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Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila

Tel. No.: 253-0452

Entrepreneurship (Grade12)

1st Quarter - Week One

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________________ Score: _______________________________

Task 1: Do you have What It takes to be an Entrepreneur

For this activity, you will discuss the factors that might influence people to start their own business.

1. Make a list of at least 7 factors that you believe motivate entrepreneurs to start up new businesses.

2. Then consider if you are motivated by any of these factors.

3. Use this check list to determine your readiness to start a new venture.

Task 2:Answer the following questions:

Think about the possible business idea that can be implemented and developed in your community or

1. What kind of problem this idea can solve or what kind of needs it can satisfy?


2. What resources (financial, human, organizational) would be needed for implementation of this idea?


3. What could be the steps needed for implementation of this idea?


Task 3: Characteristics of an entrepreneur

After discussing the characteristics of an entrepreneur, consider which of those characteristics

might describe you. Think
about how you may have
demonstrated some of the
entrepreneurial characteristics
through your schoolwork,
extracurricular activities, or part-time job. Record your personal entrepreneurial characteristics in the
table below.


Multiple Choice: Encircle and choose the letter of the correct answer

1. People who work for someone else:

A. Aptitude

B. Employee

C. Entrepreneurs

D. Entrepreneurship

2. Evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses:

A. Self Assessment

B. Employee

C. Entrepreneurship

D. Entrepreneur

3. People who own, operate, and take risk of a business venture:

A. Aptitude

B. Employee

C. Entrepreneurs

D. Entrepreneurship

4. The ability to learn a particular kind of job:

A. Aptitude

B. Employee

C. Entrepreneurship

D. Entrepreneur

5. Which one is NOT a disadvantage of Entrepreneurship?

A. Risky

B. Uncertain Income

C. You are the boss

D. Work long hours

6. Which one is NOT an advantage of Entrepreneurship?

A. Can choose a business of interest

B. You can be creative

C. Make a lot of money

D. You will make decisions alone

7. What type of entrepreneurial business actually produce the products they sell?

A. Manufacturing

B. Wholesaling

C. Retailing

D. Service

8. What type of entrepreneurial business sells products to people other than the final customer?

A. Manufacturing

B. Wholesaling

C. Retailing

D. Service

9. What type of entrepreneurial business sells products directly to the people who use or consume them?

A. Manufacturing

B. Wholesaling

C. Retailing

D. Service

10. What type of entrepreneurial business sells service instead of a product?

A. Manufaturing

B. Wholesaling

C. Retailing

D. Service

SYNTHESIZE: Entrepreneur Career Mind Map

What do you think it means to be an entrepreneur? What do you think are some of the possible careers
as an entrepreneur? Make a mind map of your ideas.

Identify and research one person who is/was a successful entrepreneur. Complete this worksheet for your
entrepreneur choice. Possible sources for information include your school library, public library, websites on
the Internet, YouTube and more.

Entrepreneur Name: ___________________________________________________________________

1. What influenced them to become an entrepreneur? How does this person fit the definition of an

2. How did this person measure whether they were successful or not?

3. Sources used for information above:

Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Entrepreneurship (Grade12)

1st Quarter – Week Two

Identifying Market Problem

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Task 1:

Can you identify any problem with the use of any of these products?

Choose one and explain

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Was it easy for you to find the market problem? If no, what were your difficulties?


3. How did you able to identify the market problem?


4. Based on the activity, what is a market problem?

Task 2:

Think of any product that you are using, and identify and describe the 'problem' with it in 3 to 6 sentences.




Task 3:

Problem Products Scrapbook


1. Think of 5 products with problems that you use or those already available in the Philippine Market.

2. Include the product image/picture and describe the problem with each product in 3 to 5 sentences.

3. Provide valid information why the problem is urgent and pervasive.


What is a Market Problem?



How do we identify Market Problem?




Starting a business and entering the right market is one of the most crucial aspects to building and
maintaining a profitable brand. You could be selling the best product in the world, but if you’re in the wrong
market, you’ll never be successful.


Think of a product that you want to sell in the future and identify if there is a market problem in your
target market. Explain your answer in 3 to 5 sentences.




Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Entrepreneurship (Grade12)
1st Quarter - Week Three
Techniques on Seeking, Screening, and Seizing Opportunities

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Task 1:

Identify possible business opportunity in the following industry and answer the ff questions:

1. Food: ____________________________________________________________

2. Clothes: ____________________________________________________________

3. Gadgets: ____________________________________________________________

4. Car: ____________________________________________________________

5. Jewelry: ____________________________________________________________

A. Based on the given industries, who do you think has the greatest opportunity of succeeding when you

start your own business and why?



B. How about the least opportunity of succeeding and why?



C. Choose one industry that you would like to start on having a business and give a specific product that

you want to offer



Task 2:
Answer the ff questions:

1. What is meant by a ‘business opportunity’?


2. Why is it important for an entrepreneur to:

(a) undertake market research?

(b) identify their target market?



Business Opportunity in My Community


1. List down possible business opportunities that can be offered to your vicinity/area.

A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________________________________

D. ________________________________________________________________________

E. ________________________________________________________________________

2. Do these products will satisfy the needs of your community? Explain




3. Write down how you are going to apply the 3S of opportunity spotting and assessment




Task 3:

1. Maintaining a competitive advantage is essential for long-term business success. What do you think a
business can do to keep ahead of its competitors?



2. Why do you think so many small businesses fail in the first few years of operation?


3. Reflect on what you have read and learned so far. How would this information influence you if you were
intending to start a small business? Would you still go ahead? Give reasons for your answer.


Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Entrepreneurship (Grade12)
1st Quarter - Week Four
Analyze the Market Need

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________________ Score: _______________________________

Task 1:

Market Need Analysis


1. Think of 5 products that you think that has a demand or a market need.

_________________ _____________________

_________________ _____________________


2. Provide valid information why the product has a demand or has a market needed.




3. Do you think that consumers will buy the product?




Task 2:

What is a Market Need?



How do we Analyze Market Need?


Task 3:

Explain what does the quote wants to say:

‘Marketing without market research is like driving with your eyes closed’



Conduct a Market Analysis of any Top milk tea shop in the Philippines. Write in paragraph form.

“_______(Name of Milk Tea Shop)_____”






Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Entrepreneurship (Grade12)
1st Quarter - Week Five&Six
Possible Product/Service that will meet the Market Need &
Screen Proposed Solution based on Viability

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________________ Score: _______________________________

Task 1: Criss Cross Puzzle

Read and analyze the clues below and write the correct words on the blocks across and down.
Products or services that will meet the need
2 – measures how well the expectations of a customer concerning a product or service provided by a company
have been met.
4 – taking possession of an asset by purchase.
7 – is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business.
9 – the amount of something that people and other entities use.
10 – is information provided by clients about whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with a product or service.

1 – funds used by a business to attain new assets, improve existing ones, or reduce a liability.
3 – unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence.
5 – indicates the extent to which customers are devoted to a company’s products or services.
6 – meeting the needs and desires of any customer.
8 – capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch.

2 3

5 6
7 8

Task 3:

As would-be entrepreneur, make 10 items customer product survey questionnaire. Focus on the
following guidelines:

1. Give a brief a description about the product.

2. Give directions as to how the customers will answer the questionnaire.
3. The statement should be in a question form.
4. Use a 4-point Likert scale, 4 as the highest and 1 as the lowest e.g. 4 – very positive, 3 –
somewhat positive, 2 – somewhat negative, and 1 – very negative. You may use another
rating scale.
5. The questions should focus on:
a) Reaction about the product/service
b) Characteristics/features of the product/service
c) Product innovation
d) If the product/service will meet the customer’s need
e) The value of the product/service


1. Maintaining a competitive advantage is essential for long-term business success. What do you think a
business can do to keep ahead of its competitors?

2. Why do you think so many small businesses fail in the first few years of operation?

3. Reflect on what you have read and learned so far. How would this information influence you if you were
intending to start a small business? Would you still go ahead? Give reasons for your answer.


Identify and list 5 possible questions that needed when identifying business opportunities




Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Entrepreneurship (Grade12)
1 Quarter - Week Seven & Eight

Marketing Mix (7Ps)

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________________ Score: _______________________________


Identify which among the given pictures are considered as important feature to consider in your marketing
strategy, provide your answer for each picture.




Task 2: Paste the P’s

Look for newspapers or magazines. Find and identify pictures related to the Marketing Mix. Cut out the
pictures, sort and paste them in the box, then write a one sentence quote describing the picture.








Rubrics for Scoring

Score Description
15 The table is complete with pictures and the descriptions are correct.
12 The table is lacking one picture and the descriptions are correct.
9 The table is lacking two pictures and the descriptions are correct.
6 The table is lacking three pictures and the descriptions are correct.
3 The table is lacking four pictures and descriptions are correct.


Directions: Write CONSUMER if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write PRODUCER if the statement is

___________1. Marketing mix refers to the presence of many competitors and suppliers in the market.

___________2. Marketing mix is a marketing tool designed to identify the target market.

___________3. There is a substantial difference when the seven P’s are adopted instead of 4P’s.

___________4. In manufacturing a product, the entrepreneur must remember that the product must not be

___________5. When the business adopts the price skimming approach at the time a new product has been
introduced, the price is usually low.

___________6. Prestige pricing is intended for consumers who belong to higher social status.

___________7. A new product must be introduced in the market using advertising as promotional tool.
___________8. Providing trade or cash discounts to consumers is a promotional tool used in public relations
or publicity.

___________9. In direct marketing, the sales force goes to offices and homes to sell the product.

___________10. The entrepreneur must focus mainly on the quality of the packaging materials used.


Research on the following terms:

1. Tradename: _____________________________________________________________
2. Trademark: ______________________________________________________________
3. Brand Name: _____________________________________________________________

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