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Activity 2 Completing the Chart:

Supply the blank columns with necessary information to complete the given data below. Refer to the given descriptions.

Disease Symptom Cause Effect Prevention

1. Asthma Dyspnea or difficult breathing Allergens like dust Physical effects can Identify and avoid
mites, animal dander, range from the the triggers - triggers
pollen, molds, somewhat annoying could be exercise,
Chest tightness cigarette smoke, (an occasional cough) certain foods, pollen
chemical pollutants, all the way to the life-
Persistent coughing, more commonly Follow medication as
and cold air threatening (not being
at night. Most commonly cough with prescribed
able to breathe). The
mucus or phlegm Sinusitis
frequency and Learn proper use of
Extreme emotional seriousness of asthma inhalers - including
During Asthma attack, the patient
responses and symptoms depends on cleaning the inhalers
presents below symptoms:
physical exercise the overall severity of
the asthma and how Carry the inhalers
Medications like well it is controlled. and medicines to
Very low blood pressure aspirin, beta-blockers workplace/while
or NSAIDs travelling, to get an
Abnormally rapid breathing
immediate relief
Gastro esophageal
Wheezing sounds may accompany during the attack
reflux disease
both inspiration and expiration or
Monitor your
expiration alone Other factors like
breathing often. If
dietary insufficiencies
you suspect
in vitamins C and E,
breathing difficulty,
and omega-3 fatty
wheezing or cough,
it is recommended
Foods with sulfites to see the doctor
and preservatives may
also trigger symptoms

2. Dengue Sudden onset of very high fever Dengue virus has This causes high fever, Dengue fever
different types and headache and joint vaccine should be
Severe headache usually at the back
once infected by one pains. taken
of eyes
type, prolonged
Exposure to
Muscles and joints become painful immunity is observed
mosquitoes should
to the particular type
Development of skin rashes be avoided. This is
and a short-lived
possible by:
immunity to the other
types. Drainage of stagnant
Vomiting water
Mild bleeding Inhibiting breeding
Usually, it is spread by
of mosquitoes by:
a female Aedes
mosquito which
normally bites an
infected person in the Application of oil to
morning to take a stagnant water
blood meal and
Application of
spreads the virus
insecticides to open
anytime of the day. In
2-10 days, the
mosquito becomes Sleeping under
infected and virus mosquito nets
spreads to other
tissues and is released Application of insect
into saliva. Once the repellents such as
mosquito bites an
Wearing clothes
uninfected person,
which cover the
the person becomes
whole body
infected. The
mosquito is usually
infected for lifetime.

It also spreads
through blood or
organ donation from
an infected person.

3. Sars Fever SARS is caused by a SARS develop Wash hands

strain of coronavirus, pneumonia, and frequently and
Chills and shaking
the same family of breathing problems thoroughly with
Dry cough viruses that causes can become so severe soap.
the common cold. that a mechanical
Shortness of breath Disinfect surfaces
Previously, these respirator is needed.
that could be
viruses had never SARS is fatal in some
Muscle aches potentially
been particularly cases, often due to
Diarrhea dangerous to humans. respiratory failure.
Other possible Wear gloves before
Nausea complications include coming into contact
Vomiting Coronaviruses can, heart and liver failure. with infected
however, cause persons.
Runny nose severe disease in
Wear a surgical
Sore throat animals, and that's
mask when dealing
why scientists
with infected
suspected that the
SARS virus might have
crossed from animals Wash personal
to humans. It now belongings of the
seems likely that that person with SARS.
the virus evolved from
one or more animal
viruses into a new

4. Sore eyes Bloodshot eyes or puffy eyes. An extra-long day at Sore eyes are an Good hygiene is the
work unpleasant sensation best way to prevent
Watery discharge from the eyes.
in or around one or sore eyes. Sore eyes
Sleep deprivation
Sandy or gritty sensation in eyes. both eyes. The eyes or viral conjunctivitis
may feel gritty, tender, is a frequent
or tired. Sore eyes can complaint during the
Increased sensitivity to light or Incorrect eyeglass result from different rainy season. It is an
photophobia. prescription types of irritation, inflammation or
including airborne infection of the thin,
Airborne irritants such
irritants and clear covering of the
as chemicals, smoke,
environmental factors, white part of the eye
smog, animal dander,
and underlying called the
and pollen
conditions. conjunctiva.
Contact lens wear

Excessive rubbing of

Inflammation caused
by allergens or

Too much sun


Dry eyes or
lubrication of eye

Viral infections such

as the common cold


Pink eye

5. Chicken Pox Raised pink or red bumps Bacterial infections of Vaccination against
the skin, soft tissues, chicken pox can
Fluid filled blister bumps
bones, joints or prevent infection.
Crusts and scabs that cover the bloodstream (sepsis)
broken blisters
Loss of appetite
Inflammation of the
Headache brain

Tiredness and a general feeling of Toxic shock syndrome

being unwell
Reye's syndrome for
people who take
aspirin during

Birth defects when

pregnant women are

6. Measles Fever It is caused by the Diarrhea and vomiting Isolate the patient as
virus Rubeola measles is a highly
Dry cough Ear infection
contagious disease
Conjunctivitis, or swollen eyelids and Bronchitis and any interaction
inflamed eyes
Runny nose The virus lives in the Pneumonia. poses the risk of
nose or throat of an infection
Sneezing Encephalitis.
infected person.
A reddish-brown skin rash- starts Pregnancy problems.
The disease is highly
from head and spreads to whole
contagious and the
virus spreads through
A run-down or lethargic feeling the mucus or saliva of
the infected person.
Loss of appetite
The infected droplets
Watery eyes spread into the air
through sneezing and
Photophobia, or sensitivity to light
coughing and may fall
Generalized body aches on surfaces; this can
remain active for
several hours.

The risk factors


Not vaccinated -
Measles can be
prevented by MMR
vaccine. The protects
from Measles, mumps
and rubella.

Vitamin A deficiency

7. Cholera Diarrhea (Stool appears pale and It is caused by the Although shock and Wash hands
milky) bacteria vibrio severe dehydration are frequently with soap
cholerae that gets the worst
Fatigue and weakness Avoid street food
transmitted through complications of
Nausea and vomiting the oral-fecal route. cholera, other Do not eat raw or
problems can occur, half cooked meat
Dehydration Contaminated food
such as:
and drink Drink treated
Electrolyte Imbalance
purified water
Raw or uncooked food
Low blood pressure including meat and Low blood sugar Maintain good
fish (hypoglycemia). sanitation
Loose skin and dry mouth
Dangerously low levels
Unhygienic sanitary
Rapid heart beat of blood sugar
(glucose) — the body's
Weight loss main energy source —
Reduced level of
stomach acid can occur when people
become too ill to eat.
Children are at
greatest risk of this
complication, which
can cause seizures,
unconsciousness and
even death.

Low potassium levels.

People with cholera
lose large quantities of
minerals, including
potassium, in their
stools. Very low
potassium levels
interfere with heart
and nerve function
and are life-

Kidney failure. When

the kidneys lose their
filtering ability, excess
amounts of fluids,
some electrolytes and
wastes build up in the
body — a potentially
condition. In people
with cholera, kidney
failure often
accompanies shock.

8. pneumonia Cough with mucus or phlegm An infection caused Long term effects of Healthy habits,
by bacteria or virus. pneumonia include: which help to keep
Fever usually of high grade with chills
Fungi or mycoplasma Respiratory failure your immune system
Fast breathing can rarely be the (lung collapse) Death strong, may reduce
cause. Fungal from respiratory your risk of getting
Shortness of breath pneumonia is not failure due to lack of pneumonia. Good
infectious. oxygen supply to vital hygiene also may
Chest pain while coughing
organs such as brain, help. Things you can
Fast heartbeat heart and kidneys. do include: Avoid
Bacterial and viral Death occurs within smoking. Wash your
Feeling very tired or very weak days if not hours. hands often in
pneumonia spread
Nausea and vomiting through inhalation of warm, soapy water.
airborne droplets by Use an alcohol-
Diarrhea coughing or sneezing based hand sanitizer
when you can’t wash
Loss of appetite Risk factors include: your hands. Avoid
Body pain exposure to people
who are ill whenever
Severely affected patients my cough Age - the most possible.
up blood or show cyanosis (have a vulnerable are
blue color around the mouth due to children below 2 years
lack of oxygen) and adults above 65

Hospitalized in
intensive care unit
and if on support of
ventilator for a
prolonged period

Lung diseases such as

asthma or chronic
pulmonary disease
(COPD) can increase
the risk


Poor immune system -

persons with weak
immune system due
to conditions such as
HIV/AIDS, Cancer or
undergone organ

9. Tuberculosis Persistent cough (which lasts for Tuberculosis is caused Spinal pain. If you test positive
more than 2 weeks) by bacteria that for latent TB
Joint damage.
spread from person to infection, your
Cough with blood in sputum
person through Swelling of the doctor might advise
Fever for more than 2 weeks microscopic droplets membranes that cover you to take
released into the air. your brain medications to
Pain in chest This can happen when reduce your risk of
someone with the developing active
Weight loss
untreated, active form Liver or kidney tuberculosis. Only
Night sweats of tuberculosis problems. active TB is
coughs, speaks, contagious.
Loss of appetite Heart disorders.
sneezes, spits, laughs
or sings.

Although tuberculosis
is contagious, it's not
easy to catch. You're
much more likely to
get tuberculosis from
someone you live or
work with than from a
stranger. Most people
with active TB who've
had appropriate drug
treatment for at least
two weeks are no
longer contagious.

10. AH1N1 Fever The H1N1 flu, H1N1 influenza is a Vaccination against
commonly known as subtype of influenza A influenza viruses
Runny nose
swine flu, is primarily virus, a communicable
Staying at home
Sore throat caused by the H1N1 viral illness which
when sick to prevent
strain of the flu causes upper and, in
Cough spreading
(influenza) virus. some cases, lower
H1N1 is a type of respiratory tract Washing hands with
influenza A virus, and infections in its host. soap and water
Headache H1N1 is one of several This results in
flu virus’s strains that symptoms such as
Sneezing can cause the nasal secretions, chills,
Fatigue seasonal flu. fever, decreased Covering mouth and
Symptoms of the appetite, and in some nose when coughing
Nose stuffiness
H1N1 flu are the same cases, lower and sneezing
Watery, red eyes as those of the respiratory tract
seasonal flu. disease.

Body aches

Shortness of Breath, in severe cases

11. Covid 19 Fever or chills Close contact with Viruses work by

someone who has hijacking cells. They
A dry cough and shortness of breath Wash your hands
COVID-19, especially enter host cells and
well and often. Use
Feeling very tired someone with reproduce, then
hand sanitizer when
symptoms. spread to new cells
Muscle or body aches you’re not near soap
throughout the body.
Being coughed or and water.
As pathogens that the
Headache sneezed on by an
body does not Try not to touch
infected person.
A loss of taste or smell recognize, viruses your face.
Being near an infected trigger an immune
Sore throat response. This can Wear a face mask
person when in an
cause inflammation when you go out.
Congestion or runny nose indoor space with
poor air flow and other effects.
Follow your
Nausea or vomiting
Diarrhea guidelines for
staying home.

When you do go out

in public, leave at
least 6 feet of space
between you and

Don’t leave your

house if you don’t
feel well.

Cover your mouth

with your elbow
when you cough or
sneeze, or use a

Clean and disinfect

places and things
you touch a lot.

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