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Group 2 - CPAR Infographic-Video Script (Voice-Over):

Stephanie: Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or most commonly known as

GAMABA is an award that honors folk and indigenous artists who continue
to promote intangible cultural heritage today.
It was organized by Philippine Rotary Club of Makati-Ayala, and
was initially adopted and institutionalized on April 1992 through the
Republic Act No. 7355.
The National Commission for Culture and the Arts, which is the
state's highest policy-making and coordinating body for culture and the
arts, is in-charge of administering and implementing the GAMABA
There are currently 16 GAMABA awardees here in the country.

Joy: Masino Intaray is a musician and storyteller from Palawan. He was

awarded as GAMABA Awardee in 1993 for being an outstanding master of
basal, kulilal, and bagit. He is not only well-versed in playing the said
instruments but also plays the aroding (mouth harp), and babarak (ring
flute). Above all, Masino is also a prolific and pre-eminent epic chanter
and story teller.

Pauline: Lang Dulay is T’boli textile weaver of South Cotabato. She was
awarded in 1998 for being a traditional weaver of tnalak which is a T’boli
clothing. It is a cloth which is made of colorful abaca clothing. Lang Dulay
knows a hundred designs including bulinglangit (clouds), bankiring (hair
bangs), and kabangi (butterfly), each with its own story to tell. Her textiles
also express the wisdom and visions of her people.

Martha: Eduardo Mutuc is a Kapampangan metalsmith awarded in 2004 for

his talent in sculpture and metalworks. He dedicated his life in creating
religious and secular art in silver, bronze, and wood. Most of his works are
the retablos, mirrors, altars, and carosas. Mutuc's work isn't only for
aesthetic. They infuse their surroundings with personality and splendor.
His dazzling shining retablos that adorn an apse or chapel provide a focus
for reflection and prayer.
Gabriel: Teofilo Garcia is an Ilocano casque maker from Abra. He was
awarded in 2012 for being a master artisan in making gourd casques
known as tabungaw. His craft demands a lot of personal input from him
because there is hardly any way for him to source the material he needs
for his work unless he makes it himself. Each handcrafted tabungaw is the
product of years of study and careful attention to the elements that make
up the entire piece.

Jhaymie: Magdalena Gamayo is an Ilocano textile weaver awarded in 2012

for her fine handiworks of textile weaving. Magdalena’s works are finer
than most abel. Her blankets have a very high thread count and her
designs are the most intricate and can sometimes take up to five colors.
Magdalena has taught herself the traditional patterns of binakol,
inuritan (geometric design), kusikos (spiral forms similar to oranges),
and sinan-sabong (flowers), which is the most challenging pattern.

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