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Course code: SS 1C

Readings in Philippine History

Activity no 3

Catherine joy T. Bartolata September 21, 2022


1.Trinidad, Concepcion, Santiago, San Antonio & Victoria

2. Antonio Pigafetta was served as Chronicle of Magellan

3. Enrique

4. Archipelago of St. Lazarus or Islas de San Lazaro

5. On my opinion Ferdinand Magellan was the first who circumnavigate the world because he started to
believe and wants to prove to the Spaniards and Portuguese that the world has no end and its only circle
or just round and not flat as they believe. Even if there's some people before who first to travel but
Magellan was the first to initiate, to look around the world and to list the other country there are here and
to prove that the beliefs of Spaniards are not true.

Part lll

1.The Pigafetta's First Voyage It was written during the time of 1519 to 1522 it is era that Magellan
decided to circumnavigate the world and explore and discover each new country. Then it was written
while traveling that time. It is situation were Magellan and his four people searching for new countries.

2. Antonio Pigafetta who was writing all the details, information about where they went and what countries they
visited and discover. He also writes about the experience and the conflict in their journey as well.

3. The journal written by Antonio Pigafetta was so important that now we are still studying and other generations
will study the history they've made. Antonio Pigafetta was important because of writing it even they're in so much
difficulty and conflict when they travelling are he didn't give up still writes the important details and experience,
and he explain the language in the Philippines and written that Magellan was died in here.
4.No its not safe, because he just credited but when in Philippines there are some people in here and to
our discussion last time and what I've learned that discovering is there no people just you that who
discover but at some point Filipino in the Philippines are here already we can say or adjust that Magellan
was the first European who discover the Philippines.

5. Pansilang Pananaw is best suited to describe Antonio Pigafetta account because it is written in a
foreign language and is intended to be read by foreign people

6. 1512- Ferdinand Magellan planned to make new voyage around the world and prove that the earth is
not flat. Spain was financially supported on him but Portuguese are not.
1519- They're travel and left Spain
1520-Ferdinand has made discoveries.
1521 – Magellan killed in the Philippines by the hand of Lapu lapu tribe or group.

7. Yes and I believed that Filipino was usual and it inherited to our ancestors the love, heartwarming and
hospitality, welcome when visitors came even people in another country.

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