョ・イ。エゥァ@ station has a maximum demand of 20 MW. The daily load on the station jj
• ,L,'
セ@ ,L,'

• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
• ,L,'
5! (i) Draw the I oad curve and load duration curve for the plant. l1
• ,L,'
5! (ii) Decide the capacity and number of units, l1
(iii) Prep are the operating schedule of the units. l1
セ@ u
セL@ ....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,.....セ@
GBセᄋ@ セZᄋ@

(iv) Determine the load factor, pi ant capacity factor anti pi ant use factor of the station.
(b) Develop the Clapeyron equation for the pure substance changing the phase. Hence find the
enthalpy of evaporation for R-22 at -10°C and compare the same with the tabulated value.
What is the percentage error involved?
Pmpsrtltts ofR-22
T•• °C P ••
kP3 I v,

m"lkQ ォjOセ@
20 セATNWR@ 07400 00929 220.331
-10 354.16 0.7587 0.0654 213.131)
0 497.41 0.7'1&.1 i 0.04'rl 205.369
3. (a) A four cylinder engine of a truck has been converted to run on prop analysis of
the engine exhaust gives the following volumetric percentages
C02 -4.90 CO- 9.79 。ョ、セM 2.45. ,0., +
Calculate the equivalence ratio at which the engine is op er ';ri{J
(b) Explain the following
(i) Rich mixture is used during idhng. セ@
CJ 30

(ii) As the engine speed increases, the T エゥ B[イFセ@ should be advanced.

(iii) S .I. engines are generally not s ⦅セエ N@、
(iv) Two stroke G.E. engines fi · ea ications in marine propulsion.
4. (a) A three liter V 6 S.I. engin OP. ste n a four stroke cycle at 3600 rpm. The compression
ratio is 9.5, the length 'l{ 1e o セ 」エゥョァ@ rod is 16.6 em and the engine is square (bore =
stroke). At this ウー・、 キ エjセAZ@ on ends at 20° ATDC. Calculate

(i) 」ケャゥョ、・イ セ@ oke length

(ii) average セ ・、@
(iii) cle ce セ ッャオュ・@ of one cylinder
(iv) §P eed at the end of combustion

· volume in the combustion chamber at the end of combustion.

Derive an expression for the air-fuel ratio delivered by a simple carburettor. Discuss its
limitations. What are the systems incorporated to overcome the limitations of a simp! e
5. Answer any three of the following parts (Answer to each part should not exceed 200 words)
(a) Show that volumetric clearance efficiency of a reciprocating compressor is given by:
t]w = I + cl - ( cl (pd/ps) .-.}

where cl is clearance ratio and suffix d & s refer to eli scharge and suction pressures.

!I (b) Discuss and show on the skeleton psychometric chart, the pro cess for the air passing through I!
セゥ@ air washers with three types of spray (i) recalculated (ii) chilled and (iii) heated water. i)
!I (c) I!


セA@ 6. (a) Calculate the (i) cop. (ii) power requirement and (iii) cooling capacity of a COl pre t9.r I!
)i workmg between 22.68 bar and 64.32 bar pressures. The h qu1d tn the 」ッョ、・ウ セ エ@ o ole"d, i1
!i by another system, to l5°C before entenng the exp ans1on valve. The ウ セ ウエ・@ 1s sumed to j)
)l work on wet-compresst on wtth x = 0. 9. The compressor data stroke volu = . .; r.p .m. Aセ@
セ@ = 500 and tlwl = 0.85. Property values are: sp. heat of COl vapour= 2.4- <>°C d. i1
I u
!I vap. Vllp.
!I 22. 322.a6
)! so.92 12't:/5 .>08. us
64.32 t64 11 283 63 o.o042

(b) In an atr-cond1t1orung plant eqwpment ex1sts
be matntatned at 25 ° dbt wtth 55% R H Nu; ヲセ セ Qァ@ the atr before supply to a
50,00 0 w and RLHL = 22 2, 0 00
イッュセ@ w

!I (ii) イ・ィ。エゥョセ@ if any.

!17. (a) A 3m long 25 mm dia 「 セ@ at 100°C by steam jacketing. Water flows エィイッオァセ@
(b) The surfac of · lar discs parallel to each other, each with I m 2 area, are exchanging
thermal ra ·on セ エィ@ each other and with the surrounding walls. The ternperatllres of disc I,

li 2 0° The mean p er1pheral vel oc1ty of blades 1s 4 0 0 m/s The blades are asymmetncal If the I!
セ@ steam 1s to enter the blades wtthout shock, that wtll be the blade angles? i1
!I N eglectlng the friction effects on the blades, calculate the tangential force on the blades and I!
!I the diagram power for a mass flow of 0,75 kg/s. Calculate the axial thrust and diagram I!
セA@ effiaency. !)
!I 30 i!
)i (b) Clearly explain as to how the circulation is maintained in modern boilers having operating セ@ゥ
セゥ@ pressures I 00 bar, 180 bar and 240 bar respectively? What is circulation ratio? What is the i)
!i normal range of circulation ratio in case of utility boilers and industrial boilers? セ@

!I セjャ@

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