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Dela Cruz, Jonelvira C.

September 14, 2021


Lesson 1 Activity
NUPC 113

ACTIVITY 1: Read the situation carefully then answer what is asked. Write your answer in a separate sheet and
send your answer to our google classroom. See the rubrics located in the appendix on how your activity will be


You are caring for a patient who is scheduled for surgery, which must be performed under
general anesthesia, to alleviate pain and stabilize the spinal column. During the preoperative
assessment in which the patient's husband is present, you ask the patient if she has had anything
to eat or drink since midnight. The patient states, “I have not eaten anything since midnight. I
only drank a can of soda this morning before I came to the hospital.” The patient's husband
immediately responds, “This won't keep her from having surgery, will it? I better not have to take
off from work another day for this nonsense.”

1. What are the possible implications of the patient's consumption of soda before surgery?
 Based on my research, usually when a patient will have his/her surgery, they are not allowed to
drink or eat anything. This is because when the anesthesia is used, your body's reflexes are
temporarily stopped. Not drinking soda can also decrease the chance of harming the lungs of

2. What is your response to the patient's disclosure that she has consumed a can of soda on the morning of
the scheduled surgery?
 Talk to patient calmly, tell to her that she needs to stop eating and drinking for her own good. It
is very important for every patient to have an empty stomach before any surgery or procedure
that requires anesthesia, to keep any food or liquid from getting into the lungs and for her to
prevent nausea.

3. How would you address the husband's response?

 In order for the patient’s husband to understand it well, explain to him the importance of not
drinking soda before the surgery. For example “Sir, drinking soda before the surgery will have
a bad effect to you wife, try to expand your patience and understanding toward this situation
and it’ll have a good effect to your wife’s health”.

4. Would you tell the surgeon about the patient's consumption of soda? Why or why not?
 Yes, it is the right thing to do, to inform the surgeon of what the patients do, eat or drink before
the surgery so that they are aware of do’s and don’ts in patients surgery.

5. What teaching will you provide at this time?

 I can teach the patient how to minimize her anxiety since drinking soda is not good because she
is scheduled to have surgery before she drink it. I can answer to her questions regarding to her
upcoming surgery. And also I will try my best to communicate with her family member. I can
also promote rest and relaxation for her not to overthink the situation.

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