Mgt269 Report Writing

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(MGT 269)




3. NUR IZZATI BINTI RAZIF (2019296138)
4. WAN NUR’AIN BINTI NOR AZAM (2019433256)
DUE DATE : 20 MAY 2020

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................. 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 2

1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STORY ................................................................................................ 3
1.2 PURPOSE OR OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 METHOD OF INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................. 8
1.5 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 9


2.1 PARENTS .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 SURROUNDING ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 UNIVERSITY .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 PASSION...................................................................................................................................... 13

3.0 FINDING/ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 14

4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................ 34

5.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 36

6.0 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 38


We would like to express our appreciation for those that participate and helping us to complete
our report. Especially for our Business Communication’s Lecturer Madam Khairunnisa’
Yussof for your guideline and also for your suggestions and encouragement for us from the
beginning until the day we submit out assignment.

We are very relief and grateful because we managed to complete our MGT269 assignment
within the time given by Madam Khairunnisa’. Even though there was a problem for us to
complete this assignment, but we managed to settled it. Thank you for all the efforts and the
cooperation from our group member that consists of Ahmad Khusaini, Amirul Adam , Nur
Izzati, Wan Nur’Ain, Nor Syazwanie Najwa and also Nurul Hanis Maisarah. Without them we
would not be able to complete the tasks assigned properly.

This analytical report cannot be done with the helps from our respondent that fill in our
questionnaire that have been asked in google form. We are infinitely grateful for your
willingness to take a part to answer and completing our survey questionnaire.

Other than that, we also want to thank to our friends for giving your ideas, suggestions and
opinions. We also appreciate for your time to spend time with us to finish the assignment.
Thank you for your support and always cheer us up when we fell down and stress while
preparing the analytical report that assigned for about one month.

Not to forgot for both our parents that always giving us moral support. They are the reasons
we are always feel motivated to complete our assignment. It is because of their wise words to
push ourselves finishing this report.

Lastly, we also want to thank to the online journals, websites and also e-library for the valuable
research and resources during the preparation of analytical report. Because of the Restrict
Movement Order (RMO), so we are unable to do a research physically.


Business studies is an academic subject taught in school and at university level in many
countries. This study combines elements of accountancy, finance, marketing, organizational
studies and economics.

The purpose of this study is to explore why students in UiTM Campus Alor Gajah choose
business programs as their study course.

Main data was gathered through the questionnaire form that we have distribute to the
respondent, specially for business students. By using this method, we received about 125
responds from the questionnaire that we made which is 72% respond from female and another
28% from male. We also made a research through the internet as our secondary data in order
to complete this report superbly.

From our findings and analysis, there were 4 factors why students chose the business course
which is by parents, surroundings, university and passion. We found that the most popular
reason was by their own desire without surroundings influence.

In conclusion, we find that most of the students in UiTM Alor Gajah that business management
is very important to our life.

Finally, a few recommendations for future research were suggested. We recommend that
student must know the purpose they are taking the business study course. Students are advice
to make some research of the benefits of pursuing study in business courses. There’s a lot to
recommend like learn and gaining knowledge from other successful entrepreneurs and seek an
advices from your lecturers.





There are a lot of choices of courses that student can choose based on what they like or what
they wanted to achieve in their life.

Every human being is responsible for what he has done (Liza Angelo,2001:75). Therefore, we
as humans and beings of Allah SWT should be aware of our roles and responsibilities and carry
them out in earnest. In addition, the responsibility of being a student is great whereby those
who are demanding science bear much hope from their parents. Therefore, every student is
responsible for studying hard to ensure their success (Abd Rahman Aziz,1997:48).

One of the courses that student can choose is business management. The country’s rapid
economic growth opens up opportunities for university graduates including business
management. Moreover, the development of information technology in the country has
enhanced the role in this area especially in the management and administration aspects of an

Business management programs offered at universities and institutions of higher learning are
intended to produce graduates who are knowledge able in business and administration practices
and have in-depth knowledge in this field (Cikgu Zue,2011). The goal is to produce excellent
professionals who can translate theory into practice and be able to identify and solve
management and business problems. In other words, the program will produce graduates who
can assume the roles of manager, consultant, administrator or entrepreneur of a caliber and

“The quality of the program will ultimately be determined by the students’ ability to perform
the role and the responsibility that is expected in society. This requires a statement clear about
the learning outcomes that these students hope to achieve” (COPPA,2010, ms.17).

What is business management? This course provides students with a broad understanding and
knowledge of the practices and principles behind basic business management topics. Typical
topics include financial accounting, corporate governance fundamentals, project management
principles, human resources and operation management. Examples of courses include business
mathematics, principles of microeconomics, commercial law, business ethics, and
understanding human resources.

Student nowadays rarely choose business management as courses that they wanted to take in
the university because there are fewer job opportunities. Company nowadays almost unlikely
not prefer to hire fresh graduated business student as they more likely prefer to hire people that
have experience. Other than that, there are also a student who graduated with business
management courses that have experienced but they did not get much salary that matches with
their experiences. Besides, student nowadays they already know that it does not matter to take
business management as courses in the university, because what matter to company is their
communication skills, analytical skills and teamwork skills. In addition, the job market is
crawling with business majors. There are a lot of competitor in business majors and it’s hard
to stand out and compete with the established company that has run their business for a long

Besides that, business education prepares students to success in the workforce too. In today's
rapidly growing and changing economy, students will have the skills to cope not only with the
complexities of the business world but the practical necessities of saving and investing,
handling consumer and credit issues, and operating a business. Students today choose business
education as the course they want to study because to develop marketable skills and habits to
apply to any career. Communication skills, self-confidence, self-awareness, good work habits,
problem solving, critical thinking, punctuality, reliability, teamwork and leadership are learned
in business classes. students will feel a sense of accomplishment, which will in still the self-
assurance you need to set and achieve student's career goals.

In addition, business management courses can make students gain more skills. The skills gained
in business courses can help students find jobs to finance their education. For example, students
may work full-time or work part-time to earn money for tuition while attending college.
Students can also work for employers who will help pay for college education expenses. By
working in this field, students will be able to meet a wide range of experienced entrepreneur.

With this, students will be able to learn more in business and in addition to gain experience
working in this field.

Next, with taking business management courses, student will also acquire international
business knowledge (NBEA,2019). In today’s global economy, a familiarity with other
countries and cultures and their impact on American business is essential. Business courses can
provide you with knowledge of the international marketplace and economic systems, which
can be a stepping stone to a career in international business. Not just that, business management
courses also help student to develop knowledge in personal finance, time management,
organizational skills and goal setting. Students can imply this knowledge with their daily life
and they can be used to important decisions related to buying a house or a car, choosing the
appropriate insurance, filing tax returns, budgeting and investing.

Furthermore, business management courses can encourage creativity and entrepreneurial

thinking (NBEA,2019). An explosion of job growth has occurred in small business. Business
courses prepare students to work in a small business or start their own business. Students will
learn to meet new challenges with a creativity that results in fresh ideas and will develop an
entrepreneurial attitude that can make things happen in any career.

Last but not least, students choose business management because of their interest in
entrepreneurship. To be an entrepreneur, an individual needs to have a personality of a good
entrepreneur before venturing into business and entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur emerges
not because he has personality traits natural or born, but due to many other factors and can be
trained (Zaidatol Akmaliah,2003). According to Hisrich (2008), entrepreneurship career is
influenced by the background of an entrepreneur’s parents’ work and families play an
important role in promoting credibility entrepreneurship as a career. This was supported by
Nor Aishah (2002) which found a strong correlation between family career with an
entrepreneurial career choice. Students are a group hopes to shape the country in the future.
They have a wide range of knowledge is very useful if it can be the channel in the right direction
and can be used by other generations. Encouragement should be given to students towards
entrepreneurship because this group has the potential to become an entrepreneur succeed.
Extensive exposure should be given to students to participate in the field of entrepreneurship.
Their attitudes and perceptions of entrepreneurship must be corrected so that entrepreneurship
can be selected as one job opportunities after they graduate.


This study seeks to determine the factors that encourage student to choose business programs
as their field of selection in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

Specifically, this study aims to answer the questions like: do employers are more preferred to
hire graduate in business study what factors that influence students to choose business
programs. To complete the full research about this, we make a survey among business students
in UiTM Campus Alor Gajah. This study also provides valuable and new knowledge and
experience to the research especially involving with the survey process.

At the final of the study, we can make a conclude the perception of the business programme
among the students.


This report is to study the factors that encourage student to choose business programs among
student in University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Campus Alor Gajah.


This method of investigation that we use is primary data and our target is student business in
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Campus Alor Gajah, Melaka. We already create a form for
the student to complete our questionnaire.

The questionnaire was constructed in English. It’s use to achieve the objective of the report.
The questionnaire consist of 3 parts :-

Part 1 : Respondent’s Details

Part 2 : About Business Courses
Part 3 : Factors that encourage student to choose business programme.

Part 1 consist of two questions about respondent details which is the gender and which class
are they from. For part 2, consist of three questions and for Part 3 has twelve questions and all
the questions should be answered by the respondent.

That survey helps us to complete our assignment and we’ll be able to achieve the purpose of
the report which is to discover the factors that encourage the student to choose the business

This questionnaire has been distributed for the student within four days and about 125 students
that respond to our questionnaire. As soon as all the respondent submit their answer, we can
conclude all the respondent using the pie chart and graph bar to show the percentages for each
factor that we asked.

The sample of the questionnaire can be found in the google form.


Implementation of this survey is to record the factors that encourage students to choose
business programs. We observed that we will struggle to collect information and to
communicate to all of them. We wanted this survey done successfully that fully of factual facts
instead of non-existent things.

Research limitation is one of the things that we have been faced in order to complete this
assignment. It is because during the preparation to complete this assignment, our Prime
Minister has announced Restricted Movement Order (RMO) because of the Coronavirus
disease in Malaysia. Because of that, we found that it’s a bit hard for us to make a research.
Since we need to stay at home and unable to make a research in the library as usual.

Secondly, the internet access limitations. Even though the Prime Minister has announced that
each of citizens would get the limited internet access 1GB quota every day it seems hard for us
to make a discussion because we only can use the free internet access until 6.00 pm. In addition,
some of us stay outside in the area so it’s a bit difficult for them to make a research and also
communicate with us since the coverage is very poor.

In order to complete this assignment, we found that distance also is one of the limitations that
we have to face. Because of the distance, it’s difficult for us to communicate and discuss. All
the discussion about the assignment we did thru online platform. Such as WhatsApp and also
Google Hangout.

Lastly, time constraint also is one of the limitations. It’s because we need to separate our time
wisely for each assignment that has been assigned to us. We also need to manage our
responsibilities at home and as a student, we also have to complete the other assignments on





By definition, parents can be defined as one of the factors that encourage students to choose
business studies. Parental involvement refers to the participation of parents when it comes
about his child’s education. It’s very important so that they can intercede with his child’s
education. According to Pearson and Dellman-Jenkins (1997), about 19 per cent of incoming
freshmen stated that parents were the most significant factor influencing which major to pursue.
The importance of siblings, friends and the media was combined and it was the less than that
of parents about to make a decision.

Most of the parents make a decision for his child, it may be caused if they want his child to
take over their position. It will make them easily have a career option and the ability to run a
business. According to Lowe and Simons (1997) mentioned that the most factors influencing
the choice of major business are earnings, career options, initial earnings, and ability. The
parents have a significant influence on the major selection, this result is not interesting in the
society still believe that the parents play a vital role in the socialization. Also, siblings and
friends consider important source to select the major, while the teachers and media are least

A convinced from parents said that taking a business programme can lead them to a bright
future and easily to get a job. According to (Lysonski & Durvasula, 1998; Swenson et al.,
1993). D. Kim et al. (2002) and Malgwi et al. (2005) identified top reasons for students to
choose a business major including job opportunities and potential for career advancement.
D. Kim et al. (2002) pointed out that while business and management students emphasized the
importance of how their major would help them become self-employed, finance majors were
more likely to consider projected earnings as more important compared with other majors. The
decision about choosing business as a programming course is basically from the perspective
from parents that have been told to them.


By definition, surrounding or social influence can be one of the things that be a factor to decide
what actually they want. Surrounding also can see in a positive and negative side. If the crowd
around them is good and it’s going to turn positive. What happened around them, it will affect
their decision about something that they will be made. According to Collins, Tapp and Pressley
(2010), social influences are created when people such as friends, family or teacher, to name a
few, socially influence a person’s decision making on a particular product, service or concept
and will be a key focus of this manuscript. This particular study is to identify the impact of
those social influences such as families, teachers, peers and university representative who are
likely to be one of the causes of student decision-making process about their education choice.

Choosing a business as a programming course is one of the most important decisions about
their life. Malgwi, et al. (2005) defined the factors influencing the choice of a major. For
example, interest in the subject, job opportunities, compensation, introductory course, and
discussion with other students. Hence, according to Malgwi, et al. 2005; DeMarie & Young
.2003; Pearson & Dellman .1997; Lowe & Simons 1997 examined many factors that play a
vital role in the selection of a business major. These factors such as Career option, the interest
in the area, enjoyment of learning, teachers, siblings, friends, media, and future earnings.

Bandura explained that “Efficacy beliefs play a key role in shaping the course lives take by
influencing the type of activities and environments people choose to get into… Thus, by
choosing and shaping environments, people can have a hand in what they become”
(Bandura et al., 2001, p. 10).

From a business programme, they believe that they could contribute to the nations of the
economy. It’s because one day we will be an entrepreneur. According to (Brinda & Dileep,
2011) entrepreneurship has been considered as the important benefit realized by the
businessman in overall development of the national economy. pment (Béchard & Toulouse,
1998; Schaper & Volery, 2004; Matlay & Westhead, 2005). Entrepreneurship, through the
creation of new ventures or taking place of the existing firms, has been identified as one of the
major engines of economic growth (Wennekers & Thurik, 1999; Carree & Thurik, 2003;
Rasmussena & Sørheim, 2006).


University is an institution of a higher level of education and research, which awards academic
degrees in various academic discipline. Universities typically provide undergraduate education
and postgraduate education.

According to Vidaver-Cohen (2007) “a good education institution reputation can ease

stakeholder uncertainty about future organizational performance, strengthen competitive
advantage, contribute to public confidence and create a value of maximizing an organization’s
ability to receive a premium for products or services”.

However. Landrum, Turrisi & Harless (1999) specify that the image creation and reputation
management is a major issue. When universities advertise their universities through different
social media platform, in fact, they are creating some expectations of student about universities.
Students must be able to find and accept the universities that offer the best learning and select
courses that are best suited to your career plans and objectives for the future.

Some more, students choose the course because they may have no other choice but to accept
the offered from the universities as long as they have credibility and ability of the universities
provided. Nurlida (2009) indicated that students are satisfied with college choice based on their
information satisfaction with respect to academic recognition.

Other than that, business courses are fees cheap. Mostly, students spend their money on books
only. There’s no need to spend too much on this course. If this course is expensive, students
may face a problem to further their study. Shelly Asquith (2016) warned that the marketisation
of education is having a huge impact on students’ mental health. The value of education has
moved away from societal value to value money and the emphasis on students competing
against each other is causing isolation and stress.”


According to Vallerand et al. (2003) passion is defined as a strong inclination towards an

activity that people like, that they find important, and in which they invest their time and energy
(P757). Every student has a passion to choose their own path of major. Everyone tries to do the
same thing. If you have passion, you have an advantage (Guzman Colilla, Video Specialist at
Real Madrid C.F Halt BBA class of 2016). But in this study, we focused on business students
only to find the factors that encourage students to choose a business course.

According to Seeta Bhardwa(2017) that made a research about the factors that students choose
the university course has proved that 58.4% of students are passionate about the subject theirs

The reason why students choose a business major has been in prior research by (D. Kim et al.,
2002 Malgawi et al.,2005). D. Kim et al (2002) investigated which factors over influential in
students’ choice of a business course, the extent to which the students were aware of the
relevance of the major to the business world, and how their understanding affected their career
expectation or selection. Even in their study surveyed 671 business students in 15 universities
in the US. The top 5 reasons students provided for choosing the major were in the order of
priority, interest in a career related to the major, good employment activities and projected
earnings in the related career.

Malgawi et al (2005) investigated factors influencing business students’ choice of major. This
study echoed the findings of D.Kim et al (2002) that the main reasons for students to choose
major was their interest in the subject and the potential job opportunities. Beggs et al (2008)
define good major choice as the major best capable of helping the student to achieve their
educational and post-education goals, they added the matching between the students’ abilities
required for the major is important in selection majors by undergraduate students.



Figure 1.0. Combined percentage of the results.

Figure above shows the main reason why student chose business course, there were 4 factors
listed which is Parents, Surroundings, UiTM and Passion.

The most popular reason student chose UiTM business course was because of their passion,
Majority of the student also chose UiTM itself as one of the factors they chose the course.
Parents does not seem to be a big reason for students to choose the business course as it is rated
the third among the factors. However, the least chosen reason that led them into choosing the
business studies were surroundings.

Which conclude that majority of the respondent chose the course by their own will and passion,
also because of the universities that offered them the course. And not because of any influence
from their parents or their surroundings affecting their decision. Figures below were our
complete analysis and findings of the studies.

3.1.1 GENDER

Figure 1.1. Gender of the respondent.

Based on the above details graph of 125 respondents, 72% of the research respondents were
female while another 28% were male. This was showed that 90 female and 35 male responded
the survey.


Figure 1.2. Course Programme group of the respondent.

As shown on figure 1.2., all respondent were from class A to L excluding class I. There were
11 class participate in the investigation. Mostly the respondents were in their second semester.
However, 2 respondent from group E, C, and H are in their fourth semester. 8 respondents from
group D are from their fourth semester, 4 respondents from group B and 1 respondent from
group J are also in their fourth semester.


We have made 3 questions to acquire information of what the students thoughts on the
business courses.


Figure 1.3. Business course can encourage creativity and entrepreneurial thinking.

Graph above shows the response from the question that business course can encourage
creativity and entrepreneurial thinking. The top three response are Agree, Strongly Agree and

As shown on figure 1.3., we can see that the most popular answer is agreed, as 55.2% out of
125 respondent agreed that this course programme can encourage creativity and entrepreneurial
thinking followed by 29.6% respondent strongly agree. There were 13.6% respondent
responded neutral and 1.6% respondent strongly disagreed. Figure above also shows that no
respondent disagreed.

In conclusion, majority of the respondent either agrees or strongly agrees that the business
course can encourage creativity when they are doing their business in the future and changing
their way of thinking into a way entrepreneur would think.


Figure 1.4. Students will acquire international business knowledge which is a huge career
stepping stone.

Graph above shows the response from the question Students will acquire international business
knowledge which is a huge career stepping stone. The top three response are Agree, Strongly
Agree and Neutral.

As shown on figure 1.4., we can see that 52.8% out of 125, the respondent was agreed that the
highest percentage that students will acquire international business knowledge which is a huge
career stepping stone while followed by 23.2% respondent saw it as neutral. There were 21.6%
respondent strongly agreed and 1.6% respondent disagreed. Refer to this figure, respondent
who strongly disagreed only 0.8% out of 125 respondents stated the lowest percentage in this
In conclusion, majority of the respondent do agree that they will acquire international business
knowledge skill that will help them cope with either local business and international business
and this is a huge career stepping stone as the student can work under local company and even
foreign business company.


Figure 1.5. Students can apply business course knowledge in their daily life

Graph above shows the response from the question whether the respondent agree students can
apply business course knowledge in their daily life or not. The top three response are Agree,
Strongly Agree and Neutral.

As shown on figure 1.5., we can see that 58.4% out of 125, the respondents were agreed that
the highest percentage that students can apply this course knowledge in their life while
followed by 30.4% respondent strongly agreed. There were 9.6% respondent saw it as neutral
and 1.6% respondent were strongly disagreed. Refer to this figure, non-respondent disagreed
the question.

In conclusion, majority of the respondent agree that they can apply business course knowledge
in their daily life to gain extra pocket money, negotiation skills when purchasing and even
saving money for their future.


We came up with 4 factors on why students choose business course. We have made 3 questions
on each four factors to acquire more accurate information of which factors had the most
influence on students’ decision when choosing the course.


Usually parents played a major role on their children decision, as they have been influencing
them since they were born and might continue until their children started their own career. So,
students might choose the business course because their parents influenced them to.


Figure 1.6. My parents wanted me to take over their position/company.

Graph above shows the response from the question if their parents wanted them to take over
their company or their position in a company. The top three response are Neutral, Disagree and

As shown on figure 1.6., we can see that 31.2% out of 125 respondents saw it as neutral was
the highest percentage that their parents wanted them to take over their position/company while
followed by 30.4% of respondent disagreed. There were 18.4% of respondent agreed and
13.6% of respondents were strongly disagreed. Refer to this figure, respondent that strongly
agreed only 6.4% out of 125 respondents, stated the lowest percentage in this figure.

In conclusion, the majority of the respondent felt neutral about this factor. They are not sure if
their parents wanted them to take other their position or not. But since the second most popular
response in disagreeing, we could conclude that the majority of the respondent disagreed that
their parents wanted them to take over their company.


Figure 1.7. My parents convinced me that I will have a bright future.

Graph above shows the response from the question if their parents have convinced them that
they will have a bright future or not. The top three response are Agree, Neutral, and Strongly

As shown on figure 1.7., we can see that 43.2% out of 125 respondents agreed was the highest
percentage that their parents convinced them that their children will have a bright future while
followed by 27.2% respondent saw it as neutral. There were 16.8% respondent strongly agreed
and 9.6% of respondent disagreed this factor influenced on them. Refer to this figure, the
respondent who strongly disagreed only 3.1% out of 125 respondents stated the lowest
percentage in this figure.

In conclusion, the majority of the respondent has agreed that their parents convinced them that
they will have a bright future if they took the business course.


Figure 1.8. My parents knew my passion in business and let me choose the course.

Graph above shows the response from the question if their parents knew about their passion
and let them choose the course by themselves not. The top three response are Agree, Neutral,
and Strongly Agree.

As shown on figure 1.8., we can see that 40.8% out of 125 respondents agreed was the highest
percentage that their parents knew their children’s passion in business and let them choose the
course while followed by 34.4% respondent who saw it neutral. There were 15.2% respondent
strongly agreed and 7.2% of respondents disagreed. Refer to this figure, respondent who
strongly disagreed only 2.4% out of 125 respondents stated the lowest percentage in this figure

In conclusion, majority of the respondent responses with either agrees or neutral. Means that
their parents do let them choose the course themselves or their parents do not really involve
with their decision directly.

A person surroundings is always a major influence on their decision, since a person would react
to what is happening around them, whether it is their country or city or friends that might alter
their decision.

Figure1.9 I believe I could contribute to the nation’s economy.

Graph above shows the response from the respondent about the question if they believed that
they could contribute to the nation economy or not. The top three response are Agree, Neutral,
and Strongly Agree.

As shown on figure 1.9., we can see that 45.6% out of 125 respondents agreed was the highest
percentage that the students believe they could contribute to the nation’s economy while
followed by 31.2% respondent saw it as neutral. There were 16% respondent strongly agreed
and 7.2% of respondents disagreed. Refer to this figure, no respondent strongly disagreed with
the question.

The conclusion is, the majority of the respondent believed that they could contribute to the
national economy if they choose the business course and work in a career involving business


Figure 1.10. I believed employers are more preferred to hire business graduate.

Figure 1.10 shows the response of the respondent about do they believe that employers are
more preferred to hire business graduate. The three highest chosen respond is Agree, Neutral
and Strongly Agree.

As shown on figure 1.10., we can see that 54.4% out of 125 respondents agreed was the highest
percentage that the students believed employers are the more preferred to hire business
graduate while followed by 31.2% respondent saw it as neutral. There were 12.8% respondent
strongly agreed and 1.6% of respondents disagreed. Refer to this figure, none of the respondent
strongly disagreed with the question.

To conclude, most of the respondents agree that they believed employers are more preferred to
hire business graduate because of the knowledge business student has.


Figure 1.11. I have been influenced by my friends.

Figure 1.11 shows the response whether the respondent has been influenced by their friends
into choosing the business course or not. Three most popular response is Neutral, Disagree,
and Agree.

As shown by the graph above, 7.2% respondent strongly agreed that they have been influenced
by their friends while 19.2% agreed. There was also respondent that are not sure about who
influenced them so they chose neutral. There was 36.8% of the respondent that felt this way.
29.6% of respondent disagreed and 7.2% strongly disagreed

In conclusion, since the most popular response is neutral and disagree, it means that the
respondents were not influenced by their friends and chose the course themselves because of
other factors that influenced them.

UiTM is one of the cheapest universities in Malaysia that offers the same education qualities.
Since our respondents are UiTM students, we included UiTM as the factor of their decision as
they might be students that choose the business course not only because the course itself, but
which universities offered them the course, which in this case, UiTM.

Figure 1.12. UITM offered me the course and I have no other choices.

Graph above shows response from the respondent whether they agree or not that UiTM has
offered them the course and they have no their choices. The top three most chosen response in
Neutral, Disagree and Agree.

From figure 1.12, we could see that 14.4% respondent strongly agreed and 21.6% agreed with
it. 32% of the respondent might or might not have other option since they has chosen neutral.
23.2% disagreed that UiTM offered them the course and they have no other choices while 8.8%
respondents strongly disagreed.

In conclusion, the majority of the response which is either neutral or disagree shows that these
respondents totally have other option and chose chose UiTM business course anyway because
of other reasons.


Figure 1.13. I chose UITM because the fees is cheap.

Figure 1.13 shows the response of whether the respondent chose UiTM business course
because of their cheap fees or not. The most popular response is Agree, Neutral And Strongly

From the graph above we could see that 19.2% of the respondent chose UiTM because of the
fees. 44% respondent also agreed. 28% respondent choose UiTM business course because of
other reason as well since they felt neutral about it. There is also respondents that chose UiTM
business course not because of the fees at all as 7.2% of the respondent disagreed and 1.4%
respondent strongly disagreed.

In conclusion, majority of the respondent does agree that they have chose the UiTM business
course because of the cheap fees however since the second most popular respond is neutral, it
mean the respondent does not solely chose UiTM because of the cheap fees.


Figure 1.14. I choose UITM business course because of its credibility and abilities.

Above is the response from the question whether they choose UiTM business course of its
credibilities and abilities as a factor they chose business study or not.. The top three response
is Agree, Strongly agree and Neutral.

From figure 1.14, we could see 25.6% of the respondent strongly agreed and 27.2% agreed that
they chose UiTM business course because of its credibility and abilities. While 25.6% felt
neutral about meaning the respondent did not solely choose UiTM because of its credibility
and abilities but for other reason as well. 0.8% disagreed and the same amount of respondent
also strongly disagreed which tell us that this respondent chose the business course not because
of UiTM credibility and abilities.

The conclusion is, almost all of the respondent agree and also the fact that the response showed
very little respondent disagreed with it shows that majority of the respondent does choose
UiTM because of its credibilitty and abilities.

3.3.4. PASSION
Passion is the thing that drives a person to do something and anything in their life. Some student
might have a passion to be a business person in the future or their ambition required them to
have business knowledge which led them into taking the business course

Figure 1.15. My ambition is to be a businessman/businesswoman.

Since ambition is one of the driving force that lead a person into a decision. We have asked
UITM business student if their ambition is to be a business person. Figure1.15 shows the
response of the respondent whether they agree that their ambition is to be a business person or
not. The top three response are Agree, Strongly Agree and Neutral.

From the graph above, 36% respondent has agreed that their ambition is to become a
businessman or businesswoman, also 27.2% respondent strongly agreed . Meanwhile,, 24.8%
of the respondents were not sure about their ambition yet or their ambition did not really involve
with being a businessman or businesswoman directly. 7.2% and 4.8% respondent disagreed
and strongly disagreed respectively showing they did not want to become a businessman or
businesswoman in the future.

In conclusion, half of the respondent has an ambition to be an entrepreneur. However, there are
also student that are not clear with their ambition as shown by the number of respondents
choosing neutral, the response also shows that not all student that chose the business course
wanted to be a businessman or businesswoman.


Figure 1.16. I believe choosing the business course would expand my career selection.

Figure 1.16 shows the response of the respondent from the question whether they believed
choosing the business course would expand their career selection in the future or not. The top
three response are Agree, Strongly Agree and Neutral.

More than a half respondent believe that choosing the business course would expand their
career selection. As 26.4% of the respondent strongly agreed and 56% agreed with it. However,
16% of the respondent felt neutral and were not sure how choosing the business course would
affect their career selection. 0% of the respondent disagreed and 1.6% strongly disagreed with

In conclusion, majority of the respondent does agree that choosing the business course would
expand their career selection and the response also shows almost none of the respondent feel
that choosing business course would narrow down their career selection.


Figure 1.17. The job of my dream required me to have a diploma in business studies.

Graph above shows response takes from the question whether the job pf the dream required
them to have a diploma in business studies or not.The most popular response is Agree, followed
by neutral and Strongly Agree.

Showed by figure 1.17, 20.2% respondent strongly agreed that their dream job required them
to have a diploma in business studies, while 46% respondent only agreed. However, 29% of
the respondent only response that they felt neutral about the statement. 4.8% disagreed that
their dream job required them to have the business course diploma. 0% student strongly
disagreed which also shows that almost every student has a dream job that involved business

In conclusion, majority of the respondent agree that their dream job required them to have a
diploma in business study, however, the second most popular response is neutral which shows
that they were not sure about what their dream job qualification requirement are or maybe they
did not have a dream job that requires a diploma in business studies.




As a conclusion based on our questionnaire survey, we find that most of the student in UiTM
Alor Gajah agree that business management is very important to our life. From the results that
obtained we can see that student in UiTM Alor Gajah believe that choosing the business course
because of their parent influence. We can conclude that almost of the parents convinced their
children have a bright future.

Next, after doing an extensive survey of business management, we found that student choose
this course because of their passion. This is particularly true among the student that believe to
choose business course would expand their career selection. This is because, this program has
many branches of work such as manager, consultant, administrator or entrepreneur of a caliber
and professional.

Other than that, the researcher believe that student choose business management because of
their influence environment. We can conclude that student believe employer are more preferred
to hire graduated in business study. Because, in this modern age, employers prefer people with
vast talents and knowledge in their field.

Last but not least, from the result that we obtained we can see that student in UiTM Alor Gajah
believe to choose UiTM because of their credibility and ability. This is because, based on our
observations, we have found that UiTM produces potential and competitive graduates who will
develop the country's name in the future.

Lastly, we conclude that business management can bring so many benefits in our daily life
especially in this report, teenagers. This can be a source of inspiration or role model to the
community by providing education, encouragement and motivation to teens who are young in
this field.


As a students, they must know the purpose of why they are taking business study courses as
their choice to pursue their study. Student can make some research through looking at the
websites or blog spot of the benefits of pursuing study in business courses. If students make
some research first, they will feel self-assured. They will not blame others as a reason why if
they don’t like business courses no matter the circumstance because they already did the
research before joining the courses.

Students also can watch other people sharing their tips on how to choose the right courses at
the internet platform such as Youtube. There are plenty of videos of other people sharing their
experiences on how they choose their courses. In this case, students can focus more on the
important things and pay attention to all the details from the videos and highlight all the points
that matter to them.

Furthermore, students can look into the lecturers too. The lecturers will be the person who is
in charge of student’s education, so knowing their level of expertise and their specific areas of
work or research can help students a much better insight for the course that student looks into.
In addition, students can check the career prospects because universities often public the rates
of employment for former students, so student can assess which schools and classes have the
best prospects for the student’s future.

Besides that, students can address their questions to the successful entrepreneurs out there who
is a business students graduated of how they can achieved the successfulness in their life. Of
course, entrepreneurs go through ups and downs before they became to the top now, so they
can share their experience on how they start from the bottom in their business aspect. Students
also can contact the seniors that already worked in business industry and ask them what is their
opinion of business whether it is worth to study in this prospect or not. From that, students can
gain a lot of information and knowledge about business.


 Business management, July,2011,
 Examples report, April, 2009,
 Facts about business education, 2019,
 Examples analytical report
 Article about business, December 2016,
 Factor that encourage to choose business
 Student’s choice of a business major
 Factors that influence student choice of Business
 Journal article : Student choices and business study programme
 Student choices of business

 Example of report writing
 Factors influencing students’ choice of an accounting major in Australia
 Influences on students’ choice of college major
 Students perceived university image is an antecedent of university reputation's_Perceived_University_I
 A model of higher education institution’s choice in Malaysia- A conceptual approach
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Sample question :-


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