Ohm's Law Survives To The Atomic Scale

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Ohm's Law Survives to the Atomic Scale

B. Weber
University of New South Wales

S. Mahapatra
University of New South Wales

H. Ryu
Purdue University - Main Campus

S. Lee
Purdue University - Main Campus

A. Fuhrer
University of New South Wales

See next page for additional authors

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Weber, B.; Mahapatra, S.; Ryu, H.; Lee, S.; Fuhrer, A.; Reusch, T. C.G.; Thompson, D. L.; Lee, W. C.T.; Klimeck, Gerhard; Hollenberg,
L. C. L.; and Simmons, M. Y., "Ohm's Law Survives to the Atomic Scale" (2012). Birck and NCN Publications. Paper 851.

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B. Weber, S. Mahapatra, H. Ryu, S. Lee, A. Fuhrer, T. C.G. Reusch, D. L. Thompson, W. C.T. Lee, Gerhard
Klimeck, L. C. L. Hollenberg, and M. Y. Simmons

This article is available at Purdue e-Pubs: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/nanopub/851

Ohm's Law Survives to the Atomic Scale
B. Weber, et al.
Science 335, 64 (2012);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1214319

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14. P. E. Batson, Nature 366, 727 (1993). 27. F. J. García de Abajo, A. Asenjo-Garcia, M. Kociak, become interactive, with an increase in the intensity
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18. K. Kimoto et al., Nature 450, 702 (2007). 30. In general, the peaks of gain and loss for different and Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant FA9550-11-
19. J. Nelayah et al., Nat. Phys. 3, 348 (2007). photon quanta are well separated in energy in the raw 1-0055 to the Gordon and Betty Moore Center for Physical
20. A. Yurtsever, M. Couillard, D. A. Muller, Phys. Rev. Lett. data, but for quantification of intensities we applied Biology at the California Institute of Technology. R.M.V. was
100, 217402 (2008). the Richardson-Lucie deconvolution algorithm, which supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. We thank
21. A. H. Zewail, Science 328, 187 (2010). enabled use of the ZLP profile at negative time to S. T. Park for helpful discussions regarding the theoretical
22. A. H. Zewail, J. M. Thomas, 4D Electron Microscopy quantify the evolution of peaks at each positive time. calculations.
(Imperial College Press, London, 2009). 31. N. Yamamoto, K. Araya, F. J. García de Abajo, Phys.
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Materials and Methods
25. V. Ortalan, A. H. Zewail, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 10732 in intensities depending on the strength of the projected
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(2011). Coulomb potential, leading to a complex behavior. In
26. B. Barwick, D. J. Flannigan, A. H. Zewail, Nature 462, other words, because of multiple electron scattering, 2 September 2011; accepted 19 October 2011
902 (2009). the intensities of different Bragg peaks essentially 10.1126/science.1213504

Ohm’s Law Survives to the 2.5 nm for P in Si). In this size regime, main-
taining low resistivity is challenging because of

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the increased ratio of surface or interface to vol-
Atomic Scale ume that limits both the mobility and availabil-
ity of free carriers. Indeed, in the sub-10-nm size
B. Weber,1 S. Mahapatra,1 H. Ryu,2* S. Lee,2 A. Fuhrer,1† T. C. G. Reusch,1 D. L. Thompson,1 regime, even heavily doped Si wires become high-
W. C. T. Lee,1 G. Klimeck,2 L. C. L. Hollenberg,3 M. Y. Simmons1‡ ly resistive because of the limited doping den-
sity achievable (15) or as a result of the reduced
As silicon electronics approaches the atomic scale, interconnects and circuitry become comparable doping efficiency (16) from the dielectric mis-
in size to the active device components. Maintaining low electrical resistivity at this scale is match between the wire and its surroundings.
challenging because of the presence of confining surfaces and interfaces. We report on the We demonstrate that bulk-like resistivities
fabrication of wires in silicon—only one atom tall and four atoms wide—with exceptionally low can be retained to the atomic scale by fabricat-
resistivity (~0.3 milliohm-centimeters) and the current-carrying capabilities of copper. By ing “interface-free” dopant wires embedded in
embedding phosphorus atoms within a silicon crystal with an average spacing of less than single-crystalline Si. We used scanning probe
1 nanometer, we achieved a diameter-independent resistivity, which demonstrates ohmic lithography (6, 17) and a gaseous dopant source
scaling to the atomic limit. Atomistic tight-binding calculations confirm the metallicity of these to write atomic-scale dopant wires on the Si(100)
atomic-scale wires, which pave the way for single-atom device architectures for both classical surface. We then embedded them within the Si
and quantum information processing. bulk using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), thereby
removing them from surface and interface states.

he continuous miniaturization (1–3) of computers (11–14), require addressability of the Figure 1A shows a scanning tunneling micros-
classical as well as quantum electronic individual dopants with interconnects compara- copy (STM) image of a 1.5-nm-wide wire tem-
devices and circuitry for information pro- ble in size to the single-dopant Bohr radii (aB ~ plate (corresponding to two dimer rows) extending
cessing relies on the implementation of low-
resistivity leads and interconnects that are of Fig. 1. Atomically abrupt
the same scale as the active device components dopant wires in silicon.
themselves (4, 5). At the fundamental limit of (A) STM image of a 4-atom-
downscaling in semiconductor devices, func- wide (1.5 nm), one-atom-
tionality is obtained from only a few (6), or even tall, and 106-nm-long wire
single, dopant atoms (7–9) embedded within template, patterned along
the semiconductor crystal. This emerging field the <110> direction and
of research, in which device properties are de- connected to source/drain
termined by a single dopant, is called solotronics leads. Scale bar, 50 nm.
(solitary dopant optoelectronics) (10). However, (B and C) Atomic resolution
large-scale device architectures using multiple images of a two-dimer-
solitary dopants, such as donor-based quantum row-wide wire, before (B)
and after (C) PH3 dosing. Af-
ter PH3 exposure, the wire
Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Tech- shows a large number of
nology, School of Physics, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. 2Network for Computational PHx (x = 1,2) fragments,
Nanotechnology, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue Univer- strictly confined within the
sity, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. 3Centre for Quantum Com- patterned regions. (D) At-
putation and Communication Technology, School of Physics, omistic NEMO modeling
University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia. of the electron distribution
*Present address: Supercomputing Center, Korea Institute in a 1.5-nm dopant wire
of Science and Technology Information, Daejeon 305-806, demonstrating tight charge
South Korea.
confinement with a spread
†Present address: IBM Research–Zurich, Säumerstrasse 4,
8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland. of the wave function out-
‡To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: side the lithographic width. (E) Four-terminal resistances corrected for series resistances and normalized
michelle.simmons@unsw.edu.au with the lithographic width (RW × w), plotted versus wire length L (blue and purple diamonds).

64 6 JANUARY 2012 VOL 335 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org

to a length of 106 nm between the source and forming Si-P bonds, resulting in an atomically sity of 0.25 ML for each lithographic linewidth.
drain leads. The dark regions correspond to abrupt doping profile (18, 19) with extremely The modeled wires were embedded within 70 nm
hydrogen-terminated Si(001), and the features high planar doping density of ~0.25 monolayers of silicon in both transverse directions. The cen-
with lighter contrast correspond to Si dangling (ND ~ 2 × 1014 cm−2) (20). In three dimensions tral 16 nm was modeled with an atomistic repre-
bonds exposed by the STM-induced desorption (3D), this density corresponds to a value of sentation of the silicon lattice, while the remaining
of the hydrogen resist monolayer. Source and ~1021 cm−3, three orders of magnitude beyond the 54 nm was represented as a homogeneous di-
drain contact arms were also patterned by STM Mott metal-insulator transition. The average dop- electric with eSi = 11.7. The density of states
lithography in the same fabrication step, extend- ant separation is <1 nm, smaller than the Bohr (DOS) was computed over the first Brillouin
ing out to a total size of ~2 mm (length) by ~1 mm radius of a single donor (aB ~ 2.5 nm) (21). Con- zone in 1D k-space, subject to charge neutrality
(width), which were used for ex situ alignment sequently, the wires are crystalline, atomically ab in equilibrium, where the total electron number
of metal contacts (17). Subsequent exposure to rupt, and expected to show metallic conduction. equals the number of positively ionized donors.
PH3 gas selectively doped the wire template as The wires presented here are thin enough to Exchange and correlation effects are taken into
well as the contact arms with a resolution set by allow a fully atomistic theoretical treatment using account within the local density approximation
the atomistic nature of the underlying reconstructed the tight-binding code NEMO-3D (22, 23). We (LDA) (24). The resultant electronic charge dis-
Si(001) surface. Atomic-resolution images of a calculated the self-consistent charge-potential pro- tribution along the thinnest wire (1.5 nm wide)
two-dimer-row-wide template before and after files of the wires, taking into account both the is shown in Fig. 1D. The doping density changes
dosing (Fig. 1, B and C) highlight the adsorp- high density and discrete nature of the doping. by ~6 orders of magnitude from inside the wire
tion of PHx (x = 1, 2) solely within the wire region. The wires were represented by an infinite repe- (ND ~ 1021 cm−3) to the lightly doped surrounding
After a short anneal and epitaxial overgrowth, tition of a supercell in the <110> direction, with silicon substrate (~1015 cm−3), giving an extreme-

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the P dopants were embedded in the silicon bulk the doping distribution matched to a doping den- ly small Thomas-Fermi screening length (~0.5 nm)
and strong charge confinement.
Five different wires were measured (Table 1),
Table 1. Atomic dopant wires of different width. L and w denote the lithographic length and width all showing ohmic current-voltage (I-V ) charac-
of each wire studied. Ael and del are the effective electronic cross section and diameter of the wires teristics at T = 4.2 K. At an applied bias of 500
as determined by atomistic calculations. Resistivities, rW, were extracted from the wire resistance mV (a low value was chosen to avoid elec-
RW using Ael. Measured wire resistances are compared to theoretically predictions Rcalc based on the tromigration damage), we achieved current den-
tight-binding calculations. sities of up to 5 × 105 A cm–2, which is near the
maximum current densities of state-of-the-art cop-
w L Ael del RW rW Rcalc
Sample per interconnects (~106 A cm–2) (5). To calculate
(nm) (nm) (nm2) (nm) (kW) (mW cm) (kW)
the net wire resistance RW, we first subtracted
W1 11.0 312 27.5 13.1 48.6 0.43 30 T 4 series resistances from the four-terminal resist-
W2 4.6 47 9.8 5.2 5.3 0.11 7 T 1 ances, which can be accurately determined by
W3 2.3 54 5.0 2.9 10.1 0.10 15 T 2 knowing both the sheet resistivity (530 W/ ) □
W4 2.3 20 5.0 2.9 17.1 0.42 6 T 1 and the exact geometry of each STM-patterned
W5 1.5 106 3.8 2.3 82.3 0.26 31 T 4 contact arm. Linear I-V characteristics with
RW <100 kW demonstrate the effective metallic
doping down to a width of 1.5 nm. In Fig. 1E,
we plot the wire resistance normalized by the
A 4 C 20 10 lithographic width (RW × w) as a function of the
ρW (mΩcm)

2 wire length L. We include data from previously

published results on wider STM-patterned wires
z<001> (nm)

0 15 (25) (purple diamonds) and observe ohmic scal-

fundamental atomic

ing of the resistance for all devices, as typically

scaling limit

0.01 observed in macroscopic metallic systems.

1 10 100 The unambiguous demonstration of ohmic
ρW (mΩcm)

B 10 del (nm)
del = 2.3 nm scaling is a constant resistivity rW ¼ RW ðAel =LÞ,
independent of geometric variables such as wire
3 Ref. [16] ND = length or width. When determining the resistiv-
|Ψ|2 dr (x10-2)

9 x 1018 cm-3 ity of these wires, it is necessary to consider the

2 5
effective electronic cross-sectional area, Ael, rather
This work 3 x 1019 cm-3 than their lithographic dimensions. Charge con-
1 ~1021 cm-3
1.5 x 1020 cm-3 finement is provided solely by the presence of
0 the ionized dopants screened by both the silicon
0 dielectric and the mobile electronic charge. As a
-4 -2 0 2 4 1 10 100 1,000 consequence, the electronic width of the wire
x<110> (nm) del (nm) can extend into the surrounding silicon bulk and
Fig. 2. Diameter-independent bulk-like resistivity down to the atomic limit. (A) Radial charge density enlarge the effective diameter of the wire. The
|y|2 dr of the thinnest wire (W5) showing the effective cross-sectional area Ael (white dotted ellipse), charge self-consistent NEMO-3D code captured
used to calculate the wire resistivity rW. (B) The corresponding effective wire diameter del (arrows) is this effect and allowed us to quantify Ael direct-
determined from a cut through |y|2 dr in the plane of the dopants. (C) Resistivity rW (del) of the STM- ly. Figure 2A shows the modeled radial charge
patterned wires (blue and purple diamonds), showing that it remains constant down to the fundamental distribution of the thinnest wire (W5), averaged
scaling limit. The average value is near that for the silicon bulk resistivity at equivalent doping density over the length of the supercell. The decay of the
(blue line). This is in contrast to an exponential deviation from bulk values as found in VLS-grown charge distribution is given by |y|2 dr, where
nanowires. [Open circles, data graphically extracted from (16). The lines are guides to the eye.] (Inset) y ~ exp(–r/a) represents the electronic wave func-
rW (del) on a double-logarithmic scale. tion away from the core region of the doped wire

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 335 6 JANUARY 2012 65

with a decay length a defined analogously to the Lateral buffer
Bohr radius aB of an isolated P donor. By con- A B D
sidering a in all radial directions, we quantify Ael, 0.0 4 del = 1.4 nm

y [001] (nm)
where y decays to 1/e of its peak value, as shown 2
by the dotted line in Fig. 2A. Thus, >70% of the
total electronic charge is enclosed in the modeling 0

<110> (Transport)
domain. In turn, this also allowed us to determine
the effective electronic diameter del of the wire (ar- EF

Energy (eV)
rows in Fig. 2B). For W5, we found del = 2.3 nm ∆2 P -4
compared with w = 1.5 nm (see Table 1). We sim- 1.5 nm Si -4 -2 0 2 4
∆1 x<110> (nm)
ulated several supercell configurations with dif- C E
ferent dopant positioning within the wire, which 22
revealed negligible impact on either Ael or del

modes N
Γ2 18
down to the thinnest wire. −0.2 14
In Fig. 2C, we compare the resistivity rW as a Γ1 10
function of the wire diameter del (blue and purple 6
diamonds) with reported values for other silicon 2
wires. It is evident that for the STM-patterned 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
wires, rW remains constant despite del varying k<110> (2π/a0) 0.4 nm w (nm)

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over nearly two orders of magnitude. The inset
Fig. 3. Atomic-scale dopant wires at the scaling limit. (A) Band structure of the 1.5-nm-wide wire (W5)
shows rW on a double-logarithmic scale, reveal-
displaying band metallicity with six propagating modes (N = 6) at EF = 135 meV, measured from the
ing a minimum resistivity of 0.1 mW cm (W3), G1 minimum. (B and C) Supercell configuration for the 1.5-nm-wide wire (B), as well as a single atomic
the lowest reported in doped silicon wires. The chain of dopants (C) used to calculate the charge-potential profiles and band structures. (D) Radial
average resistivity (rW = 0.3 T 0.2 mW cm) is charge distribution of a single atomic chain, representing the fundamental scaling limit for dopant
comparable to that of bulk-doped silicon of sim- wires in silicon. While maintaining N = 6, the electronic diameter del = 1.4 nm represents the fun-
ilar doping density (26) (blue line). The relatively damental scaling limit for dopant wires in silicon. (E) The number of modes N at the Fermi energy as a
large spread of resistivity at such low values can function of wire width w used to calculate wire resistances Rcalc.
arise from sample-to-sample variations in the
spatial distribution of the dopants within the wires.
Our data contrasts sharply with the behavior of One of the advantages of atomistic tight- ances obtained experimentally for all wires, as
other doped Si wires previously reported, where binding modeling is that we can determine the shown in Table 1. Small deviations could be ex-
strong deviations from bulk values of the re- number of propagating metallic modes at the plained by sample-to-sample fluctuations of the
sistivity were typically observed below d ~ 10 nm Fermi energy for different wire widths and from conductance (30), expected in the diffusive re-
(15, 16). We have reproduced the resistivity data this estimate the resistance of the narrowest con- gime and the potential onset of electron localiza-
of vapor-liquid-solid (VLS)–grown wires with ducting STM-patterned doped wires in silicon. tion at low temperature (29) not captured in this
three different doping densities, measured by Figure 3A shows the self-consistent band struc- model. We also determined the absolute physical
Björk et al. (16), where the resistivity is observed ture calculation for the narrowest STM-patterned limit to which doped silicon wires could be scaled
to increase exponentially with decreasing diameter. wire W5 (1.5 nm) based on the supercell con- and found the radial charge distribution of a sin-
This resistivity increase was more pronounced figuration shown in Fig. 3B. We observed strong gle dopant chain to be ~1.4 nm (Fig. 3D). This
for the lower doping densities and prevailed even band bending, so that the minimum of the low- number therefore defines the fundamental atomic
when the wire and resistivities were corrected est occupied band (G1) lies 243 meV below the scaling limit (vertical line in Fig. 2C) of doped
for a depletion width arising from surface and conduction band edge of bulk silicon (E = 0). silicon wires.
interface states. Björk et al. attribute this expo- The Fermi energy EF, indicated by the blue dotted These STM-patterned wires achieve charge
nential rise to suppression of dopant activation lines, is situated well above the G1 minimum confinement in the absence of any surface or
and a concomitant decrease in free-carrier den- (135 meV), making the wire a band-metal at T = material interface. The combination of extremely
sity. Theoretical calculations by Diarra et al. (27) 4.2 K. For this heavily doped silicon system, we high doping density and atomically abrupt dopant
predict a d −1 dependence of dopant ionization observed occupation of the lowest sub-band in positioning in a crystalline environment provides
energy for d < 10 nm, induced by a mismatch in all six valleys of the Si conduction band, whose an unprecedented scalability to atomic-scale di-
the dielectric constants of the silicon wire (ein) degeneracy is lifted by the strong vertical and mensions, yet retains a diameter-independent,
and its environment (eout). For ein > eout, the lateral quantum confinement of the wires, giv- bulk-like resistivity. The resulting persistence of
dopant core potential is insufficiently screened, ing N = 6 propagating modes at EF (6, 21). Ohm’s law at the atomic limit paves the way for
resulting in an increase in ionization energy. The We determined the number of modes in these ultrascaled classical as well as quantum electronic
exponential divergence persists to the highest dop- doped silicon wires as we dropped the lithographic components, such as source-drain leads, intercon-
ing density achievable in VLS growth (15), indi- width down to an ideal single chain of individ- nects, and local electrostatic gates necessary to elec-
cating the existence of a scaling barrier at d ~ 10 nm ual dopants, represented by the supercell config- trically address individual dopants in solotronic and
for doped silicon wires. uration in Fig. 3C. Below w ~ 2 nm, we observed donor-based quantum computing architectures.
In contrast, by embedding the doped wires a saturation of the number of propagating modes
within bulk silicon, we eliminated the dielectric at EF (N = 6), again reflecting the six conduc-
References and Notes
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Candle Soot as a Template for a ness and low surface energy are essential (14).
To fabricate superamphiphobic surface over-
hangs, reentrant geometry or convex curvature
Transparent Robust is also important (19–25). The complex inter-
play between surface roughness, low surface
Superamphiphobic Coating energy, and topography has made it difficult and
expensive to fabricate superamphiphobic sur-
faces. Tuteja et al. showed that careful design of
Xu Deng,1,2 Lena Mammen,1 Hans-Jürgen Butt,1 Doris Vollmer1* the topography of a surface allows the con-
struction of surfaces with a contact angle for
Coating is an essential step in adjusting the surface properties of materials. Superhydrophobic hexadecane close to 160°, although the flat sur-
coatings with contact angles greater than 150° and roll-off angles below 10° for water have face was oleophilic (19, 23). They explained their
been developed, based on low-energy surfaces and roughness on the nano- and micrometer scales. exceptional oil-repellency by overhang structures
However, these surfaces are still wetted by organic liquids such as surfactant-based solutions, and reentrant geometry.
alcohols, or alkanes. Coatings that are simultaneously superhydrophobic and superoleophobic Here, we describe a simple way to make ro-
are rare. We designed an easily fabricated, transparent, and oil-rebounding superamphiphobic bust, transparent, superamphiphobic coatings.
coating. A porous deposit of candle soot was coated with a 25-nanometer-thick silica shell. The surface to be coated, in our case a glass slide,
The black coating became transparent after calcination at 600°C. After silanization, the is held above the flame of a paraffin candle
coating was superamphiphobic and remained so even after its top layer was damaged (Fig. 1A). Deposition of a soot layer turns the
by sand impingement. glass black. Scanning electron microscopy re-
veals that the soot consists of carbon particles
with a typical diameter of 30 to 40 nm, forming

major goal in coating research is to de- plete wetting (a Wenzel state) (14). No naturally a loose, fractal-like network (Fig. 1, B and C)
sign self-cleaning surfaces (1–4). Many occurring surface is known to show a contact (26). A water drop gently deposited on the sur-
surfaces in nature are superhydrophobic; angle q greater than 150° and roll-off angles be- face shows a contact angle above 160° and rolls
for example, lotus leaves (5). Mimicking their low 10° for water and organic liquids. These super- off easily, demonstrating the surface’s super-
surface morphology led to the development of hydrophobic and superoleophobic surfaces are hydrophobicity (27). However, the structure is
a number of artificial superhydrophobic surfaces called superamphiphobic (18). fragile because the particle-particle interactions
(6, 7), opening many applications in industrial In contrast to superhydrophobicity, the term are only physical and are weak. When water
and biological processes (8–13). Microscopic “superamphiphobicity” is not uniquely defined, rolls off the surface, the drop carries soot par-
pockets of air are trapped beneath the water in particular with respect to the liquid used ticles with it until almost all of the soot deposit
drops (14–17). This composite interface leads (19–22). According to Young’s equation, cosQ = is removed and the drop undergoes a wetting
to an increase in the macroscopic contact angle (gSV – gSL)/gLV, the lower the surface tension, transition (movie S1).
and a reduced contact angle hysteresis, enabling the higher the tendency of a liquid to spread on Inspired by the promising morphology of
water drops to roll off easily, taking dirt with a solid surface (22, 23). Here, Q is the mac- soot, we developed a technique to coat the soot
them. However, the addition of an organic liquid roscopic contact angle, gSV is the surface tension layer with a silica shell, making use of chemical
such as alcohol or oil decreases the interfacial ten- of the solid, and gSL is the interfacial tension vapor deposition (CVD) of tetraethoxysilane
sion sufficiently to induce homogeneous wetting of the solid/liquid interface. For organic liquids (TES) catalyzed by ammonia. The soot-coated
of the surface. Drops, initially resting on air pock- (30 ≤ gLV ≤ 18 mN/m), mainly van der Waals in- substrates were placed in a desiccator together
ets (in a Cassie state), pass the transition to com- teractions act between the molecules. Therefore, with two open glass vessels containing TES and
gSV – gSL is positive, and on planar surfaces Q < ammonia, respectively (fig. S1). Similar to a Stöber
1 90°. Similarly, the contact angle on rough sur- reaction, silica is formed by hydrolysis and con-
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10,
D-55128, Mainz, Germany. 2Center of Smart Interfaces, Tech- faces depends on the surface tensions, because densation of TES. The shell thickness can be
nical University Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany. roughness amplifies the wetting properties. tuned by the duration of CVD. After 24 hours,
*To whom correspondence should be adddressed. E-mail: The key factors for superamphiphobicity are the particles were coated by a 20 T 5–nm–thick
vollmerd@mpip-mainz.mpg.de not clear yet. For water repellency, surface rough- silica shell (Fig. 1, D and E). Calcinating the

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 335 6 JANUARY 2012 67

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