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NOTES TO REMEMBER: Glycolysis can be divided into two phases:

 Lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH): Leads 1. Energy-consuming phase

to Excessive urination 2. Energy-producing phase.

The cell needs to spend some energy before it can

 Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, K start making energy, and like any good investment the
cell gets more energy back than it puts in.
 Arachidonic acid - Naturally occurring lipids
in animals The Energy-consuming phase - requires ATP

 The function of glucagon: Increase the The Energy-producing phase - generates ATP
blood glucose - Other molecules like reduced nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide, or NADH, which can be
 Major groups of protein in our plasma: used to make ATP.
Albumin - We can keep track of all of this using an energy
Fibrinogen counter.

 Protein molecules in the blood: Going back to that delicious pizza (FOOD)
Gamma 1 globulin 1. Pizza will enter the mouth and goes down towards
Alpha 1 lipoprotein the small intestine.
Beta 1 lipoprotein 2. In response to high blood glucose, →the pancreatic
Fibrinogen beta-cells secrete →insulin.
Hemoglobin. 3. Now, for glucose to get inside the cells, → it utilizes
glucose transporters, or GLUT, → which are on the
cell membrane.
(Expound how insulin attach to the cell membrane)
 the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing
energy and pyruvic acid.
 To pull energy out of the glucose in the food it Some GLUTs like GLUT2 in the liver and pancreatic
beta-cells → are particularly responsive to glucose in
requires glycolysis. the presence of insulin.
 A series of enzymatic reactions in which glucose, a 4. Once glucose gets inside the cell, → it’s prevented
6-carbon sugar molecule, is broken down into (2) from diffusing across the cell membrane back into
the circulation by enzymes called → KINASES which
two 3 carbon pyruvate molecules.
→ phosphorylate the glucose. Adding a phosphate
 As glucose gets processed, → Energy is produced in group changes the shape of the glucose molecule.
the form of → adenosine triphosphate, (ATP). The phosphate comes from the breakdown of ATP →
 Glycolysis happens in the cytoplasm of cells , and no into ADP and phosphate -→ so this initial
phosphorylation step drops us to -1 on that energy
special organelles or even oxygen are needed to
turn glucose into ATP.
Specifically, there are two enzymes called
 All cells can use glucose to make energy; HEXOKINASE AND GLUCOKINASE, and they both → add
 It’s possible to do glycolysis even when oxygen a phosphate group to the 6th carbon in the glucose
molecule, →turning it into glucose-6-phosphate.
levels are low.
* Remember: Both enzymes pretty much do the So, more PFK1 means that → the slowest step in
glycolysis speeds up, and more glucose is turned into
same thing, but
 Hexokinase →is found in all cells, whereas
Now, when the body is in a fasting state; like a few
 Glucokinase→ like GLUT2, →is induced by the
hours after a meal, → blood glucose goes back down,
presence of insulin, and is found in the liver
and → the pancreas secretes glucagon instead of
cells and the beta-cells of the pancreas.
insulin. Glucagon →prevent PFK2, resulting in → less
This first step is irreversible, → meaning that the fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, which → prevents PFK1,
reaction can only go in the glucose to glucose-6- decreasing the rate of PFK1 enzymes, and that → slows
phosphate direction, and not vice versa. down glycolysis.

5. Glucose-6-phosphate is converted to its isomer , → PFK1 is also prevented in other ways. For example,
fructose-6-phosphate by an enzyme called when cells are in high energy states, → there is a lot of
PHOSPHOGLUCOISOMERASE. ATP floating around as well as citrate, because → that’s
a by-product of fatty acid synthesis. Both ATP and
So, at this point, it’s still a 6-carbon molecule. citrate prevents PFK1, because → cells that have lots of
* Remember: energy don’t need to generate even more. Now when
cells do need energy, PFK1 becomes very active in
Fructose-6-phosphate is then → phosphorylated by generating fructose1,6 bisphosphate.
which adds a phosphate group to the 1st carbon on the
fructose molecule, making fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. 6. Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate is cleaved by the enzyme
This is the second irreversible reaction in glycolysis → ALDOLASE into two 3 carbon molecules,
and it also uses ATP as a phosphate source → so we’re glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, or G3P, and
at -2 on that counter now. dihydroacetone-phosphate, or DHAP.

This reaction is considered the rate-limiting step of Only G3P can go down the glycolysis pathway, so an
glycolysis →meaning that how fast PFK1 converts isomerase enzyme converts DHAP into G3P.
fructose-6-phosphate →to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate As a result, for each glucose molecule, there are two
determines the speed at which all of glycolysis happens. G3P molecules.
Because of this, cells closely regulate PFK1 activity by
using another enzyme, called phosphofructokinase 2 -
or PFK2. 7. Each G3P is converted into 1,3
bisphosphoglycerate, or 1,3-BPG, by an enzyme
You see - PFK2 can also phosphorylate fructose-6- called G3P-dehydrogenase.
phosphate - but it adds phosphate to the 2nd carbon
instead, making fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. PFK2
activity varies depending on the level of glucose in the G3P-dehydrogenase has 2 roles, it removes a hydrogen
blood. from G3P and gives it to a nearby NAD+ molecule,
making NADH as a byproduct. It also adds a phosphate
When the body is well-fed; like right after eating that group to the 1st carbon of G3P, making 1,3-BPG.
slice of pizza, → blood glucose levels go up, and the →
pancreas secretes insulin, which → activates PFK2 - Now since there are two G3P molecules, this
resulting → in more fructose-2,6 bisphosphate. happens twice, resulting in two NADH molecules. Each
NADH molecule enters the electron transport chain in
Now, here’s the key - → increased levels of fructose- the mitochondria and makes roughly 3 ATP.
2,6 bisphosphate → activates PFK1, which means → it
increases the rate of available PFK1 enzymes.
removes a phosphate from the 1st carbon of 1,3-
BPG and gives it to ADP, making 3- That’s because pyruvate can enter the mitochondria
phosphoglycerate, and ATP as a byproduct. and participate in the Krebs cycle, also called the citric
acid cycle, and the electron transport chain to make
9. So, we’ll add two ATPs to our counter because this more ATP.
reaction happens twice – so we’re back at 0. Next,
And in the end, after all the mitochondrial reactions,
an enzyme called a MUTASE moves the phosphate
you’ll end up with a net total of roughly 30 to 32 ATPs.
on 3-phosphoglycerate to the 2nd carbon, making
2-phosphoglycerate. Some cells don’t have access to sufficient oxygen; like
an exercising skeletal muscle cell, or a red blood cell
10. After that, an enzyme called enolase removes a that lacks mitochondria.
water molecule from 2 phosphoglycerate and
makes phosphoenolpyruvate - or PEP. In those situations, the cell can use the ENZYME
LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE to remove hydrogen from
11. Finally, the enzyme PYRUVATE KINASE transfers a an NADH molecule and give it to pyruvate, creating
phosphate from PEP to ADP, making pyruvate, and lactate, and NAD+ as a byproduct.
ATP as a byproduct. NAD+ is crucial because it’s needed to work with
This is our 3rd and last irreversible reaction of G3P-dehydrogenase and keep glycolysis going.
glycolysis, and again we’ll add 2 ATPs to our counter Now, normally, lactate is removed from our blood by
because this reaction happens twice. As it turns out, the kidneys.
pyruvate kinase is also regulated by the cell.
However, if local lactate levels rise too quickly, it can
Interestingly, fructose-1,6 bisphosphate upregulates sometimes build-up, and it’s responsible for some of the
pyruvate kinase - a process called feed-forward muscle soreness you develop when you exercise.
regulation, because it’s sort of like one enzyme priming
another one because it’s clear that things are about to
get busy.

On the other hand, high levels of ATP and the amino

acid alanine downregulates pyruvate kinase activity.

Alanine comes from skeletal muscle breakdown

when fasting, and it’s used as a substrate for making
new glucose.

So high levels of alanine signify that the body needs

to make new glucose, not break it down in glycolysis.

Once pyruvate is made, glycolysis is pretty much


Until this point, the process has worked without the

need of oxygen, so glycolysis is anaerobic.

And to this point, we’ve generated a total of two

ATPs in this process.

So, although this is a good investment, it’s not a great


Fortunately, most cells have mitochondria, and have

access to oxygen - because that’s where the payoff
really becomes obvious.

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