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ENT Final examination for 3rd year health officer students







1. Which one of the following is not content of anterior triangle of the neck

A. strap muscles B. submandibular gland C. accessory nerve D. brachial plexus

2. Which one of the following neck zone has high fatality rate

A. zone one B. zone two C. zone three

3. One of the following deep neck space is part of supra hyoid

A . pre vertebral space B. retropharyngeal space C. danger space D. Peritonsilar space

4. One is deferent from the other in its origin

A. malleus B. incus C . stapes D. tensor tympani

5. Which is not part of anterior group of par nasal sinus

A .maxillary B. anterior ethmoidal C. Sphenoid D. frontal

6. Mr. Belachew is presented with painful vesicular skin lesion on his retro auricular, concha and ear
canal on his Rt ear of four days duration .he has decreased hearing and facial deviation to the left

On examination he has vesicular lesion on the Rt ear and EAC .he has also grade 3 facial nerve palsy in
Rt side .with this in mind what is the most likely diagnosis of this pt

A. Bell’s palsy B . RH syndrome C. gradenigos syndrome D. none

7. The commonest cause of sinusitis in children is

A. bacterial B. viral C fungal D. A and C

8. In which of the following sinusitis orbital complication is common

A. frontal B. ethmoidal C. maxillary D. sphenoid

9. Dr .Belete is doing the tuning fork for a patient presented with compliant of decreased hearing in his
right ear .rinne test in his right ear is AC>BC and on his left ear is AC>BC, weber is lateralized to the
left ,then diagnosis of the pt is .

A.CHL in right ear B.SNHL in right ear C .SNHL in left ear D .CHL in left ear

10. Out of the following one is not considered as otolaryngologic emergency

A. periauricular hematoma B. UAWO C.acute otitis media D. epistaxis

11.The second common cause of conductive hearing loss in young population is

A. Cerumen impaction B. otosclerosis C. presbycusis D.none

12.One of the following is not contra indication for syringing

A.the only hearing ear B .infection of EAC C. totally occlusive Cerumen Perforated TM

13. All of the following are common cause of otitis media except

A pseudomonas areuginosa B. S.pneumonia C. H. influenza D. M. catarrhalis

14. One of the following is not intratemporal complication of AOM

A. tympanoscelerosis B. mastoiditis C. meningitis D. cholesteatoma

15.Out of the following one is false about cholesteatoma

A. in cause of congenital cholesteatoma the tympanic membrane should be intact is defined as accumulation of cholesterol crystal in the middle ear

C.the commonest type is acquired

D .the choice of treatment is surgery

16. A five years old baby presented with facial pain, nasal obstruction and purulent nasal discharge of
two weeks duration .associated with low grade fever and irritability .on examination he has congested
turbinate and mucopurulent discharge .the baby is irritable and difficult to appreciate tenderness
having this in mind what is the possible cause of pt diagnosis

A. frontal and ethmoidal sinusitis B. frontal and sphenoid sinusitis

C. maxillary and ethmoidal sinusitis D. maxillary and frontal sinusitis

17.The commonest cause of facial nerve palsy is

A. RH syndrome B. Bells palsy C. trauma D. otitis externa

18 .Which one is characterized by episodic vertigo ,SNHL and tinnitus

A.BPPV B. Meniere's Disease C. Vestibular neuritis D. none

19. Which one of the following is risk for acute otitis externa

A swimming B. mechanical cleaning C. hearing aids D. all

20Tthe treatment choice for acute otitis externa is

A. amoxacillin B. topical ciprofloxacin C. systemic ciprofloxacin D.B and C

21.What is the commonest cause of SNHL in elderly

A . cerumen impaction B. Presbycusis C. otoscelerosis D. ototoxicosis

22.What are the common ototoxic drugs

A. loop diuretics B. aminoglycosides C. antimalarial D. all

23.Which one of the following is true about nasal polyp is non-cancerous growth in the nasal cavity

B. it may be associated with asthma

C. pt with nasal polyp may have alcohol intolerance


24.Which part of the kiesselbachs plexus is originated from internal carotid artery

A. sphenopalatine artery B. greater palatine C.anterior ethmoidal D. superior labial artery

25.Which one is the commonest area in anterior epistaxis

A. Retrocolumellar vein. B. Little's Area C. Woodruff's Area D.all

26.Involvement of level v(5) lymph node is usually associated with

A.oropharyngeal ca B. nasopharyngeal ca C. laryngeal ca D. ca of the oral cavity

27. Innervation of stapidus muscle is via

A. trigeminal nerve B. vagus C. facial D. glossopharyngeal

28. Which one of the following is part of ethmoid bone

A. superior nasal turbinate B. inferior nasal turbinate

C. middle nasal turbinate D. A and C

29.The most appropriate time for open reduction in patients with laryngeo tracheal injury is

A.2 week B. immediately after stabilization

C.3-5 days D.4-6 week

30.Which one of the following could not be a clinical manifestation of laryngeo tracheal trauma?

A. Respiratory distress B. Subcutaneous emphysema C. Aphonia

D.Dysphagia E.none

31. The structure affected in case of acute epiglottitis is

A. A.False vocal cord B.arytnoid cartilage
B. C.Epiglottis D.all

32.Which one of the following is not true about acute epiglottitis?

A. The hall mark features are distress, drooling and dysphagia

B. Cough and hoarseness are common

C. Activity is minimal and prefers tripod position

D. Children are toxic and anxious in appearance with high grade fever

E. None

33. The standard approach of air way management in acute epiglottitis is

A. Endotracheal intubation B. tracheostomy

C. Cricothomy D. all

34. The radiologic feature typical for croup is

A.Steeple sign B.thumb sign

C. Candle drop sign D.widend prevertebral space

35. The most common cause for croup is

A. RSV B.para influenza virus

C. Rhino virus D.adenovirus

36. Which one of the following is not used for treatment of croup?

A. Dexamethasone B. epinephrine

C. Supportive care D. antibiotics E.none

37.The combination of stridor, weak cry and recurrent croup indicates

A.Congenital vocal cord paralysis B. laryngeal web

C. Laryngeomalacia D.subgllotic stenosis

38.Which one of the following congenital abnormality is characterized by Omega shaped epiglottis ?

A. Laryngeomalacia B. congenital vocal cord paralysis

C. Laryngeal web D. Congenital subglottic stenosis

39. Which one of the following is not true about congenital vocal cord paralysis?

A. It is accompanied by another airway pathology in 45% of case

B. It is usually unilateral

C. The vocal cord usually lies in paramedian position

D. Patients present with stridor, aspiration and dysphonia


40.Which one is true about supraglottic cancer?

A. It is the commonest site for laryngeal ca

B. Hoarseness of voice is the earliest manifestation

C. Nodal metastasis occurs late

D. none

41.Which one of the following is not true about indirect laryngeoscopic finding of laryngeal ca?

A.Lesion of the suprahyoid epiglottis is ulcerative and the infrahyoid epiglottis is exophytic

B.Lesion of vocal cord may appear as nodule, ulcer or thickening

C.Lesion of sub glottic region mostly involve the anterior half

D.Lesion of anterior commissure may appear as granulation tissue

42.In patients with laryngeal ca total laryngectomy is indicated in

A.Lesion of posterior commission

B.All T4 lesion

C.Invasion of thyroid or cricoid cartilage


43.The safest site for tracheostomy is

A.Mid tracheostomy B.high tracheostomy

C.Low tracheostomy D.none

44.Which one of the following is not true about acute tonsillopharyngitis?

A.Most common cause is viral

B.It offen affects school aged children

C.Indication of tonsillectomy includes recurrent acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis

D.Non suppurative complications include rheumatic fever and PSGN


45.Which one of the following intervation is best for Children with obstructive sleep apnea ?

A.Adenotonsillectomy B.tracheostomy

C.Polypectomy D. septoplasty

46.Which one of the following is not true about parapharyngeal abscess?

A.anterior compartment infection produce prolapse of tonsil and peritonsillar fossa,trismus and
external swelling behind angle of jaw.

B.Posterior compartment infection produce bulge of pharynx behind posterior pillar and minimal

C.Infection of Para pharyngeal space can occur from bezold abscess and petrositis

D. Parapharyngeal space is pyramidal in shape with its base at the base of skull and its apex at the
hyoid bone


47.The most common cause for Ludwig's angina is

A. Sialadenitis B. dental infection

C. Injuries of oral mucosa D. fracture of mandible

48. Which one of the following indicates poor prognosis in oropharyngeal ca?

A.Superficially spreading B.exophytic

C.Ulcerative D.well differentiated



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