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In chapter one, the writer explains about the research background,

identification of problem, scope of the problem, research question, objective of

the writing, and sequence of the writing.

A. Background

Literary works created by the author of the novel in particular with a view

to be enjoyed, understood, and utilized without forgetting that the literary work is

actually a part of life issues, philosophy and psychology. Literary work is a

reflection of what is happening in society. Through literature, readers can find

problems that can be encountered in society. Through literature, readers can learn

about the philosophy of life, how people should act and behave and socialize with

fellow human beings, God, and nature. Through literature, the reader can learn the

science of the soul implied implicitly through character figures (Wharton: 1990:


Starting from these opinions, literary works can be understood from the

psychological aspects. To understand the psychological aspects, it takes

knowledge of psychology, because psychology implies the science of the soul or

psychology. Dimension of the soul is the dimension in man, which means that all

activities of human life can not be separated from that dimension. The elements

that develop and exist in human life can also be reflected in literary texts as long

as literature is placed in the mimetic aspect. This reflection is made possible by

the imitation and combination of the author's imagination towards the realities of

life or natural realities. What the author expresses in his work is usually a
reflection or portrait of the natural life he sees. It could be a portrait view directly

related to reality. This is one reason why in understanding a literary work is

required particular approaches.

Wellek and Austin (1989: 90) explain that literary psychology has four

meanings. First, psychology is the understanding of psychiatric literature writer as

a personal or type. Second, the assessment of the creative process of writing it.

Third, analysis of the laws that applied psychology in literature and fourth,

psychology literature is also defined as the study of the impact of literature on

psychiatric conditions rather than the reader. Literature as a psychological

phenomenon is the phenomenon that can see through the behavior of the

characters. While psychology (Pasaribu and Simanjuntak, 1984: 3-4), is the

science of the soul or the study of the soul. Thus, literary texts or literary works

can be approached using a psychological approach. This is because literature and

psychology have an indirect and functional cross relationship. (Aminudin 1990:


The literary phenomenon as a psychiatric the phenomenon appears in the

novel The Catcher in The Rye on the main character, especially on the Holden

Caulfield. J. D Salinger's The Catcher in The Rye is a novel in which Holden is

an interesting character. Holden is a sensitive and caring 16-year-old from a

wealthy family. Holden interested in the narrative right and wrong, to understand

life. Holden has failed at several schools because he refuses to learn what doesn't

interest him or to participate in the "fake" world of adult work and games.

Alternately, he has more than age insight and is childish in his confusion. Holden

is a character who was created behind the atmosphere of World War II felt by J.D
Salinger to portray himself through the main character in the novel The Catcher in

The Rye. Holden is a very antagonistic character among readers, but it is from

Holden's character that The Cather in The Rye lives as a novel that is very

influential in the world, so this book was banned from publication because it

contains so many profanities in it. However, many also view these words as

Holden's expression of their frustration with life. Because of Holden's character,

the writer wanted to examine Holden's psychological state using a psychoanalytic


B. Identification of Problem

Based on the above background the authors identify various kinds of

problems as follows;

1. The identity of the main character in the novel The Catcher in The Rye.

2. The main character's view of the adult world.

3. Effect of character Holden in influencing the reader.

C. Scope of The Problem

Referring to the identification of problems that already exist, then the

need for restrictions in analyzing and discussing the problems that exist in the

novel. Therefore, the authors restrict this research by focusing on the main

character of Holden Caulfield in the novel The Catcher in the Rye.

D. Research Question

Based on the results of identification of the problems and scope of

problems, the researcher to formulate the problem as a reference for data

collection in this study. The formulation of the problem in this study are:
1. What is the personality of the main character depicted in the novel The

Catcher in The Rye?

2. How does the existence of the characters holden in building the story in the

novel The Catcher in the Rye?

E. Objective of The Writing

In this research, the objective according to the research question above are

formulated as follows;

1. To find out the personality of the main character in the novel The Catcher in

the Rye.

2. To determine the effect of the presence of the main character in constructing

the story in the novel.

F. Sequence of The Writing

This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an Introduction;

Background, Identification of Problem, Scope of Problem, Research Questions,

Objective of The Writing, and sequence of The Writing. Chapter two is Literature

Review; previous studies, theoretical background; psychoanalytic theory. Chapter

three consist the methodology that contains the research design, data collection,

and research procedures. Chapter four discusses the results of the analysis that has

been done or is the answer to the problem formulation described in the first

chapter. Chapter five discusses the conclusions of the analysis that has been done.

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