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Assignment 2 Case Study Analysis (FT & Elective) – 2021/22

Module Leader: J. Miguel Imas

Lecturers: Christina Butler

Hayley Lewi
Liz Cochrane


Inclusion is the process of creating an environment in which individuals or members of

groups feel welcomed, heard, respected, supported, valued, and can reach their full potential,
whatever their background or identity or whatever disabilities they have. Numerous studies
demonstrate that enhanced emotions of inclusion are favourably associated with employee
effort in the workplace (Ohemeng & McGrandle, 2021). This has risen to the top of the
priority list for human resource management in the public and private sectors worldwide.

“Diversity is the mix. Inclusion is making the mix work.”

~ Andres Tapia

The concepts diversity and inclusion are now frequently used interchangeably, as in
"diversity and inclusion (D&I) practice(Ferdman, 2014). The connection between inclusion
and diversity explores the concept of inclusion and its different manifestations in individual
and collective behaviour and organisational practices. It claims that the psychological
experience of inclusion, which operates at the personal level, goes to the core of inclusion
(and often collectively). The actions of those who come into contact with the individual (such
as coworkers and supervisors), the individual's attitudes and behaviour, and the values,
norms, practices, and processes that operate in the individual's organisational and societal
context all help to facilitate and enable this experience of inclusion (Ferdman, 2014).

Inclusive workplace
As modern workplaces become more diverse, business leaders and management recognise the
importance of creating culturally safe and inclusive cultures that promote equality of
opportunity, dignity, and well-being(Krause, 2019). India's workforce is diverse, especially in
multinational corporations. In today's globalised world, managing workplace diversity is a
significant challenge. Even at work, people from different cultural backgrounds act
differently. Research indicates that workplace diversity might result in improved
performance. At the same time, organisations are frequently concerned about workplace
conflicts caused by cultural differences in team and attitudes.Considering the multi-cultural
aspects that exist among groups in organisations, managing diverse cultures, racial
differences, and sex differences can be extremely difficult for an organisation in the current
scenario..The question then becomes: what characteristics do we as organisations, managers,
and employees need to possess to increase inclusivity, individual well-being, and
performance (Krause, 2019). Different sorts of diversity in the workplace are beneficial to
organisations in various ways, including enhanced collaboration and teamwork, improved
problem-solving, happier employees, and the significant bottom-line advantage of a more
profitable company, among other benefits (Types of Diversity in the Workplace - a
GlobeSmart Guide, 2021).

Analysis/Diagnosis of the problems Associated with


Plans and Strategies for Changing and Creating Conditions for

Adopting Inclusivity practices
Diagnose through execution evaluation. Our implementation is to collaborate with functional
and industry experts to assess an organisation's current status and readiness to execute a
strategy. This diagnosis where gaps exist in the competencies and skills necessary to effect
transformative change. Bottom-up planning in design Our experienced team collaborates to
develop a transformation or initiative portfolio and implementation strategy, with
implementation specialists ensuring that the plan is created with execution in mind. It mainly
includes collaborating with capability development specialists to design necessary learning
journeys and leadership facilitators to align the executive team around the organisation's

Managers Should Be Trained on Inclusion in the Workplace.

Organisational managers have the most significant impact on fostering a diverse and
inclusive workplace. Manager serves as a liaison between the workforce and the company's
higher-ups. So they need to know how to manage a diverse workforce.
The acceptance and honouring of a variety of religious and cultural beliefs
Introduce a policy that recognises and respects a wide range of religious and cultural
traditions. Creating an inclusive culture increases employee involvement and productivity. It
can be accomplished by focusing on special occasions and occasions to be celebrated. The
organisation benefits from increased employee retention when employees think that their
organisation is devoted to diversity and inclusion.
Feedback(reduce content)
It's important to let the employees know what the organisation expects from them. Employees
should feel comfortable approaching their managers if they are facing any discrimination. On
the other hand, managers should keep an open mind by avoiding assumptions and ensuring
that employees feel free to share. Create dedicated diversity panels to ensure those inclusion
goals. A diverse panel of members from various departments ensures that the process is
transparent to all parties involved; The diversity panel should help with ongoing efforts to
eliminate unconscious bias in the workplace.

As a Consultant to implement the Inclusivity in

Workplace(citate these paragraphs)
The goal of inclusion is to create a work environment where everyone is treated fairly and
respectfully, has equal access to resources, and can fully contribute to the company's success.
This process has two parts: boosting the representation of diverse voices and ensuring that all
voices can be heard. To begin, organisations are acting reactively by increasing the diversity
of their workforces. Secondly, organisations take a more proactive approach, putting
resources into active diversity management to broaden participation and boost efficiency.
Accountability and performance: Establish quotas, benchmarks, and goals for diversity.
They are developing strategies to satisfy the organisation's objectives as a whole and of
individual business units. Ensure that managers are to these goals by tying their salary to their
diversity performance.
Rules of conduct:Anti-discrimination laws, corporate values, and behaviour standards.
Create HR rules that allow employees to work in various ways to meet their personal and
professional demands.
Employee-to-employer connections: Employee resource groups and mentoring programmes
can empower individuals from varied backgrounds and help them gain visibility and access to
resources. Employees should be educated and trained on valuing diversity and can do this
through workshops on unconscious bias or sensitivity training.

Overview of Wipro
Wipro is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process
outsourcing services worldwide.A company renowned worldwide for its dynamic business
practices. It is an ethical and environmentally responsible business practice. Wipro is diverse
in size, geography, history, industries, and technologies. To meet the growing complexity of
such a diverse clientele, it is critical to developing a workforce capable of producing a rich
composite image of ideas that fosters originality and results in increased revenue and
customer satisfaction. The organisation's commitment to non-discrimination and values of
fairness is reflected throughout the COBC and Global Diversity and Inclusion Policies.
Executive engagement, a committed society, and participation are all necessary components
of organising a vision that motivates action.
Wipro’s diversity program is fabricated on four important pillars including gender, persons with
disabilities, nationality, and underprivileged and disadvantaged communities (see if this makes any sense )

Gender equality:
"Women of Wipro,"(WOW) is a group of decisive actions formed at each location and
company unit led by senior management. This programme allows female executives at
their company to channel their passion for personal and professional growth while also
providing the necessary platform for a long-term career. WOW has broadened its
segmented approach to gender diversity, focusing on three major themes based on the
employee's life stage – Exposure (Life-stage I): Increasing visibility to fuel ambition.
Flexibility (Life-stage II): The ability to grow through implementing flexible policies
and processes. Empowerment (Life Stage III): Making a difference through increased

Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Program: Inclusion system focuses on six major policy
areas: Attainable Infrastructure, Accessible Information Systems, Recruitment, Education,
and Understanding. The partnership with the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Centre
(DEOC) was expanded to educate on accessibility measures for disabled workers.

Create footnotes where the abbreviations are mentioned in the sentences but the expansion
is the footnotes i have left the actual content to refere and the actual content is below in

Collaborations: Wipro is a member of the Indian Industry Confederation (CII), the

Software and Services Companies National Association (NASSCOM), and the International
Labour Organisation (ILO). It has organised inclusive campus hiring with JSS, Dr
Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped (AITH), and National Institute of
Speech and Hearing to help people with different skills with a forum find work
opportunities, as well as job fairs with CII and NGOs such as Sarthak, Capacity Base, and
Empower India (NISH). Wipro has established relationships with colleges where students
with disabilities are present, and people actively encourage the employees.

Wipro is a member of the CII, NASSCOM, and ILO. It has organised inclusive campus
hiring with JSS, d (AITH), and National Institute of Speech and Hearing to help people with
different skills with a forum find work opportunities, as well as job fairs with CII and NGOs
such as Sarthak, Capacity Base, and Empower India (NISH). Wipro has established
relationships with colleges where students with disabilities are present, and people actively
encourage the employees.

Barrier-Free Infrastructure: A 'Breaking all barriers' contest was held for employees to
evaluate and suggest improvements to Wipro's physical infrastructure.

Barrier-free Communication: The portal 'Kinesics' provides a channel for employees

worldwide to learn sign language techniques and apply them to the terminology used in the
IT environment. It has been upgraded to make our information systems more accessible.

Engagement: Networking opportunities were provided to persons with disabilities to

connect at Global Forums - In 2015 One youth representative with hearing impairment
presented a paper in the Youth Program conducted by Disabled People's International (DPI)
during the Conference of State Parties in the United Nations in New York in 2015. The
exclusive 'Annual Global, All Hands Meet' for People With Disability at Wipro, was
organised to provide a platform for leadership connect, networking interaction with Industry
experts in the field of disability, and to reward and recognise PWDs and their managers at
Wipro. They have excelled in their work and supported Wipro in making it inclusive.

Reduce content
Advocacy: Wipro assisted with other independent bodies' disability initiatives and
campaigns. For example, in collaboration with the Ability Foundation, Wipro sponsored
their Ability Fest, 'A film streaming festival to raise awareness in the disability region,'
Wipro coordinated a Deal Foundation Campus Connect for students with visual impairment.
Wipro participated in a guest session on insights from industry experts at an NHRD,
Kolkata seminar on 'Sourcing non-conventional skills makes business sense.'

Nationality: Wipro's insight into becoming a truly global company includes employing
people from all over the world while serving international customers. The company has
incorporated cutting-edge online tools such as 'Globe Smart.' Furthermore, employees
travelling abroad must participate in an 'Onsite Readiness Program,' consisting of a two-day
course that includes a cultural sensitivity module. Specific culture sensitisation sessions are
held for all account team members in addition to Onsite Readiness and Cross-cultural
Sensitivity schedules.

People from Underprivileged Societies: According to the organisation, creating

opportunities for people from underprivileged societies will broaden the pool of candidates
and add a highly dedicated workforce to the organisation—the key strategies for expanding
the niche. Collaborate with small-town colleges/universities to boost recruitment.


1. By removing biases and stereotypes, acknowledging the existence of diversity, and
learning to accept and appreciate fundamental differences
They are accepting and committing to one's own biases and prejudices, Suppressing
misconceptions about various others while in a community of friends or associates.
2. By bringing up miscommunication with a variety of others
Educating one's identity about differences through reading, listening, and broadening one's
knowledge base on various people
avoiding words that depict other groups and suggest individuals as an exception avoiding
acceptance of one's message based on appearance, mannerisms, accent, or eye contact
3. Developing relationships with people from various backgrounds.
a gradual improvement in constructive relationships with a variety of others
Receiving feedback from diverse others on how well one expresses respect for them and
values their diversity. Treating others as special guests by expressing interest in them rather
than treating them like strangers.

Wipro Lt has a broad range of diversity and inclusion practices that enable employees
to boost productivity and performance. Gender diversity initiatives implemented by
Wipro Ltd under the WOW programme have been successful for female employees.
The PWD Diversity Dimension has focused on six areas in which the organisation
hires, prepares, and empowers PWD employees to work efficiently and without
complications. The aspect of nationality made it possible for Wipro employees
worldwide to become virtual employees. Recruiting underprivileged workers would
boost the organisation's top talent and deeply committed workforce.

Organisations in the modern world will face intense competition in all aspects of their
operations, and their survival and sustenance will rely heavily on how well it adapts to
current business practices. The most important of these are organisational diversity and
inclusion—diverse perspectives aid in developing new solutions to overcome various
obstacles. Organisations must create long-term goals and strategies to capitalise on the energy
that diversity and inclusion bring to the workplace. A long-term strategy respects and
supports differences to motivate employees to think freely. Incorporating diversity and
inclusion as assets in Businesses can be better for the present and future.

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